The Alabama TaKE OnE! “The People’s Voice of Reason” Distributed in the Tri-County Area and Surrounding Counties! VOL. 14. ISSuE 6 MaRCH 2014 [email protected] THE ALABAMA GAZETT E/MONTGOMERY COUNTY ~ THE ALABAMA GAZETTE / AUTAUGA COUNTY ~ THE ALABAMA GAZETTE / ELMORE COUNTY ~ THE ALABAMA GAZETTE / CRENsHAw COUNTY ~ THE ALABAMA GAZETTE / TALLApOOsA COUNTY Read our PPTTIIMMIISSMM new section: Optimism! 'Expect The Best' PPrroo LLiiffee VVaalluueess aatt tthhee FFoorreeffrroonntt ooff tthhee 22001144 LLeeggiissllaattiivvee SSeessssiioonn!! Recent Pro-Life Rally at the State House. Inside The Alabama Gazette!! New Gazette Website! www.alabamagazette.com Subscribe to Home Delivery (print edition) and also have access to read The Alabama Gazette in its entirety online! Subscribe online! EngagEMEnT JEWELRY DESIgnERS DIaMOnDS WaTCHES L 9 d A I 6 , A # Y p d R T 1876 East Main Street, Prattville, AL 36066 (334) 365-6552 E 1876 East Main Street, Prattville, AL 36066 (334) 365-6552 E T s G I M T A O R T s M s G 4 R . C T O 1 s R p L p 0 N e L 2 g s O E , t a U g M h p p n g i i 4 r h 2 s y i , p l e t o b G d t u e C e N t 4 z I P s 0 e a 6 e H . 1 u t t G e S t 6 q S I e u e 3 a z s L n R s L a m o B I e s a - A G U c r , b 4 i e y P a a 1 v f r l f r e m e E e e A P : a J T S m m I e b t o T u n s h O a l g r l E t a H T o u T n Z A t E V S e o A 2 R M 1 G 2A The Alabama Gazette March 2014 MMoonnttggoommeerryy CCoouunnttyy LLaaww VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.montgomerysheriff.com SHERIFF SEN. BEASON TRIES TO PASS Chief derrick D. T. MARSHALL MORE HANDGUN LEGISLATION Cunningham Here he goes again. Senator Scott Beason least pass bills that will pass Judicial review. of Gardendale, is trying to pass legislation that This is the same Senator Beason who was would allow anybody to carry a handgun in a car an informant for the F.B.I. and was wearing a wire without a permit. We went through this last year recording targets of the F.B.I. According to with the new gun bill that was a compromise by “AL.com ” Senator Beason, while the recording law enforcement, the Legislature, and the NRA. I device was on, referred to Greene County African don’t think that he knows the impact that this Americans as “aborigines.” Of course Senator legislation will have on the safety of the public as Beason later apologized for his remarks. Who well as law enforcement. I know that the members would say such a thing knowing that the of the Legislature receive a copy of the “ Gazette” conversation was being recorded? At this point it and I plead with you not to pass this legislation! doesn’t matter because he has decided not to run It is time again for our At present, a person who has been through for reelection. Thank God and Greyhound he is deputy dave Family a background check and has obtained a license to gone! carry a pistol can carry his or her handgun in a Let me say that most Legislators are good and Friends day . vehicle without any legal problems. If a person people who are trying to do what is right for the Saturday, May 3, 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 does not want to obtain a license, he or she must people of Alabama. There are just a handful like P.M. at the Dunbar/Ramer lock the unloaded handgun in a secure container Beason who, in my opinion, appear to have a Elementary School in Ramer . out of reach of anyone in the vehicle. At least this personal agenda. Just look at another bill that was There will be food, drinks, games, prizes and person has to get the gun out of the secure considered that would expunge arrest records for display booths for our kids’ enjoyment. The container and has time to cool off before deciding certain people who were arrested. Well I believe Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office has put to use it in the case of road rage or when they have that this bill is being considered because a on this fun day for about ten years now and we been involved in a vehicle crash and a heated legislator was arrested and the case was thrown have had thousands of kids attend. Bring you argument ensues. out and he doesn’t want a record of his arrest kids to Ramer on May 3rd and let them enjoy SB354 will amend the law passed last showing up in his criminal history. Just another the fun. This is just one of our many commu - year to authorize a person to carry a pistol in his case of these people using the House and Senate nity events hosted by the Sheriff’s office every or her vehicle or on certain property without a for personal reasons. You would probably be year. Chief Cunningham came up with the idea concealed pistol permit; and will revise certain surprised at the bills that are introduced for of our fishing rodeos for kids and for seniors procedures related to the licensing process. Who personal reasons. Some are introduced because and each year both events seems to grow. knows what they mean by certain procedures lobbyist and special interest groups funnel money What better way is there to spend time with related to the licensing process. It appears to me to their campaigns. your kids or elderly relatives than to take them that they just want a Sheriff to issue a pistol permit Some bills are introduced because they fishing and to meet our deputies and correc - to anybody who comes and asks for one. I believe are good for Alabama and for no other reason. tional officers. that is just the type of mentality that Senator Senators and Legislators, please vote against this There are many other things that your Beason has shown in the last few years. Just look dangerous bill that is supported by Senator Bea - Sheriff’s office does for you. To get a better at the failed immigration bill which had most of son. Well, I have vented my frustrations about the idea of what we offer, go to our website at the provisions shot down in court. The idea was Legislature and after I retire, I will be able to get www.montgomerysheriff.com . there but these folks in the Legislature need to at more involved in their affairs. You will be surprised at what we do for you. Where THE RAMER BANK C o u r t h ou se you are Contact Cindy or treated GREAT any of our friendly C a fe like staff for all your FOOD!! family! banking needs. CINdY OVERsTREET, BRANCH MANAGER “There is a Open M-F - 7:30 am - 2:00 pm Ramer, AL 36069 difference in Breakfast served 7:30 a.m. 333344--556622--33225577 hometown banking!” Hot Lunches (Home cooking!) sandwiches ~ Handmade burgers! ppuummpp RReeppaaiirrss 6908 Norman Bridge Rd. , Call wanda today! Montgomery, Al. (334) 281-1258 333344--883322--11668844 or 1-800-242-8904 service station Repairs COME BY ANd EAT wITH Us !! Tank Installations & Closures Located downtown in Hydrostatic Tank & Line Testing Montgomery County Courthouse Norman p. Mitchell ~ Tony Mitchell March 2014 The Alabama Gazette 3A The views of this editorial may not express the views of Robservations...by Robert Tate The Alabama Gazette. RULEs OF THE ROAd ACCORdING TO YOURs TRULY You know, I spend a lot of time on the formation with him? Because he/she is an oblivious person who doesn’t need to highway driving back and forth between be on the road. Look, the left lane is for passing. I know there are times when a Montgomery and Atlanta - some 500+ trips lot of traffic is on the road and back-ups occur in both lanes but if there is little to already. And I’ll tell you what, although I can’t say I’ve seen it all, I have seen a no traffic and you aren’t passing anybody, you are not supposed to cruise the left lot. It never ceases to amaze me how people can do some pretty rude and stupid lane and force people to pass you on the right. In New Jersey where I grew up, if things when they get behind the wheel of a car. I’ve seen people reading books, a police officer saw this spectacular display of formation driving, he would pull texting, putting on makeup and one not-so-smart guy actually playing his guitar you over and rightfully give you a ticket. while driving. Yes, I’ve seen a lot. And although I will never claim to be the One night I was driving home from Atlanta when I got stuck behind greatest driver on the planet, I am certainly not the worst. In my 36+ years of some guy in a Ford SUV. He was doing about 65 mph in a 70 mph zone.
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