CENSUS OF INDIA Ig81 SERIES 11 MADHYA PRADESH SlUllPpDelment to Paper 1 of 1981 IPI2,(JVISI(JNA_L PO]PIJLl\TION TOTALS K. C. DUBEY of the Indian Administrativ.'e Service Director of Census Operations, .fv/ad/1.. ya Pradesh CONTENTS FIGURES AT A GLANCE LIST OF CENSUS COMMISSIONERS AND SUPERINTENDENTS / 2 DIRECTORS OF CENSUS OPERATIONS INTRODUCTORY NOTE 3-4 MAPS AND CHARTS Between 4 and 5 BACKGROUND NOTE 5-11 PUBLICATION PLAN 12-15 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS 17-45 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 1: RURAL AND URBAN COMPOSITION 49-56 OF POPULATION SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 : POPULATION AND GROWTH RATE OF CITI5S URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS AND TOWNS 53-73 APPENDIX TO SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 74 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 3 ; D1STRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS 75-78 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 4 : DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS BY CULTIVATORS, AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS, HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY AND OTHER WORKERS 79-89 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT-PART-I 90-97 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT-PART-II 98-113 STATEMENT SHOWING RANK OF DISTRICTS IN 1971 AND 1981 ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS 114-115 PHOTOGRAPHS FIGURES AT A GLANCE CENSUS OF INDIA 1981-PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS Population of Madhya Pradesh TOTAL 52,138,467 RURAL 41,549,814 URBAN 10,588,653 TOTAL MALES 26,861,329 FEMALES 25,277,138 Decennial Growth Rate 1971-81 TOTAL 25.17 per cent RURAL 19.16 per cent URBAN 56.07 per cent Density of Population 118 per sq. km. Sex Ratio TOTAL 941 females per 1000 males. RURAL 956 females per 1000 males. URBAN 883 females per 1000 males. Literacy Rate TOTAL 27.82 per cent (including age-group 0-4) MALES 39.38 per cent FEMALES 15.53 per cent Urban population per cent to Total 20.31 Population Percentage of Main Workers TOTAL 38.49 to total population RURAL 40.98 URBAN 28.74 Percentage break-up of Main Workers Percentage Cultivators (C) C 52.10 Agricultural Labourers (AL) AL 24.17 Household Industry (HHI) HHI 3.80 Other Workers (OW) OW 19.93 2 List of Cen su Co m mission ers Cor India & Superin ten den ts/Directors of Census Operations. 1872 Neil Analysis and Report Writing. 1881 W.C. Powden Census Commissioner for India. T. Drysdale Superintendent, Central provinces 1891 J. A. Baines Census Commissioner for India. B. Robertson Superintendent, Oentral P;ovinces. R. S. Gunion Superintendent, Oentral India. 1901 H. H. Risley Census Commissioner for India ('Till September 1902) E. A. Gait Census Commissioner for India (From September, 1902) R. V. Russell Superintendent, Central Provinces. Oaptain O. E. LUard Superintendent, Central India Agency. 1. W. D, JO:lllstone Superintendent, Gwalior State. 911 E. A. Gait Census Commissioner for India. J. T. Marten Superintendent, Centra1 Provinces. Major O. E. Luard Superintendent, Central India Agency. 1921 J. T. Marten Oensus Commissioner for India. N. J. Roughton Superintendent, Central Provinces Lt. 001. O. E. LUard .. Silperintenden~, Central India Agency. rrof. Janki Nath Dutta Superintenden_t, Gwalior State. 1931 1. H. Hutton Census Commissioner for India. W. H. Shoobert Superintendent, Central Provinces. O. S. Venkatachar Superintendent, Central India Agency. Ranglal Superintendent, Gwalior State. 1941 M. W. M. Yeatts Census Commissioner for India. R. K. Ramdhayani Superintendent, Central Provinces. W. G. Archer Superintendent, Bihar & Chhattisgarh. Colonel Watts Superintendent, Central India. RanglaI Superintendent, Gwalior State. llSI M. W. M. Yeatts Census Commissioner for India (Ti112nd July1949) R. A. G),J.lia5wlmi C~:13US Commissioner for India (From Novemver 1949). J. D. Kerawala Superintendent, Madhya Pradesh. Ranglal Superintendent, Madhya l3harat & Bhopal. N. K. Dube Superintendent, Vindhya Pl·adesh. 1961 A. Mitra Census Commissioner for India G. Jagathpathi Superintendent, Madhya Pradesh. 1971 .A. Chandra Sekhar Census Commissioner for India. A. K. Pandya Director, Madhya Pradesh. 1981 P. Padmanabha Census Commissioner fOr India. K. C. Dubey Director, Madhya Pradesh. INTRODUCTORY NOTE The. Provisional Populalion Totals of Madhya Pradesh hilVe already been announced ~nd pubhsh~ on the 23rd March, 198 L in 'the shape of Paper 1 of 1981. In that Paper figures. relatmg to t?e total population, sex-wise break up, density, distribution, growth rate, hteracy and lIteracy rates have been presented down to the district level. Also presented in that Paper was sex-break up, sex-ralio, literacy and literacy rate by sex for towns having population of 1 L~ and above. In the present Paper which is being brought out as supplement to Paper 1 of 1981, these other population characteristics based on the 1981 Census provisjonal figures are being published. AlsO' published are the population and growth-rate of all towns of thi:: State. Since this is going to be the only publication for data-users for quite some time to come, the rural and urban composition of population and growth-rate i~ being pre­ sented down to the tahsil level. As was done in Paper 1 of 1981, a few detailed maps and charts are also being presented. The objective of the Paper 1 was to ma1ce avail­ ahle to the Government and the public certain basic figures of the population s1,ch as total population and its distribution, growth-rate, sex ratio and literacy rate almost immediately after the Census enumeration was completed. Obviously that compilation could noit cover certain other important chanlcteristics relatiul:! to urbanization and parti­ cipation rates. As tIle hUe of the Paper itself suggests, these figures are purely provisional com­ piled from the abstracts collected quickly from the field. It may he observed that there have bee'll some minor changes . in the tentatlive figures herein presented from those reported in Paper 1 of 1981. This has been so because of detection of some totalling mIstakes in the abstracts sent by the district officers and the charge officers. These few minor computational errors have been rectified but it may be remembered that the figures herein presented are again subject to. final confirmation after the editing and tabulatiOon Oof data from the individual census schedule. To Shri P. Padmanabha, Censll'; Commissioner :And Registrar General, India, we in the Census Organisation are deeply beholden for being always ready to help us in our difficulties and for enabling us to see our way thrOough the myriad-faceted maze that the Census appears to be. Owing tOo the fact that Shri V. P. Pandey, Deputy Registrar Ge!'cral, W<1'. ah;;:IY~ helpful to us, ,;e hardly had any difflc,_,lty in the ceceip+ of ('emu') material and in administrative matters to him, our grateful thanks. I am grateful to Shri K. K. Chakravody, Deputy Registrar General (Census) who readily came to our rescue whenever we got stuck up in technical matters. In the preparation of this Paper I have received assistance from my oolleagues at the Headquarters and I am thankful to them. I am particularly indebted to Shri M. L. Sharma, Depuly Director, Shri M. S. Sinha, Deputy Director, Sbri M. G. Mohri!, Shri V. S. Joshi, Investigators, Sl'I.IVshri Vishram Sing!;. N. P. S~arma al1d Mohd. Israil, Tabulation Officers and Sarvshri S. B. Karandikar, J. F. D'souza and S. C. Sood, Statisti­ cal Assistants. This small team sat for long hours and not only carried On the compila­ tion of figures presented in this Paper but also saw this Paper through the Press. Shri K. C. S. Bhagbati, Senior Geographer and his cartographic team consisting ~f Sarvshri K. M. Dhawle, Cartographer, M. P. Soni, V. S. Bahad, Draftsman, Manglanl, Hotu, Computor and Smt. N. C. Mariamma, Draftsman have prepared the maps anrl charts and I am thankful to them. Arduous typing has been done by Sarvshri P. P. R. Nair, my Senior Stenographer, V. P. Bakre, V. R. Nagwani and T. Varandani, Compu­ tors. Both before and after enumeration, printing is an important matter for the Census. We in the Madhya Pradesh Census Directorate were fortunate in receiving whole-hearted 4 cooperation from the State Government llress. I should, therefore, thank Shri S. M. Deo and Shri A. S. Kale who during their term as Controller of Printing and Stationery extended their helping hand. I am partkularly ~hankful to Shri B. L. Rao, Assistant Controller who was very helpful. In this Paper which is the second instalment of the massive array of 1981 Census figures to be released, the reader will find a background nole explaining the various concepts and analytical note where attempt has been made to analyse the population characteristics revealed through provisional figures. It may be sfated in all humility that this publication is being brought out within six weeks of the declaration of the pro­ visional population totals of the State:. Immediately after that further compilation of data for being presented in lhis Paper was taken in hand and there was hardly any time to stand and stare. It is humbly conceded that ~he analysis herein presented has been made as it appears prima facie. There was no time at all to make any attempt for fur­ ther investigations on the various aspects revealed by the data. In the analytical note directions will be clearly discernible: in which further and deeper enquiries are called for to bring out a clear and total picture of the variegated popUlation of this heartland of India-MADHYA PRADESH. q-uf+R: q-uffl:rii tTUfRq uflT?'<'lfa- I <:-. :-. "" ~ \!: 1~ -roh:rf~T!f ';\uf~'ilP.ffu~·~ 11 Friday, the 1st May, 1981 (K.C. bey) Bhopal Director of Census Opera ions, Madhya Pradesh. I MAPS AND CHARTS MADHYA PRADESH COMPARATIVE AREA OF THE DISTRICTS 1981 8f.10PAL ...... ______....... .,-________ DATIA 0_62°,. 0-46" 2,772 2,038 MADHYA PRADESH CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 (pAOVISIONAL RESULTS) CHART SHOWING THE COMPARATIVE POPULATION SIZE OF THE DISTRICTS '~ '!! R 'if Ci) I I J:O'I II • • (/) i I .
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