Issued by the EFDA Close Support Unit Garching, Germany www.efda.org Newsletter Volume 2 December 2008 EFDA during FP7 – rein- forced coordination Part 2 SOFT conference in Rostock Report of the Fusion Facili- ties Review Panel presented Fusion in the heart of Paris How can plasma be created in a microwave oven? And how can you 50 years of tokamaks get people interested in fusion? Fu- sion researchers demonstrated both at the European City of Science event in Paris where the European Wendelstein 7-X Fusion Community participated taking shape with great success. See page 3. Reviewing status of fusion – FEC in Geneva The International Atomic Energy Agency Another striking feature of the conference JET on track this year held its biennial Fusion Energy was that ITER, the embodiment of inter- for a promising future Conference (FEC), often cited as the “main” national cooperation on fusion, has started conference on fusion, in the Palais des Na- providing a powerful drive for physics tions in Geneva, Switzerland. The FEC always and technology R&D all over the world. provides a good opportunity to review the The vast majority of tokamak results status of fusion research in the world. 50 presented at the conference aim at sup- years ago the same building hosted the his- porting ITER design choices, developing torical 2nd International Conference on the modes of plasma operation applicable Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, where on ITER or addressing ITER relevant physics leading countries in fusion research re- issues. (Continued on next page) vealed their program and opened the way to fruitful international collaboration. And indeed, 50 years later, the most strik- ing feature of the 22nd FEC was the suc- cess of this international collaboration, which resulted in tremendous scientific and technical progress. This is clearly shown by statistics: the 22nd FEC was attended by 761 participants from 42 countries; the contributions included 116 oral presenta- tions and 507 posters. In a special evening session the conference organizers celebrat- ed the anniversary by looking back on the history of 50 years of magnetic confine- ment fusion research. EFDA Fusion News Reviewing status of fusion - Steady-state operation has seen sig- Report of the Fusion Facilities FEC in Geneva nificant advances, with fully non-induc- Review Panel presented tive operation of tokamaks, but issues The status of ITER was presented in remain for long pulse operation, in par- The Fusion Facilities Review Panel fi- various talks. An update on the project’s ticular with localized heat/particle han- nalised and delivered its report to the progress including the ongoing site dling and heating systems technologies. European Commission. It was present- preparation, the outcome of the Design New superconducting tokamaks have ed by the chairman of the panel, Pr. T. Review and the impacts the technical started operation recently, EAST in Chi- Hartkopf, at the CCE-FU on 30 Octo- updates will have on the ITER baseline na (first plasma in September 2006) and ber. This independent panel of experts design were introduced. KSTAR in Korea (first plasma in June appointed in December 2007 at the be- 2008). This latest is the first tokamak us- ginning of the Seventh European Re- Key tests in the preparation of ITER ing Nb3Sn superconducting coils as search Framework Programme (2007 - construction were reported on, includ- planned for ITER. 2013) by the EU Commission was set up ing: the Nb-Ti and Nb3-Sn conductors to develop a vision of the R&D required required for the large superconducting Transport of particles, heat or momen- to make fusion energy production ready coils have been qualified with adequate tum, remains a key topic related to the for commercial exploitation, and to re- margins; a world record was obtained performance of magnetic confinement view all significant facilities, existing or with a Japanese gyrotron operating at devices. Theory-based models for particle under construction. It comprised five 170 GHz, 1MW, 800s, reaching ITER transport have seen progress and exper- European members outside the fusion News specifications except for the pulse dura- imental validation. Clear evidence of research community and four non- tion (3600s); ITER-like antenna con- critical temperature gradient was demon- European fusion experts. cepts are being successfully tested on strated; the evidence of zonal flows Tore Supra (France) and JET (EU). Impor- (phenomena in fusion plasmas reducing The report can be found on tant progress was also reported on proto- turbulent transport, thus improving http://ec.europa.eu/research/ typing in preparation for the construction thermal insulation) is growing. World- energy under Fusion/Publications. of the Divertor, First-Wall, Shielding wide work on heat and particle transport Blanket, Vacuum Vessel and Cryopump. was reported to confirm former predic- tions of ITER performance. Significant Several tokamaks were reported as efforts are now targeting the description tional margins and allow normalized demonstrating plasmas that meet ITER of momentum transport in the plasma. plasma pressure operation above ITER requirements, although more work is requirements. required towards a full set of ITER-like Progress has been achieved to avoid operating conditions. In particular per- or mitigate transient events, with, in The stellarators research line is also formance with metal walls to reduce particular, an increased level of confi- progressing steadily, with the supercon- erosion and fuel retention looks promis- dence in controlling and mitigating such ducting helical device LHD, Japan, op- 1 ing (the first full tungsten wall was re- events on ITER, supported by experi- erating in nearly /4 hour pulses and cently experienced on ASDEX-Upgrade, ments (e.g. DIII-D, US and JET, EU), exploring ways towards high plasma Germany), but more work needs to be theoretical analysis and modelling. Real pressure operation. The superconduct- done. The ITER-like wall experiment in time control of magnetohydrodynamics ing stellarator W7-X (Germany) con- preparation at JET is expected to play a (MHD) instabilities has seen further ad- struction is on good track, with first crucial role in the next few years. vances, which should increase opera- plasma foreseen in 2014. Inertial fusion results were also pre- sented at the conference. In the US the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is almost completed with 4.2 MJ laser obtained in September 2008. The first deuterium- tritium experiments are fore-seen in 2010, and high gain G ~ 10-20 (G = fusion energy/laser energy to target) New image film experiments foreseen a few years later. on fusion honoured The Fast Ignition Scheme is pro- The film, “Energy of the Future. Fusion gressing steadily with several ex- 2100”, produced by IPP on behalf of perimental and theoretical projects EFDA, was presented with the Future reported; compared to the direct drive Award 2008 at Photokina, the leading technique, this approach drastically re- international fair of the imaging branch. duces the requirements in terms of laser The prize was conferred by the German energy required to bring the target section of the Integrated TV & Video to ignite. “Sub-ignition” experiments Association (ITVA) to mark its 25th an- will start soon on the facilities in the US niversary. At a gala evening the Presi- (OMEGA-EP) and Japan (LFEX). The dent of the Association for Audiovisual fast ignition concept will be tested with Communication, Dr. Gerhard Dotzler, 10-30 kJ lasers for compression and presented the award to film producer ~5kJ lasers for heating. Future high- Klaus Naumann and IPP’s Julia Sieber. gain experiments are projected in Japan Isabella Milch (FIREX II) and Europe (HIPER). EFDA Fusion News SOFT conference in Rostock The 25th Symposium on Fusion Tech- exchange between industry and re- C.E.O., Dr. Claude Jablon nology (SOFT 2008) in September 2008 search was also the objective of a from the Comité Industriel News presented a survey of the most recent panel discussion entitled “ITER and ITER, Kurt Ebbinghaus from Deutsches progress in fusion research. It was Industrial Development”. Chaired by ITER-Industrie-Forum, and Philippe held in the hanseatic town of Rostock, Harri Tuomisto from the Finnish Garderet, the Scientific Vice President situated on the Baltic coast in north- power and heat company Fortum, of AREVA, discussed industrial invol- eastern Germany. More than 680 Didier Gambier and Maurizio Gaspa- vement in fusion technologies and scientists and engineers from all over rotto, Director resp. Chief Engineer of in the implementation of ITER. the world – from 28 countries – attend- F4E, Hans-Dieter Harig, former EoN Isabella Milch ed this important forum of fusion tech- nology and presented a total of 535 contributions. The traditional confer- ence takes place every second year, hosted by a different country each time. Fusion in the heart of Paris This year’s organizer of the conference, the 25th event in this series, was the This November European science Having acquired stand number 1 Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics moved to Paris for three days. To cele- which was right at the main entrance of at Greifswald. brate its presidency of the European the building, the fusion area was contin- Union, the French government organ- uously full during the event. By listening The objective of the SOFT is to ised a huge fair for European scientific to the presentation and spectacular ex- exchange information on design, con- organisations to introduce themselves periments performed by Danish col- struction and operation of fusion ex- to the public. Held in the heart of Paris leagues, or by talking to the fusion periments and on the technology for in the grandiose Grand Palais, just a experts, the visitors were able to get a present and future fusion machines and minute’s walk from the Champs Élysées, memorable impression of the European power plants.
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