the island eye Islands' known history begins with mastodon bone find By Matt Perez the islands' names h in the third chapter. One thing Elinore '- "That was a mat-,.; • Mayer Dormer wilt ier of great pride to' never do is write a me." said Dormer '.'" :^ '. history of City of about her research of Sanibel .since it incor- the Islands' heraldry..- porated, she said. Revisions to pro- ;v< That era will re-; vide a more complete main as the new „ account of the Bo wen epilogue lo the ^ and Johnson families recently-released bcislcr LTietext! third edition of'.'The ; alongside a few r' Sea Shell Islands: A - newly-found,: ; History or Sanibel • • photographs. '•• and Captiva." Tacked /Most of the first' onto the end of the _ chapter is brand new v 15-chapter book, the and the final -S: :•- : epilogue skates over paragraph borrows . events that marked ummm from Walt Disney's ; .the high points since film "Peter Pan,"' ;: the city incorporated Writing about !the , in 1976. : -..-. -- hard work It took to :: Most alarming, in form the City of cj Dormer's account;; .'.Sanibel,* Dormer con-' are the stark figures eludes: ' , ; \\ ; of visitors to Sanibe! Elinor Dormer and Captiva that All it takes is faith A golden day have changed the pton to Ssnlbcl been written aboutf 7 and fruit — and —.. face of the barrier Historical House ..; Sanibcl. Newspaper Ittook Uenny MeNeelu 1$ years to find a golden Oh — something I islands. .-= ..=- olive ohSahibel'iihellstrewn beaches. The where. Dormer said, reporter Florence \- forgot! '.: \: / "What has happen- Charlotte, NC, retident found the rare shelllast it was used to prop \ Fritz wrote a short'' / A little bit of pixie ed is that Sanibel has jopen the door. • . history that includes wi>ek en Weil Gulf Drive, beach. She's already been discovered and '. conversations with foundajanonia\p there's not a darn "We had it/for ' many old island more than a year thing that we can do families. But . before we knew what Five Islanders win Shell Show rattle prizes about it," said •••'•• . Dormer's is viewed „ it was" she said with, Five of the »ix prize* awarded In and chain. Tie necklace wa» - > f Dormer, . , . as the most popular : the faint glimmer of - this year'a She!) Fdlr E*ttic went ' donated by The Cedir Chesl/ ,'; v • But that's starting T on Sanibel. : 1 a smile. > to Sanibel resident*. Sinibel Com- jCharIene Timothy won the shell '-•• at the end; Florida Stale munity A siotktion president ' i> crystal candle centerpiece, tt wu •\-• A new beginning. Relaxing on a -.;. Museum now accepts do&aled by the Flail Tooth. • ' j 1 Dorla Flatl said more than 8.000 greets readers of the small couch Monday - the island historian's raffle ticketi were sold. "II went ' ' The ktiinedgliissbaogiDg lamp ' third edition with a •: with her hands fold- research that gives .very veil," ihe MI&I.. , , 1 <t.». wts won by ~£. McG«e, of Farm- •' surprising account of n ed across her chest the true account of IngtoD, CT. The lamp wu donated The drawing was held Sundayt - 4 island developer WI!i and eyes gazing how the Islands were ( March 6 aH p.m. * ' by Wahd Style. ' ->", - ••"• Compton discovering toward Sanibel •" named. It was pirates ' Hulda IlcsUm won the ocUgorv John Ndttelnunn wen the »h*H a mammoth or Causeway, Dormer . and their captive :••<-. shaped shell table valued at more filled table, lamp. That Ump vU mastadon bone, reflected the labor of ; . women, or Isabella, t than $1^00. The latis was donated .donated by Valhalla & Pandora's- specifically, a love thatir Queen of Spain, that by Capt. Torn Clifford. * '- - Box. and Ann Nelson won Ihe ; petrified humerus. - synonymous with' ; , gave rise to the Mrs. Norton Clay, won the 14k thrw-ahell wall banging donated by *T" The unique bone Sanlbel's history. - names, she said. gold and diamond pecten pendant Tbrce Crafty Udlefl.O ,• . ; was brought by Com- .Other books have 'The full origin of FOCUS ON: CO Bert Yes, MacCarry ; talking kids here; any more than lhaL ~'JI takes story telling' we're talking mature Sha said she ,; . MacCarry very serious. So ndults. "It's not lust personally likes . -- for children. Al these ncsupana serious, In fact, that Japanese and Irish.- „ she's campaigning • festivals It's mostly 'stortas best, but'?- ', I lime In the be- : adults," said _ . ' ginning in a to_ have the art of *. -.;:" knows stories from story telling taughl In MacCarry. t •: ., more than 60 . galaxy far, far away MacCarry said r.'~ _ (welt almost) there public schools. countries. -, - "StorytetSIngisa most story tellers fell MacCarry would. ' lived a woman, a ~ folk tales "bacause; •=: former librarian, I' ; great teaching tool," like to form a local r Ij said the formar : \! there's no copyright story telling group who taught .to worry about." -'•. ----- storytelling. newspaperwoman /• and she's hoping . J '?- . ; Forget the past and school librarian;? Folk tales can . that the classes .. •;: tense; Bert MacCarry , MacCarry got generally be divided -she'sbegun . --•'. teaching will spark -^ ; : teaches story telling. Interested In story ,, Into two categories; " Arid yes, she looks telling twelve years ' fairy tales, with . ; interest. "Hopefully ^ like a librarian.:, ago, two years before which most everyone ~ after that we'll fcave enough to form a . ;MacCarryjust she and Noel : Is familiar, and : finished teaching a moved to Sanibel. -, Porqulol,or"how :". group," ohe said., six-week course on _ While story telling and why" stories — . Fifteen people • story telling at ;; has been around in why the sun and ••• completed her last, courser -Edison Community one form or another = moon are In the sky, . .-.. College. She's for thousands of - for example. ' •What's ihe moral : - scheduled lo teach a years, it has only ••Tfiey're more ° .. to this story? "Story condensed three- been within Ihe past primitive than tellers frown about week version of th©3 decade that It has myths," she said". ., > using morals/.'said : same course this undergonea ' born, an annual threa^ Although some ' MacCarry. "There renaissance of sorts: , in Jonesboro, JN, summer, and still and told stories. The day event attended ~'^ story tellers can may be a moral In , in this country. She s another course in the group she said, was by some 4,000 .. ramble on for an hour there bth'y'Kuqoni; : said the renewed -- '. fall.;, comprised mostly of.. peopie. They even or more, MacCarry ; have to hit kids or • '•''•' Nextweek,she Interest in story- : librarians. have an acronym said her stories are adults over the head : and her husband, will telling began 10 NAPPS — National rarely more than 10 with ft. Let them get conduct a two-day years ago when a From those ^: Association for the minutes long, outof itwhal they ^ -workshop at Ihe small group of story humble beginnings Preservation and •«• primarily because can." - ,_,-. V''i-'annual storytelling tellers gathered, - the National Story Perpetuation of Story. il's difficult lo hold a " camplnEustis.FL around an old wagon' Telling Festival was Telling. We're not child's attention for ••*> — sieve Cason •TO 01 X o J -. TomRector's" D Thursday, March 10: ^ LUNCH: SanibelCapliva Christian Women's :' community ^Weather Club meets for luncheon at Sundial Resori, --:: - 11:30 A.M.The program Is on birds.and • r Watch orchids and any visiting woman is welcome. calendar CAPE: Photographer and naturalist W. Clinton Powers presents "Summsr Images of; Martha's Vineyard" at Sanibel Community : MUSIC;! he Chicago Lyric Ensemble Center,8p.m. ' featuring Marilyn Laurienie will play at i High Lov i Rain Sanibel Congregational United Church ol -.; Wednesday, March 2 76 52 0 Christ,8p.m:' Thursday, March 3 79 60 0 D Friday, March 11: Friday, March 4 78 63 0 CRUISE: The Sanibel chapler ol AARP meets at the SCA Center, 1:30 p.m. Speaker will be ,;. Q Sunday, March 13: i Saturday, March 5 80 63 . .09 OSPREY: The international Osprey 78 63 BobCrossmanwhotooka140-daylnland : ' ji. s Sunday, March 6 .. .65 Foundation holds its annual meeting at 7:30 j : Monday, March 7 76 60 0 waterway cruise. ~ '. 7 : ; p.m. at Sanibel Community Association,/ - i- . Tuesday, March 8 80 63 " 0 followed by a film. t tlkrn 1 otto D Saturday, March 12: i-. COUCTESV OF IHE SAWBE LCAPTH'ACHAIUSER OF COMWERC HEALTH: Lee Memorial Hospital with the • ey..',whal's wllh all this crummy weekend SCA and AARP, presents a health fair tor D Tuesday, March 15: r weather? Spring weather in south Florida older adults at tho Community Center on : • • CARS: "What's Under tho Hood," a down-to- H Is supposed to be one of our finest Periwinkle Way, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. -, :' : earth discussion on auto maintenance by •^ weather seasons. And overall it has been.».ex- HONK:ThesecondannualSoulhwest Jim Thomas, owner of Island Garage, 6:30 cept (or the weekends. We always notice the / Floiida Bird Calling Conlesl will beat Ihe p.m. at SCA Community Center. ; bad weather more when It occurs on our day olf. Tarpon Bay Canoe Outlet, 11 a.m. during - Fishing in Ihe rain Is net nearly as fun...l always National Wildlife Week celebrations. = :'' wonder If the fish even know it's ralning...or FILMS ;"Audubon's Florida Wildlife" and ': • Wednesday, March 16: - care...after all they're wet all the time anyway. "Audubon's Birds" will be shown and Ding '•; PRINT: "How to Break Into Print" Is the Golf and tennis In the rain |ust doesn't work. Darting National Wildlife Refuge at 1 p.m. ;: sub|ect ol a series of workshops for budding. ; Now the bright side...we did not break one Admission is Iree.
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