D TT."YTF7TVrr IMLIPM WOMARJ BY REJECTED JAW From Im Franctate ManLSepLf. For San Franetso 2:30 j Wllhelmlna, Spt 25. From Canadian Porta Next ta4v nail. Oct. 19. Far Canadian Pen Next mall, Oct 1L Evening Bulletin. Est 1SS2, No. CSS 12 PAGEa HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1917. 12 PAGES Hawaiian 8tar. Vol. XXV No. 714 PRICE FIVE CENTO yisJiilLJiEP mm .MJ)MPMWiV mrnes Kaiser s Emm? SHOTBV Alan Lowrey Is PR0BE-OFCOWJ1E- R PASSPORTS mmmE Made Lieutenant OFHUMS In Aero Section MICE !S ORDERED BY COURT ISSUED FOR Triangular Love Affair Ends in Two Are Wounded as Sammies M u r d e at watertown; Take Up Position on Historic r Honolulan Receives Appoint In-sfracti- ng Woman, Shot. Dead When Iwilei Closing Law Still Effective Says Judge Heen in HUNS' GOLD Battlefield and Laugh at the Claimant for Her Affections ment to Command 50 Men; r Expects Active Service Investigate Increase of Offenses and Kaiser's Reward for First inds Rival; With Her; Ac- Jurors to State Department Has List of American Taken, Dead or cused Murderer Now in Jail LOW ERY, a prominent Spread of Demi Monde to Residential Districts Alive ALAN man of Honolulu, son Those Who Furthered Plots F. Lowrey, president of Filipino "woman was J. to Destroy Munitions Plants (A. P. by U. S. Naval Wireless) ANE Lewers 4b Cooke, has been ap- DRASTIC step toward wiping Honolulu clean of commercialized vice was taken at 2 V shot and killed and a Hli-- pointed a lieutenant In command A o'clock this afternoon when Circuit Judge WillianII. Heen instructed the members of and Incited Labor Troubles; OMKWHKRK AT BRITISH pino man was shot in the back of an air fleet composed, of fifty But Will Not Reveal Them at s FRONT, 24. men, according to advices received the territorial grand jury to conduct a thorough investigation of reports to the effect that, Sept. Manv and clubbed over the head with this morning. Lowrey, who was since the closing of Iwilei, vice has become widespread throughout the city, even penetrat Present American troops re eneampel one of the ten men appointed to a revolver in a shooting scrape ing into Wireless) on a historic battlefiekl in ' enter the officers' training camp the more respectable residential sections. (A. P. by U. S. Naval at Watertown, near Pnuloa, at the Presidio, has been studying In his special charge to the jury ASHIXGTOX, I). C, Sept Krance, the vanguard of t'nclti men. Judge Heen points out that, if this morning. Erino Dujail- - at. the Massachusetts Institute of W tie- - Sam's Iij armies which Technology, Boston, in prepara- vice is on the increase and if it la 24. That the tate are onse, a Filipino laborer, was ar tion for the flying squadron. spreading as reports allege, then the Liner partment has names to jw active service at rarGoss TQq Nippon the f!oon is jested by Deputy Sheriff Fer- When the ten local appoint- question arises as to whether it who received tltis front. ments to the Presidio were made, to the closing of Iwilei. He instructs many of the men nandez shortly, after the crime Lowrey was. one of the, Honolulu the Jurymen to Indict all persons be- pav from the German govern- - The camp Is within the range ot On, lieved to be violating those laws un- was committed and is held at boys slated to go to the' mainland Fault Is Nearlv Blown OI y ment lor the furtherance tne. teen subjected to train for an-arm- officer. But der which the local restricted district to bombardment Two polic headquarters s here for when the announcement was was obliterated. Kaiser-bund'- plots against the men have already been wounded, but ; very investigation. He "will prob- made that the men would report Judge Heen's charge to the jury United States are proud they have bled for t'aa camp follows: neutrality of the good cause. de-.gr- eo to the new at Schofield. ably be charged with first Germany's' "Sitting as judge of the criminal Up By Bombs today. Strinpent orders have recently been . Lowrey decided he would go East became known -- issued to keep men murder. - - instead. He enrolled in the Naval and juvenile divisions of this court, Officials of the department ara the out of the n di- Tfc man who waa ahot in the back Reserve, and selected the aviation To Troops my attention has repeatedly been known to have in reserve indisputable P.ritish front lines. The health of the. "'Kaiser pop- men reported Is aimed Gemo, and about the only In , squad as offering the best chances rected to cases involving what is Blast Due to Explosives Placed evidence of German intrigues of tho is excellent. formation the police hare secured so for quick and active service. He ularly known as sexual crimc3. in Hold By most sensational nature, one or.whic'i The issuance of the munificent re- in- German Spies ward Tir Is that the affray waa the result was sent to Tech where he under- Emperor Visits Rumania Front. Whether or not there has been an is reported to be a list of the persona for the first Sammie dead or in offenses, I am not in Kills Two, Injures Many alive to be brought within the Ger- . ef a quarrel over the affections of went a course of instruction in Addresses Troops; French crease these who received German gold where vie i , a position to say at the,, present time. issuing fraud- man lines is causing sreat amusement the dead woman. aeronautical to conduct a system of 1 (Special iopu among - According to several witnesses who According to the news received Guns Pound at Verdun If there has been an increase, then Cable to Jiji) ulent passports. the men. ' AN FRANCISCO. Cal., Sept. 24. men i Du-failon- the question naturally arises as lo Officers and are alike loud were .roaght Into haadauarters, from him this morning, he has With the safe arrival Satur- Men in the ay of the Kaiserbund prob-ablyanea- praise of was Infatuated wom- been commissioned. This ns (A. P. by U. S. Naval Wireless) whether or not the same is due to the their the welcome and fine with the day in San Francisco of the for the furtherance of ilot against Tom-- , LONDON, . Eng., Sept. 24. Switch closing up red light in treatment accorded them by the an. The woman, however, seamed to action in France at an . of the district plants on war work for tin ing from the north battle front of Iwilei. Seiyo Maru, the T. K. K. liner on munition mies, who they one and all declard ,' care more for Gemo, and early this early date for him. , far run, Entente Allies are also known, anil - Riga, the Kaiser is reported to be now "Judging from the frequent occur the South American from arc "mighty fine folks." tnornlntv Dojallonee,- it la alleged, en- Iquique. Chili, it was learned that at the proper time officials declaro tered Oemo's home as he waa Bitting in Rumania, where, according to his rences of the offenses mentioned, it troops. an attempt to blow up and destroy the distuibers of America's neutrality with-nttt- nr usual custom, he addressed the is" strongly suspected that commercial- 4oy to breakfaat. .Dujattonse, the vessel at sea was made and will be urcught to justice. r?rarent reason, started for "It the war is continued," he Is re- ized vice has spread out through the wghsa." 8Tn6!IT;Ffll ported to iiave said, "it Is not Ger- city, and that women of questionable as the result of which two Jap- representative J. Thomas lioflin t SLAVS.PIN the who was In the room. anese were killed instantly chamber to many's faultAv, puUtU --are sow plying their trade sailors the Kfcsaton of the lower . Jtfter heated trsumaat .he mas 'pull x - German heavy artillery Is active..mtin in various districts of the city. and several others injured. oay denied that he had evrr said inem- ea a .35 eauber revolver from his the The Seiyo Maru, according money FIGHT ' the Arraa aeotor. "Many of the prostitutes who were of congress accepted from SKOWIh'G coat tad Biot the woman dead. story told by vrltu the her olfi' on iiernstorlf'8 fimd. disbursed ...'-- man arrested at the time Iwilei was closed. ". ' ' ' VCtrxo started for the and tried t . - ' PARIS. France, Sept 24.The b5 and who were released on suspended made itf regular. rail inn;'; 'the object of delaying the adnjinislr- to rrest tie weapon from him, but : - guns are roaring again in the Verdun sentences have been brought both be- the Chilian nitrate port, for ui (A. P. by T. S. Naval Wireless J Duj&Co&se is said to have clubbed the OR GO TO JAIL cargoes. During sray in artillery duel court trarte the I did say." declared the Sept. 24. former on the head. Gemo fought! sector, an intense bein; fore this court and the district port What rei PETROGRAD. Russia. M . ft. W German spies placed bombs j d waged between French and German Honolulu and have been sentenced re:;cntative from Alacama. was are gam on tne m u.JIubui ww--au muu overcome ne loos-ene- of tnai uussians offensive in the steamer's hold, the explos- ns his crip on Dujallonse. The lat- batteries. No infantry movements are to imprisonment or forced to leave there were rumors that in te gamb-- 1 the Riga front, and d ei;atchca ie-l.- Stowaway, Bound for Australia reported from the battle area.
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