VOLUME 24 ' 9 3 4 NUMBER 190 * (flVlTEO - Washington, Tuesday, September 29, 1959 § 24.146 Social Administration Adviser CONTENTS Title 5— ADMINISTRATIVE and Social Administration Specialist (Public Assistance), (Child Wel­ Agricultural Marketing Service Fa£e PERSONNEL fare), and (Medical Social Work), Notices: GS-102—9/15. Denver Union Stock Yard Co.; Chapter I— Civil Service Commission (a) Educational requirements. All­ petition for rate order modi­ PART 24— FORMAL EDUCATION RE­ applicants must have completed a course fication____________ 7839 Proposed rule making: QUIREMENTS FOR APPOINTMENT of study in an accredited school of social work which has fulfilled all of the re­ Cotton fiber and processing TO CERTAIN SCIENTIFIC, TECHNI­ quirements for a master’s degree in tests ; schedule . of tests and CAL, AND PROFESSIONAL POSI­ Social Work. fees_________ 7835 TIONS (b) -Duties. Social Administration Rules and regulations: Advisers and Specialists (Public Assist­ Almonds grown in California; Social Worker, Social Administration ance), (Child Welfare), and (Medical control board expenses and Adviser and Social Administration Social Wor£) work with public and vol­ assessment rate, 1959-60 crop Specalist untary social welfare, child welfare, and year__________________ ,a-__ 7808 health agencies in developing and carry­ Irish potatoes_______________ 7809 Sections 24.57, 24.107, 24.108, 24.109, ing out social welfare programs in the Lemons grown in California and and 24.110 are revoked, and §§ 24.145 fields of financial assistance and case Arizona ; handling limitation- 7808 and 24.146 are added as set out below. work to beneficiaries, social service to Agriculture Department § 24.145 Social Worker (Clinical), children and youth, and medical and See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ (Child Welfare), and (Family Serv­ psychiatric social services. They develop ice ; Commodity Credit Corpora­ ice), GS-185-7/15. program standards, assist in the admin­ tion. (a) Educational requirements. All istration of grant-in-aid programs and Civil Aeronautics Board applicants must have completed a course give consultation to other Federal agen­ Notices: of study in an accredited school of social cies, regional offices, state agencies, and Hearings, etc. : work which has fulfilled all of the re­ public and voluntary social welfare Allegheny Airlines, Inc_____ 7841 quirements for a master’s degree in agencies in the development of program Trans-Pacific route case____ 7841 Social Work. policies, standards, and procedures. Eastern Air Lines, Inc., en­ (b) Duties. Social Workers (Clini­ (c) Knowledge and training requisite forcement proceeding____ 7841 cal) , (Child Welfare), and (Family Serv­ for performance of duties. The duties Civil Service Commission ice) render social services, or direct require a knowledge of the field of social Rules and regulations: operating social service programs in hos­ case work, family relationships, child Formal education requirements; pitals, clinics, child welfare, and family welfare, and public welfare administra­ social worker, social adminis­ service agencies. They make social tion. They also require a knowledge and tration adviser and specialist- 7805 studies of their clients, clients’ families, understanding of case-work methods and Commerce Department and the community, and work with them techniques; patterns of human behavior; See also Federal Maritime Board. in facilitating the social or medical ad­ community organization; social, eco­ Notices: justment of the client. nomic and health problems; standards Changes in financial interests: (c) Knowledge and training requisite of welfare services; and factors enter­ Dueringer, Wilber F________ 7840 lor performance of duties. The duties ing into dependence, neglect and delin­ Harding, George E_________ 7840 require a knowledge of the principles quency of children. This knowledge can Report of appointment and fi­ and methods of social work and skill in be acquired only through completion of a nancial interests: Turner, L. Mason___ ______ 7840 their application. They also require a course of study in an accredited school knowledge and understanding of ^case­ of social work in which the student con­ Commodity Credit Corporation work methods and techniques, patterns currently receives competent classroom Rules and regulations: of human behavior, community organ­ instruction in the techniques, principles, Rice export program, payment ization, and of social, economic, and and practices of social work and super­ in kind___________ 7807 health problems as they affect clients. vised practice in their application. Federal Aviation Agency Rules and regulations: This knowledge can be acquired only (Sec. 11, 58 Stat. 390; 5 U.S.C. 860) through completion of a course of study Controlzones (4documents) _ 7826,7827 in an accredited school of social work U nited S tates Crvn. S erv­ Federal aid to public agencies in which the student concurrently re­ ice Commission, for development of public air­ [seal] W m. C. Hull, ports _______________ »__ — 7810 ceives competent classroom instruction Federal airways, control areas in the techniques, principles, and prac­ Executive Assistant. and zones, reporting points, tices of social work and supervised prac­ [F 3 . Doc. 59-8121; Filed, Sept. 28, 1959; and positive control route seg­ tice in their application. 8:52 am.] ments (7 documents)___ 7823-7826 7805 7806 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Page Labor Department Page mission— Continued Rules and regulations: Notices—Continued Meaning of terms,-and labor or­ Hearings, etc.—Continued ganization trusteeship re­ ports; miscellaneous amend­ REpublic 7-7500 ___________________ Extension 3261 Radio M issouri Corp. (WAMV) —_______ — 7845 ments_____________________ 7827 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Rodney F. Johnson (KWJJ)- 7845 Land Management Bureau and days following official Federal holidays, Wells, William S., Jr__— 7845 Notices: by the Office of the Federal Register, National Standard broadcast applications Arkansas; proposed withdrawal Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ ready and available for proc­ for reservation of lands------ 7839 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ essing—___________________ 7841 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Proposed rule making : approved July\26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Rules and regulations : Grazing leases, and Federal amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Practice and procedure, and range code for grazing dis­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ construction, marking, and tricts______________________ 7834 mittee of thé Federal Register, approved by lighting of antenna struc­ Oil and gas leases___ _______ — 7834 the President. Distribution is made only by tures; form revision------------- 7832 Rules and regulations: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Fédéral Maritime Board Public land orders: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Alaska_____ ________________ 7831 The Federal R egister will be furnished by Notices: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.; California. ________________ 7829 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in agreements filed for approval- 7840 Idaho_______ 7831 advance. The charge for Individual copies Pacific Par East Line, Inc., et Nevada (2 documents)-------- : 7830 (m inim um 15 cents) varies in proportion to al.; certain storage practices' Public Health Service the size of the issue. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent • at Stockton and Oakland, Proposed rule making: of Documents, directly to the Government Calif.; investigation and hear- Biological products; sterility Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. r in g _______________________ 7830 requirements__ __________ 7835 The regulatory material appearing herein Rules and regulations: Securities and Exchange Com­ is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, Application for subsidies and which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant other . direct financial aid mission to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as (construction) —----------------- 7832 Notices: amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ American Research and De­ eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Federal Power Commission velopment Corp. and Jet- tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Notices: Heet, Inc.; application for pocket supplements vary. Hearings, etc. : exemption_________________ 7848 There are no restrictions on the re­ California Electric Power Co_ 7846 Social Security Administration publication of material appearing in the Cities Service Production Co. F ederal Register, or the Code of F ederal Notices: Regulations. et al__ ——-------------------- 7846 Social insurance and pension Kirby Production Co-------— 7846 systems in Argentina, Poland, Sohio Petroleum Co— ;------— 7847 and Bolivia; findings_______ 7841 South Georgia Natural Gas SEM IANNUAL Co. et al—— ------------ -— 7847 Treasury Department Tennessee Gas Transmission Notices: CFR SUPPLEMENT Co— ___ —__________ — 7848 Surety companies acceptable on Federal bonds; Secured In­ (As of July 1. 19591 Fish and Wildlife Service surance Co__----- ----- 7838 Rules and regulations : The following semiannual cumulative Hunting in national wildlife CODIFICATION GUIDE pocket supplement is now available: refuges : Title 46, Parts 146-149, Chassahowitzka, Fla—— .— 7833 A numerical list of the parts of the Code Montezuma, N.Y------------ — 7833 of Federal Regulations affected
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