CiAKII SWtAA. liEAPER Eligible Lists America'§ Largest Weekly for Public Employeew See Page 16 Vol. XXVII, No. 23 Tuesday, February 8, 1966 Price Ten Cents Wage Hike Under Attack Feily Calls For All Out Drive To Get Legislators' Support For Pay increase Presidents of Civil Service Employees Assn. chapters throughout the State have been alerted to start now on the biggest drive in years to get members to contact individual members of the Legislature for support of CSEA-sponsored measures. Joseph F. Feily, CSEA statewide president, warned local chapter heads that a "subtle campaign" is being launched in launched Other GOP legislative leaders chapter's legislatdve program. many quarters, particularly Indicated their support of the "I am writing rww to advise you among hi^h-powered taxpayer wage hike. that since the announcement by groups, to kill Governor Rocke- The Letter the Governor of his intention to feller's proposed elgiht per cent In his letter, Feily wrote saying: provide an eight percent salary BRY6GES BACKS PAY BILL Sen.t. Majority Leader pay increase for State employees "Within the next week, you and (Continued on Page IS) Earl W. Brydges, riflrht, is seen here as he conferred last week with as well as other important public your Legislative Committee chair- Grace T. Nulty, chairman of the Legislative Committee of the Civil employee legislation. Service Employees Assn., and CSEA President Joseph F. Feily oti man will be receiving an outline passage in the Legislature of a proposed eight per- cent pay increase Feily noted that a letter and of the Association's legislative for State employees. Senator Brydges gave the CSEA representatives contact campaign launched in program, Including the names of CSEA Appeals assurance that he would personally support the pay bill. previous years when a pay raise the sponsors of our bills in both was threatened contributed to houses of the Legislature and the Reallocation For 'Expect More To Come'—Flaumenbaum much of the success in pushing Introductory number of the bills. the salary legislation through to In addition, chapter presidents Parkway Foremen accomplishment. will receive a legislative guide, Feily will appear this week at the The 1966 Directory of Legislators, ALBANY—The Civil Service Nickerson Restores Third Joint Legislative hearing on the a legislative contact report form, Employees Assn. has appealed Governor's proposed State Budget and other material which should to the Civil Service Commis- to rf.'-t^p and to urge adoption be helpful in inaugurating your sion the denial of the Long of the need for a salary increase Island Parkway foremen's request Of Fired Men To Jobs; PW as negotiated by CSEA with the During Transit Strike for a salary i-eaUocation from Rockefeller Administration. grade 8 to grade 11, In further actions to assure The appeal emphasizes the Priority List Established approval of the pay measure, many significant changes directly (Special To The Leader) Feily, Solomon Bendet, chairman Seek Time Off affecting the title which have oc- MINEOLA — Nassau County chapter of the Civil Ser- of the CSEA SalaiT Committee, curred since it was set at grade vice Employees Assn. made major strides last week toward and other Association represen- Rule For Aides 8 in 1954, These Include "in- restoring jobs to some 170 men nred from the Department tatives were to meet Feb. 7 with creased traffic volume, causing Assembly Speaker Anthony Travia of Public Works when nearly a third of the discharged per- the position to be more hazard- to seek his support for the salary At Roclcland ous and more arduous," "increase sons were given other jobs. bil. ALBANY—The Civil Service of public contact due to expansion In addition, County Executive understanding between us on this Employees Assn. last week issue.'' Earlier, CSEA officials met with of parkways," and "increased and Eugene Nickerson, who claims he Senate Majority Leader Earl W, urged that employees of more complicated equipment . ." was forced to fire the men because Flaumenbaum said that the Brydges, who said he was "in Rockland State Hospital be CSEA also scored the inequity of chapter board of directors, in view of budget restrictions, personally sympathy with the (salary) mea- included in the special time-off the relationship of the parkway of the new progress made on re- assured Irving Flaumenbaum. sure and personally supporting policy announced last week for foreman, grade 8, with the posi- hiring the displaced personnel, chapter president, that not only it . State employees working m New tion he supei^vises, park mainten- had voted to postpone a demon- was the task of relocating the re- York City who were affected by ance man, grade 7, pointing out stration set for Feb. 14 for at maining men to other jobs going the transit strike there. that the "one grade differential least a month. on but also that he was estab- In a letter to Mary Goode of supei-visor over supervised is lishing a priority list in Public "The Civil Service Employees Grant Time Off Krone, president of the State not proper internal alignment." Works to give those employees Assn. Is not in business to stage Civil Service Commission. CSEA first choice of any job openings demonstrations," Flaumenbaum president Joseph F. Feily pointed in their old department. For Snow Delay, told The Leader, "but to work for out that a substantial amount of Nickerson also voiced regret employees and to protect their CSEA Asl(s State employees who work at the Rock- that the efforts of his office to jobs. We prefer actions leading to land County institution reside in positive solutions any day of the restore these men to work were ALBANY — The Civil Ser- New York City. As a result. Feily, year and we think these kinds of not properly publicized and told vice Employees Assn. has said, some of the employees were Flaumenbaum that "I can only actions are now underway." urged Governor Rockefeller to prevented or delayed in getting to blame an unfortunate breakdown The Nassau CSEA chapter excuse lateness and absences and from work. In communications for any mis- president said that "We expect of State employees who were Feily urged that a survey be more jobs to come now that the not able to get to work on time made of the problem and that actual rehiring of these men has or at all in vaxious sections of affected employees at Rockland Is Jackie Robinson begun and we intend to stick to the State because of the recent State Hospital be given the same Scandinavian And the task of getting all the men severe storm conditions. consideration as those given State Republicans' Answer beck to work." Tlie Employees Association also employees working within New Grand Tours Now Prior to the meetings between requested that employees who sur- York City. Nickerson's office and the Nassau mounted sufficient hardships to To Beating Levitt? Open For 6ool(ings chapter, plans had been laid not arrive at work be given compen- ECENT statements by only to stage a protest demon- Roger C. Wright A tour of Scandinavia and a satory time off. R Governor Rockefeller and stration on Feb. 14 but also to CSEA president Joseph F. Felly Grand Tour of Europe will Attorney Roger C. Wright, 60, by Carl Spad, GOP State seek support from all CSEA chap- pointed out in a message to the chairman of the Jefferson county both depart on July 19 for 22 Committee chairman, that ters in the State to back of the governor that the situation Civil Service Commission, died days each and are open for Lieut. Governor Malcolm Wilson Nassau CSEA's efforts to publi- brouglit about by the heavy snow suddenly Feb. 2 after being strick- and Attorney General Louis Lef- bookings now to Civil Service Em- cize the plight of the fired men. is similar to the recent New YorK en with a heart attack during ployees Assn. members, their fam- kowitz would definitely stay on The two sessions of last week, City transit strike, in which em- the night. the Republican state ticket this ilies and friends. however, brought positive action ployees who were unable to re- He was the original executive fall leaves speculation on only one The north country program will from the County Executive's office port to work were not cliarged secretary of the county commis- other post—that of Comptroller. offer visits to Holland, Demnark, and both sides now appear to be for the time off and employees sion but switclied to a commis- Sweden and Norway and will also growing closer together in solving who did manage to get in were sionership when the late William A spate of rumors last Fall that r Include a visit to England and the problem of getting the men allowed compensatory time off or, O. Lachenauer, former mayor, was Rockefeller would seek to replace <Coutiaued on Page 16) back to work. or. in some cases, paid overtime. fii-\st named to the oonnmiasion. (Continued on Pafe Z) Pi^ Two CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, February 8, 1966 DON'T REPEAT THIS Your Public (Continued from Page 1) Ination. His prestige in that post Ucans in buslnese and Industry Wilson and Lefkowltz for the 1966 is statewide and h« thomughly because of his experience In the iubernatorlal electdon were buried enjoys the Job. banking field. Relations IQ wiien the Governor stated pub- Tbc Choice* • In addition, Robinson Is a loly he wanted both men to run While Secretaa-y of State John personable, articulate figure ly mo J. MARGOLIN a«aln and when Oarl Spad, in an Lomenzo, who made the grade whom these younger leaders feel •jarlier meeting with GOP county the last time, and Tax Com- would add luster to the campaign eeders, got agreement that missioner Joseph Murphy, an up- this fall.
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