. Important Information. Please Read. APPLICATION FORM This offer is an invitation for you to apply for a credit card by completing the attached application and re- To apply simply cut out and complete 1. turning it to the Credit Card Center by August 31, Applicant's Name (please Print) this short application, then mail to: 1987. This invitation may be withdrawn at any time Bank Card Center, P.O.Box 6703 2. for any reason. Rapid City, SO 57709-9944 Street Address A. Offer valid only to Fann Bureau Members. 3. 8. If retired, self-employed or unemployed, proof of City State Zip income in the fonn of an IRS 1040, IRS 1099, recent pay stub, or W-2 must accompany this application, or offer willbe withdrawn. 4. C. 18% Annual Percentage Rate. $12.00 annual F8Rm(] Social Security Number membership fee for VISA, waived for First Year. 5. D. Free Ride Period: 25-day time period from the Date of Birth FB Membership No. billing date until the Due Date. BUreaU E. The Bank has the right to take any action(s) it feels 6. necessary to detennine the creditworthiness of the party signing MONEYKEX Authorized User's Name (Please Print) this application. 7. F. Issued by Independence One™ Bank, N.A. Authorized User's Relationship to Applicant APPLICATION MUST BE SIGNED TO BE V/S4' 8. ( ) _ . CONSIDERED. Applicant's Home Phone Number 9. ( 11. Applicant's Employer & Phone Number Applicant's Signature 10. ( ) yrs. ( ) mos. 12. _ Applicant's Monthly Income & Le~gth of Employment Authorized User's Signature CODE: 33.201 WINTER STEEL SALE High productivity tillage tools for Farm Bureau members -American made drop-forged,special alloy steel ... heat treated for longer A Publication of the Michigan Farm Bureau life. -Fits virtually all field equipment (OEM certified). -Precision sharp edges, made to stay About the Cover sharp. -Plain or carbide hardsurfaced for toughest soil conditions. Winter snowfall creates Christmas -Knives for side and front mount. card scenery throughout Michigan's .~ countryside . RIVETED SICKLE ASSEMBLIES 9 ROCK SHARE SAMPLE PRICES Plow Shares (box of 6 w/bolts) Price John Deere, 16",4 bolt $48.91 Case-IHC, 16",4 bolt $48.91 Shins (box of 6) John Deere, WD-3 $38.02 Case-IHC, WI-25 $34.02 Moldboards (soft center) Rural Living is Published Monthly: on the first day. by the Michigan Farm Bureau Infor- John Deere, NU 1036SC $62.28 ea. mation and Public Relations Division. except during July and August when a combined issue is published on Case.IHC, 16".18".20"x5/16" $54.30 ea. July 15. Publication and editorial offices at 7373 West Saginaw Highway. Lansing. Mich. 48917. Post Office Chisel Spikes Box 30960 (zip 48909); phone 517'323-7000, extension 510. Chisel Plow, SD.23 $9.71 ea. $1.50 per year to members. included in annual dues. $3.00 per year non.members in Twisted Slash Point, 4" $9.55 ea. Subscriptions: Michigan. $5.00 per year non-members out of state. Publication No. 345040. Established Jan. 13. 1923 as Disc Blades Michigan Farm News. name changed to Michigan Farm News Rural Living Dec. 1. 1981. Third-class postage 20"x7 gauge $13.74 ea. paid at Lansing. Michigan. and at additional mailing offices. 22"x1/4" $23.75 ea. Cutter Bars Editorial: Connie Turbin, Editor and Business Manager; Donna Wilber. Contributing Editor; Marcia Ditchie. Associate Editor; Cathy J. Kirvan. Associate Editor and Production Manager. New Holland; 479.9 ft. $60.00 New Holland, 495.12 ft. $85.20 Officers: Michigan Farm Bureau President. Elton R. Smith. Caledonia; Vice President. John Laurie. John Deere, Combine 200 Series, 16 ft. $139.20 Cass City; Administrative Director. Robert Braden; Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer. Matthew Butzin; Guards Secretary. William S. Wilkinson. New Holland, 215A.219191 $5.74 ea. Directors: District 1, Marlin Ou!man. Const~ntine; District 2. Lowell Eisenmann. Blissfield; District 3. Gathering Chain James Sayre, Belleville; District 4. Elton R. Smith. Caledonia; District 5. Mark Smuts. Charlotte; District 6. John Deere, AN 102009 $28.49 John Laurie, Cass City; District 7, Larry Snider, Hart; District 8, Lyle LeCronier, Freeland; District 9, Robert Gregory, Traverse City; District 10, Margaret Kartes, West Branch; District 11. Robert Wahmhoff. Baraga. At-large; David Conklin. Corunna; Wayne Wood, Marlette; (one vacancy). Farm Bureau Women: Diane FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT' Horning, Manchester. Young Farmers; Gary Skinner. Ithaca. YOUR LOCAL VENDOR OR COUNTY FB DECEMBER 1986. RURAL LIVING 3 Michigan Farm Bureau AgrlPac•• Raffle Promoted by stat~ and County Young Farmer Committees WIN GRAND PRIZE Caribbean Cruise for Two FIRST PRIZB Northern Michigan Weekend for Two OTUER PRIZES -19" Color TV - Microwave Oven -Video Cassette Recorder -35mm Camera Outfit Drawing will be held at the Michigan Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, AgriPac Breakfast, Dec. 11, 1986, 8 a.m., Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids. Contact your local Young Farmer Committee or a member of the ~tate Young Farmer Committee for tickets. TIckets may be purchased by MFB members only. Legislative Revie"\V Congressional Action Slows as 99th Congress Draws to a Close Immigration Reform - In early record. The soybean crop was placed • November President Reagan at 2.01 billion bushels, wheat at 2.07 Lansing signed sweeping immigration reform billion bushels and sugar beets at legislation. The new law grants resi~ 24.8 million tons. dency to foreign workers who can Right-to-Farm - The special verify having worked in U. S. agricul- • governmental agencies task ture for the prescribed period, then Com Sales to Canada Duty force proposals to require "manage- make them eligible for permanent • Bound - Canada placed an ment plans," approved by the MDA residency status after three years. import duty on U.S. corn of for "all farm operations," especially The legislation also requires that $1.05/bu. in early November after livestock operations, have been with- federal agents obtain search warrants complaints by Canadian growers that drawn. Such control could have also before enteringJarm fields to check subsidized U.S. exports of corn were extended to erosion, pesticide use, the status of workers. hurting their incomes. The Canadian noise, dust, odor, air and water qual- Import Tribunal has 120 days to ity, local zoning land use plans, cer- make a final ruling but the duty is ef- tain subdivision splits, designation of fective immediately. agricultural development zones, etc. Washington Seed corn, sweet corn and pop- . No further action will be taken un- ping corn are excluded from the duty til reports are received from three since almost all of the corn produced citizen committees which include in Canada is used for livestock feed many ag producers. The committees and corn sweeteners . are on waste management, educa- Pressure Valve for Farm Debt - tion/information and legislation. • A new farm bankruptcy law Farm operations are already reg- was signed into law in late October Soviet Grain Production Up - ulated by several laws. These include by President Reagan, giving a ray of • The Soviets have placed their federal EP A restrictions and state air new hope to some of the farmers official grain production estimate for quality and water quality laws. who are most hopelessly in debt. 1986 at 210 million tons, leading The major issue now is the attitude The new chapter 12 added to the American analysts to up their esti- of the Air Pollution Commission nation's bankruptcy code will allow mates to 195 million tons. Whatever which, in spite of the recommenda- family farmers to payoff debts over a the true figure, USDA officials say tions of the DNR staff experts, ruled longer period as an alternative to be- Soviet imports will be the lowest in against the farm exemption in the Air ing forced into liquidation. eight years. Pollution Act and refused a permit to The new bankruptcy provision is Only 26 million tons of U. S. grain a hog farmer. This is a serious situa- available only to farmers who earn at are expected to be shipped to the tion and the MFB board, at its No- least half their gross income from Soviets next year: 14 million tons of vember meeting, approved financial farm operations and can attribute at wheat, 11 million tons of coarse support for the farmer involved if he least 80% of their debt to it. Under grains and 1. million tons of miscella- decides to take the issue to court. chapter 12, farmers can reorganize neous crops. It was only two years This is a major precedent setting debts of up to $1.5 million by filing a ago that the Soviets imported 55.5 case. reorganization plan within 90 days million tons of U. S. grain. after filing for bankruptcy . In the interval, the first two years Flood Relief - This was ex- of a multi-year pact, the Soviets have • pected to be the major issue reneged on contracted purchases of when the Legislature returned in wheat by a total of more than 5 mil- mid-November. Gov. Blanchard's 1986 Crop Estimates - The $200 million interest free loan pro- • surprise in USDA's corn crop lion tons although they have ex- ceeded contract stipulations in corn gram was introduced. It would be estimate released in mid-November handled through the banks and was there was no surprise. Despite purchases. 0 PCAs with a $200,000 limit with wide-spread weather problems, the repayment beginning the fourth year predicted 8.22 billion bushel harvest through the tenth year. If passed, it is unchanged from the previous fore- would be available to any farmer cast and 7 % less than last year's (continued on page 17) DECEMBER 1986.
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