Harding University Scholar Works at Harding The Bridge Harding School of Theology Summer 2013 The Bridge Summer 2013 Vol. 54 No. 1 Harding School of Theology Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.harding.edu/hst-bridge Recommended Citation Harding School of Theology. (2013). The Bridge Summer 2013 Vol. 54 No. 1. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.harding.edu/hst-bridge/55 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Harding School of Theology at Scholar Works at Harding. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Bridge by an authorized administrator of Scholar Works at Harding. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE VOLUME 54, NO. 1, SUMMER 2013 INSIDE HST Welcomes New 2 Dean’s Note Administrators, Faculty On Mission arding University has Prior to joining the Har- a new president, Dr. ding faculty, McLarty served 3 Theme HBruce D. McLarty, as a minister for congrega- ‘New Creation’ School who has served on the HST tions in Arkansas, Mississippi Year Theme advisory board since it began and Tennessee. He and his and deeply appreciates the family had also served 15 4 Advancement mission of HST. months as missionaries in Meru, Kenya, in East Africa. Consider an Endowment From www.harding.edu/ For 14 years, McLarty was inauguration: the pulpit minister for the Charlotte and Jim Martin 5 Students Dr. Bruce D. McLarty offi- College Church of Christ in view Church of Christ in Ministering Where Jesus Did cially began his role as presi- Searcy, Ark. Waco, Texas, a position he dent June 1, 2013. has held since 1993. He has 6 Campus McLarty received a bach- HST is pleased to an- also served congregations in elor’s nounce that Dr. Jim Martin Kansas City, Mo., and Flor- Commencement; Partners degree has been selected to be- ence, Ala. Martin will lead an in Ministry in Bible come the first full-time vice administrative team includ- from president of Harding School ing the dean, director of 7 Students then of Theology. Dr. Evertt W. advancement and director of Mid-South Professional Harding Huffard has served as vice admissions. He will also over- Center College president and dean for 14 see the business office and in 1978, years and knows the need to facilities of the campus. a Mas- expand the administration As vice president for the 8 Final Word McLarty ter of of the school with a full-time Memphis campus, Martin will Available Resources Theology degree from Har- vice president as he devotes be a member of the Univer- ding School of Theology in more time to academics sity president’s cabinet. 1982, and a Doctor of Min- and teaching. Martin holds baccalaure- istry degree from Ashland ate degrees from University of (Ohio) Theological Seminary From a University press North Texas and International in 2010. He joined Hard- release, June 3, 2013: Bible College. He received ing’s administrative team in Martin will assume his two master’s degrees from 2005 serving as both vice new position as vice presi- Abilene Christian University. president for spiritual life and dent Jan. 1, 2014. He will He received the D.Min. de- dean of the College of Bible succeed Huffard, who will gree from HST in 1988. In and Ministry. In 2008 he tran- remain as dean. 2011 and 2013 he was an ad- sitioned to serving only in his Martin is currently the junct professor at HST. vice presidential role. pulpit minister at the Crest- continued on Page 7 1000 Cherry Road, Memphis, TN 38117, www.hst.edu DEAN’S NOTE On Mission n June I stood on the Jesus asked the sobering acropolis of Pergamum question if when he returns, I looking down past the “will he find faith on the slopes of the theater toward earth?” (Luke 18:8). I know the Asclepion in the valley it is not all up to us; the wondering how long Chris- battle is the Lord’s. Yet we Huffard Admissions tians ministered here. Did also have a place in divine 800-680-0809 they repent as a result of the history. We can choose to ton to the faculty will greatly [email protected] letter from Jesus (Revelation stay on mission even when enrich the resources we offer 2)? If so, how did they deal we face setbacks, injustices students to stay on mission. Advancement with the teachings of Balaam or resistance. This sober- 901-761-1355 and the Nicolaitans? As I ing task calls for more than ENDOWMENTS [email protected] walked along the main street natural ability. It will always Our staff recently spent The Bridge editor of Laodicea looking over the take rigorous training in the hours matching students 901-432-7714 Lycus Valley toward the white word, intentional spiritual de- receiving tuition grants in cliffs of Hierapolis, I wished velopment, a passion to pass the fall semester with our HST fax the large stones in the mar- on the faith, and a constant endowed scholarships. We 901-761-1358 ket place could tell me the renewal of the vision within were reminded of the bless- Website story of the last Christians each generation. I see HST ing of our deep spiritual www.hst.edu who worshipped here and on mission in several ways. roots with more than 70 en- walked these streets. Unlike dowment funds for students Dean’s office the lukewarm water piped Graduating CLASS OF 2013 from churches and individu- [email protected] into the city, did the church Twenty-one of the 25 als committed to equipping Associate Dean’s office reignite its spiritual fire and graduates in May continue to for ministry. More than 46 [email protected] repent of its mediocrity? As serve churches: 10 are in full- percent of these endow- I turned the corner at the time congregational ministry, ments specify that they will Library office famous Library of Celsius six are missionaries or church be given to pulpit or ministry [email protected] in Ephesus, I wished I knew planters, and five are Christian students, and another 14 THE I know it is not all up to us; the battle is the Lord’s. Bridge how the church there re- counselors. The three D.Min. percent specify students sponded to the command to graduates engaged in research committed to missions. We The Bridge is published repent and return to its first projects related to churches feel blessed to witness the quarterly by Harding School of love. We could learn some- becoming more missional, linking of the purpose of Theology for alumni, students, thing from the church in what assimilating new members in these grants with qualified prospective students, contribu- Dr. Rick Oster calls “the cru- a multi-ethnic church, and de- and deserving students. tors and friends. cible of the Roman Empire.” veloping a collaborative prison Editor Now, back home in my ministry among churches in a GOVERNANCE Sheila Owen office, I wonder what role metropolitan area. Where could our efforts we play at HST in “what the to be on mission be more Contributors Spirit says to the churches.” Faculty AND Staff obvious than in the emerg- Larry Arick, Matt Carter, At what point in the future Our professors continue ing governance of HST? John Mark Hicks, Evertt W. will someone walk the streets to serve as resources for When Dr. Jim Martin arrives Huffard, Ileene Huffard, of Memphis, Nashville, Dal- leadership training, counsel- in January as vice president, Lance Love las, Oklahoma City or Los ing, preaching and teaching we will have both a president Photo Credits Angeles asking the same among churches nationally and a vice president with Larry Arick, Rhonda Gray, Carlus questions about the church and internationally. Librarian decades of effective and Gupton, Harding Creative, Hol- in those cities living in “the Don Meredith and Director long-term preaching experi- land Studios, Evertt W. Huffard crucible” of a secular pagan of Advancement Larry Arick ence who share the same society? One of our students have served as elders in a academic training for minis- Harding School of Theology reminded us in chapel this local church for many years. try (both have M.Div. and 1000 Cherry Road summer of the time when The addition of Carlus Gup- continued on Page 5 Memphis, TN 38117 2 THEME ‘New Creation’ to Be the BRIEFS Theme of 2013-2014 W.B. West Lectures There is the earnest preaching of righteousness, temperance and The 2013 W.B. West Jr. Lec- judgment to come; the development of the guilt of man, the grace of ture will be presented Sept. 26 at 7:30 p.m. by Dr. Richard God, the love of Christ, the mystery of the Cross, sin pardoning mercy, Oster. He will be signing copies adoption into the family of God, with the unction of the hope of the res- of his recently published book, urrection to everlasting life, of the new earth and the new heavens, etc. Seven Congregations in a Ro- man Crucible: A Commentary These are the soul-stirring, the soul-subduing, the soul-transforming on Revelation 1-3 in the library themes of the gospel of the grace of God.1 at 8:30 p.m. Alexander Campbell (1865) schatology, epitomized New humanity is ground- and outwardly redeemed — Three Attend Jail in the idea of “new cre- ed in the new human, Jesus participate in the new life Ministry Workshop Eation,” is not so much the Messiah. The glorified revealed in the new humanity HST employee Vernon Perry about what happens last and Lord is new creation.
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