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Accessed online (52) U.S. Cl. at GNPD database (www.gnpd.com) Feb. 2008, pp. 1-2. CPC. A61 K3I/60 (2013.01); A61 K8/27 (2013.01); * cited by examiner A61K 8/29 (2013.01); A61K 8/35 (2013.01); A61K 8/368 (2013.01); A61 K8/8152 Primary Examiner — Bethany Barham (2013.01); A61K 8/97 (2013.01); A61 K3I/12 Assistant Examiner — Melissa Javier (2013.01); A61 K3I/315 (2013.01); A61 K (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Hultquist, PLLC; Steven J. 33/04 (2013.01); A61 K33/24 (2013.01); A61 K Hultquist; Mary B. Grant 33/30 (2013.01); A61K 45/06 (2013.01); A61O I/I2 (2013.01); A61K 2800/56 (2013.01) (57) ABSTRACT (58) Field of Classification Search None Dry powder foundation formulations that include a sustained See application file for complete search history. release salicylic acid composition, an effective, buffering amount of one or more Salicylate ions, and one or more of Zinc (56) References Cited and titanium oxides, and pigments or colorants, are disclosed. The formulations provide both acne treatment and preven U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS tion, and Sunblock protection. The formulation can also include other Sunblocking or Sunscreen agents to prevent 5.449,519 A 9, 1995 Wolfetal. 5,919,467 A * 7/1999 Jenkins et al. ................ 424/401 photoaging and Sunburn, such as avobenzone, and 3-ben 6,235,297 B1 5, 2001 Antonelli et al. Zophenone, and other cosmetically-acceptable active agents 6,331.305 B1 12/2001 Sang and excipients. 6,387,995 B1 5/2002 Sojka 6,416,748 B1 7/2002 Candau et al. 19 Claims, No Drawings US 9,125,919 B2 1. 2 ACNE TREATMENT POWDER FOUNDATION Because the composition provides salicylic acid in the form of a Sustained-release composition, the salicylic acid CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED remains effective for an extended period of time. Poly Pore APPLICATION 450SA, a polymeric formulation including salicylic acid in an allyl methacrylate crosspolymer, is a representative poly This is a U.S. non-provisional of U.S. Provisional Patent meric Sustained-release form of Salicylic acid, though other Application No. 61/138.436 filed on Dec. 17, 2008. The dis Sustained-release formulations can also be used. Further, as closure of the foregoing application is hereby incorporated anti-acne additives, the formulation includes one or more herein by reference in its respective entirety, for all purposes, salicylates, ideally isolated as an extract from willow bark and the priority of Such application is hereby claimed under 10 and/or aspen bark. In addition to the salicylic acid and one or the provisions of 35 USC 119. more salicylates, the formulation can also include other anti acne agents, including Sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, and resorci BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION nol. 15 In addition to normal excipients found in dry powder foun Acne is the most common skin disorder in the US, and dations, the formulation includes Zinc oxide and/or titanium although this condition is generally associated with puberty, it dioxide as Sunblocking agents. The formulation can also is not confined to adolescence and can persist well into adult include other Sunblocking or Sunscreen agents to prevent hood. The acne condition is a complex one, impacted by a photoaging and Sunburn, such as avobenzone, and 3-ben number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and, as such, must be Zophenone. treated with a multifaceted approach. Treatment should The foundation formulation typically also includes colo address overproduction of sebum, hyperkeratinization, over rants/pigments, for example, inorganic colorants/pigments, growth of Pacnes, and the ultimate blockage and irritation of one example of which is a blend of iron oxide, bismuth the pilosebaceous follicle. Extrinsic factors, which exacer oxychloride, and mica. bate the acne condition, involve exfoliation via harsh abra 25 In one embodiment, the composition further includes one sives or mechanical scrubbing, UV exposure, and Some topi or more additional components, such as Zinc gluconate, cal and oral Substances. Active Powder Purity LS 9695, and pearl powder, such as Salicylic acid is a relatively mild beta-hydroxyacid, which PPP-100 pearl powder. is proven effective at correcting abnormal descquamation, the In one aspect of this embodiment, the formulation has the natural shedding of the outermost stratum corneum cells. Its 30 following ingredients, in the ranges of weight percentages treatment benefits extend beyond that of the acne condition to provided below in Table 1. include psoriasis, keratoses, and ichthyoses. By penetrating into the follicle, Salicylic acid encourages the sloughing of TABLE 1 dead skin cells and other cellular debris and, ultimately, clears Representative Formulation Ranges blockages. Further benefits of its exfoliating action are 35 improvements in skin texture and hyperpigmentation. Ingredient Range % wiw While there are a wide variety of products on the market Iron Oxide, Bismuth Oxychloride & Mica blend 40-75 containing salicylic acid for treating the acne condition, most Titanium Dioxide 5-40 are in the forms of lotions, creams, and liquids, including Zinc Oxide 5-35 liquid foundation makeup. Incorporation of salicylic acid into 40 Poly-Pore 450SA O.10-12.OO Salicylic Acid & Allyl Methacrylates Crosspolymer color foundations is advantageous, as it helps to clear current ABS White Willow Bark Extract Powder O.10-1O.OO breakouts while concealing them. Furthermore, continued Salix Nigra (Willow) Bark Extract use will help to preventfuture breakouts. Loose powder foun Phytocide Aspen Bark Extract Powder O.10-1O.OO dations are currently enjoying much popularity, as they Populus Tremuloides (Aspen) Bark Extract 45 Givobio GZn O.10-1O.OO impart a lightweight, natural feel on the skin while providing Zinc Gluconate great coverage, long wearability, oil absorption, and diffuse Active Powder Purity LS9695 O.10-1O.OO the appearance of blemishes and other skin imperfections. Exfoliance Bamboo O.10-1O.OO Providing a loose powder foundation with acne treatment Bambusa Arundinacea Stem Powder PPP-100 Pearl Powder O.10-1O.OO benefits would represent an improvement over an already Pearl Powder popular product type. 50 However, the presence of free salicylic acid may serve to irritate the skin. Accordingly, it would be advantageous to The foundation formulations combine the benefits of acne provide a loose powder foundation that provides the benefits treatment and UV protection with lightweight coverage. The of salicylic acid, while minimizing the degree of skin irrita foundation formulations combat acne by reducing & regulat tion.
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