Environmental Scan 2015 An environmental scan of publicly financed dental care in Canada: 2015 update Jodi L. Shaw, CD, DMD, MSc, FRCD(C) and Julie W. Farmer, RDH, MSc Environmental Scan 2015 This report was prepared under the direction of Dr. Peter Cooney, Chief Dental Officer Public Health Agency of Canada. It does not represent a policy statement by the federal government. This serves as a descriptor of public dental care activities at the time of the scan and includes changes that have occurred since the previous scan with information provided by provincial, territorial, and federal representatives. For a thorough understanding of dental public health activities for each jurisdiction, the corresponding dental directors/departments should be contacted. ii Environmental Scan 2015 Acknowledgments This report was made possible by the efforts and cooperation of many people. Below is a list of those that we would like to thank. Federally Citizenship and Immigration Canada Nurlan Karybekov Correctional Services Canada Angela Wright, Ghalib Dhalla Royal Canadian Mounted Police Dragana Pantic, Janyne Williams Veterans Affairs Canada Brian Barrett, Laurie LeClair Health Canada Lisette Dufour, Marc Plante, Andrea Doiron, Julie Côté Provincially Alberta Deb Warner Saskatchewan Janet Gray Manitoba Khalida Hai-Santiago Ontario Sandra Bennett New Brunswick Suzanne Clair Nova Scotia Helen Pitman, Angela Arsenault, Dean Hirtle, Beverley Corbin iii Environmental Scan 2015 Prince Edward Island Albert Adegbembo, Rhea Jenkins, Chris Mooney Newfoundland and Labrador Ed Williams Nunavut Ron Kelly, Maureen Connors Northwest Territories Victorine Lafferty, Denise Canuel We would also like to acknowledge Dr. Carlos Quiñonez whose work on the original Environmental Scan of Publicly Financed Dental Care in Canada that was completed in 2005 provided a solid foundation for this report. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the tremendous support we received from the Office of the Chief Dental Officer, namely from Dr. Peter Cooney, Dr. Martin Chartier, Mrs. Karen Lyon, and Mrs. Lyne Chartrand. iv Environmental Scan 2015 Table of Contents Acknowledgements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii List of Abbreviations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii List of Tables ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x List of Figures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii Executive Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Canada ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Tables 13 Figures 21 British Columbia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 Tables 29 Alberta ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34 Tables 37 Saskatchewan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 Tables 53 Manitoba ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 Tables 72 Ontario ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 84 Tables 87 Québec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 Tables 100 New Brunswick -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102 Tables 104 Figures 112 Nova Scotia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113 Tables 115 Prince Edward Island ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132 Tables 134 Newfoundland and Labrador --------------------------------------------------------------------- 143 Tables 145 Nunavut ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 149 Tables 150 Northwest Territories ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 154 Tables 156 v Environmental Scan 2015 Yukon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 Tables 162 Reimbursement Rates of Public Dental Programs ------------------------------------------- 163 Tables 164 Figures 164 Remuneration Rates of Dental Public Health Personnel ------------------------------------ 165 Tables 166 Conclusions and Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------------- 168 References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 169 Appendix A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180 Initial project overview group email – provincial/territorial (English and French) From Chief Dental Officer to provincial/territorial dental directors Appendix B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 182 First individual email – provincial/territorial (English) From policy intern to provincial/territorial dental directors Appendix C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 184 First individual email – provincial/territorial (French) From policy intern to provincial/territorial dental directors Appendix D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186 Follow-up individual email – provincial/territorial (English) From policy intern to provincial/territorial dental directors Appendix E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 187 Follow-up individual email – provincial/territorial (French) From policy intern to provincial/territorial dental directors Appendix F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188 Reminder individual email – provincial/territorial (English) From policy intern to provincial/territorial dental directors Appendix G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 189 Reminder individual email – provincial/territorial (French) From policy intern to provincial/territorial dental directors Appendix H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 Initial project overview group email – federal (English and French) From policy intern to federal dental program representatives Appendix I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192 First individual email – federal (English and French) From policy intern to federal dental program representatives Appendix J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194 Dental public health human resources data collection instrument vi Environmental Scan 2015 List of Abbreviations AB Alberta AAHB Alberta Adult Health Benefit ACSD Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities ACHB Alberta Child Health Benefit ADSC Alberta Dental Services Corporation AHS Alberta Health Services AHCIP Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan AISH Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped AWIS Alberta Works Learner Income Support ASDC Assistance for Severely Disabled Children BC British Columbia BCDA British Columbia Dental Association CCOH Community Centre for Oral Health CCPA Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives CCCA Committee on Clinical and Scientific Affairs CDA Canadian Dental Association CHA Canada Health Act CIHI Canadian Institute for Health Information CINOT Children In Need Of Treatment (CINOT) COHC Children's Oral Health Coalition COHI Children's Oral Health Initiative COHP Children’s Oral Health Program DAP Dental Assistance Program DAPS Dental Assistance Program for Seniors DHE Dental Health Educators ECC Early Childhood Caries EHB Extended Health Benefits EIA Employment Income Assistance EPDS Enhanced Preventive Dental Services ETW Expected to Work FCS Family and Community Services FDCAC Federal Dental Care Advisory Committee FFV Free First Visit FHB Family Health Benefits FNHA First Nations Health Authority FPTDWG Federal Provincial Territorial Dental Working Group FTE Full-time Equivalent HC-FNIHB Health Canada-First Nations and Inuit Health Branch HDI Human Development Index vii Environmental Scan 2015 HDR Human Development Report HELP Human Early Learning Partnership HICPS Health Information and Claims Processing Services HSHC Healthy Smile – Happy Child HSO Healthy Smiles Ontario IFHP Interim Federal Health Program IHDI Inequality-Adjusted Human Development Report IS Income Support IWK Izaak Walton Killam Hospital LGIC Lieutenant Governor in Council LHIN Local Health Integration Networks MB Manitoba MDA Manitoba Dental Association MDC Manitoba Developmental Centre MEIA Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance MHSD Ministry of Housing and Social Development MOH Ministry of Health MOHLTC Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care MSP Medical Services Plan NB New Brunswick NDP New Democratic Party NETW Not Expected to Work NHEX National Health Expenditure NHS Northern Health Strategy NHSWG Northern Health Strategy Working Group
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