triton ti Volume 14, Num!Je, 18 University of California, San Diego Friday December 3, 1971 Tel1~r calls fo-r "Freedom to Inquire" . Lawren~e Radlallon La~ , ~nd CommiSSion) that has and graduate degrees in One of the mo~t mfiuenttal the Livermore Radlatl~n advanta~es and disadvantages. Germany 40 years ago. He men of the Twentieth Century, ~aboratory . Though hiS The~e IS the advantage of speaks with a thick and UC Profes~~-at-Large Edward m ter~sts range throughout havmg some of the world 's best individual accent that is Teller, VISited U~SD last chemistry and physics, Teller equipment available for your Hungarian by way of Germany. Wednesday. Teller IS. perhaps has now concentrated on the University research. Also, the The TRITON TIMES next be.st k~own to ~~ pubh~,ror two peace.ful use of the atom , UniverSity may have a asked Teller about the recent thmgs . as the father of the especlall~ toward the possible ben e f i cia I e ff e c ton Amchitka bomb test and the H-bomb, . ~nd as the target of use of fUSIon energy. government work . current critique of U.S. defense rece~t m~ltta.nt student protest, . The. T R ITO N TIM E S " ~here is the disadvantage of policy : culmm~tmg m the mock a~ar~ mtervt~wed Teller the morning poSSIbly being where you are Teller: ot all of those who of t~e Dr. Strangelove prIZe after hiS lecture at UCSD : not wanted . I think the solution opposed Amchitka , as well as tohlmla~tyear : TT: Dr. Teller, there has been workedoutbythefacultyand the Antiballistic missle Smce hiS semmal work on the a great de~1 of controversy Regents (r.ecently continuing (ABM ), think that Russia is fUSion bomb two decades ago, over the LIvermore and Los the relatlOnship-ed . ) was really a nice country and would Teller has ~come one of ~ very Alamos labs you wor~ at. How reasonable: I supported most of never attack us. Rather they, fe w Professors-at-Large m the have you rea~ted to thIS ? the Z Inn erR e p 0 r t and they are certainly a ~C system. He . ~as h~ld Teller: It IS a . rela~ionshjp recommendations." majority of the opponents, Im~~rtant admtnlstratlve (be tween the ~ntverslty and Teller .was born in Hungary believe that nuclear war above pOSItIOns at Los Ala!llos, the the At 0 m IcE n erg y and receIved his undergraduate all must be avoideq. Thus. they tend to oppose any action, like Amchitka , that might irritate the Russians. If, in the process, Committee Recommends Bail Fund the Russians conquer us, well, too bad . No Thanksgiving Recommending that UCSD participate in a program should be set up at UCSD. Students La st year Teller was legal assistance program, establish a bail would be informed of their rights when attacked by the "Red Tribe" of fund, and provide educational programs arrested, what to do after an arrest, and how Berkeley. California. The concerning the legal rights of students, the to obtain bail. Tribe held a "war-crimes" Chancellors advisory committee on police­ The special subcommittee on legal tribunal on the UCB campus Chicanos fast student relations completed its first week of assistance also concluded that UCSD should and sentenced Teller to death investigating student contacts with the legal set up a bail fund to provide assistance to in absentia. His Berkeley home system. students who are unable to post bail by is now guarded by high fences Two subcommittees presented their reports themselves. The committee suggested that and iron gates. A march on his Berkeley to the full committee Tuesday. A cash for the bail fund be obtained through fund borne was broken up by police. subcommittee on files reported that they had raising events, private contributions from the This year at a meeting of the heard from campus police chief Torrens San Diego Community, and from regular American Association for the Monuel de Jesus Hernandez And an offiCIal ME CHA concerning the files which the campus police un!.versity funding sources. Advancement of Science maintain. The subcommittee had compiled a statement declared, "We can A final proposal of the subcommittee was (AAAS ), Teller's address was Over Thanksgiving vacation, no longer stand by and allow list of some thirty UCSD agencies which interrupted by faculty and maintain files on students. Establishing the that the university participate in a program from Wednesday morning to our destruction through sponsored by the Cener for Legal and Social student protestors who called Thursday midnight, from 35 to nega tion." police files as one of the most important to be him a war-monger and 50 Chicanos from the different investigated the subcommittee concentrated Services. The Center, for a fee, compiles and maintains an information fact sheet on each attacked his use of bod yguards. campuses of the University of on them the first week. California fasted m front of When interviewed, Third Another subcommittee concerned itseU with student which would assist in obtaining OR 1'1': What do you think about College student Vince "-.de releases in case of arrest. The fact sheet the Red Tribe and AAAS University Hall in Berkeley. the problem of students obtaining legal The group wa composed of Baca explained how the assistance when in trouble with the law. That would contain essential information which a incidents ? "education within the UC judge would want before granting release Teller: The Red Tribe was students, faculty , staff and subcommittee concluded that students are community membt'rs. system has been devoid of our generally ignorant of their rights under the without bail. rather amusing. They came culture and heritage." He (continued on page 13) marching up to my house to law and that some type of educational "off" me but the minute the Speaking on behalf of the further added "Just as we have fa sters, Licha Bracamonte, much to gain from the O d C II police arrived the turned University, we t.ave much v I r 0 eg e around and ran back to the former UCSD-MECHA Th (coDtiDuedon'page 14) chairwoman, said , " The Univer ity of California is a offer." Accordmg to him "all university of the people. We Chicanos ask is for the are (Chicanos ) the people. Yet University to join in an Positive images for Black Communities the entire history of the expres ion of belief in the University has been one of comm itment to higher oppression and exclusion of the educatIOn ... Tommy Colimee . 'hiladelphia , as well as a host Improve their ability to television production." f other jobs in the field of communicate, to be able to Oscar believes that workable Chica no people." interpret, identify and react alternatives in "The presentation of positive :ommunications. At the event. mo t of the At this time Oscar has found comprehensively on a telecommunications are She furth er added that images and alternatives of " though we repre ent 15 per time the participant had to Inother nest one with many communicative level. ·' Also,. necessary. This is why he has keep moving around Univer ity action for Black communities" he said that Third World turned to the booming area of cent of the state's population. is a cornerstone objective of curious birds. That nest is the Hall becau e of the fear of telecommunication program students should have skills in cable antenna televi ion we are only 2.9 per cent of the Third College communication! student population within the being arre ted Many Chicano at Third College in which he is the area of "television (C ATV ). San Diego is from UC Berkeley and the instructor Oscar H. Gandy, Jr. supposedly considered the UC system. And only 15 per "Oscar," as he is knowi. largest subscriber to this cent of the faculty is Raza ." urround ing community joined around the Third College medium , according to experts the fa t at one time or another. campus, is a native Long in the field . San Diego Black A Itst of proposals was Islander. • community (southeast S.D.) ubmitted by the participants. Accordmg to Carlos Blanco After high school graduation residents can now subscribe to They were submitted in an Spani h Literature profe so~ in Long Island, Oscar pursued a cable television in that area. effort to have them and member of the fa ting c om~unity college education, Oscar is working with people in incorpora ted inlo the party, " It was a collective receiving his Associate in Arts that community to develop educational plan of the event in behalf of our common degree from Nassau CATV so that it can effectively University : principle and goal ; we did it Community College in 1964 . serve the southeast " - The enrollment and m a pint of love and sacrifice Thereafter, he went to the community. support of 7,000 Chica no in the tradition of Gandhi and University of New Mexico , In terms of Asian, Chicano , students in the Univer ity our own Cesar Chavez." completing his undergraduate and Black communities in this system by the yea r 1973-74. education in the field of country, as well as abroad, this - Educational programs for Other CD-ME HA sociology in 1967 . medium will "bring general and by the community, both in member pre ent at th event Many Black college interest programs, instant Exten ion and at the graduate were : Chri tina Ruiz, Muir graduates are returning to . community government, level. College graduate tudent , their communities to autonomous programming and - The establi hment of two I abel Araujo, ME CHA contribute their learned skills.
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