S S C LIAISON Volume 21 Number 4 October 2007 ON S ERIC SAMP Jessica Utts, Chair of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies, presents Jeffrey Rosenthal with the 2007 COPSS Award Message from Reports Upcoming Conferences Consultants’ Forum the President 2 and Workshops 14 1 12 Notice to Advertisers News Message from 4 The Canadian 16 the Interim Editors Journal of Statistics: 1 Announcements Coming Attractions Obituary 7 13 17 THE NEWSLETTER OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA ISSN 1489-5927 MESSAGES Message from the President Christian Genest, Ph.D., P.Stat. (Université Laval) ear members, elections electronically as soon as fea- a P.Stat. member. In the new By-Laws, D sible. It is too early to tell whether this the titles of some key officers would As you can tell easily from this issue of objective can be achieved as early as also be changed to better reflect their Liaison, the preparations for our next next spring, but we would appreciate responsibilities. Thus the SSC Secretary, Annual Meeting are coming along fine. it if you would ensure that your e-mail the Program Secretary and the Public Except for the contributed address is correct when you Relations Officer would be called the paper sessions, the scien- T renew your membership in Executive Secretary, the Meetings ES N tific program is practically E December. An ambitious Coordinator, and the Publications Of- G complete. Moreover, the E program of on-line serv- ficer, respectively. Moreover, the official ARIANN main local arrangements M ices is also in the works, French term for “CJS Managing Editor” have been finalized. The as well as a redesign of the would change from “rédacteur gérant” to SSC and SFdS volunteers Society’s web site. To fund directeur de la production. The details are striving to ensure the these new developments, of the proposed reforms will be com- success of this enterprise. and considering that the municated to you in due course. Despite substantial costs meeting to be held next May due to holding the event at Christian Genest will generate little profit, Finally, I am delighted to report that the Ottawa Congress Centre, the Board has approved an starting from 2008, the SSC will spon- we expect to break even, so increase in membership fees sor the electronic journal Statistics long as there are at least 850 partici- for 2008: fees will rise from $100 to Surveys recently launched by the Insti- pants; this scenario seems realistic, if $110 for regular members but they will tute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). not conservative. We count on you, of remain unchanged for other categories This publication, which provides open course, to ensure the largest possible of membership. The last increase oc- access to its content, is also sponsored attendance at this conference! curred in 2005. by the American Statistical Association and the Bernoulli Society. Such a spon- In the last issue, I mentioned that the Much progress has also been made in sorship requires any society to appoint production of The Canadian Journal of revising the Society’s By-Laws. A set an Executive Editor and an Editorial Statistics (CJS) might be delegated to of changes has been approved by the Board. This new initiative will provide a commercial publisher starting from Board. To become effective, however, increased visibility for our Society at a 2009. The Board of Directors supported these modifications will need to be minimal cost. In accordance with the this plan in principle at the meeting held sanctioned by Industry Canada after constitution of Statistics Surveys, the on October 13, and we will soon begin ratification by a two-thirds majority of SSC will be charged approximately $50 a careful analysis of the three bids that members present at the Annual General for each paper accepted by its own Edi- have been submitted to the CJS task Meeting to be held next May. According torial Board, but it is expected that this force. To insure a smooth transition, to the new By-Laws, the Program Sec- cost will be passed on to the authors, a decision will need to be made very retary would be elected for a three-year as is currently the case for CJS. We will early in 2008 and it will be announced term as a voting member of the Board proceed as soon as an agreement has in May, after confirmation by the Board. and Executive Committee. Furthermore, been signed with the IMS. Whatever the final choice, we will en- the terms of office of the Secretary, sure that the Editors keep full control Treasurer and Public Relations Officer I would be happy to answer any query on the content. We believe that in the would be extended to three years. How- you have concerning the decisions of long run, the distribution of the CJS will ever, the Board decided that the Chair the Board and the actions undertaken benefit from the bundling practices of of the Accreditation Committee should by the Executive Committee. It is our commercial publishers. be appointed rather than elected; the pleasure to serve you. appointment will be made by the Board At its October meeting, the Board also in consultation with accredited mem- voted in favour of holding the Society’s bers, and the appointee will need to be Message from the Interim Editors Angelo Canty and Román Viveros-Aguilera (McMaster University) elcome to the final issue of Liaison tors for this issue. Larry is taking over Our cover picture for this issue shows Wfor 2007! Our incoming editor, from here on and any communications Jeffrey Rosenthal accepting the prestig- Larry Weldon, has been busy traveling regarding Liaison should now be sent to ious COPSS award for young research- in Europe since his retirement from him. Larry’s first issue will be in Febru- ers. A number of our members were also Simon Fraser University and so, we are ary 2008. recently named Fellows of the ASA and continuing in our role as interim edi- Allan Donner was named a Fellow of E-SSC1 LIAISON VOLUME 21,VOL NUUMEMBER 21, NU4 MBER 4 OCT OBEROCT 2007OBER 2007 SSC LIAISOE-1 N MESSAGES the Royal Society of Canada. This issue counterparts in the SFdS. This also S also contains calls for nomination for serves as an initial call for contributed S our own awards. A number of the new talks or posters for that meeting. Denis C awards reported on last issue are now Larocque also writes about SSC partici- VOLUME 21, NO. 4 OCTOBER 2007 open for nominations so please consider pation at the 2008 JSM in Denver. Radu INTERIM EDITORS nominating suitable individuals to be Theodorescu, an Honorary Member Angelo Canty the first recipients of these new awards. of the SSC since 2000, passed away [email protected] The SSC is also asking for nominations in August and we end this issue with Román Viveros-Aguilera to the 2008 elections to the Executive a thoughtful obituary written by his [email protected] Committee, Board of Directors and Sec- colleague and SSC President Christian SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS tion Executives. Genest. Llwellyn Armstrong [email protected] In this issue’s Consultant’s Forum, We hope that there is something in Christian Genest Janet MacDougall asked a non-statisti- this issue for everyone and that you [email protected] cian, Lynne C. Howarth, to write about enjoy it. This will be our last issue and Peter D. M. Macdonald metadata from the point of view of an we want to thank everyone for their [email protected] information manager. This follows on prompt responses to calls for articles J. Heward Gough from the article by Eric Woodsworth in and to all our readers for their patience [email protected] our last issue and gives us an insight with the problems that have arisen with T. Rolf Turner into the uses and structure of metadata. the production of Liaison this year. We [email protected] These matters can be rather important could not have done this alone and we ASSOCIATE EDITORS for consultants dealing with end-users. want to take this opportunity to thank Jean-François Angers In other articles, Paul Gustafson gives Torsten Bernhardt (composition) and [email protected] us a summary of upcoming CJS articles. Maryse Dansereau (translations) for François Bellavance We also include a list of conferences and their invaluable work as well as the as- [email protected] workshops which may be of interest to sociate editors who have helped out so K. C. Carrière members over the coming months. In much with the production of Liaison. [email protected] more detail, Pierre Lavallée and Bruno Finally, on behalf of the entire SSC, we Thierry Duchesne Rémillard give us a taste of what we welcome Larry Weldon as editor and [email protected] can expect at the Ottawa 2008 joint are sure that Liaison will only get better David Hamilton meeting of the SSC and our French under his leadership. [email protected] Janet McDougall [email protected] REPORTS Eric Rancourt [email protected] Gary Sneddon Report from the Australia-Canada [email protected] Scholar Committee Min Tsao [email protected] Jerry Lawless (University of Waterloo; 2007-2008 Chair of the Australia-Canada Scholar Committee) PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION George P. H. Styan LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS DESIGN he AusCan Scholar Program pro- The next Canadian AusCan Scholar will Torsten Bernhardt Tmotes interaction between the visit Australia during 2009 and will be FRENCH TRANSLATION Australian and Canadian statistical chosen in Fall, 2008.
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