4 IVIntT s o u n d s ’ I hf Nrwspdpfr u i r h 11 *■ H r art in I hr Plymouth < am i > .n V [ f -in n m i- t \ p< ( ( in. July 25, 1990 2 planes collide in P -C ’s worst c iir disaster BY PHILIP TARDANI Three aviators died in a mid-air Collision over Plymouth Township near Beck and North Territorial roads Monday morning. What caused the crash - on a beautiful day, weatl r-wise -- is not known, and may not be known for some time, said the Federal Aviation Adminstration (FAA). One National Traffic Safety Board representative at the scene said, ' ‘ Two planes tried to occupy the same space at the same time.” The dead were identified as: Charles W. Nix, 45, of Detroit; and Robert G. Gunn, 65, of Livonia; and, in the second plane to crash, Daniel V. Starr, 34, of Cedar Springs. It was the worst air crash in Plymouth-Canton’s recent history. According to Ashley Heimbaugh, the Fixed Base Operator at Mettetal Airport, it was ’ the first two-plane collision ever involving a plane just out of Mettetal. Nix and Gunn were flying in a single-engine Piper Cherokee aircraft that had taken off from Mettetal « Airport in Canton, according to Plymouth Township Police and the FAA. Please sec pg. 34 Police stand around the wreckage of a (win-engine Piper. Aeraater that croaked hi PtynMnlb TownaWp Monday. Blank checks are scattered above and to the right of the courier plane. (Crier photo by Philip Tardani. Helicopter service by Larry Newland, McMahon Helicopter Servlets) • Y o u r Crier Carrier is collecting now for this month. His or her profits - V - O t e ^ Primary candidates’ depend on your courtesy • Tor hom e delivery Information, call 1990“ □ debate ... pgs. 10-11 453-6900 On library board 2n d site m u lled Saturn approval expected BY KEN VOYLES meeting on Aug. 27 to discuss a BY PHILIP TARDANI township board denied the necessary Three Plymouth residents have been building space needs assessment put The road looks clear for a new rezoning, however, saying that it was certified for the Plymouth District together by consultant David Smith. Saturn dealership behind Don Massey in conflict with the township's future Library Board race during the The assessment is part of an effort to Cadillac facility along Ann Arbor land use plan. November general election. plan for the library's future needs, Road in Plymouth Township. Last week the commerically zoned There is one four-year seat open oh look at space requirements and con­ Richard Gornick, chairperson of the site was approved by the planning the seven-member board. The board sider whether to expand or move the township Plymouth Township commission for use “ subject to special THECOMMUNITY CRIER: July 15,1990 was reduced in size from nine members facility. Planning Commission, said Massey conditions.” A vote on the site plan, to seven under a recent state ruling. The board, will also hold a regular should get final site plan approval at a however, was delayed. Seeking a board seat this fall are: meeting on Aug. 20 priorTo the special special commission meeting Aug. 1. Tibus called the new site a “good Mary Kleam, of the City of Plymouth; meeting. “I think he’ll get it,” Gornick said. second choice.” Virginia Tornga, of Plymouth Smith was in Plymouth last week “This is a site we suggested.” ' Gornick said Massey can begin Township; and Janet Campbell, also looking at various possible library sites Karen Tibus, general manager at construction after site plan approval. of Plymouth Township. Campbell in the city during a tour with Thomas. Massey Cadillac, said there will be a currently sits on the library board. In the recently completed needs ground breaking ceremony for the new The dealership, which will be survey, which includes comments from site on Tuesday, a day before the situated north of the Bradbury One issue which may develop during library staff, board members, and special meeting. Condominiums and cast of Haggerty this year’s election is the future of the friends of the library, one of the Massey had originally wanted to Road, must be in operation by Nov. Dunning-Hough Library at its present, library’s current strengths is its build the Saturn site'on Ann Arbor 19, Tibus said, to meet General Motors location or another site in the city. location in downtown Plymouth. The Road west. of Haggerty Road. The deadlines. Pat Thomas, the library director, library is located along Main Street said plans are in the works for a special next to Plymouth City Hall. Schools consider ways to fund plan BY KBN VOYLES Hoben suggested Monday that the million. With bids for the addition to the board consider funding the addition The renovation of the existing operating fund balance. current Plymouth-Cantori Community (and eventual renovation work to the facility, at 425 S. Harvey St. in the City The total project can be completed Schools Board of Education building current building) through a variety of of Plymouth, will • cost another for about 51.9 million, said Hoben, running over budget, district officials sources. 5684,000. though he added that the figures have proposed a way to come up with The district has $925,000 from the To cover the 5290,000 funding presented Monday were “ball funding for the project. 1986 bond issue to spend on the ad­ difference for work on the addition - parking." — dition, but construction bids for the phase one of the project - Hoben said Hoben added that the ad­ District Superintendent John M. work came in at more than $1.2 the board should look at using' ministration made the suggestions so 5208,000- of "unallocated” bond, . that , the-board would-not have to interest, S7t,000 from funds for a consider funding the extra costs in the storage-maintenance building and. bond issue being proposed for next Kathleen Keen-McCarthy will be a SI 1,300 from the asphalt budget. year. To cover the 5684,000 for the strong environmentalist in Lansing. renovation work of the 'existing Dean Swartzwcher, board president, building - phase two of the project -- said the other major decision the board Hoben suggested that the board faces is whether to complete the project consider taking $278,000 from the all at once or spread it out over time. Contrast this to Gerald Law district’s capita] improvement fund and another $406,000 from the general Please see pg. 41 who says, “toxic waste is not an issue in this District.”* \ • i f I I %/ did they name it T h e W ill the “Silver ‘Community Crier interview Community Crier July 18,1990. Springs” Elementary USPJv-J-UMJO Publish, School? Answer: see pg 57 etl wccily at 821 of The '90 Guide to the Pen ttim an Asc., Plymouth; MI 48170. Plymouth-Canton-Northville One more reason to vote Cartier delivered: $20 per >ear. Mail delivered: communities. Keen-McCarthy on August 7. $30 per year. Mailed 2mi claw circulation rato. penupe paid at Plymouth. Ml 48170. Call |3I3) 453 6900 for delivery. ( HOME s t . ) Tht Crier'. .(l««iiwr.\iri.c to honestly KATHLEEN present commercial • mrsvagev to ,our NaaraMraaa? readers. If. for any reason, you find WELCOME W AO ON c a n M p y m KEEN-McCARTHY problems uiitvji Crier ad, please call our laal at Noma office at 45J-6900. rmm rmgN50*» r% « A REPUBLICAN Crier advertising » published in ac­ WflCOMC WAQ04 - cordance Vvith those policies spelled out on 14 wa lo Wpl yov* 14 lily ' M» •<■*5 the current rate card, .which is ava.UMe gvftt vvj yrwtwvgt IrtXTV Ciyn during businew funirv from our office at N *'*o RIGHT ON THE ISSUES maat*f«OA« pow t«n itOmwv lo* *W* 9,fT* 821 Pcnniman Avr.. Plymouth. The W>l • »* Irpw & publisher, solely. piaVcs final acceptance of A Wf LCO^t WA004 »» » Canton-Plym outh-Northville a specific advertisement (not an adserttMOg t>*«t to yow 9*1 mo** tt> Hym* A *t+*<*i *og*l*»» •» representative) and only publication of the to **T*r>J* JwAtC^WS* VOTE 36th District ad signifies such acceptance. ■n Plymouth ___ _ A u o u s iIlh _____ State-Representative— _v.W'-.W tMitm nonce to I fie Community Cticr. R21 4599754 Pcnniman Are.. Pl>m,v.nh, Ml 4*|To’. In Canton PM IrwMl «f l<H ■<e*T*T mi|UwWhn#lli.hv»ev<*4lin Call Ar)«r>e 1 459-1797 In dau gh ter ’s tragic death Family searches for answers THECOMMUNITY CRIERiJaiy 25. l* tt BY SCOTT DANIEL “ Melissa said, ‘Oh, daddy,’ to A small plaque on the cast side of m e,” said Joe, who went with his Pioneer Middle School reads simply, daughter as she was rushed to St. “ In memory oT Melissa Chisholm, M ary Hospital where she was 19 9 0 .” pronounced dead on arrival. It sits in front of a newly-planted ' Since the tragedy the family has tree, decorated with a flower as fresh spoken with many police agencies and and alive as the memory o f Melissa to distributed thousands of fliers in an her parents Joe and Debbie Chisolm. effort to find the person that hit their “ The tree will live on," said Joe d a u g h te r. Chisholm during an interview The Chisholms have also started a Thursday. “ Melissa was always giving reward fund for information leading us hugs and kisses. In a minute she to the arrest and conviction of the w a s g o n e .” driver.
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