1984 Divisional Convention ... The orth Central Division Holiday Inn Downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota March 1-3 SPECIAL EVENTS AND INTEREST SESSIONS: An Ecumenical Service \ :. "Sing Joy" will be the theme of the convention's Ecumenical Service. Combined choirs of First Lutheran and Our Savior's Lutheran Churches will be the participating choirs. Both were chosen from audition tapes submitted to the convention committee. In addition to the choirs, directed by Don Levson (Our Savior's) and Jerry Hansen (First Lutheran), participants will include: Weston Noble, Luther College; Fr. Leonard Thury, Holy Family Church, Mitchell, S.D.; Augustana -College Brass Choir, Harold Krueger, director; and the combined Hand Bell Choirs of the two Lutheran churches. The service music will be enhanced by the forty rank, 3,000 pipe, Aeolian Skinner Our Savior's Lutheran Church organ. Don Levsen, director Sioux Falls, South Dakota The Augustana Brass Choir, formed in 1965, is a major contributor to campus and community music, with a reper­ toire varying from sixteenth-century antiphonal music to twentieth-century experimental works. Harold Krueger, the director, received his B.A. degree from Luther College and his Master's degree and doctorate from the University of. Northern Colorado. Don Levsen, Choral Director at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, is a graduate of Northern State College and the University of Minnesota. He holds lay-staff accreditation with the American Lutheran Church. Jerry Hanson, Director of Music at First Lutheran Church, has a B.A. degree from St. Olaf College. He is cur­ rently on staff at Augustana College. He has been a church choral director while pursuing careers in aviation, electrical engineering, and the Air Force. First Lutheran Choir Jerry Hansen, director Sioux Falls, South Dakota South Dakota Honors Choir The tenth All-State Honors Choir consisting of 150 high school juniors and seniors, was chosen through competitive auditions of over 500 applicants. In July of 1983, the choir enjoyed a busy and productive week of intensive rehearsals and organized recreational activities on the Black Hills State College Campus. As in past years, the members have been instructed by one of the country's outstanding -choral direc­ tors. Alice Larsen is the first native of South Dakota to direct The Augustana Brass Choir the choir. JANUARY 1984 Page 21 the premier traditional Indian singing Black Hills State College, Northern groups in the United States. They have State College, and the University of performed throughout the nation and in South Dakota. Their performance is a Canada and have won numerous na­ yearly tradition at the State ACDA Con­ tional contests. They have recorded on vention. Canyon Records and are acknowledged Widely for their performance and inter­ Directors' Chorus pretation of traditional Lakota music. ACDA members of the North Central Ron Thiesz will present an interest ses­ Division join talent and technique to sion appropriate to all levels of music proVide the remaining part of the chorus education. from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. The chorus continues to proVide choral Alice T. Larsen directors a practicum oppprtunity. Performance of Carmina Burana Alice T. Larsen is presently Associate Professor of Music at St. Olaf College in Carl Orff's Carmina Burana will be Northfield, Minnesota. Born and raised presented by the South Dakota Col­ in South Dakota, she received her legiate Chorale, the ACDA Directors' undergraduate degree from St. Olaf Chorus, and the South Dakota Sym­ College and has her Master's degree in phony under the direction of Kenneth Voice Performance from the University Klein. of Colorado at Boulder. She is a popular adjudicator in both voice and Collegiate Chorale choral music and frequently serves as a choral festival director. This ninety-voice choir from South Dakota's colleges and universities was Music of the Sioux Indians selected by a nine-member committee. South Dakota Symphony South Dakota will hold true to its Members represent Yankton College, Kenneth Klein, conductor claim of "Land of Infinite Variety" in its Dakota Wesleyan University, Sioux special feature "Music of the Sioux In­ Falls College, Augustana College, The South Dakota Symphony is dians." The Porcupine Singers from Freeman Junior College, South Dakota composed of eighty musicians. Ten are Porcupine, South Dakota, are one of State University, Dakota State College, full-time performers; the remainder are music teachers from area schools and colleges, professional people, students, and homemakers. It is a well­ established musical organization which recently completed its sixtieth season. Kenneth Klein, the South Dakota '-I I lark Symphony's new Music Director and Records Conductor, made his Sioux Falls debut in March of 1983. He is also the current would like to take this oppoutunity to offer a fine selection Music Director of the Nassau Sym­ of choral recordings at substantial savings for you. phony of Long Island, the Long Island Festival of the Arts, the Santa Cruz o VOCAL MASTERWORKS-Frank Pullano. baritone MRS-32321 Symphony, and the New York Virtuosi. Works of: Youmans. Warlock. Dowland. Moore. Bernstein. Mendelssohn. Born and educated in Los Angeles, Torelli. Gluck. Schubert. Klein attended Stanford University and o VOCAL MASTERWORKS-Rachel Lewis. soprano MRS-37880 Works of: Paisello. Pergolesi. Grieg. Schubert. Schumann. Mendelssohn. Gounod. graduated from the University of Debussy. Copland. Ives. Argento. Gershwin. Mozart. Puccini. Southern California School of Music. o The SUNY Geneseo Chamber Singers MC-20378 Works of: Schubert. George. di Lasso. Cenon. Mark Lehman o FANTABULOUS II North Texas State University Jazz Singers MJS-5 7 592 o MORE THAN JUST FRIENDS NTSU Jazz Singers MJS-57607 Lehman will moderate the two-part o SONG FOR THE ASKING Ithaca College (N.Y.) VocalJazz Ensemble MJS-57593 session featuring a panel consisting of a o BEAUTIFUL LOVE Ithaca College (N.Y.) VocaIJazz Ensemble MJS-57609 college placement director, a school ad­ Please send your order to: ministrator, and a choral director. The SAVINGS Please Add first session will focus on tips for MARK RECORDS list Price 58.98 (S&H) marketing the prospective teacher and 10815 Bodine I record - 7.98 (ea.) - 1.25 Rd. preparation for job applications and 2 records - 6.98 (ea.) - 1.50 Clarence. N. Y. 1403 I interviews. The second session will deal 3 records - 6.48 (ea.) - I. 7 5 For our complete catalog please with marketing a choral program and 4 records - 5.98 (ea.) - 2.00 surviving the all important first year of ALL 7 - 4.98 (ea.) - 2.14 write to the above address. teaching. Panelists are: John French, Sioux Falls College; Tom Janssen, Ankeny, Iowa; and Ronald Becker, Sioux Fall: Public Schools. Page 22 THE CHORAL JOURNAL Jeanne Opitz is currently teaching He will share his success in "How to choral music in grades 7-9 at Central Mold, Motivate, and Maneuver Junior Middle School in Waukesha, Wiscon­ High Choirs." sin. She has B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater; she is a frequent clinician in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Opitz has conducted workshops in Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. She will discuss "Music Reading Skills ... Academically Relevant: How They Are Applied." Theo Lindenbaum Professor Theo Lindenbaum is an in­ ternationally known vocal pedagogue on the faculty of the Nordwestdeutsche Musikakademie in Detmold, Germany. John Windh He has served as a lecturer, vocal A native of South Dakota, John workshop instructor, concert and Windh is on the music faculty of Car­ oratorio singer, and accompanist. He thage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin, received his training at the Musik­ having previously taught grades 5-12 in akademie in Germany and studied with Iowa and Wisconsin public schools. At the renowned artist/teacher, Frederick Carthage, he conducts three college Husler. He will present a session en­ choral groups, has a community titled "Physiology of the Voice." Jon Peterson oratorio chorus, and teaches conduct­ Presently serving as Director of ing and music history. He has taught Choral Music at Nebraska Wesleyan conducting at Florida State University. University, Jon Peterson is on leave He studied at Northwestern University from Lincoln East High School, where and at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, he has been Director of Choral Music. Austria. "Pacing the Choral Rehearsal" Peterson is a frequent. clinician for will be the title of his interest session. show choir clinics and has produced consistent winners in numerous swing choir and jazz festivals. With the assistance of Scarlet and Cream, he will demonstrate and discuss "The Show Choir . What Ma,kes It Go!" Larry Mitchell As producer-director of a semi­ professional adult troupe and the Choral Director at Fort Dodge High School, Fort Dodge, Iowa, Larry Mit­ }:hell has directed over 70 musical pro­ ductions. He has given numerous Sister Lorna Zemke workshops to music and drama direc­ Sister Lorna Zemke is Chairperson of tors on the subject of producing and the Division of Fine Arts and the directing Broadway musicals. His ses­ Department of Music at Silver Lake sion will deal with the selection and College and is a nationally and interna­ staging of the musical, with emphasis on Richard Schirmacher tionally recognized Kodaly music the chorus scenes. education specialist. She received her A graduate of Northwestern College Bachelor of Music degree from Silver and St. Cloud State University, Richard Lake College and M.M. and D.M.A. Schirmacher has taught junior and degrees from the University of Southern senior high music in the Robbinsdale California, Los Angeles. She has Area School District of Minneapolis. His studied the Kodaly concept in the love and understanding of junior high United States and Hungary and will pre­ students have given him numerous op­ sent "Children Can Sing Well . portunities to serve as a clinician for Teaching Singing in the Elementary choral festivals, workshops, and clinics.
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