. i : // A x-iv THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1952 / PAGE EIGHTEEN inanrl;(0t(r Ctirnins Averafe IMIy Net Pfeaa Run ~ For Om Week Eadfaig The WMthtr The Luther-Weda of the Eman­ uel Lutheran Church will hold a AboirtTown potiuck at the church tomorrow 10,506 Claady. foggy taalgirt. Bala ha- evening at 8:30. Each couple ia ghulag towarda menUag. B atv- Duughteni of Liberty t i o . 17, Memker o f the Audit asked to bring a hot dish and a Bareaa e< OIrenlatUMn day, lala aa FOOD LOLI, will meet tomorrow evening salad or a dessert. Rev. Forrest M im eheUer^A City of ViUage Charm at 7 o’clock at the Holmes Funeral Musser of Rockville will speak on RIMEMIEMO FROM CHIIDHOOD FAVOJID Home to pay respects to Arthur C. Chiiatensen, husband, of Mrs. ’’People or Humana" and will Illus­ THROUGHOUT UFi. McCAUS NOSTALGIC trate hit talk with hla own paint­ VO L LXXI, NO. 144 (CtaMllied Adverttilag aa Paga 1 4 ) Mary Chiiatensen, who is a mem­ MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, MARCk 21, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVE CEM^ . I ] FOOD SURVEY SHOWS. ber o f tbe lodge. ings. '' you If vou'rr an averagf adult The Past Chiefs Club of Me­ King David Lodge, No. 31, lOOF, atlll preffr the food* you morial Temple, Pythian Sisters, will meet tomorrow evening at niember from childhood"—and 7:30 in Odd Fellows Hall. The When It^d Springtime in the Rockieg. ■you—prohably retnembet-.mnat. will meet tomorrow night with "favorably—meat or foul aa your Mrs. CaiTTilldlng, 801 Main street The hostess ■willshe assisted by. by an ehlertainmept. main dln’h and prefer roa»t beef V over ateak. Chicken U the moat Mrs^ Winnie Smith, 11 fondly remembered fowl; cahea Thomas Yost, son of Mr. and; tbe beat remembered deaaert King David Lodge, Independeivt Mrs. Albert Yost of 264 North | with puddlnya aecond and plea Order o f Odd Fellows, will motor Main street. Is now on a 30-day j third. to Central Village tonight, where cniise with the Navy to Cuba.. the degree team- will exemplify The local x^’ ing man expects to FOR EVEBYO m IX W L : Chicken waVa ualk-a the first degree' on s class of can­ visit Salt juan, Trinidad and 72^7— women 86*7f. Most urnups preferred their chicken didates of Protection Lodge. All Guatemala. fried. Southerners failed to remember it any other way. members who desire to attend this Westerners exclude it completely.-------- „ meeting are requested to meet at liQuor Tax €ase Odd Fellows Hall at 7 o’clock'. “ If you are the averajte man and want really wonder­ ful fried chicken.” says „ Sunset Circle of Past Noble HALE'S Ruvssee. “ come to I’inehurst and n.nk for Grands will meet Monday evening FRYING CHICKENS.” These birds sell for *1.89 each In the directors room of the Odd Headquarters Up?— Or Down? (some extra larae at *2.09) . and their plump broad Fellows building. Hoste.sses for the Steel Weighs WSB evening will be Mjv, .Minnie John­ Probe Asks breast uive vou more delicious servinRs per pound. ston. Mrs. Minnie KIssmann, Miss FOR FARM FRESH FOWL for fricassee at _53c Jb, are ex­ Bmity Kissmann—and -Mrs.....Btta cellent value tcK»... and t»ur meat men know just how to Loveland. Mrs: Kvelyn Swords will Ft>r Gheck have charge.of the entertainment. stment cut them up for you. ■An attendance prise will be award­ ed and the members are reminded jOn Perjury CHOICE LAMB VALUES to bring gifts for the auction. New York, March-21— (/P)— Steel indu.stry leaders met to­ PlnphurM choli-c Ijimb U a iffMMi buy tbU week end. •■■re»jjJ.v niade. day with Roger Putnam, federal economic stabilizer, to dis­ George and Mollle Dobln of the Washington, March 21—• Ijunb Pattle* will lie featured at .Wc lb. We will have Shoulders F. and D. Auto ..Store, H.'ie Main cuss the Wage Stabilization board’.? recommendations for .set- of I.amb, boned and rolled, which averaice around M.2.1 ca« n. Re- street, .wcre.aroong 10.000 toy buyy .lU L E ’S CARNATION jUing th^ imluatTy .wage dispute. The industry leaders repro- (^^~Hou.se tax inyestig«t.oci member shoulder of l.anib. leas loor j^ve yMl more senlnas W era from every section of the fresh fruit and Vegetables sent 10 producer*, but their Iden-v-------------—---------------------------- -——— today riaised a threat of per* you lot4hom*‘‘set” a few mlnutca after .rcmovlnx. fr"nt.J.br -fTmntrywhtv j-rsfertay viewed” B" tltlea-wers -not-announced - Imms-r jurj* action HBralnst Wilftan ' preview of Christmas toys at the t ; ’ diately. - Power Maloney, New York »t- IBth annual American Toy Fair Freshly Ground The Wage , Btablllxatlon boai'd torne.v, after a stormy ses­ at the New Yorker and McAlpin Lb. McINT(^H APPLES last night recommended a package Reds Enter RIB LAMB CHOPS hotels in New York City. settlement which was estimated sion of Questioning about his RoNiqM, |ttfri9 «rators .Snowplow crew, (foregrouad) xiart to open I’. R. Highway 40 over Doaner Summit la oorthem by public members "t 19.8 cents relations with Henry (the LI. Members* of Mystic Review, Wmlwn and AH 1« Qt. Basket $1.69 3 L bs. 29c California after 48 hour Mlxurd brought record anoufall to welcome aprlng. (AP WIrephoto). an hour. Industry members dis­ Indo-China Dutchman) -Grunewald, Sen. LEGS OF LAMB WBA, sre requested to meet this sented. Styles P.ridges (R„ NH) and evening at 8 o’clock at the Holma? OHinr ApplioncM Postpone Rtrlke The recommendation was ap-1 a multi-million dollar tax LI. Funeral Home, 400 Main street, LARGE SIZE TEMPLE case. 35c to pay their respect.? to William proved by the executive hoard of j War: Lovett STEWING LAMB O. Treat, who.se wife. Mrs. Bertha House Bars Rush to Save Sabres Hit the CIO Steelworker* union. It i Dismissing Maloney from tiia icOM lead to post|>onement of a nation­ Treat, has long been a member of ORANGE5 D oz. 69c witness chair, members of the the order. a l steel strike set for midnight Washington, March 21— House Ways and Means aubcom- PINEHURST GROUND BEEF... ' PREMIER l^cvodci Cottle next Sunday. ■ t- (4’)— Secretary of Defense mittee voted to send a trauiscilpt Anehurst privale meat survey and meat sates. Wopld prove that CAM PBELL’S FRESH LOOSE ,13 MIGs in The union postponed strike ac­ Lovett .said today the U. S. of hla testimony to the Justice De­ tion until April 8. boys and a*rls cs|us-lnlly and ninny men vote for "hambiiras BONITA FISH r f i (CJ • Son Frnncliicn, March 31—</P) 'haa been told some Red Chi­ partment for consideration of and "meat loaves" as a fondly reipembere,! meat. And hiida.'t ■Army bulldozers went to the A strike of the 650.000 steel­ whether a charge of perjury—ly­ Imported Fancy Solid Pack L b . nese forces have crossed the wise housewives like the conoiiiy of these meal dishes and the S 0 8 P S 5PINACH 19c lo science ;;rescue toda.v of 000,000 head of [40 Minutes workers still may develop, Indus­ ing when under oath- -waa Juatt- wonderfully fresh flavor of rlnehiirst fJroiind Beef. We airnmnlee 7 Oz Tin starving livestock In north and try executive* have said repeated­ borders of Indo-China to join ned. the quality and the freshness ol “Buy Yourself Rn Easter Hat central Nevada. Twenty 'dozers ly' that they could not grant wage' Communist-led natives fight­ VEG.-BEEP increases without a price Increase. Maloney Is a former special **- Washington, March 21— were sent from Ogden, I'tsh, to Seoul, Korea, March 21— ing the French. sistant to the Attorney General. PINEHURST LEAN SROUND BEEF I.R. WITH THE MONEY YOU SAVE RY SHOPPING (4*)— The House refused to- attack ranch .roads clogged h.v The wage board has no power to CHICKEN NOODLE CARRQT5 2 B ch s 19c (/P)— American Sabre pilots enforce its recommendations on It is “always possible," Lovett He left the government post in snow and clear the wa.v for told . the House Foreign affairs 1946 and has since been In private ^ day to give the National rushing In feed. deatroyed or damaged 13 to either side. Dodle Smart, worker at Sen. Rohert A. Tatt’a eampolga headQuar­ I.R. THE L. T. WOOD LOCKER PLANT AND committee, that, the development practice. At the present tax scan­ PINEHURST RECULAR HAMBURG Science foundation an extra Other hnlldozers from the 18 Red jets in a aeries of While the lndiiatr.v leaders were ters In Newark. N. Jm ponders taking dawn n picture of the candidate RAfORV 2 Cans 3 5 c could lead to the same type of after his announcement that he would withdraw from the New Jersey dal hearings he has been acting aa PULLET seven million dollars after be­ Naval base at Hawthorne, Ne\„ fights Thursda.v climaxed b.v meeting in the offices of the counsel for Grunewald. ^ MEAT HOUSE" opened a 3.5-mlle long lane Chlncae buildup that' pi-eccded primary and close his headQuarters there. That he could withdraw L bs. ing told the government al­ history’s longest jet battle. American Iron A Steel Institute, their entry into the' Korean war. ROASTERS TOM ATO 3 C A N S 33e GREEN PEPPER5 2 29c through snoit to 3,000 marooned was disputed by state officials, who sold Ms name would not be re­ Cites Rormwing SLICED BACON .
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