V 7 .^ r . U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuitdav. Oct, 8. 1987 B S B i m / CANS CARS CARS Irhuiituiie fmwniliD CARS CARS CARS RMSALE RMSALE FOR SALE IFOR SALE FOR SALE FM 8A LE ?0?FB^Trt5ISran3Tm3 D AT8U N 510 1978. Auto­ Vernon Street DOT vows Nov. 30 finish / pa|^ 3 to blt (to0«thtr or m * 38 OLDS SEdan, 4 door, TOYOTA 1962 CElica GT. Flat: Whalers matic transmission, FORD 1875 MavErick. porato),ono Imtlvlduol FIREWOOD original RothEod 6 En­ 1 OwnEr. Low milEs, 1883Alllotic*o3300mllEs,l *SSpErooid,sai body In good condition. Running condition. A/C. AM-FM CassEttE. o lo tt topptd co ffM to- ExcEllEnt 2nd cor, nEw SCRANTON ginE with 57K; 00m- air, stErEo, sunroof, 5 bio. C a ll 742-5911 gtEEn. dElivErEd. I______ plEfly rE-donE in/out. 8150. PhonE 5490620. 83200. or bEst offEr. listless In bowing to mMnmm. MC/VIBA battEry, and nEw spEEd. ExcEllEnt condi­ ovtninot.o /Maroons tonE. ExcEl­ D O D G E 1877 A s p E n I71-6W offEr 6o t . mufflEr. Runs grEat. tion. 84996. 646-6629 Of­ NirtIlirN FIriwsBd lent running condition. Wogon. 6 cylindEr au­ WATCRlift6 kino •!». S1000 or bEst offEr. eoMS Esq nwNCiNE on tEaEi fEr 6pm. 5 o d g e M lro d o 1862. Hot aln Gettin^Tignnh^dironEk Custom fit car covEr. tomatic, powEr stEEr­ Nordiques / p a g e 9 Com pltto pockooo ox- uiiinM iiiii Must sEll 11 Coll 647- Good condition, A/C, Asking 86000. nEgotia­ Ct^EvV dElolr. 2 ing and brakEs. AM- cludlno hoadboard. m m t •314 offEr 5. Ask for •7 FIFTH AVE. « •14;6S6 PowEr windows and blE. Mornings 742-0750. doEr, runs ExcEllEnt. F M . BEst offEr. ^ k ln o $100. Coll 742- Poul.o STLsBARON 8425. Coll 649-9287. locks, cruisE, AM-FM $910 ovtnlnot.o OTSTwaa '12.206 643-4611. cassette.82800.647-7045. OLDS 1980 Cutlass, 4 87 RAIDER 4x4 '12.706 RECREATNMAL door, ExcEllEnt condl- 87 RAMCHARQER _____ iTV/gTEREO/ EQUIPMBIT tlon. Coll 643-1699. 4M '17,806 S7 SHADOW |*PfUWICE8 I Ne n a u LT AlliancE 1983. TviEwv*aw '10,606 CANOE-Mohowk. REd fi­ ExcEllEnt condition, LAD V Konmoro Wothino fully sErvicEd. Must 87 DODGE aufMMW '16.066 bErglass, i r 4", wIfh 2 86LA8ERopa '13,486 mocblno. Good condl- paddlEs. 8450. 649-9361 sEll onE. 742-9476. YOU ARE INVITFn tlog. Coll *46-140$. offEr 5pm wEEknlghts. 86 LEBARON a *. '10,696 86 DODGEanowM. '14,496 klVCMCN Aid rofrlotro- D ATSU N 1980 310 G X . tor/froMor. 7 months 49,000 milEs. Sunroof. 86 DODGE aaaoMM. '14,786 old. Almond. Coll A46- MUSICAL ExcEllEnt condition. 88 RELIANT S.W. ••.•06 NEW YEAR CELEBRATION 1465. S1500. 646-7497._______ 86 DODGE iH au rlirsJrr H rralJi ITEMS O tARQ ER •7,605 •4 Honda Civic S. 5 spEEd, ) M.im iii;slt'r A Cily nl Vil' . Ch.um U S ED full Violin. •eCH Y. QTS twm •10,296 ILAWN/MO Sized A/C, orlglnol ownEr. 1988 BUICKS S150. 649-8111. ExcEl- Se RELIANT 4 Dr. •7006 a BAMEII ExcEllEnt condition. SO LeBARON o o m t •IS.eOS lent condition. WK.S4500. 646-5803. f^lANOS 8i Orgons- SSCAMAROcwp. •8886 ^ l^ord Granodo. DEpEn- Friday. Oct. 9.1987 Sovlngs to 50%. Bold- 86 MUSTANG m m •S98S "OPEN HOI I.9F" T«8 m i IcrBSRSfl Lbbbi dablE, no rust, 95,000 3 0 C E n t s wln Si othEr namE 8S HORIZON 4* '4,386 Any Emouni dENytrEd. Also, fill, milEs. S800 Arm . 647- brands. 3 days only I 84 TOYOTA CAMRY ••.•OS BmvN, None End bsfk, muioh. 0338 ask for Eric. u-64 FORD TEMPO •5,796 ■obosL bEokhoE S loEdEr lEntsl. Friday OctobEr 9, 1- FRIDAY OCTOBER 9TH - 5:30 P.M.-8:30 P.M. 9pm; Saturday, Oc­ NISSAN 1985 SEntra. , 84 LASER tw.Twa. •8,306 MVMcoNsniuEnoN tobEr 10, 9am to 9pm; door hatchback. 5 84 RELIANT wp. •5.396 SATURDAY OCTOBER 10TH - 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Iran claims S72-1400/669-96SS Sunday, OctobEr 11, s p E E d , A M - F M 84 PONT. 6000 STE 17406 District sEts noon to 6pm at thE CasEttE. 79,000 milEs. 83 LeBARON 4* •8,798 Quality Inn, RoutE 83, NEw brakEs/mufflEr. 83 DODGE 4001*. 'AOOS VErnon, Exlt63 or64 off REFRESHMENTS - GIFTS FOR ALL YOUR LAWN Good condition. Ask> 78 MONTE CARLO I 84. Financing availa­ Ino $2500. Aaprn. MX Orl. On.- ft*. Omtm Haw. MHiM ’3,ESS CARE NEEDS.. C A U blE, MastErcord A U.S. starts Visa, Factiry warran­ 77 DODGE xaiMdiiMf FEATURING votEr mEEting I PHIL’S UW N CARE I Oiinpw. lak MiMf ml. •4,885 tiEs and local sErvicE. CLYDE 77 CADILLAC SEDAN Fall Cldsn Up, HEdg# LargE sElEction of CHEVBOLET-BUICK, INC. DeVILLE, NIcel •3.4SS THE "ALL BRAND NEW FRONT WHEEL DRIVE” REGAL C Trimming, Mowing, , SpinEts, ConsolEs, Stu­ R O U T E 83, V E R N O N Fdrtlllzlng. Call todBy dios and Gronds. Hurry ‘all-out war •1 DodgaDIBOPU •4995 for FrEd EatimatE. to sovE. 875-3311 SI Olda Omaga •4495 dEspitE advicE FOR SolE. TrumpEt with 742-7476 cosE. Yamaha, ExcEl­ •2 Ragal omp. •6495 MANAMA, Bahrain (A P) — Iran today accused the lEnt condition. S125. •3 Cantury a ou m •6195 United States of starting “ all-out w ar" in the Persian By AlEx GIrElll 742-6405 EvEnings. TAKE A LOOK S3 CalabrKy 4 d, •6495 Gulf by attacking three Iranian patrol ^ a ts the AssociatE Editor eOOOTMNSS S3 Ford FtSO XLT 4iu •8195 89 Lino. Town Car $AVE Pentagon said had opened fire on a U.S. helicopter. O ’BriEn: Nov. 3 TO EAT S3 Bonnavltla 4 *. •6995 PETS AND 81 Mere. Marquia Iran also claimed it shot down one of the attacking A special meeting of Eighth quEstions lEgal T SUPPUES •3 Chavy S10tww. 4 i4 •7195 Brougham $AVE U.S. helicopter gunships and damaged a U.S. warship District voters will be held Wednes­ 53 hagai 4 w. •6995 in thscoiiibatThuriday, which 0 le d two Iranians. The — story on pagE 8 MUDIIV MUDS SAVE day despite the opinion of th e. mmmkimmclmt AkC. Lobrodor RafrElvEr 54 Bulek Skybawk Wg. •6295 Pentagon denied the Iranian report. district's legal counsel that the Crmborry, Zucchini. puppiEs. All Block, 54 Trana Am •10,796 SAVE The Pentagon had reported that three patrol boats meeting is being called to take an Pumpkin. ApplcMucc, MolE and FEmalE. 64 Ragal co upa •8095 87 Line. Conllnental ^ were sunk. But Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger illegal action. ONE PURPOSE of the Oct. 14 WhElpEd 9/22/S7. EyEs •Ic. 34 Camaro am iaa •8495 Laattwr. Suitroof S A V E la id today that one of the boats sank and the other two Four district directors, all of meeting is to decide how and when and hips clEarEd. 872- 'here disabled but still aBoat. the questions will be answered if *4** M O h o r 0 fo r *10** 1527. IB Cbavy S-10 pM up •6495 02 Mazda 828 4...,.- them opponents of a proposed Coll M7-8042 55 Cbavy Caprica 4 ar. •8495 I Dr.. Wha. SAVE In Washington, the Senate began debate on whether agreement between the district and those at the meeting decide to 85 Niaaan Stanza to invoke the War Powers Act. Weinberger said the withdraw them from the ballot. Left Front: Brian Begin (Business Mgr.) ft* •' the town, voted Thursday night to • O' SAVE pontroversial law does not apply to U.S. policy in the call the meeting. They did so after That could mean a special Court of Probcto. District of [MISCELLANEOUS 872-9111 Led Rear: Tim Coliins (Sales Consultant) Monehottor giiU. 24 district residents signed a election or a district meeting. IfDBSALE Z ID 9100BG V**CAVE V C Right Front: Dale West (Sales Consultant) N o n c i o r HIANINQ 84 More. Marquia The act requires a report from the White House petition calling for the meeting. One district resident, J. Winthrop ESTATE OF li: 'i..- : . »“ J- H ELEN C. BRISSETTE, TEE Shlrf transfErs. Ap­ Looking for a Brougham SAVE within 48 hours after U.S. forces are sent to an area of The vote came at the end of an Porter, a Republican candidate for proximatEly 3000, also _ o/k/o H ELEN O. 89 Bronco II, 4...... ALSO: ON DISPLAY "imminent danger” and the removal of those forces hour-long special meeting of the election to the town Board of _ BRISSETTE, Doctastd 50 to 100k numErals and USED Oa r ? Auls. aa> S A V E within 60 days unless'%ongress specifically approves district directors called at the Directors, said removing the ques­ Purtuont to on ordor of Hon. lettErs for shirts, caps, tions from the Nov. 3 ballot would William E. FllzOorold, Look to Lynch... 80 Sable "LS" 1987 BUICK REGAL GRAND NATIONAL GNX their deployment. demand of three directors, Ellen Etc. BEst offEr. 649-3442 4 Or., LoadEd, lo ml. .. The clash in the northern gulf was the second fatal be equivalent to saying, “ I don’t judoo, dotod Soptombor J9, aftEr 5:30pm.c Bums, Thomas Landers and Sa­ 1W7 o hoorlno will bo hold on 64 Mazda Pickup encounter in three weeks between U.S. and Iranian muel Longest. trust you people out there.’’ on oppllcotlon proylno for CHRISTMAib TrEEs for 83 Lynx Wg., ai. ac forces in the waterway, where Iran and Iraq attack Director Joseph Tripp joined the “ Have you lost faith that the authority to toll cErtain real solE, shEarEd.
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