CHES S FOR VETERANS -CHR I ST M A S- 19 5 1- FEBRUARY PENNJYt VANIA H AT E r \j FEDERATION 1952 I .1 I I THE PENNSYLVANIA PROGRAM (See Page 33) , ' 50 CENTS 'JIII!'!'"os cription Rate ONE YEAR $4.75 IN OUR Nfo}XT GAi\I E. we shall ~ee t he KnIghts arrange thelllse l \"e~ in eVE'll marl' remarkable formations. Somew he r es at t he front, 1941 FRENCH DE F E NSE Patsehurkowski Rhod e White m ack 1 P-K4 P-K3 12 R_K l 0- 0 2 P_Q4 P_Q4 13 B_ B4 B- Q3 3 p,p p ,p 14 B-K5 QN_Q2 4 N-QB 3 N-KB3 15 B,B Q,B 5 N-B3 P_ B4 16 N-KS KR_ K1 NE of the ch ief prejudices against TURN ING BACK our history books 6 B-N5t B_Q2 17 P-B4 N_ Bl Oproblems is that they are not true a lmost a hundred years, we find a beau· 7 0-0 s,s 18 Q-B3 Q- N3 to life. The positions they depict are tiful spedmen of a Knight cluster in a , N,B P_QR3 19 NxQP QxPt [tTtificilli and bear no resemblance to game which Schiffers cHlled immortal. 9 N_ B3 B- K2 20 N-K3 N-K3 those which occnr ill e\-ery·dHY chess. B- K3 P- B5 21 Q,P N,P Dorpat , 1862 10 Yet all sorts of picturesque situations 11 P_QR4 Q_B2 22 QxPt K _ Rl and weird designs have appeared on th e EVAN S GA M BIT 23 N_B3 Clemens Eise nschmidt chessboards of practIcal pJayel·s. ~3 Nj5xP fails after 23 . Jl - H2. Here are a few In which the Knights Whi(e Black are the protagonist s . Their daneing !l]H] 23 Q-N3 P- K4 P-K4 11 R-KI K N_K2 24 P-R5 QxNP prancing is a joy to behold. 2 N-K B3 N-QB3 12 N_K N 5 B_K3 25 N-B5! 3 B-B4 8 - B4 P,B Budapest , 1942 13 BxB \Vhite thl'eatens 26 (IxI' male. T h O" 4 P_QN4 B,P 14 NxK P Q- Q3 SI C I LIAN DE F ENSE four Knights stand like ~ol(jiE'r~ 011 thO" 5 P-B3 B-B4 15 N xNPt K - BI Khloyber Nagy King BIshop file. 6 P-Q4 p,p 16 Q- N4 B,P 'Vhite mac!, 7 p , p B_N 3 17 N-K4 Q_N5 1 P_K4 P_QB4 5 N-Q B3 P-Q3 8 0 - 0 P-Q3 18 N- K6t K_Kl 2 N- KB3 N-QB3 6 B- K N5 P-QRS >l N_ B3 B- Q2 19 N-B6t K - B2 3 P-Q4 p,p 7 Q- Q2 N- Q2 1(0 P_K5 p , p 20 N- N 5t K - Bl 4 N,P N-B3 8 8-K 2 P-KN3 21 B_ R3! 9 N_Q5 Ordinnrily you would lind a diagl'alll "'hite prevents 9 . 13- N2, as then 10 aftCl' a bl'illiant s:wrifiee, but we Hl'e Xx:-J , PxN i l BxKP snags the Queen. saving our diagram fO I' nn artistic g roup­ 9 . P-B3 ing. Bllt this is the wrong medicine! 21 . , • . Q,B 10 N- K6 ! 22 Q-K6 N-Ql .<\ powerfu l move. The rlng-around-a­ Black prevents mate by 2a Q- B7 but. rosy pO!lition of the Knig hts is purely in­ at the same time, give~ li S a III 'etty ph-­ 25. N-K7t! ddentHI, but very pretty. tUI'e of the Knigh ts in (liagonal align­ ment. 26 K _ R l N_N5 l3laek guar ds bis Knigbt Pi\wn and . in turn. th r eatens mate on tbe ilIOn'. 27 P-R3 N-B7t 33 R-N8! R,Q 28 K_ R2 Q-Nlt 3' R,Q R,R 29 P-N 3 R_ R2 35 N_K7 RxBP 30 Qx B P R- QB2 36 NxR N-Q6 31 Q R_N1 Q-Bl 37 R-Q l N_Q5§ 32 Q- Q5 R-B4 38 N- Q2 And now, jnst befol'e the i\XE' falls . look ilt the Wl1Y the KnighlH al'e all lined up in 11 l"OW! 10 Q_R4 12 N-Q8t K-N2 11 N j5-B7t K - B2 13 N-K8t Resigns 23 Q-B7t! A sacrifice of the Queen which must be ;[(,ce pted. and ill a fla~h the whole (lesign ehanges! ~ NxQ 24 N-K6 mat e 38 RxN t Resigns An Hmllsing, final scene. King and T HOU GH T FOR TH E MONT H Queen h;\I"e fled, and the White Knights The re,1I liH'~ o f d az7.li l1 !!" ly brilliant occupy their thrones. dle,,~ g"1\ill~"" are ~o11\('[ i n l(' ~ hOJ)ele",;;;l y IInl L ~ F illt'. t _ dleck; ~ _ db!. check; f _ di~. ch. CHESS REVIEW rtf' ,./crUIt, CHISS .AOAJlf'II' Volume 20 Number :I. February. 1952 EDi T ED &. PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz Readers ore invited to use these columns for their comments on matters of interest to chessp/o yers. INDEX O N THE COVER FEATU RES C. Boyd, Chief 01 Special Service, Aspin. Tho Pennsylvania Stute Che~s Federa­ wall, are also doing good work in Ihis 1951 USSR Championship _________ __ 38 tion, a t it~ annual meeti ng on October, malter. Winni ng Ch elis Traps __ ____ ____ ____ A6 voted to bring chess to the vcterans and A photograph of the association's service mcn in the hospitals of Pennsyl· Christmas mailing is enclosed for your al· DEPARTMENTS vania. It was proposcu to send books (cntion. Game of the Month _______ _________ __ 44 and magazines to the re<: reational divisions WILUAM A. R UTH Games from Recent Events ______ ___ AS of the various hospitals and to offer in· Collingswood, N_ J. Postal Chess _____ __ _________________56 slruction, lec tures, exhibitions and com­ Readers' Games __ __ ___ __ • ____ _____ __54 peti tion .to further this campaign. PLEASUR E RE NEWED The following hO$pitals were selected Spotlight on Ope ning s ____________ _ -41 It is wilh great pleasure that I forward World of Ch ess ____ ____ ___ _____ ____ _34 for this service : the Naval Hospital, Phil­ adelphia; the Valley Forge Army Hos­ my firsl renewal of annual subscripti on pilll l, CoalCliv ille; and Ihe Veterans Ad· .... The arrival of C H ESS REVIEW is always eagerly awaited. min istration Hospitals at Altoona, Aspin­ EDIT OR wa ll, Butler, Coatesl'ille, Erie, Lebanon I am one of tho.se players who has not 1. A. Horowitz and Wilkesbarre. prog ressed beyond a social brand of chess and al prescnt can only devote three or E X ECUTIVE EDITOR In al1 of the years that I have been in· Jack SU"aley Unltell lerested in chess, I neVCl" before encoun­ four hours per week to the game. Des pite tered such immediate .md enthusiastic sup· these shortcomings. my enjoyment of the CONTRIBUTING EDITORS excellen t and varied departments of your I. Che rneY, J. ,V. Collins. T. A. Dunst, port. Everyone, cluhs and individuals, H ans Kmoch. J..Ted Reln!eld were generous fa r beyond my highClit ex· 'magazint: is immense. May I say that the pectations. II was really wonderful. in ternational caliber of your contribulors CORRESPONDENT S We immediately subscribed 10 CHESS ensures value plus and fi lls an aspi ring California Herbert Betk er, J . B. Oce, Leroy REVIEW for each of the ho.s pitals. Follow­ woodshifter wi th awe and admiration. Johnson, Dr. H . Ralston, l!. J. Royer. Colorado )1. W. Reese. ing this, we purchaSt'd books for the boys S/SeT. F. E. G UF.NZL Con necticut Ed mund E. Hand. and, with the financial ~ uJl Port continuing Australia Dela war. R. D. Donaldson. Dlst. of Columbia N. P. Wil:"!;"inton. strong, we were able to add boards and Florida MlLja,· J. D. Holt. B. Kl ei n. Ernest sets of Inen to the t" ll cr material being AMATEUR CHESS / AMATEUR RADI O G. Werher. sent oul. Georgia Grady 1\. Coker. J r. 1 would appreciate it greatly if you IIllnol. Floward .J. Bell. Up to dale, we have lIl ai led over 350 Indiana O. C. Hills, O. E. Rhood. W. Roberts. pieces of chess material to the hospitab. would publish an announcement 10 tile Iowa ' Y. G. Vanderburg. effect thaI anyone interested in playing Ken tucky J. W. "luyC!". The Christmas mailings alone consisted Kanaa, K. R. MucDo""I(J. of 54 lIlagazines, 36 newspapcr cli ppings, chess by amateur radio via 75 meter radio· Maryland Charl es Barasch. telephone get in touch with me. The Massachusett. F .. "nklin J. S!lnbo'·n. I';. 111. 19 lJOok s. 31 boards. 31 plustic chess sets ScllUl(es. 3d. 'WaJd o L. 'Vaten. and 16 (8"xB" ) peg.in ~cts for li se in the Smithfield Chess Club wishes to organize Minn esota 'Y. T. Cobb. Charles :lor. HanIingc. wards. a chain of interested stations on the easl Mi ch iga n R. Duskage,·. J. R. Watson. coast for the llU rpose of playing and ex· Nebr",ka B. E. Ellsworth. A. C. Ludwig. Since starling Ihis ca ll1p aign, chess Jack Spence. R. E. Weare. changing ideas. New Hamplhlre Alee SadowlIky. classes have been forllled in the hospitals New York 'ValIer f·,.oehllch. Edward Lasker, at Ahoona, As pinwall alld Coatesville.
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