westost- passagen Slawistische THE DISCOURSE Forschungen und Texte ON GENDER IDENTITY 25 IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA An Introduction with a Case Study in Russian Gender Linguistics Dennis Scheller-Boltz Olms westostpassagen Slawistische Forschungen und Texte Literatur, Sprache, Kultur Herausgeber / Editors: Danuta Rytel-Schwarz, Wolfgang F. Schwarz, Hans-Christian Trepte (Leipzig) und Alicja NagórkO (Berlin) Band 25 Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim ∙ ZÜrich ∙ New York 2017 Dennis Scheller-Boltz The Discourse on Gender Identity in Contemporary Russia An Introduction with a Case Study in Russian Gender Linguistics Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim ∙ ZÜrich ∙ New York 2017 Umschlagmotiv: „Vielfalt“ von Kerstin Sörensen. Foto: Atelier Beauty Shooter, Marko Bußmann, Berlin. Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschÜtzt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig. Das gilt insbesondere fÜr Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet Über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. © Georg Olms Verlag AG, Hildesheim 2017 www.olms.de E-Book Umschlaggestaltung: Wolfgang F. Schwarz / Barbara Gutjahr (Hamburg) Alle Rechte vorbehalten ISBN 978-3-487-42220-6 “The monograph investigates the discourseontransgender and queeridenti- ties in present-day Russia and offers avaluable contribution to SlavicQueer Linguisticsand Slavic Studies in general. Thebook is an interdisciplinary study that brings together Linguistics, GenderStudies, Queer Studies, and, to acertain degree, Political Science and Cultural Anthropology. Such an inter- disciplinaryaPProach is difficult to apply in thecontext of Russian linguistics, which for the most part remains heteronormative and traditionalist when it comes to gender identityand gender expression. This is why Scheller-Boltz’s analysis of the discourse on ConchitaWurstinPutin’s Russiafillsanim- portant gapinRussian Queer Linguistics.” (Alexander Pershái,European HumanitiesUniversity, Vilnius, Lithuania) “This monographpresents an intriguing and in-depth analysis of thehighly complex and problematic issue of straight andqueer Russian identities and thetensions between thetwo in anation caught between eastern traditiona- lism and western modernism. The work explores the ever-changingand inter- connectedconceptsofgender, sexuality and national identity through the receptionof2014 Eurovision Song Contest self-proclaimed queer Austrian victor Conchita Wurst by both the Russian public and media. While thevolume may also be regardedasaseminalintroduction to Russianqueer linguistics its findings are those which can be applied to other disciplines concerned with issues of gender, sexuality, and nationality. Amultifaceted work in terms of appeal Scheller-Boltz’s book is amust-read for those interested in perceptions of gender and sexualityinmodern-dayRussia, Slavonic queer linguistics as well as the reception and impact of western popular culture on eastern societies.” (JohnFrancis Eason III, UniversityofAlberta,Edmonton, Canada) Prefaceand Acknowledgement This volumerepresentsthe full resultsofascientific project whichwas approved by the Tyrolean ScienceFund(TWF) forthe year 2015.Itis basedonaseries of papers andtalks which have already been published or presentedonthistopicoverthe past three years.Not untilnow, however, hasitbeenpossiblefor me to presentthe complete material thathas been collectedand investigated to analysemycurrent research interestand to presentthe full extent of my research andfindings. So,thisvolume pro- videsmewith theopportunity to bringtogetherall my material andto presentthe finalresultsofmycurrentresearch project.Itisdedicated to the question of theinterconnectionbetween gender, sexual,and national iden- tity.Specifically, Iaddressthe question of how the constructionofgender andsexualidentitiesinfluence theconstruction of national identity andin what ways theseidentityconceptsare intimatelyconnected. My research projectfocusesonRussian discourseonidentity: First, it analyses thedevelopments in therecent past and, in particular, the latest socio-political circumstances andtrendsinthe RussianFederation whichprovidemuchusefuland interesting material forustoexamine the interconnectionbetween thesedifferentidentityconcepts. In otherwords, andtobemoreprecise,the projectfocuses on thecurrent discourseon gender, sexual,and national identityinRussia whichdelivers authenticand illustrative and, hence, extremelytopical material that exemplifies clearly thatgender, sexual,and national identity are closelyinterconnectedand influence oneanother directly. This is aphenomenonwhich can be charac- terisedastypical forRussiainrecent years andwhich hasnoticeably domi- natedRussian discourse,especiallybefore andduring the Winter Olympics in 2014. Second,the projectaimsatanalysing Russia’s ongoing identity crisis.It is very interesting forRussicists – andSlavicists in general – to studyhow this identity crisis is articulated in Russia and, furthermore, what kind of measures andsteps aretaken – this also concerns theRussian media – to strengthenand to rebuild Russia’s identity. In thiscontext, onehas to explorethe role that gender andsexualidentitiesplayhere andtowhat 8 Preface extent theconceptsofgenderand sexuality impact Russia’s national iden- tity. Third, my analysis of discourseongender, sexuality,and nation has, of course,adecidedfocus on Russiansociety.However, Russiandiscourse deliversvery informative andhighly revealingmaterial thatcan also, of course,beappliedtoother societiesand cultures.Inthiscontext, it should be pointed outthatthe analysis of gender, sexuality,and nation is in andof itself averypopular topicirrespectiveofthe discipline. Forthisreason, the material to be analysed formyresearchtopic provides meaningful scienti- ficfindingsthatcan be directly transferredtoand implemented in other non-Slavonicdisciplines.Hence, theexpected results enrich genderand queer linguistic research notonlyinSlavonic (linguistic) studiesbut also in otherlinguisticand non-linguisticdisciplines. *** This volumewould neverhavecomeintoexistence if Ihad nothad people on my side who actively andprofessionallysupportedmeand stood by me with wordsand deeds: Iamdeeply indebted to AllaViktorovnaKirilinaand Ihavetoexpress my gratitudetoher forher immenseinterest in my project,for our discussions, forher absolutelyhelpful remarksaswellasfor heralwaysavailable ear, andfor theresearchpossibilities sheofferedmeinMoscow. Iowe adebtofgratitude to the WirthInstitute andthe Department of Modern Languages andCultural Studiesofthe University of Alberta, especially to Joseph Patrouchand Wacław Osadnik,for supporting my research project,for thepossibilities to presentand discussits main aspects andmyresearch questions,for useful impulses,and forofferingme brilliant researchopportunities. Iwould like to thankIngeborg Ohnheiser forher always helpful remarks andher constructiveinspiration, but, above all, forher open-mindedness, and, especially,for herindescribable expertisewhich is always usefuland inspiringfor me,and whichcan definitely be felt in this volume. Ithank Jiřina vanLeeuwen-Turnovcováfor critical advice andprofessional hints, but,especially,for herinterest in my work. Preface 9 My big thank-yougoestoUrsulaDolechal,Vojko Gorjanc, Roswitha Kersten-Pejanić,Claudia Posch, Simone RajilIć,JanaValdrová, and Andrea Zinkfor excellent cooperation, forsupporting Slavonicgenderand queer linguisticresearch,and forsharing so many discussionswithmeand helping me outfromtimetotime. My gratitude goestoImkeMendoza whohas made this project and, consequently, thisvolumepossible,not leastbecause of theinspiration I gotather conferenceinSalzburgin2014. TheTyrolean ScienceFund(TWF) Ihavetothank forhaving approved my research project,for itsfinancial support, and, in particular, forits trustin the feasibility,the necessity as well as in thesignificance andrelevance of my project. Thankyou to Ann Coadyand SonjaKoroliovfor critical proof-reading. Avery big thank-yougoestoAlexander Persháiand John Francis Eason whotook theirtimetoreviewthe manuscript of this book.Ihighly appreciate theirfeedbackand useful comments andIam very grateful for their interest in this research project and, mainly,inthisbook. My heartfeltgratitude to Dorotheafor always helpingmewith technical questionsand for having aprofessional eyeastolayoutand text design. Thankyou to Kerstin Sörensenfor creating apainting forthe coverofthis book. Last butnot leastImust thankfromthe bottom of my heart theeditors of this bookseries as well as thepublishinghouse GeorgOlmsfor their cooperationand support,but,inparticular, forincluding thecurrentmono- graphintheir series. My special thank-yougoestoStefan foryour absolutelyindescribableand never-ending understanding, foryour time andspare time, forthe dis- cussions with youand your critical remarks, forsupporting genderand queer research as well as my ideas andvisions, and, last butnot least, for your belief in this publication. Thankyou so much to youall! *** 10 Preface Partsofthismonographare basedoncontributionswhich have been publishedpreviouslyinother books,journals, or volumes. However, it is notonly necessary to include andreproduce partsoftheminorder to guaranteeaprofound andcomplete study, but it is also important to elaborateupon them.Factsand interpretations maychangefromtimeto
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