V.I. SUBRAMONIAM COMMEMORATION VOLUMES Vol. I: Studies on Dravidian - Crown ¼, pp. xx + 515, Rs. 1,280/- (US$ 110/-) Vol. II: Studies on Indian Languages and Cultures – Crown ¼, pp. xx + 458, Rs. 1,150/- (US$ 105/-) Dravidian Syntactic Typology Sanford B. Steever, 2017, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. xiv + 162, Rs. 240/ - (US$ 24/ -) Vol. 44 No. 10 Website www.ijdl.org Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] OCTOBER 2020 A MONTHLY OF DRAVIDIAN LINGUISTIC ASSOCIATION OF INDIA CONTENTS ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT OF Administrative Report of DLA 1 DLA (2019-2020) Draft National Education Policy 2 The Dravidian Linguistic Association of India was 2020 – Comments started in 1971. It is one of the pioneer academic Remnants of Iron Age found at Triprangode 4 associationsjksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk of India dfjk which sdfjkdjfk attracted dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk the attention of not Dr. Somasekharan Nair & Dr. Andrewskutty 5 onlydfjkjkdjfk the dfjkdjfk Dravidian dfjkdkkd scholars dkkdk dfkdfkdf but jksdfjksdfjlkalso of the researc hers Memorial Lectures sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk Report - International Conference 5 fromdfjkdkkd all dkkdkover dfkdfkdf India jksdfjksdfjlk and abroad. sdfjksdjlfk DLA dfjk is one of the sdfjkdjfkassociations dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk which dfjkjkdjfk function dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkdfor the dkkdk upcoming of Review – A Linguistic and Cultural 5 dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk Study of Malayalam and Tamil Dravidiandfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk languages. dfjkdjfk Along dfjkdkkd with dkkdk this, dfkdfkdf it also concentrates New Publication of ISDL 6 on the other language families of India. Now DLA has takenjksdfjksdfjlk steps sdfjksdjlfk to give dfjkmore sdfjkdjfk attention dfjkdfjk todfjkdjfk the Tribal languages also. Truly speaking, the Dravidian Linguisticdfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk Association dfjkdkkd dkkdk of dfkdfkdfIndia jksdfjksdfjlkis the backbone of the International School of Dravidian sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk Linguistics. Itdfjkdkkd supports dkkdk the dfkdfk ISDL in all its academic activities. So is the case with the financial dfmatters jksdfjksdfjlk also. sdfjksdjlfk In addition, dfjk sdfjkdjfk it also dfjkdfjk extends dfjkdjfk support to the publication of IJDL and the DLA News . dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk DLAdfjk sdfjkdjfk is actively dfjkdfjk engaged dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk for the dfjkdjfk progress of linguis tic studies in general and Dravidian d fdkjdkjkjdkfjfkjkfjdkjflk dlkfjdkdf lkdfjkdlfjdfkjdkfljdkfljdfkldjfkldfjLinguistics in particular. DLA News , a monthly newsletter, is regularly published in which the ddfjkdlfjdfjkdjdkfjkdfjdfjkdfjjdfkjdfkjdfkdjfkfjdkfjdkfj jksdfjksdfjlkactivities sdfjksdjlfkof all linguistics dfjk sdfjkdjfk departments dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk and the news on conferences, seminars, awards etc., dfjkjkdjfkare given. dfjkdjfk IJDL dfjkdkkd and DLA dkkdk News dfkdfkdf are givenjksdfjksdfjlk free of cost to the life-members of DLA. In addition, all sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkdDLA and dkkdk ISDL dfkdfkdf publications jksdfjksdfjlk are givensdfjksdjlfk at 50%dfjk discount to the life-members of the DLA. sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdfMembership jksdfjksdfjlk in sdfjksdjlfkDLA dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlkDLA sdfjksdjlfk has 1,168 dfjk activesdfjkdjfk life-membersdfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk at present. During the year 2019-2020, 43 new dfjkjkdjfkscholars dfjkdjfk enrolled dfjkdkkd as life-membersdkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlkof DLA. Most of t hese scholars are the students of reputed sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkduniversities. dkkdk dfkdfkdf The membershipjksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk fee obtained dfjk during the financial year 2019-2020 is sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdfRs. 1,29,000/-. jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlkSale of DLA sdfjksdjlfk Publications dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf jksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk DLAdfjk sdfjkdjfk together dfjkdfjk with dfjkdjfk ISDL dfjkjkdjfk is one ofdfjkdjfk the leading publishers on linguistics in India and has dfjkdkkdalready dkkdk published dfkdfkdf 146jksdfjksdfjlk reputed sdfjksdjlfk works whichdfjk have immense popularity and wide range of sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdfreadership throughout India and abroad. During the financial year 2019-2020, revenue from the sale of publications has increased and the total sales proceeds is Rs. 1,92,549/-. Please buy and recommend the publications of DLA and ISDL to others. DLA and ISDL publications are now available at special discount. 1 sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk Website: www.ijdl.org dfkdfkdfDLA News jksdfjksdfjlk Vol. 44 October sdfjksdjlfk 2020 dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] dfjkdjfk dfjkjkdjfk dfjkdjfk dfjkdkkd dkkdk dfkdfkdf j 4343 ksdfjksdfjlk sdfjksdjlfk dfjk sdfjkdjfk dfjkdfjk dfjkdjfk Books Published during 2019-2020 lockdown, the rent for the month of March 2020 is not yet credited by the tenant. 1. Collected Papers on Naduvattom Tamil Gopalakrishnan (Ed.) [To be continued] Administrative & Publication Division 2. The Riddle that is R. Kothandaraman Tamil Dravidian Linguistic Association of India 3. Tributes of Love and Naduvattom DRAFT NATIONAL EDUCATION Affection: Reminis- Gopalakrishnan, POLICY 2020 – COMMENTS cences of Prof. V.I. T.P. Sankarankutty Subramoniam Nair & C.S. Hariharan 1. Introduction : “Vision of this Policy” (Concluding paragraph in “Introduction”) : (Eds.) 4. Index of Kanassa Puthussery Ambitiously, the “Vision” envisages that the Ramayanam Ramachandran learners in India should be equipped with a “deep-rooted pride in being Indian”, as well as 5. The Dravidian Culture T.K. Krishna Menon “reflecting a truly global citizen”. The and its Diffusion “fundamental principles that will guide the 6. The Mother Goddess T. Madhava Menon educational system at large ( sic !), as well as in Bengal and in the individual institutions within it” have been Kerala listed in the preceding paragraphs that declare 7. Evolution of Mala- Anantaramayyar this “Vision”. yalam Chandrasekhar Conspicuously, the list does NOT Endowment Funds include the acquisition of survival skills, nor inculcate a sense of the dignity of labour in V.I. SUBRAMONIAM ENDOWMENT FUND the diverse forests, muddy fields and dusty Contribution received for V.I. Subramoniam pastures of India. It ignores agriculture and Endowment Fund during this financial year is basic skills not merely as a means of livelihood Rs. 7,500/-. The total contribution for V.I. but also as an essence of the human values Subramoniam Endowment Fund received up to that shape it as a global mission. The Policy 31-03-2020 is Rs. 4,98,146 /-. Theobjectives second phasedo not of include a sense of the thevibrancy Orientation of Coursedemocracy at the local self- DLA NEWS - ENDOWMENT FUND for language teachers government level, of commerce in the small The total DLA News Endowment Fund th wastowns, held and on 7 the and misery of the struggle for now stands at Rs. 2,14,842/-. An amount of 8th February 2019 at existence in the teeming cities. Rs. 1,801/- was received as donation to DLA News V.I. Subramoniam Endowment Fund during the year 2019-2020. MemorialThis ISDL Complex,lack of perspective is reflected Menamkulam.throughout the Thepolicy document. The draft Rent from DLA City Office Building courseclearly began indicates with an that it has been prepared The DLA City Office building is given for inauguralfrom the viewpointsession in of whichthe pedagogue Prof. Naduvattom and the rent to M/s Talent Academy Pvt. Ltd. and we Gopalakrishnantechnocrat, the bureaucrat welcomed and thethe business-gathering. have collected an amount of Rs. 13,13,433/- Prof.man, ratherV.R. Prabodhachandranthan that of the FARMER Nair, and former the towards rent from the tenant during the HeadVILLAGER. and The Professoryoung Indian of that Linguistics,the policy financial year 2019-2020 (April 2019 to Universityseeks to produce of Kerala will beand better the recipientoff in the of February 2020). Due to the corona pandemic theurbanized first culturesaward foroutside classical India, solvingMalayalam, the lockdown, the rent for the month of March 2020 inaugurated the course. Prof. N. Gopinathan Nair, Latest Publications: THE DRAVIDIAN CULTURE AND ITS DIFFUSION , T.K. Krishna Menon, 2020, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. 58, Rs. 75/- (US$ 7.50/-). THE MOTHER GODDESS IN BENGAL AND IN KERALA , T. Madhava Menon, 2020, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. vi + 463, Rs. 600/- (US$ 60/-). INDEX OF KA FF AŚŚ A RĀMĀYA FAM , Puthuserry Ramachandran, 2020, HB, Demy 1/8, pp. 1122, Rs. 1930/- (US$ 193/-). COLLECTED PAPERS ON TAMIL , Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan (Ed.), 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. x + 374. Rs. 400/- (US$ 40/-). TRIBUTES OF LOVE AND AFFECTION: REMINISCENCES OF PROF. V.I. SUBRAMONIAM , Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan, T.P. Sankarankutty Nair & C.S. Hariharan (Eds.), 2019, PB, Demy 1/8, pp. vi + 212, Rs. 300/- (US$ 30/-). 2 Website: www. ijdl.org DLA News Vol. 44 October 2020 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] problems of technology and advancement for uniformity of details , in addition to objectives. This affluent employers, rather than making life better will
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