Foi 6479 - W On.Pdf

Foi 6479 - W On.Pdf

NNDR Write On's FOI 6479 Account Account Write on W/On Entry Area UPRN Primary Liable party name 72,Full Lakeside Property Shopping Address Centre, Start date End date Amount Date R Auth Date Refund/Write Off Notes David Flatman Limited T/A West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1568383 Bookworld(In Liquidation) 72,RM16 Lakeside 1ZG Shopping Centre, 06/10/2001 09/09/2007 36648.2 02/09/2008 27/09/2008 charge adjustment Twr Realisations Limited (In West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1568383 Admin) UnitRM16 E1, 1ZG Lakeside Retail Park, 10/09/2007 24/04/2008 28703.97 20/09/2010 30/09/2010 In admin West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, company dissolved unable to refund- credit due to RV 440 1681114 Borders Uk Ltd (Dissolved) 227,RM20 Lakeside 1WN Shopping Centre, 18/10/2002 11/08/2008 22010.18 26/06/2014 03/07/2014 reduction Passion For Perfume Ltd (In West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1518463 Dissolved) DepotRM16 1ZQAdd. Storage Area, 25/11/2005 24/03/2009 15866.37 10/11/2011 14/11/2011 company dissolved unable to refund Thameside Windows Ltd(In Manorway Industrial Estate, 130 1685241 Liquidation Ldg 940) TransporterCurzon Drive, Compound Grays, Essex, Opp, 01/04/2002 14/10/2005 10582.63 20/09/2010 30/09/2010 In Liquidation Heidi Car (Uk) Limited Riverside House, Tilbury 110 1733039 (Dissolved) 515,Freeport, Brompton Tilbury, Walk, Essex, Lakeside RM18 01/04/2005 20/07/2005 9818.4 17/07/2012 19/07/2012 company dissolved, unable to refund Shopping Centre, West 440 1519193 Punkyfish (Uk) Ltd (Dissolved) 88,Thurrock, Lakeside Essex, Shopping RM20 Centre,2ZL 01/11/2010 23/06/2011 9229.93 23/03/2012 27/03/2012 company dissolved unable to refund Kts Fashions Ltd (In Liquidation West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, Credit re RV reduction- company now dissolved unable to 440 1574830 Ldg 1065) 269,RM16 Lakeside 1ZG Shopping Centre, 01/04/1996 07/02/2007 8475.12 22/08/2009 26/08/2009 retund West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1575195 Jack'S Golf Shack Limited 222,RM16 Lakeside 1ZH Shopping Centre, 01/04/2004 29/08/2006 7532.86 19/01/2008 26/01/2008 liability reduced re rv reduction. -company dissolved Ace Contact Limited (In West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1570009 Liquidation Ldg 1219) 515,RM16 Brompton 1ZQ Walk, Lakeside 27/10/2000 31/10/2006 6042.82 15/03/2011 26/03/2011 In Liquidation Shopping Centre, West 440 1519193 Mosa Ltd (Dissolved) Thurrock, Essex, RM20 2ZL 01/04/2009 31/10/2010 5883.54 15/03/2011 26/03/2011 Dissolved 5, High Street, Grays, Essex, credit due to RV amendment- company has proposal to 130 1650006 Betster Limited 19,RM17 Lakeside 6NB Shopping Centre, 18/01/2008 08/07/2011 5265.7 26/06/2014 03/07/2014 strike off unable to refund Henley'S Retail Limited West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, credit due to RV amendment- company now dissolved 440 1518781 (Dissolved) 222,RM16 Lakeside 1ZF Shopping Centre, 25/09/2009 05/06/2011 5234.51 26/06/2014 03/07/2014 unable to refund Ace Contact Limited (In West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1570009 Liquidation Ldg 1219) UnitRM16 8 Europa1ZQ Park, 436, London 24/03/2007 07/12/2007 4479.13 20/09/2010 30/09/2010 In Liquidation Road, Purfleet, Essex, RM20 440 1598669 County Bus And Coach Co Ltd 269,4DB Lakeside Shopping Centre, 01/04/1996 31/12/2001 4074.61 24/11/2005 26/11/2005 company dissolved West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1575195 Jack'S Golf Shack Limited 61a,RM16 Lakeside 1ZH Shopping Centre, 01/04/2004 29/08/2006 3532.18 24/05/2007 14/07/2007 co disolved, prev refund chq not cashed Heroes (Lakeside) Limited West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1664375 (Dissolved) UnitRM16 5, 1ZFCliffside Industrial Estate, 06/09/2004 10/09/2007 3247.27 20/09/2010 30/09/2010 Dissolved South Essex Timber And Boards Askews Farm Lane, West 440 1684191 Ltd (In Administration) Thurrock, Grays, Essex, RM17 01/10/2002 31/03/2004 3144.03 24/11/2005 26/11/2005 Company In Administration 244, Lakeside Shopping Centre, D & A Professional Services West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1518861 Limited FormerRM16 1ZQ Sgb Site, Oliver Close, 01/04/1997 07/08/2006 3123.15 23/09/2014 24/09/2014 not responded to RCF's unable to verify f.a for refund West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1673263 Impakt Services Ltd (Dissolved) 277,RM20 Lakeside 3ED Shopping Centre, 15/11/2005 27/06/2007 2991.01 14/03/2013 19/03/2013 company dissolved, unable to refund Bir Realisations Limited West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1520929 (Dissolved) 92a,RM16 Lakeside 1ZH Shopping Centre, 01/04/1996 20/05/2009 2798.18 28/10/2014 29/10/2014 unable to refund as company dissolved Paco Retail (Uk) Limited (In West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1568612 Liquidation Ldg747) SuiteRM16 3, 1ZG Queensgate Centre, 01/04/2000 31/03/2001 2502.33 24/11/2005 26/11/2005 Company dissolved Senator Lines Uk Limited Orsett Road, Grays, Essex, 130 0539742 (Dissolved) A1,RM17 Motherwell 5DF Way, West 01/04/1996 28/09/2009 2309.56 16/03/2010 30/04/2010 company dissolved Daewoo Cars Limited (In Thurrock, Grays, Essex, RM20 440 0524776 Administration)Ldg 812 173XD Juliet Way Purfleet Ind Est, 17/05/1999 30/11/2002 2285.6 24/11/2005 26/11/2005 Company in Liquidation, payment rec'ed O'Connell Scaffolding London Road, Aveley, South 430 1647343 Limited(Dissolved) 92a,Ockendon, Lakeside Essex, Shopping RM15 Centre, 4YD 05/05/2007 30/11/2009 2177.47 02/01/2013 15/01/2013 Unable to refund company disolved Paco Retail (Uk) Limited (In West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1568612 Liquidation Ldg747) TheRM16 Chadwell 1ZG Arms, Longhouse 01/04/2001 08/10/2001 2032.9 24/11/2005 26/11/2005 Company dissolved Road, Chadwell St Mary, Grays, unable to verify who made the payments to authorise a 310 0525826 Tenderfoot Limited 216,Essex, Lakeside RM16 4QP Shopping Centre, 01/06/2012 17/10/2012 1994.84 21/01/2014 04/02/2014 refund Angels Corporation Ltd West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1524965 (Dissolved) 120,RM16 Lakeside 1ZQ Shopping Centre, 14/10/2011 05/06/2012 1932.75 19/03/2015 31/03/2015 company dissolved, unable to refund West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, Adjust previous won due to RV reduction- Company now 440 1751904 Vadr Ltd (Dissolved) 18,RM16 Grover 1ZG Walk, Corringham, 19/07/2012 09/06/2013 1888.46 19/03/2015 31/03/2015 dissolved Stanford Le Hope, Essex, SS17 220 0509262 Richclean Limited (Dissolved) 7LY411-412, Lakeside Shopping 01/10/2003 02/09/2009 1827.83 15/03/2011 26/03/2011 Dissolved Town Centre Restaurants Ltd Centre, West Thurrock, Grays, 440 1608362 (Dissolved) UnitEssex, 2 Manorway RM16 1ZH Industrial Est, 14/08/2001 25/06/2012 1728.54 18/09/2015 29/09/2015 company dissolved unable to refund Curzon Drive, Manorway, Grays, 130 0519493 U.K. Truck Repairers Limited 902,Essex, Lakeside RM17 6BG Shopping Centre, 20/09/1996 01/07/2004 1603.78 24/11/2005 26/11/2005 Company Dissolved Town Centre Restaurants Ltd West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1518418 (Dissolved) 432,RM16 Lakeside 1ZF Shopping Centre, 03/04/2000 25/06/2012 1555.69 19/03/2015 31/03/2015 company dissolved, unable to refund Town Centre Restaurants Ltd West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1692406 (Dissolved) 41/42RM20 Thurrock2ZP Comm: Centre, 12/09/2007 25/06/2012 1555.69 04/12/2015 14/12/2015 company dissolved, unable to refund London Road, Aveley, South 430 1581948 Spin Offset Ltd (Dissolved) RemoteOckendon, Store Essex, 15, LakesideRM15 4YA 01/04/1996 30/11/2008 1478 10/11/2011 14/11/2011 company dissolved unable to refund Shopping Centre, West 440 1754346 Tyi Ltd (Dissolved) 33-37,Thurrock, Gardner Grays, Avenue, Essex, RM16 01/04/2010 16/08/2011 1432.72 19/03/2015 31/03/2015 company dissolved, unable to refund Saxon Convenience Stores Corringham, Stanford Le Hope, 220 1631056 Limited 95Essex, Thames SS17 Industrial 7SE Park, 05/01/1998 20/01/2000 1250.15 02/08/2008 08/08/2008 Company closed Century Groundworks Ltd Princess Margaret Rd, East 230 1712205 (Dissolved) Tilbury, Tilbury, Essex, RM18 17/10/2005 01/10/2008 1112.01 20/09/2010 30/09/2010 Dissolved 61a, Lakeside Shopping Centre, Partyman World Ltd (In West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1664375 Liquidation) 44RM16 Thames 1ZF Industrial Park, 26/05/2009 05/11/2009 926.16 20/09/2010 30/09/2010 In Liquidation Princess Margaret Rd, East 230 1619687 Spm Granite Design Limited 35Tilbury, Thames Tilbury, Industrial Essex, Park, RM18 25/02/2008 27/09/2010 920.73 25/01/2013 31/01/2013 not responded to rcf's, unable to verify f.a Princess Margaret Rd, East 230 1659445 Spm Granite Design Limited 230,Tilbury, Lakeside Tilbury, Shopping Essex, RM18 Centre, 01/06/2009 27/09/2010 898.27 25/01/2013 31/01/2013 not responded to rcf's, unable to verify f.a Hbs Realisations Ltd Ldg 1670 West Thurrock, Grays, Essex, 440 1519795 (Dissolved) HairRM16 Gallery, 1ZQ 2, Station 15/11/2007 19/04/2012 894.39 19/03/2015 31/03/2015 company dissolved, unable to refund Testimony Beauty And Hair Approach, Grays, Essex, RM17 130 1658099 Salon Ltd (Dissolved) 6NQ 27/06/2010 11/05/2011 888.73 24/02/2012 25/02/2012 unable to refund- company dissolved Stemar Mechanical Services Unit J, Hume Ave, Tilbury, Prev debt as company dissolved- credit due to RV 110 0505282 Ltd(In Liq) TheEssex, Chadwell RM18 8DXArms, Longhouse 01/04/1998 25/10/2005 876.16 05/07/2011 13/07/2011 amendment Road, Chadwell St Mary, Grays, 310 0525826 Dive Inns Ltd (Dissolved) TheEssex, Park RM16 Tavern, 4QP Romford 07/10/2009 07/02/2011 872.29 14/03/2013 19/03/2013 company dissolved, unable to refund Road, Aveley, South Ockendon, unable to determine who the payments relates too.

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