1874. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 4847 Merriam, Milliken, Mills, Morrison, Myers, Neal, Niblack, Niles, O'Brien, O'Neill, By Mr. HAYS: The petition of citizens of AJabama, for the estab­ Hosea W. Parker, Parsons, Pelham, Perry, Phelps Pierce, Thomas C. Platt, Po­ lishment of certain post-routes in said State, to the Committee on the land Randa.lt Rico, James C. Robinson, Milton Sayler, John G. Schumaker, Saner, Sheldon, A. Herr Smith, Southaru, Standiford, Storm, Swann, Thornburgh, Town­ Post-Office and Post-Roads. send, Tremain, Vance, Waluron, Wells, Whitehead, \Vhitehouse, Wliitthorne, By 1\Ir. HYDE: The petition of gTange organizations in Sullivan Charles W. Willard, Willie, Ephraim K. Wilson, Wolfe, Woodford, aml John D. and Cha.riton Counties, .Mi ouri, for the passage of the bill to aid in Young-101. NOT VOTING-Messrs. Adams, Albright, Ashe, Barnum, Barry, Ba.ss, Bland, the construction of the Continental Freight Railwa,y, to the Committee Blount, Cessna, Clayton, ClintonL. Cobb, Curtis, Davis, DeWitt, Elliott., .Farwell, on Railways and Canals. Ro.bert S. Hale, Hays, Hendee, Hersey, Geor~e F. Hoar, Holman, Hubbell, Jowett, By Mr. PACKARD: The petition of grunge organizations in Jas­ Rendall, Loughridge, Luttrell, McJunkin, Mitchell, Moore, Ne~ey, Nunn, Pottc>r, per County, Indiana, for the passage of the bill to aid in the con­ Read, Robbins, William R. Roberts, Ross, Scofield, Henry J. ;:;cudder, Isaac W. Scudder Sloss, William A. Smith, Snyder, Stanard, Stephens, St. John, Stone, stmction of the Continental Freight Railway, to the Committee on Sypher, 'Taylor, Charles R. Thomas, Todd, ·waddell, Wilber, John M.S. Williams, Rail ways and Canals. Wood, and Pierce M. B. Young-56. Also, the petition, with u.ccompa,nying papers, of James P. Gilles-~ So the bill was passed. pie, praying that he be paid the sum of $26,545.33 claimed by him as in­ Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, moved to reconsider the vote by former in revenue cases, to the Committee on Claims. which the bill was passed; and also moved that the motion to recon­ By Mr. SENER: The petition of Jacob Sparrow, of Gloucester sider be laid on the table. County, Virginia., for compensation for seizure of schooner John The latter motion was agreed to. Hamilton by United States steamer Daylight dming the late w.ar, Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I move to amend the title of the to the Committee on War Claims. bill, so that it will read as follows: "An act to provide for a just and By M.r. SHERWOOD: The petition of grange associations in Wood equitable distribution of the moneys paid in pursuance of the award County, Ohio, for the 1)assa[e of the bill to aid in the construction made to the United States by the commissioners at Gooeva under the of the Continental Freight .J:(ailway, to the Committee on Railways treaty of Washington." and CaualR. The amendment to the title was agreed to. Also, the petition of druggists of Perrysbmgh, Ohio, for the repeal :Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts moved to reconsider the vote by of the stamp tax on medicines, to the Committee on Ways and Means. wlrich the amendment to . the title was agreed to ; and also moved Also, the petition of wholesale grocers and druggists of Toledo, Ohio, tba,t the mot.ion to reconsider be laid on the table. for the passage of the bill to define a grosS' of matches, to the Committee The latter motion was agreed to. on Ways and Means. Also, the petition of tobac~o ma,nufacturers of Toledo, Ohio, against MESSAGE FROM THE SENA~. permission to growers of leaf-tobacco to sell to consumers without A message from the Senate, by Mr. SYMPSON, one of their clerksJ tax or license, to the Committee on Ways and Means. announced that the Senate had passed a bill of the following title, with Also, the petition of members of the Order of Stars and Stripes, for amendments; in which the concurrence of the House was requested: the equalization of soldiers' bounties, to the Committee on :Military A bill (H. R. No. 1706) to authorize the opening of Wight street Affairs. through ihe grounds of the United States Marine Hospital at Detroit, By 1\fr. STRAIT: The petition of grange organizations in Carver Michigan. County, Minnesota, for tile passage of the bill in aid of the construc­ The message also announced that the Senate had passed a bill of tion of the Continental Freight H.ailway, to the Committee on Rail­ the following title; in which the concurrence of the House was re­ ways and Canals. quested: By Mr. THOMAS, of Virginia: The petition of citizens of Franklin A bill (S. No. 693) to change the time for holding the circuit and County, Virginia, for increased mail facilities, to the Committee on district courts of the United States for the western district of Wis- Post-Offices and Post-Roads. consin at Oshkosh. · By Mr. WILSON, of Iowa: The petition of citizens of Poweshiek ORDER OF BUSISESS. County, Iowa, of similar import, to the same committee. Also, the petition of grange organizations in Tama County, Iowa, Mr. GARFillLD. I desire to give notice that immediately after of similar import~ to the same committee. the reading of the Journal to-morrow, I shall call up the sundry By Mr. WOLFE : The petition of the ~range organization in Adams­ civil appropriation bill. borough, Indiana, of similar import, to the same committee. Mr. RANDALL. I move that the House do now adjourn. Mr. DAWES. ·Let us go to business on the Speaker's table for a few moments, to dispose of some matters that will not give rise to debate. Mr. LAMISON. I ask unanimous consent that the Senate bill in IN SENATE.• relation to errors in prize-lists be ta,ken from the Speaker's table and referred to the Committee on NaYal Affairs. THURSDAY, June 11, 1874. Mr. RANDALL. I have moved to a-djourn. Mr. DAWES. I desiro to give notice to the House that, with the The Senate met at twelve o'clock m. consent of the gentleman from Ohio, [Mr. GARFIELD,] I shall move Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. to go to business on the Speaker's table, to dispo e of matters that will The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. not give rise to discussion, to-morrow, immediately after reading of the Journal, for a short time ouly. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Mr. LAWRENCE. I hope that we shall have an evening session Mr. SHERMAN presented a memorial of citizens of Pittsburgh, to-night, to enable the Committee on War Claims to make some Pennsylvania, and a memorial of citizens of Toledo, Ohio, protesting reports. against the passage of the law permitting growers of leaf-tobacco to Mr. GARFIELD. I move that the House adjourn. sell $100 worth of their crop at retail io consumers without license or The SPEAKER. A motion to adjourn waB made and is now pend­ tax; which were referred to the Committee on Finance. ing. 1\ir. SCOTT presented a memorial of workingmen of Barre Furnace The question was taken on Mr. RANDALL's motion, and it was and Forge, Pennsylvania, praying Congress to r~store the 10 percent. agreed to; and accordingly (at five o'clock and five minutes p.m.) duty on iron and steel and to provide for free banking; wlrich was the House adjourned. referred to the Committee on l!'inance. He also presented a memorial of merchants, importers, bankers, and business men of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, protesting a~ainst the PETITIONS, ETC. passage of the twen~y-ninth section of the tariff ancl tax Dill which Tbe following memorials, petitions, and other papers were presented imposes a tax on all sales of stocks, bonds, gold and silver bullion, at the Clerk's desk, under the rules, and referred as stated : coin, and other securities; which was referred to the Committee on By Mr. COBB, of Kansa.s: The petition of members of the Delaware Finance. tribe of Indians who have become citizens of the United States, that Mr. MORTON presented a memorial of citizens of Indianapolis, patents be issued to them for their lands and all restrictions removed Indiana, protesting against the passage of a law permitting growers from the same, and that they be paid the proportion of money held of leaf-tobacco to sell 100 worth of their crop at retail to consumers in trnst by the United States for them, to the Committee on Indian without license or tax; which was referred to the Committee on Affairs. Finance. By Mr. DUNNELL: The petition of grange oro-anizations in Mar­ Mr. TIPTON presented the petition of Jacob Bogert, praying com­ tin County, Minnesota, for the passage of the bill to aid in the con­ pensation for loss of the steamer Pocahontas while in the United struction of the Continental Freight Railway, to the Committee on States service; which was referred to the Committee on Claims. Ro.ilways and Canals. By Mr. FARWELL: The remollb'trance of tobacco manufacturers MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. of Chicago, Illinois, against any amendment of the internal-revenue A. message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPHERSON, laws which will periDlt growers of leaf-tobacco to sell to consumers its Clerk, announced that the House bad passed the bill(S. No.7) for without license or tax, to the Committee on ·ways and Means. the creation of a court for the adjudication and disposition of certain Also, the petition of citizens of Chicago, illinois, for the passage of moneys received into the Treasury under an award made by the tri­ the bill to aid in the construction of the Con~inental Freight Railway, lmm11 of arbitration constituted by virtue of the fuRt article of the to the Committee on Railways and Canals.
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