THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Mondav. October 5.1992 Vol XXV, Number 17 Perot campaign calls World Civ requirement in effect for student activism ?orall members of Class of '96 by CAROLINE SCHAICIER that he supportsPerot 'and the way Daily Editorial Board he portrays the"rcal issues"ofthe Just two days .tftcr H. Ross election. Pmtannnunced his of'licial rccn- "Perot made me understand try into the 1992 presidentid race. how much money we owe." Corey Keislerdecided Ihitt Pcrot 's Keisler said. pointing to thc campaignneeded student supprt. nation's% ailliondeficit.Hecited Consequently. he hits fortncd Perot's belief that if America's ern cultures.'hc did not believe United We Stiind. Aincrica. il financial state does not improve, thitt the University had fully in- group created for c o I I cgc s Iudcn is our generation will have a lower vcstigiited the "trade-offs" that to learn about and campaign for standard of living thal our PiU- were involved with the World Civ Ross Perot. ents' . progrrun. "His campaign is definitely on. "Perot said that if we keep Schlicsscr's job originally in- But we only have 30 days left going in the direction of niithial volved discussing the financial until the election. We have to debt. by the year 2000. the intcr- iispcct of adding the new World unite Boston area students to- est on that debt will surpits5 Civ requirement, but the finan- gether for this cause." said Keisler. America's gross natioilal prod- ciid iispccts were "not really dis- a Berklee College of' Music stu- uct. That scares me, and made intl CUSSC~." he said. dent who worked on Perot's ciiln- realize that Perot undelstiuids whiil "They hid 1)itckiigcd the pro- paign from March mtil his drop- the country must do."Keisler said. posit1 SO that lots of dcpiirtmenls <>Lit of thc GCC iil July. He is SO Kcislcriiddcd that the national would gel cxlra money," he said, the coordinator for United We deficit hiisquildruplcdsince19x0. worrying wine people about the Stand. America. itnd hc hliimed the Republican motives behind the support ofthe Keisler has contacted student government for the escalation of progriun. He siiid he also worried political organizations at Boston debt. He sitid the plans Perot has Dai/y filephoto itbout the World Civ budget in- University,Boston Collcgc, MIT. put lorwiud arc "tough." Professor Stephen Hirsch discussed thecurrentWorld Civilization crci1.c Ihitt would ensue if. in Harvard, Northeastern. and Tufts. "Perot will really be forcing 1scvcrill YCXS. the fitc~ltyvoted to His aim is to motivate students issues of the economy and the mikc World Civ ;I two-semester interested in the Perot canpiugn national debt to the forefront of andJackson(LA&J) faculty.aSt( student concerns about the addi- rcquircincnt, as was initially in- to meet at the organiziition's first the campaign and will address to 41 vote with four itbstentions tion of i1 requirement for future tcndcd. scheduled meeting at the Collcgc them during the debates," Keisler secured the requirement. classes at Tufts. Hirsch attended a Schliesser sitid that resources Fest, to be held this wcckcnd at said, citing Bush's and Clinton's Designed to cxiuninc thctncs meeting of the TCU Senate Edu- w~ldbe rciillociittcd SIOWIY. the Hynes Convention Center. "avoidance of the real election of both Western atid non-Wcstcrn cittioniil Subcommittee in order "That's the way thingsaucdone "Our main goal is tduciition." issues" as Perot's reason to reen- cultures,therequircincnt will exist to i1Iiswcr questions about the iu<)ulidhere." he said. adding that Keisler said. who itddcd (hilt ter the presidential race. in its present form for Lhc next World Civ proposal. "in the mid-80's [Tufts] Stirled within the next int,nth the group Kcisler said Perot also came four years, after which it will be According to student Trustee programs without fully funding Will attempt tonold itif~)1~nittic)tiitlhiick into the political race be- reassessed. Rcprcsclitiitivclor Administration them ...a bid finiuicial way of do- forums at Boston-,ma schools. ciwsc"his volunteers wanted hiin According to Professor Steven itnd Finnncc Eric Schliesser, the ing things." and sponsor speakers itnd videos to." He iddcd that "no one really Hirsch,Directorof the World Civi- Sctiiitc rcinaincd unconvinced Though he tlisiigrecd that the that will help inform students gave up on him" when Perot lizations Program. the idea of a despite Hirsch's efforts that the funding for the World Civ pro- about the issues Pcrot stitnds lor. dropped out of the race in July. World Civilization requirement World Civ rcquircincnt was aben- gram would he as easily acces- Keisler believes IhiIt studcnts Pcrot StiWd during his July forTuftsisan idea which has been cficiit1;rddition tohc University's sible as the Administration said it "may not know much" about speech thilt hc would drop out well-planned and discussed for loundation requirements. would. thc issue of finance "was Perot. aside from the rumors that hccnusc he did not want to disrupt over five years. According to Schlicsscr. who has held his closed."For "strictly political rea- label hiin as "a billionaire aid a the election process and citcd a Hirsch. it originatcd in the early position for over a year. says his sons," former TCU Senate Presi- quitter." he said. rcvitalized Democratic party. 80s, when the faculty voted for it miin job is to represent the Sen- dentAlexa Leon-Pradoasked him "Perot is really the only honest two-semester WorldCivilizatioiis ate, iuld to a lesser degree the see UNITE, page 6 see WORLD CIV, page 6 candidate," Keisler sitid. iiddilig requirement, "in principle." studctitbody.to thc BoardofTNSt- Clinton representative urges all students to participate n election that he believes that the United States should be a "catalyst, not iui arbiter" in dcvclopmcnts in- volving Middle East countries. Another topic Gritl1Ofl id- dressed was the appointmcnt ol Supreme Court justices. iind his disparaging vicw of Bush's trios1 recent nominee. "I find it hard to believe that Cliucncc Thoinas was the best choice for the Supreme Court," Gnuioff sitid. Granoff said that under Bush, the courts will provide less sepa- rittion ktwccn church 'and state iutd may attcinpt to enforce prayer in public schools. He added that cuss Israel and the role of Ameri- Clinton believes N.Y. Gov. Mario can Jews in this election. Cuomo is ;I strong model of a Inside "For the American Jewish just ice. Features .......................... p. 5 community, I think this is the "There's no reason that we ?he new Cultural Exchange Circle most CrUCid election in a long cit1i.t itcccpt Bill Clinton's ap- gets underway and Michael Berg tells US time," &anoff said. pointments of justices." Granoff what he thinks about Parents Weekend. He offered his review of Bush said. and former Secrdary of StiitC Granoff concluded by asking Arts ................................. p. 7 James Baker 'sattitudc lowitrd the everyone to mike sure that they The Somerville Theater hosts yet an- loan guarantees Israel asked for voted, He said that Republicans other animation festival, and a trio of last year. get thrcc tiines iis many votes as great actors make 'Hero' a hit. "They took ;fli hulnittiitiriiul the Democrats from absentee bal- aid issue and turned it into iI po- lots. Sports ........................ 8-9 litical issue," Gratnoll' sitid. Scvcrid ciilnpus organizations Photo by Patrick Hea/y Football picks up its first winPP* of the felt it important lo sponsor Former Democratic State Sen. Sal Albano, who lost his seat in year with a blowout of Bates, and Larry According to Grauiofl. Clinton favored the loan guarantees as 1990 but is this year's nominee, shook hands and dispensed gives us the scoop on the NLCS. see DEMOCRAT, page 10 campaign information at the Campus Center last week. -3 well as the peace process except page two THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, October 5,1992 THE TUFTSDAILJ Patrick Healy Editor-in-Chief ’ Managing Editor: Paul Horan Associate EditomJeff Geller. Elizabeth Yellen Production-Managers: Julie Cornell. Michael B. Beg NEWS Editors: Caroline Schaefer. Stephen Arbuthnot Assistant Editors: Chris Stripinis. John Wagley AP Editor: Joel Goldbeg VIEWPOIhTS Editor: Jessica Foster FEATURES Editor: Rob Minnan Assistant Editor: Massa Bayrakdar ARTS Editors: Elin Dugan, Madhu Unnikrishnan Assistant EditomMatt Carson, Nadya Sbaiti SPORTS Editor: Phil Ayoub Assistant Editors: Doug Katz, Marc Sheinkin PHOTOGRAPHY Iditors: Ami Recordati, Tabbert Tag, Julio Mota Assistant Editors: Tara Kernohan, Matilde Pereda PRODUCTION Layout Editors: Lon Ruben, Dirk Reinshagen, Jamie Fink 3raphics Editors: John Pohorylo, Chris Capotosto Classifieds Editor: Stephanie Romney, Jennifer Rich Copy .Editors:EIana Vatsky, Cheryl Horton, Michael Agulnek Letters to t he Editor Larry Azer Freshman candidate of all of us running. to look for our fliers Sanft, Kim Wolson. and Sam Zabala. For Executive Buriness Director and to come hear our speeches. Hope to the two seats available for the Class of urges all to vote see you all there! 1994. there was only one candidate. Elissa Business Manager: Gizem Ozkulahci Goldman won by acclmation. The Office Manager: Alyssa Soracco To the Editor: has Receivables Manager: Lyle Mays Hi. my name is Jordana Sanft and I’m Jordana Sanft 5’96 other seat will go to the nexi. highest vote Subscriptions Manager: JL McHenry writing to clarify an article that appeared getter from the Class of 1996. Therefore. in the Dailv on Oct. 1. It was stilted that a total of eight of the 12 first-year students 12 candidates for will become TCU senators. There are six The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper. publishec only eight freshmen are runnin@for TCU londay through Friday during the academic year and dis Senate Dositions: however I think the num- TCU elections candidates for the two TCUJ seats.
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