U1L - .:- . i '- 2$. v1 XNmcm sAter-J- PAGES 1 TO 8. PAGES 1 TO 8. V EST A Bl.fSH RH Jl1 VOL. XXXIII., KO. 5758. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, rtAT!KlAty JANITAUV 19 19 l hlXTEKN- PAGES PRICE FIVE rcKNiS. ! gladilha&we" belong - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. to an organlza- I on business and would not be I tlon. thntoea go into the saloons," she back ! j days." saleV ; .A . "for three This seemed odd to feAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS, VICTORY FOR - AitT'; few words or commendation SWINDLED j the attorney, as one of the victims had. cCLELLAN, IVMU & W. judd Bldg.; Xti?sspesLkeTB 'seen "Allen on 'mv . for .Mr. Murphy called the street' early the Mala unon-rrartkli- n Austin And whpn that t evening. Later in the night Beckwith. gentry appeared upon the rostrum appeared 'two-victim- ATTORNEYS. ; at tne lodgings, of the he wa.f welcomed by the au- - with a propoeiUon to the A. DlvJxS.xSi. ivingr . "fix hLE and BLUE RIBBON THEM : ' O. box 788. , aof; expect matter up": if legal proceedings . were feus.; TtL S0; P. rf tf.i to soeak tonieht. contemplated. i no it; prepared." began Mr. Austin, As both gentlemen con- M. LONG. Attorney and Notary Pub--c; 1 to say templated leaving for yester-'- 1' - ' "batWV this that I feel that the COast IPS Bethel St. V ZLm I from what is to me, my day they gave notice to High Sheriff r?--..- ..J I their own number, and "then if any of :?Godrv.?frpm 'A' habit that; has been Brown yesterday afternoon of M. M.ONSARRAT. Attorney, Notary - 1 the facts -- slip up on peel forw rnrtttiY'.j?tm Tot past years, .11 1 It them a banana and the live i I Tale of the case. r , ublic and Commissioner forVNew York t lAIIS finTini aret fnr a time, then von will be' abl tcet-TUta- g. throueh me ail insniratinn of Chips That Cal., Merchant TeL 63. The High Sheriff ind St.; Main to talk to that fellow workman and' that. ;1jsv'.ine to higher-realm- s, and. stated yesterday - religion f that upon the arrival of : the Sierra he-- x -- get him back into the fold. When I "whetr-- la or not, I can't rTERSONT & MATTHEWMAN.-o- P O. was Doy wew saw- . 4- - 1 Deing in had been told of these two men. 3(3; 15 Kaahumanu 8U to a in jngiana ana sav wice quit an atheist, Passed the "A logging for a living, whenever a log-- 'I hay.t Joyed a kindlier feeling to-cha- in friend ; of mine," said Brown, "who broke took to blacksmith rwar .uikind , in general. Thus, I it the I came down on the same steamer, with 4 and had him fix it. When you brtak J beliey:' 4t nature should be elevated ; them told me Allen was known, . GEO. J. AUGUR Homeopathic Prac-- J Murphy a resolution go to the. Lord, he can to a beside the Godhead, and the Niht. that -- -- everywhere else as a professional gam- tioner. Sneclal attention trtTea to fix you snap day hf we ' ; it for and weld it in such when 'will all love diseases; mce and residence, that .you can never break itvagain:-;Ji- e aiifthr.with a God-feari- ng love. bler and confidence man, and that he - opp, " tiereunla St., nearly Metoodist -- was one of the" smoothest workers in 10 12 jn-- "I aee that the liquor sellers have 'lfatU who are following the rhurcb; office hour?, to . I to rVTf TAi the ; business. I was ' not surprised, 8 DChP ISC TUC been interviewed by the ; presa," and"ycwkia.yute may think that for me m., 7 to p. m.; Sundays, T P. ' SHARPERS SZOto I I to confes-busine- ss "SKIN:' therefore, a. m.; TeL 733. lUilDL.IVJ MIC IIC they won't acknowledge ibat vthelr ' get' uryiexe and speak is a when these.two victims and has been hurt, bur their busl- - eion ?f ;wjeaknes3, but In Ihe presence their attorney walked. Into my office S. CLEVELAND, M.D. OfflCtf PLEDGE-LAS- T NIGHT ness is down and will go4Qwn still of. tKM confession I feel strengthened TWO SOUTHERNERS .ith. their story of how they had been Kip nours, a further, but then will' not make to go'Vrir Upon seeking advice from 4 ' M St.; to la a. m;, to that mulcted of their money. .. , my as de-i- s p. m.; Tel. 639, any difference In their profits, for there, brchr to whether I should "Allen plenty of good water in Honolulu. vote mji-fif-e to this cause and assist has been described to me as a man who used to work . c. L. GARVIN.jOffice, 222 Bereta-:-a, ; and they will only be compelled ?to use Mr. MurfjSjy; he told me to do all that the steamers Franklin Austin i$; Determined 1 forrl Manipulators Get Gold near Emma St; hours, to U a. m., a little more of it. we send mission- - could leunng mankind .to a higher . the on the Atlantic between NewvYork and 30 to 3 p. m.; 7:30 to 8:30 p. m.; TeL - aries every --: ere in the world, but we standardfind tomorrow I will address European' points that1; lie!was to ' ; " and quite Work for the rii-oit- of Men who Left, on ive 3SS1; residence Tet' White 3391. never send ' to visit the the I workers in the , Kanaka successful - and that. he. had, come' down ; saloon keepers. We are going to get toHgUe.-- ft .!...-.- ,,,-v here In order to work upon - Cause. : the China. the new L w. J. GALBRAITH Office aai rs- after them soon, but usually we send "I am giving notice to the. world that steamers l!?nce cor. Beretanla ana; Aukea Sts.; a police officer, and he seldom makes I propfwto stand by my pledge, and that have been put on be- See hours, 9 to 10, 2 to-- 4 and 7 to & a good temperance ""no one wjth any respect or tween San Francisco' and the Col- lecturer." friendship ' VA. .: me onies." ; til i OFTLY, Mr.. Murphy talked at some length for will ask me to take a drink, the beautiful strains on the beauties of married life and, fts I believe 4hatuoh an invitation would PERATING under the guise The,twro victims will be HENRY W. HOWARD.-Offl-ce 1123 .. in Honolulu of "Throw Out the Life , trials and tribulations. He" cited as arouse spirit" of antaeonism in me of a man of leisure and again St.; hours, 9 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 4 d in about two months and pro Line" , would give wealth and pretending to rlakea - floated through the an example a divorce case that took that me sufficient strength pose to make warm to 8 p. m. 7- it for Allen if he auditorium of Central Union : place in New York City some time . to stano py my resolution. The drink ... be the friend of well known -. ing ma W i'"I,.r 8 xiono- - F" w L MOORE --Office of rr Dav churcn last evening, but softer yet &SO, and in the moral pointed out how condemned by all, yet little 'financiers, a recent arrival from the ' Eeretania St.; hours, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.; were me tones or Tancis Alurpny s V1: " , ' ? iv" r, " ,wasi wno 13 Known as air. Alien is 9 l U; fflCe medium6 a'rinking nlng confidencegame on Hono- - t0r nitfim73' " ?ntTTld Wh. ba1 ' thT of man has to combat with. He TROUBLE NOT TKT ENDED. not as T pledge SlittL"'. is often forced to drink hv his wp. lulans with success. Allen is known in to fe. T. M iTAMURA. Office 18 Nuuanu abstinence stand forth and declare Murphy, "and aTleViates and in my opinion the East, San Francisco and along the all - Arch. ; rei. w Due iw; omce nours, s to 10 i Theodore Richards responded , anu nui wnui-iuna- ao a. ouiuum tuiii'ucin.c uau ouu Deacon Wolfe Fat ses Through "'' to at : - ' ' - ' ' ' m.; 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. except The many seats were- occupied by call UDon him for a soeech bv Ravine i tiori. .ar'; ' la professional gambler. His record Is Honolulu From. China. - indays. - people of all classes; from the banker ! that all a novitiate could do was to! .'!Vh'eri I, was. sitting in this, church an unsavory one and the police, of , V. 1 1 . .1 . matj-- V. M ... V. 1 1 . t Vl I ! D 4 -- . I 1 . 1 I 1 . Archdeacon "Wolfe, years .A h . n ern oc-ccu-n n tVlkt- - PVPn nn llaranlnw n II t i for forty a wir puuicai lauurer, an aa.u smuueuug.luntinn J - ...iwmug, tha..t; umer vines ueive 111111 vu i" lurnfu. - nuut lueir.nsu In he was heartily in accord with Mr. ! words of Mr. Murphy, .my brother put missionary China,? has been given Throat: Hotel St.. onn. T. T. !." A.-- " VU1, lu uear epeaiter wno in tne Allen came to Honolulu on the a . Murphy his arm about me and said. 'Come a vacation, San-Francisc- o a n m it a. 0 Khnrf time-- - fie Tina mane nlo hsimA In - he found that words failed him and company and is going to sum .Aitiu A m IU o. - trt sign pledge.' I steamer Sierra in with his Honolulu brought happiness to fttUmnt nnrtrav hi. fllrT. the told him he knew for a time. The archdeacon and has the Wppni.
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