The Serving our Community BOE actions. Since 1888 Item Meetings, DVDs at library. Web July 6, 2006 site up. Page A12. 75 cents weekly of Millburn and Short Hills www.theitemonline.com RIVERWALK Plans in hands of state DOT By Patricia Harris The grant will be structured on a of The Item reimbursable basis, with payment made for work already done, and The idea of creating a walkway will be paid out over five years, along the West Branch of the Rah- Klein said. Once DMDA officials way River connecting the Paper have the grant agreement in place, Mill Playhouse with the downtown they will have to ask the munici- is a step closer to reality, as town- pality to advance the funds needed ship officials await feedback on for the project, he indicated. preliminary plans from the state’s In a subsequent phase, the Department of Transportation municipality can hire professionals (DOT). to design and implement the pro- Harold Klein, executive director ject, the director said, adding the of the Downtown Millburn Devel- design phase could begin as early opment Alliance (DMDA), said as October. this week the nearly $600,000 in The preliminary plans were put funds pledged to the township by together by a planning committee the federal government will be fun- consisting of, in addition to Klein, neled through the DOT. The Township Committeewoman Ellen DMDA submitted plans consisting Steinberg, who serves as liaison to of a map and a two-page project the DMDA; John Buchholz, an description to the department and architect and member of the the North Jersey Transportation DMDA board; Becky Greenberg, Planning Authority (NJTPA) sev- DMDA president; Tom Watkin- eral weeks ago. If and when state son, township engineer; and Timo- officials approve the plans, the thy Gordon, business administra- DOT will enter into a grant agree- tor. ment with the township, according to Klein. SEE PLANS, PAGE B8 REDEVELOPMENT Business leaders ADAM ANIK/THE ITEM meet with Baer Bikers and trikers respond to the judges’ shouts to start their circle of the park path for this year’s Fourth of July Bike, Trike and By Patricia Harris describe the impetus for the rede- Stroller Parade in Taylor Park. See additional photos, Page B8. of The Item velopment effort, the formation of goals and objectives and the best INDEPENDENCE DAY Mayor Daniel Baer said Mon- means of achieving the end result day he has been meeting with the governing body seeks. He said members of the township’s busi- he stressed the only way to achieve ness community at their request to that result is to use the state’s cur- explain the process the Township rent redevelopment law, citing the Neighbors celebrate together Committee intends to use for a flexibility the statute offers in terms downtown redevelopment project. of design and financing. By Eveline Speedie national anthem by Annie Pollock, iest and greatest thinkers of the “Today we’re witnessing a period Baer met with approximately 20 Specifically, Baer said, the Local ofTheItem the Rev. Dr. E. Bevan Stanley, min- land...who placed before provi- of profound change. It’s a period merchants and property owners at Housing and Redevelopment Law ister of Christ Church, delivered dence their lives and fortunes so when new ideas are at an all-time Town Hall June 27 to answer ques- (LHRL) allows the governing body The rain held off until evening the convocation. that these United States could be high level. We may have differ- tions and hear views about the pro- to hire a planner of its choice, and the heat index didn’t come The speakers, in their remarks free,” Eakley stressed that “this ences in the solutions but we must posed project. He also met with rather than being required to close to threatening the record but set the mood for the day, ranging spirit of greater good still survives maintain respect,” he said. “We approximately eight members of engage the lowest bidder. Other Tuesday’s observance of the from somber to joyous. See the fol- in America today.” should think of how we conduct the executive board of the Down- advantages of LHRL are that it Fourth of July did carry one dis- lowing excerpts. Al Connellee, recipient of this ourselves in relationship to our town Millburn Development allows the municipality to develop tinction: more than one attendee Stanley delivering the convoca- year’s Patriot Award: “We have friends and neighbors.” Alliance (DMDA) at Town Hall on specific design guidelines for the observed the morning speeches tion: “Protect the men and women freedom, liberty and justice. Most At the conclusion of the cere- Friday. site and mandates public involve- were long and substantial. of the Armed Forces. Save us from of the world doesn’t enjoy this gift. monial portion of the program, The mayor described the discus- ment. Jim Sammartino served as mas- pride and arrogance and all evil. Support the brave men and youngsters lined up for the Bike, sions as “extremely reasonable.” Baer also said all five members ter of ceremonies for the event, Make us worth of our liberty.” women fighting in Iraq. And hon- Trike and Stroller parade. While all “The majority of merchants of the Township Committee dutifully carrying out the job of Police Sgt. Peter Eakley, serving or your father and mother and participants received a congratula- were receptive,” he said. “By the looked at all available laws and introducing speakers at various this year as president of the Mill- learn from them. Respect your tory ribbon for taking the time to end, some were even questioning processes and unanimously deter- stages of the program. Following burn-Short Hills Fourth of July teachers and do the best you can. show their patriotism by decorat- why they are being taken out of the mined the current redevelopment the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Committee, delivered the first of Now, go and enjoy the day,” he ing assorted vehicles , it fell to Janet area in need of redevelopment law should be used. Boy Scout Michael Langley of several speeches. Noting that the commanded. Mangano, organizer of the event, study.” He reiterated the intention of Troop 17 of St. Rose of Lima American Revolution 230 years Mayor Daniel J. Baer, drawing Baer said the small group meet- Church, and the singing of the ago was led by “the finest, wealth- parallels to the nation’s birth: SEE NEIGHBORS, PAGE B8 ings gave him an opportunity to SEE BUSINESS, PAGE B8 SUMMER FUN Pool, Par 3 patrons enjoy recent facility upgrades By Patricia Harris Approximately 70 students ages Renovations are complete for ofTheItem 6 through 18 have signed up for the time being, Hogan reported, the swim team, which practices although the Recreation Depart- Even though the July 4th holi- every day and competes in the ment has put a request in its capi- day has passed, there are still many New Jersey Swim League. tal budget for 2007 to improve the more days for play and activities As of May 31, the pool had snack bar. ahead this summer for users of the 5,785 members and had sold 1,285 “Eventually, we’d like to put a municipal pool and Par 3 golf family memberships and 365 indi- deck around the back and by the course facilities in Gero Park, vidual memberships, Hogan said, poolside and cover it with an according to Bob Hogan, the noting the number of families is up awning that provides more shade, township’s recreation director. 81 from last year and has been ” Hogan said. Among the activities Hogan cit- steadily growing each year as ren- A pool hotline providing infor- ed is the return of Wacky Swim ovations have been made to the mation on swim meets and Day on Saturday, July 15, in the facility. The most recent phase of delayed openings or out-of-the- afternoon. The two-hour event, renovation, completed in 2003, ordinary closings can be reached at open to all pool members, features included the building of a new 973-564-7762. fun swim races and entertainment bathhouse. With regard to the Par 3, Hogan provided by a disc jockey. No At $230 for families and $120 said the township continues to advance sign-up is required and for individual members and $60 make improvements to the facili- details are available at the pool. for seniors, the cost of pool mem- ty. A new maintenance company, In addition, there are still open- bership is one of the lowest in the Shearon Golf, was hired earlier ings in group swim lessons for ages area, according to Hogan. this year, and he said he believes 4 and older, and Mommy and Me Through June 27, the pool had the course is in better shape than ADAM ANIK/THE ITEM classes are offered for children ages experienced 4,800 visitors, the bulk last year. Rachel Priore, assistant manager at the municipal pool, is one of the crew members who keep 6 months to 3 years. Those who of them on two warm weekends, The company has undertaken a things flowing smoothly on hot, busy days. The Millburn resident has been on staff for 10 years are interested should inquire at the Memorial Day and June 17and 18, and is serving her first year as assistant manager. See Page B8 for additional photo. pool. he said. SEE POOL, PAGE B8 Vol. 119 No. 28 CLASSIFIED B9-B11 EDITORIAL A4 MOVIES A9 RELIGIOUS NEWS A6 Jefferson Avenue property. 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