Public Document Pack Committee Agenda City of Westminster Title: Planning (Major Applications) Sub-Committee Meeting Date: Tuesday 11th September, 2018 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Room 3.1, 3rd Floor, 5 Strand, London, WC2 5HR Members: Councillors: Gotz Mohindra (Chairman) Murad Gassanly David Boothroyd Jim Glen Ruth Bush Elizabeth Hitchcock Peter Freeman Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and listen to the discussion Part 1 of the Agenda Admission to the public gallery is by ticket, issued from the ground floor reception. If you have a disability and require any special assistance please contact the Committee Officer (details listed below) in advance of the meeting. An Induction loop operates to enhance sound for anyone wearing a hearing aid or using a transmitter. If you require T any further information, please contact the Committee Officer, Tristan Fieldsend: Senior Committee and Governance Officer. Tel: 020 7641 2341; Email: [email protected] Corporate Website: www.westminster.gov.uk Note for Members: Members are reminded that Officer contacts are shown at the end of each report and Members are welcome to raise questions in advance of the meeting. With regard to item 2, guidance on declarations of interests is included in the Code of Governance; if Members and Officers have any particular questions they should contact the Head of Committee and Governance Services in advance of the meeting please. AGENDA PART 1 (IN PUBLIC) 1. MEMBERSHIP To note any changes to the membership. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by members and officers of the existence and nature of any personal or prejudicial interests in matters on this agenda. 3. MINUTES To sign the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record of proceedings. 4. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Applications for decision Schedule of Applications 1. DEVELOPMENT SITE AT 268-282 VAUXHALL BRIDGE (Pages 7 - 54) ROAD, LONDON 2. 134 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W1D 1LU (Pages 55 - 100) 3. 1 CAVENDISH SQUARE, LONDON, W1G 0LA (Pages 101 - 114) 4. WATERLOO BRIDGE, LONDON (Pages 115 - 204) Stuart Love Chief Executive 3 September 2018 Agenda Annex CITY OF WESTMINSTER PLANNING (MAJOR APPLICATIONS) SUB-COMMITTEE – 11th September 2018 SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS TO BE CONSIDERED Item No References Site Address Proposal Resolution 1. RN(s) : Development Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a new 17/11033/FULL Site At 268- building comprising basement, 2 lower levels 282 (basement level -1 and sub-basement -2), ground Vauxhall and 9 upper levels plus rooftop plant to provide a Bridge Road hotel with associated ancillary facilities including Vincent Square London restaurant/bar and gym (Class C1), 2 x 2 bedroom apartments (Class C3), plant, cycle parking and other associated works. Recommendation 1. Subject to referral to the Mayor of London, grant conditional permission, subject to a section 106 agreement to secure: i. A financial contribution of £164,456 (index linked and payable on commencement of development) toward the funding of Crossrail; ii. Offering local employment opportunities during operation of the hotel; iii. Carbon off-setting payment of £3,420 iv. Payment of cost of monitoring the agreement (£500 per head of term). 2. If the S106 legal agreement has not been completed within 6 weeks, then: a. The Director of Planning shall consider whether it would be possible and appropriate to issue the permission with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If so, the Director of Planning is authorised to determine and issue the decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not; b. The Director of Planning shall consider whether the permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits which would have been secured; if so, the Director of Planning is authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers. Item No References Site Address Proposal Resolution 2. RN(s) : 134 Oxford Demolition of 134-140 Oxford Street and 77-84 Wells 18/03229/FULL Street Street (Wells House) and the erection of a new London building comprising basements, ground plus nine W1D 1LU upper floors, with plant accommodation and part Sui Generis (nightclub) at basement level 02; cycle West End parking, plant accommodation and part Class A1 (retail) at basement level 01; part Class A1 (retail) accommodation and part Class B1 (office) at ground floor level, Class A1 (retail) and associated plant accommodation at first floor level, flexible Class A1 (retail) or Class B1 (office) at second floor and Class B1 (office) accommodation at third to seventh floors; plant accommodation and Class B1 (office) accommodation at eighth floor; Class B1 (office) accommodation at ninth floor; the creation of terraces on levels 6 to 8 and a rooftop terrace area at level 9 (all for use in association with office accommodation); photovoltaic panels on level 9 and the roof; and other associated works including short stay cycle parking spaces in Adam & Eve Court. Recommendation 1. Subject to the views of the Mayor of London, grant conditional permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement to secure the following: Page 3 dcagcm091231 CITY OF WESTMINSTER PLANNING (MAJOR APPLICATIONS) SUB-COMMITTEE – 11th September 2018 SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS TO BE CONSIDERED a) A contribution to the City Council's Affordable Housing Fund of £851,000 (index linked), payable in the event that the second floor is occupied as offices (Class B1). b) A Carbon Offset Contribution of £140,790 (index linked), payable prior to commencement of development. c) A Crossrail contribution of £478,140 (index linked) payable within 60 days of commencement of development and an additional Crossrail contribution of £75,750 (index linked) payable in the event that the second floor is occupied as offices (Class B1) (both minus any relevant Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levy paid). d) Undertaking of highways works in the vicinity of the site, including short-stay cycle parking in Adam and Eve Court, resurfacing the footway in Wells Street, removing the existing crossovers and providing a new crossover and any associated works to accommodate the development. e) An employment and training strategy. f) Secure the re-provision of the nightclub (Sui Generis) on site to shell and core (ready for tenant fit out) prior to the occupation of any of the office floorspace on site. g) Costs of monitoring the S106 agreement. 2. If the S106 legal agreement has not been completed within eight weeks of the date of this resolution then: a) The Director of Planning shall consider whether it will be possible or appropriate to issue the permission with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If so, the Director of Planning is authorised to determine and issue the decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not; b) The Director of Planning shall consider whether the permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of benefits which would have been secured; if so, the Director of Planning is authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers. Item No References Site Address Proposal Resolution 3. RN(s) : 1 Cavendish Use of building as a restaurant/ drinking 18/01899/FULL Square establishment (sui generis), addition of a mezzanine London floor, erection of a roof extension, removal of steps to 18/01900/LBC W1G 0LA provide level access to building, internal modifications, and associated works. West End Recommendation 1. Grant conditional permission. 2. Grant conditional listed building consent. 3. Agree the reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in informative 1 of the draft decision letter. Item No References Site Address Proposal Resolution 4. RN(s) : Waterloo The architectural illumination, as part of the Application 1: Bridge Illuminated River proposal, of Waterloo Bridge London (Application 1), Golden Jubilee Bridge (Application 18/03780/FULL 2), Westminster Bridge (Application 3), Lambeth 18/03781/LBC Bridge (Application 4), Vauxhall Bridge (Application (St James's 5), Grosvenor Bridge (Application 6) and Chelsea Ward) Bridge (Application 7) including the installation of Application 2: fixtures, fittings and ancillary equipment and 18/03782/FULL associated works. (St James's Ward) Application 3: 18/03775/FULL Page 4 dcagcm091231 CITY OF WESTMINSTER PLANNING (MAJOR APPLICATIONS) SUB-COMMITTEE – 11th September 2018 SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS TO BE CONSIDERED 18/03776/LBC (St James's Ward) Application 4: 18/03777/FULL 18/03778/LBC (Vincent Square Ward) Application 5: 18/03772/FULL 18/03773/LBC (Tachbrook Ward) Application 6: 18/03774/FULL (Churchill Ward) Application 7: 18/03769/FULL 18/03770/LBC (Churchill Ward) Recommendation Application 1 1. Grant conditional permission and conditional listed building consent. 2. Agree the reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision letter. Application 2 Grant conditional permission. Application 3 1. Grant conditional permission and conditional listed building consent. 2. Agree the reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision letter. Application 4 1. Grant conditional permission and conditional listed building consent. 2. Agree the reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision letter. Application
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