1899. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1163 a citizen, and as a Representative, and therefore I have felt moved William H. Burris, to be postmaster at Milford, in the county to pay this humble though sincere tribute to his memory. of Kosciusko and State of Indiana. Asa l\.f. Ballinger, to be postmaster at Uplanu, in the county of [Mr. :MASON addressed the Senate. Seo Appendix.] Grant and State of In<liana. The PRESIDIN"G OFFICER. The question is on the adoption John Hanna, to be postmaster at Birmingham, in the county of of the resolutions submitted by the Senator from Illinois [Mr. Oakland and State of .Michigan.. CULLOM]. Frank N. Green, to be postmaster at Olivet, in the county of The resolutions were unanimously agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock Eaton and State of Michigan. and 16 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, L. \V. Feighner, to be postma:5ter at Nashville, in the county of Saturday, January 28, 1800, at 12 o'clock meridian. Barry and State of Michigan. Benjamin F . Oakes, to be postmaster at East Tawas, in the CONFIRMATIONS. county of Iosco and State of :Michjgan. Execttti'!:e norninaUons conjh-med by the Senate January 27, 1899. Milton S. Lawton, to be postmaster at Lawton, in the county of Van Buren and State of Michigan. POSTMASTERS. Orlando J. Knapp, to be postinaster at Howard City (late How­ W. H. Crooks, to be postmaster at Adair, in the county of Adair ard), in the collnty of Montcalm and State of .Michigan. and State of Iowa. Norve11 L. Scobey, to be postmaster at Newbern, in the county Gilbert Cooley, to be postmaster at Strawberry Point, in the of Dyer and State of Tennesrne. county of Clayton and State of Iowa. Henry C. Neely, to be postmaster at Greenfield, in the county Edwin M. Parker, to be postmaster at Newell, in the county of of Weakley and State of Tennessee. Buena Vista and State of Iowa. John Kenny, to be postmaster at Bolivar, in the county of Isaac Hossler, to be postmaster at Battlecreek, in the county Hardeman and State of Tennessee. of Ida and State of Iowa. Clark N. Goddard, to be postmaster at Decorah, in the county of Winneshiek and State of Iowa. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Robert M. l\foGonigal, to be postma5ter at Colby, in the county of Thomas and State of Kansas. FRIDAY, Janiw1·y 27, 1899. George W. Fort, to be postmaster at Stafford, in the county of Stafford and State of Kansas. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Abraham Wilkin, to be postmaster at Keosauqua, iu the county H ENRY N. COUDEN. · of Van Buren and State of Iowa. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Charles Smith, to be postmaster at Washington, in the county .A.Rl\.IY REORGANIZATION. of Washingto!l and State of Kansas. Mr. HOLL. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve itself William C. Palmer, to be postmaster at Jewell, in the county into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for of Jewell anu State of Kansas. the further consideration of the Army bill. John H. Nichols, to be po~tmr..ster at Kiowa, in the county of The motion was agreed to. Barber and State of Kansas. The House accordingly resolvecl itself into Committee of tho Anders Glimme, to be postmaster at Kenyon, in the county of Whole House on the state of the Union. Mr. P AYNE in the chair. Goodhue ancl State of Minnesota. The CHAIRMAN. The Honse is in Committee of the Wholo Charle.s E. Fuller, to bo postmaster at St. James, in the county House on the state of the Union for the further consideration of of Watonwan and State of Minnesota. the bill H . R. 11022. Frank E. Bentley~ to be postmaster at Montevideo, in the county Mr. HULL. Mr. Chairman, I yield twenty minutes at least to of Chippewa and State of Minnesota. my colleague [Mr. HENDERSON], and will yield him a further five Clark A. Wood, to be postmaster at Heron Lake (late Heron), if necessary. in the county of Jackson and State of Minnesota. Mr. HENDERSON. Mr. Chairman, I find myself peculiarly T. l\l. Paine, to be postmaster at Glencoe, in the county of Mc­ situated with respect to this bill. I haV'e been since I can remem­ Leod and State of Minnesota. ber opposed to war, as a rule. Last summer, in the early stage3 Julius E. Haycraft, to be postmaster at Madelia, in the county of the discussion, I planted myself squarely against it, and only of Watonwan and State of Minnesota. surrendered and fell in with the war-spirit movem,ent when every Caroline A. McDougall, to be postmaster at Friend, in the part of the ccuntry called for war and the President recommended county of Saline and State of Nebraska. it. I foresaw th.en some of the troubles we would ha\e, although William R. Leach, to be postmaster at Auburn, in the county I did not begin to anticipate that the difficulties at our immediate of Nemaha and State of Nebraska. door would carry us to another hemisphere, 7,000 miles from our George A. Eckles, to be postmaster at Chadron, in the county shores, and opeu up new and unthought-of problems to our people. of Dawes and State of Nebraska. I look with aversion upon increasing the Regula1· Army of my Charles N. Hatch, to be postmaster at Bridgewater, in the country. I hope that we will not find it necessary to establish a county of Litchfield and State of Connecticut. standing army of 100,000 men . I am willing, in view of the new John L. Elliot, to be postmaster at Clinton, in the county of c~mditions that surround us, to cheerfully support a proposition Middlesex and State of Connecticut. raising the Regular Army to G0,000 or 60,000; beyond that I hope Leopold J. Curtiss, to be postmaster at Norfolk, in the county that I will not have to go. But if we are to go beyond that, let it of Litchfield and State of Connecticut. not be by fixing the limit at 100,000, but lodge the <!iscretion in the Joseph T. Labit, to be postmaster at Abbeville, in the parish of President to go beyond 50,000 or G0,000 if the conditions of the Vermilion and State of Louisiana. country should so advise, if it becomes an absolute necessity. H. Guy Linsley, to be postmaster at Branford, in the comity of I have faith in the President. I would have faith in any Presi­ New Hn.ven and State of Connecticut. dent, Republican or Damocrat, on that question, surrounded by Stephen B. Hoyt, to be postmaster at New Canaan, in the county tho people that govern in this country. But after you raise the of Fairfield and State of Connecticut. standard it is hard to lower it. Plant an army of 100,000 regulars Charles A. Perley, to be postmaster at Baldwinsville, in the in this country and it will be no easy task to reduce it. I would county of Worcester and State of Massachusetts. rather move slowly, cautiously, and safely; it is easier to increase John G. Orr, to be postmaster at Pittsfield, in the county of than it is to cut down, and once established, there will be many Berkshire and State of .Massachusetts. intere3ted in keeping up a great standing army. I can not see James 0. Hodges, to be postmaster at Mansfield, in the county great necessity for it. Certainly with the Spaniards driven out of of Bristol and State of Massachusetts. Cuba, and when we were all so wrought upon about the patriotic '\'Villiam C. Hurley, to be postmaster. at Sulphur Spring.s, in the Cubans, whonowarewith us, we ought to beabletogetalong polic­ county of Hopkins and State of Texas. ing that island, with the United States and the Cuban.sin harmony Otto Heilig, to b9 postmaster at New Braunfels,· in the county and the Spaniards no longer there. Conditions in Cuba do not of Comal and State of Texas. call for a great army. A. L. Davis, to be postmaster at Gonzales, in the county of Gon­ Now, I do not know how to reach this. The gentleman from zales and State of Texas. Illinois rMr. M.A.RsHl gave notice of an amendment that he would Arthur P. Woodruff, to be postmaster at Savanna, in the county offer. Whatever is dono with this bill, which in the main is a wise of Carroll and State of Illinois. and good one, should be done by friendly hands-those friendly to Louis Weete, to be postmaster at Columbus, in the county of the Army and friendly to the country. I am not prepared to go Colorado and State of Texas. through this bill and tender an amendment here and an amend­ P. A. Schaefer, to be postm&ster at Georgetown, in the county ment there, leaving it on the basis of 50,000 or G0,000 men prop­ of '\Villiamson and State of Texas. erly officered. I could not do that and do it wisely. If those who Otho F . S. Miller, to be postmaster at Bremen, in the county of are on the committee and familiar with this matter would take .Marshall and State of Indiana. the lead in it, I will follow. But if there is no other re,medy, I 1164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE.
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