Ullr A God on the Edge of Memory John Julian Molin Faculty of Social and Human Sciences University of Iceland 2015 Ullr A God on the Edge of Memory John Julian Molin Supervisor Terry Gunnell Faculty Representative Terry Gunnell Faculty of Social and Human Sciences School of Social Sciences University of Iceland Reykjavík, May 2015 Ullr: A God on the Edge of Memory A God on the Edge of Memory Copyright © 2015 John Julian Molin All rights reserved Faculty of Social and Human Sciences School of Social Sciences University of Iceland Sæmundargata 2 101, Reykjavík Iceland Telephone: 525 4000 Bibliographic information: John Julian Molin, 2015, Ullr: A God on the Edge of Memory, Master’s thesis, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, University of Iceland, pp. 161. Printing: Háskólaprent ehf. Reykjavík, Iceland, May 2015 Abstract The author sets out to provide a comprehensive overview of all source material, previous research and overarching theories with regard to the Nordic god Ullr, known primarily from the Snorra Edda as a god of bows and skiing, and from Swedish and Norwegian place names as an archaic god whose cult was abandoned before the Viking Age. It is demonstrated that there is significant reason to doubt various aspects of the claims made by Snorri Sturluson in regard to the god, and especially those of the relation between Ullr and Sif. Among other things, the evidence given for the theories of Ullr’s relation to Freyr, his status as a sun god, and his association with law and justice is explored. The author investigates furthermore the possibility of Old West Norse *Ullinn existing in a contracted genitive form Ulls in a 10th century skaldic kenning, something also implied by the Scandinavian variations of the Icelandic anatomical term ullinseyru, and other factors. It is also postulated that a variety of factors suggest, that the extant evidence from various sources in regard to Ullr reflects two stages of the god’s role in religious worship, and that future research must focus on settling the problematic relation between Snorri’s account of the god, and the indications presented in place names. Útdráttur Höfundur leitast við að gefa heildstætt yfirlit yfir allar tiltækar heimildir, fyrri rannsóknir og helstu kenningar um norræna guðinn Ull. Samkvæmt Snorra-Eddu er hann einkum bogaás og skíðagoð og sænsk og norsk örnefni benda eindregið til þess að um sé að ræða ævafornan guð sem hætt hefur verið að dýrka fyrir víkingaöld. Sýnt er fram á að veruleg ástæða er til að efast um ýmislegt af því sem Snorri Sturluson staðhæfir í sambandi við goðið og þá sérstaklega það sem snertir tengsl Ullar og Sifjar. Rannsóknin beinist meðal annars að vitnisburði sem leitt hefur til kenninga um að samband sé milli Ullar og Freys, að hinn fyrrnefndi hafi verið sólargoð og hafi tengst lögum og réttlæti. Höfundur athugar jafnframt hvort fornt vesturnorrænt *Ullinn hafi mögulega fyrirfundist í formi samdregins eignarfalls Ulls í 10. aldar skáldskaparkenningu en til þess gætu skandínavísk tilbrigði við líffærafræðilega hugtakið ullinseyru og fleiri atriði líka bent. Einnig er gert ráð fyrir að ýmislegt sé því til staðfestu að vitnisburður mismunandi heimilda um Ull endurspegli tvö stig varðandi hlutverk goðsins í trúarlegri dýrkun og að í framtíðinni verði rannsóknir því að beinast að því að gera upp hið torráðna samband milli lýsingar Snorra á goðinu og vísbendinga örnefna. Preface My interest on Ullr was raised during my first semester as a Master’s student in Old Nordic Religion at the University of Iceland, during which I was tasked with writing a term essay on theophoric place names in Scandinavia. The extraordinary prominence of Ullr names in Sweden and Norway, which had been noted by place name researchers for over a century, caught my attention, and it was with great surprise that I realized how scattered and scarce the scholarship on the god ultimately was, a circumstance which undoubtedly has its roots in the equally scattered and scarce evidence for Ullr himself. It was partly for this reason, and under some encouragement and initial support from Stefan Brink, that I decided to conduct my Master’s thesis on the subject of Ullr, an undertaking which has been extraordinarily exciting, and which has yielded results far beyond what I had originally expected. That being said, the systematic nature of this essay leaves the material drawn from the various scientific fields upon which it touches open to potential errors and inaccuracies, which naturally have their roots in my own incompetence and lack of experience within said disciplines. In spite of having studied Old Icelandic, I make no claim, for example, to have the necessary knowledge required to carry out original studies in the fields of linguistics and place name research, and have thus relied very heavily upon previous scholarly works on these fields in order to be able to produce the sort of systematic overview of evidence in regard to Ullr that I had originally intended. Table of Contents List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 2 A History of Research ..................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Timeline................................................................................................................... 4 3 Ullr: Name, Variations and Etymology ....................................................................... 19 3.1 The Etymology of Ullr .......................................................................................... 19 3.2 *Ullinn Variation ................................................................................................... 23 3.2.1 Critical Remarks on the Identity of *Ullinn ................................................. 27 3.3 Potential Personal Names Involving Ullr .............................................................. 28 3.3.1 The Thorsberg Chape ................................................................................... 28 3.3.2 Attested Examples of Other Potential Account of Ullr in Personal Names .......................................................................................................... 30 3.4 Noa Name or Not? ................................................................................................. 32 4 Place Names Involving Ullr .......................................................................................... 35 4.1 Volume, Geographical Distribution and Association with Second Stems ............ 36 4.1.1 Sweden ......................................................................................................... 37 4.1.2 Norway ......................................................................................................... 43 4.2 Disputes Etymologies for Place Names on Ull- .................................................... 50 4.2.1 Sweden: Problematic Place Names .............................................................. 51 4.2.2 Norway: Problematic Place Names .............................................................. 59 4.2.3 Ullr in Swedish Parish Names ..................................................................... 63 4.2.4 Ullr Place Names in Denmark ..................................................................... 64 4.2.5 Ullr Place Names in Finland ........................................................................ 64 4.2.6 Ullr Place Names in Iceland ........................................................................ 65 4.2.7 Ullr Place Names in the British Isles ........................................................... 65 4.3 Potential Associations With Other Deities in Place Names .................................. 70 4.3.1 Ullr and Freyr .............................................................................................. 70 4.3.2 Ullr and Hærn .............................................................................................. 74 4.3.3 Ullr and Njörðr ............................................................................................ 76 4.3.4 Ullr and dís .................................................................................................. 77 4.3.5 Ullr and Skaði .............................................................................................. 78 4.3.6 Conclusions on Ullr in Place-Name Pairs ................................................... 81 4.3.7 Critical Remarks on the Concept of Sacred "Pairs" in Place Names ........... 82 4.4 Summary of Place Names Chapter ........................................................................ 83 5 Ullr in Literary Sources ............................................................................................... 86 5.1 Eddic Poetry .......................................................................................................... 86 5.1.1 Grímnismál .................................................................................................. 86 5.1.2 Atlakviða .....................................................................................................
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