· -----Ihe A rroVIf-DF PI BETA PHI ~ ~ SUMMER 1983 CONVENTION 1983 g)ea6dM ... Editor's Note: ThiJ is your page- made available to anyone wishing to you?" " Dorothy, iriS YOU!!" And they fell into eac h other's arms . That did comment on articles, the magazine, or any topic of interest to our readers. it. Strangers realized that yes , they were sisters . leiters must be signed with full name, address, and chapter. We resenle the Having witnessed such warmth may have led us ro our by now abiding right to edit as needed to space requirements and content. msf interest in Massachusetts Alpha, our closest, although not at all close, active chapter. It is an old one but has suffered from the blight of the seven ties . The only surviving women 's fraternity at Boston Universiry , Massachusetts Alpha needed all the encouragement it could get. We have joined the West That Wlnt.r Cov.r PI.a••• Suburban Boston Alumnae in assisting them, spurred on by the idealism of What a beautiful ARROW! The cover is beautiful! The back too! Robin KurtZ , an active of Masssachusetts Alpha. This has involved joint We got to see ETwit~ our granddaughter last month and I'm sending her Founders' Day luncheons for the last two years. the nice story on Pat Welsh. She had heard it was a lady who was 93 and a two We have stitched robes for Massachusetts Alpha'S initiations, among other pack a day smoker. things. And for the last two years , their spring initiation has been held at the Jan Threlkeld Moore home of Berry Hewins Gallagher, D.C. Alpha, of Orleans, which is 100 miles Arizona Alpha (Vniv. of Arizona) from Boston. Phoenix, Ariz. Winter or summer, all Pi Phis arc welcome at our meetings.}ustcall Martha! FloyJo Work .. Read more about Jan on page 10 of this issue. Ohio Zeta (Miami) Chatham, Mass . Our committee of four (two each sex) editors votes unanimously : your ARROW dual covers of Winter '82 as the 'cover.ofthe·year.' Mentioned also is Anoth.r NBC Conn.dlon that the cover is totally 'Pi·Phi' as it is of your chariry project that may be first had by any sorority. The D.C. news editor of the "Today" show isJohn H. Rutherford. His wife, Wilson B. Heller my daughter, is Sally-Jo Skinkle Rutherford, a University of Kentucky at Fraterniry INSIDER Lexington Pi Phi. Los Angeles , Calif. I thought, after reading the article on Meredith Brokaw, the Pi Phis might like to hear of another. They live in Mclean, Va. , and have two daughters. Could be future Pi Phis? Mynle Thelin Skinkle Cape Cod W.lcom•• VI.ltor. Illinois Zeta (Vniv. of Illinois) Brookings, Oregon Please consider this an invitation from the Cape Cod, Mass ., Alumnae Club to all Pi Phis. If you have a summer home here, or if you visit the Cape this summer at the time of one of our monthly luncheons, we 'd love to have you join us . Watch the newspapers or call our Rush Chairman Martha Yingling Work on the Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Directory is well under way . Soon Heslop (West Virginia Alpha) at 394·3247 for information. all alumnae will receive a brief questionnaire with a follow· up request We'd like to tell you about our newly chanered group. We have more than to be sent one month later. The prompt return of these questionnaires thiny active members from all sections of the U.S.- even one from Canada. is essential so that the information in the directory will be current and That's quite a few for so new a club. And we proudly list a national officer, complete. The completed questionnaires, as well as a list of all alumnae Joyce Teir Hosford, Massachusetts Beta, Director of Academic Standards, as who do not respond to either mailing, will be turned over to the one of us . publisher for telephone follow up. Actually, it's surprising that we exist at all. Past attempts to form an alum Alumnae will then be contacted directly by the Harris Publishing club here failed , partially because of winter driving problems on this near· Company to verify information and to see whether they wish to island which juts 65 miles into the cruel Atlantic. Driving sometimes can be purchase a directory. Alumnae with current addresses who have not equally difficult, albeit in a different way , in summer, when the Cape seems in responded to the questionnaires and arc not reached by phone by the danger of sinking under its load of tourists. Harris representatives, will appear in the directory with the Yet in the summer of 1981 three unsinkable Pi Phis, Nancy Kuhne DuRie, information provided by Central Office records. Maryland Alpha, of Orleans, Mass.; Gwen Zinniger Hanafee, California Zeta, Alumnae will be listed alphabetically, geographically, and by summer resident of Chatham, Mass ., winter resident of Birmingham, Mich ., chapter. Each listing will contain name, class year, chapter, residence where she is also active in the Bloomfield Hills Alumnae Club; and our first address and phone number, and business or professional information president, Priscilla Merchant Mueller, Connecticut Alpha, of Truro, Mass., when available. determined to remedy the situation. Having been active with the Southern If you have not received your questionnaire by mid· August, 1983, or Fairfield County Alumnae of Connecticut, with whom Priscilla was a charter if you do not wish to be listed in the directory, please notify Central member and a mainstay, they had the know· how and the dedication to do the Office in writing. seemingly impossible-to gather and involve women in a long narrow Circulation of the new Alumnae Directory will be restricted to 408·square·mile area to form an active and enthusiastic alumnae club. alumnae. Release of the directory is tentatively scheduled for Spring, At our first meeting, Dorothy Warner Smith and Lilla Fries Smith, both of 1984. Massachusetts Alpha, found each other mer many years apart. " Lilla, is that THE Arrow OF PI BETA PHI VOLUME 99 SUMMER, 1983 NUMBER 4 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY Founded 1867 FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY Emma Brownlee Kilgore (1848-1924) Rosa Moore (1848-1924) Margaret Campbdl (1846-1936) Jennie Nicol, M. D. (1845-1881) Libbie Brook Gaddis (1850-1933) Inez Smith Soule (1846-1941) Ada Bruen Grier (1848-1924) Fannie Thomson (1848-1868) Clara Brownlee Hutchinson (1850-1931) Jennie Horne Turnbull (1846-1932) Fannie Whitenack Libbey (1848-1941) Nancy Black Wallace (1846-1918) Office of Publication: Features 7730 Caronddet, Suite 333 , Dear Editor .... .. Inside Front Cover St . Louis, Mo. 63105 Off the ARROW Hook . 4 Pi Beta Phi Graduate Counselors-1983-84 . 5 Staff CENTENNIAL Short Stories of Sagacious Sisters . 11 News of Arrowcraft and Arrowmont . 16 ARROW Editor CPIA ~~ ..... ----. Pictures-Fraternity Sweethearts . 22 Marilyn Simpson Ford (Mrs. William W ., Jr.), 268 Under­ A Pi Phi Heritage-Holt House . .. 23 wood Dr., N.W ., Atlanta, Ga. 30328 Chapter Service Projects . .. 24 Rush Information Alumnae Club Forum Editor Chapter Membership Chairmen . .. 33 Carol Busch Marlowe (Mrs. Britton 1.), 2860 Mirage Alumnae Club Chairmen . .. 38 Drive, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80918 Alumnae Province Presidents . .. 56 Information Bulletin Order Blank . 56 From Pi Phi Pens Athletic Angels . .. 58 (Book Reviews) Pi Phi Did It . .. 60 Clare Harding Sanford (Mrs. Frank W.), Little Professor CFEA Art Contest Entry Blank . .. 70 Book Center, Hilltown Village Center, Chesterfidd, Mo. Pi Beta Phi Initiates . .. 71 63017 Campus Sights & Sounds ...... ......... ~ . .. 78 In Memoriam .................................. 79 Arrow File and In Memoriam Fraternity Directory ......... ....... .... .. 80 Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Caronddet, Suite 333 , Official Calendars . .. 81 St. Louis, Mo. 63105 Rush Information Form . Inside Back Cover 1THE ARROW (USPS 032-540) is printed Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer by Pi Beta Phi Fraternity at the press of George Banta Company, Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wis. ,Send change of address notice and correspondence of a business nature to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Caronddet, Suite 333 , St. Louis, Mo. 63105 . ,Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addrc:ssc:d to the editor, Mrs. W. W . Ford, Jr. , 268 Underwood Dr., NW, Atlanta, Ga. 30328 . ,Second class postage paid at St. Louis , Missouri, and at additional mailing office. Printed in the United States of America off the Word has come, via the Vanderbilt University Alumni been an active Pi Phi also. She is in her second year as News, about one of our Pi Phis who is outstanding in the chairman of Kentucky Gamma AAC, and has been a field of business. Jane Evans Sheer, Tennessee Beta, is member for four years. Our congratulations! executive vice president at General Mills, heading their Fashion Group which includes Izod Lacoste, Ship 'n Shore, On page 70 of this issue of The ARROW , you will find an and Monet. According to a feature stoty about her in an announcement of the second annual art competition, October 31 issue of The New York Times, she is, "in terms sponsored by the College Fraternity Editors Association of her division's revenues-$637.3 million in the fiscal year (CFEA) and Ihling Bros. Everard Co . We hope there are lots ending May 30, 1982-the top ranking woman in the of Pi Phis out there who will enter this competition. It is American apparel industry." open to any member, collegiate or alumnae, of the Jane joined General Mills in 1979. Previously she had Fraternity, with $100 prizes for the winning entry in each been for five years with American Can Company as a category, cartoon, and illustration/spot art, and Honorable president of its Butterick Fashion Marketing.
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