I BEGD. GOA-I! I Panaji, 17th July, 1980 IAsadha 26, 1902) SERIES I No. 16 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN Banking companies and also in respect ,of the instru­ meuts of reconveyance executed by the Banking AND DIU companies in favour of such farmers and/or their guarantors. Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms By order and in name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu. Notification A. P. Panvelkar, Under Secretary (Finance). 24/&/SO-PER Panaji, 7th July, 1980. In exercise of the powers vested in him under rule 4 of "Goa, Daman and Diu Police Service Rules 1973" , ... the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to declare the following posts created vide order No. Law Department (Legal Advice) HD(G)3-4-16-78 dated 31-5-1980 of Home Depart­ ment (General) as 'duty posts' of the said service Notification for the purpose of recruitment thereto until further orders. LD/Acts/1980(6) DY. Superintendent of Police ...... Five posts. The following Central Acts namely:- 1. The Central Excises and Salt and Additional By order and in the name' of the Administrator Duties of Excise (Amendment) Act, 1980. 2. The of Goa, Daman and Diu. Representation of the People (Amendment), Act, 1980. 3. The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, G. H. Mascarenha.s, Under Secretary (Personnel) 1980. 4. The Appropriation (No.2) Act, 1980. '5. The Panaji, 7th July, 1980. Finance Act, 1980. 6. The Union Duties of Excise (Electricity) Distribution Act, 1980. 7. The Constitu­ tion (Forty fifth Amendment) Act, 1980 which were ... recently passed by the Parliament and assented to by the President of India and published in the Gazette Revenue Department of India, Part II, Section I dated 12-2-80 & 25-3-1SO are hereby republished for general information of the public. Notification R. V. Durbhatkar, Under Secretary (Law). Fin (Rev)/2-42/2/68 Panaji, 23rd June, 1980. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section 1 of section 9 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Central Act 2 of 1899) as extended to the The i:entral Excises and Salt and Addltional Duties Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu and in super­ of Excise (Amendment! Act, 1980 session of Government Notification No. Fin(Rev)/ 2-42/2/2864/69 dated 28th October, 1969 published AN in Government Gazette, Series I, No~ 33 dated 13-11-1969, the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman ACT and Diu is pleased to remit the Stamp duty payable jurthur to amend the Oentral Excises and Salt Act, under the said Act, in respect of the instruments 1944, and the Additional Dutie8 of Excise (Goods executed by or on behalf of the farmers and their of Special Importance) Act, 1957. guarantors in the Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu for obtaining loans for agricultural and horti­ Be it enacted by Parliament in the Thirty-firllt cultural purposes and for allied pursuits like dairy Year of the Republic of India as follows: - ' farming, poultry farming, piggery, maintaining of plough bulls, breeding of live stocks, goat rearing, 1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act sericulture, piSCiculture, grazing, fishing and such may be called the Central Excises and Salt and Addi­ other pursuits connected with agriculture, from the tional Duties of ,Excise (Amendment) Act, 1980. 140 , SERIES 1 No. 16 t '; (2) It spall be deemed to have come into force on (iii) in Item No. 22, forsul)-item (1) ,the follo, 'the 24th day of November, 1979. 'yving sub-item shall be substituted, namely: c;.:. , "(1) Man-made fabrics, ... 2. Amendment of section 2, - In the' other than (i) embroidery ,. Central Excises and Salt Act, 1944 (here­ i,of 1944. in the' piece, in strips or ill inafter referred to as the Central Excises motifs, and (ii) fabrics im- Act), in section 2, in clause (f), after pregnated, coated or lami', sub-clause (iv), the following sub-clauses' nated with preparations of' shall be inserted, namely: - cellulose derivatives or of other artificial plastic rna­ "(v) in relation to goods comprised in Item No. , ,.- terials~' 19 I of the ,First Schedule, includes bleaching, mer" , I "'cerising, dyeing, printing, waterproofing; rubbe-' (a) man-made fabrics,' Twenty per c!>nt. .,rising, shrink-proofing, organdie processing or any not subjected to any pro­ ad valorem plus ''''other' processor anyone or more of thesepr(l' cess' . rupees five per cesses' ' square metre· .,.,.,.,,"-: •..~._,~_~-, ".' ':"';,""','," ..,,', '~';" ", '.'.: r ",' .,~-,~ •. _._ " _-::.~ •. ,,:,-_~ ,',;' (v~)mrellition:togqqdicomprised .1rilte~ No. (b}man-made fabrics, Twenty per cent. :~:~1 (i) ,of, ,the Fiist, SCliedufe, jnclu,des~m,i)li!)g;rai- subjected to the process ad valorem plus 'sing, blOWing, tentering; dyeing orany'0t1:Lef'p~o~ of bleaching, dyeing, Prlri~ rupees five per cess or anyone or more of these processes; , ting, shrink-proofing, ten­ square metre.... tering, heat-setting, cre­ .J ' , (vii) in '.relation to goods comprised in Item No. 'ase resIstant processing' 22(1) of the First Schedule, includes bleaching, or any other process or dyeing, l?rinting"shrink-proofing, tentering" hent­ any two or more, of ther.e -setting, crease' resistant processing or 'any other processes process or anyone or more of. these, processes;". ..:-:,: , 4. Amendment Of ,First Schedul~. - In, , 3. Amendment of First SChedule. - In the Central the Additio,Jial Duties 9f' ExciM (GOods Excises Act, in the First Schedule,- of Special Ililportance) '4ct, 1957; in the, 58'.! i95'T; ,First Schedule, --"- " , , , (i) in the- Item :N~. '19; fOr'sub-Item I, the follo­ wing sub-item shall be substituted, namely:- '(i) in: lt~~No,'19,forsub~itemI, the foll~wirig sub-ite~:shilIIbe substituted, namely:- " "I. Cotton fabrics, other "I;' Cotton fabrics, other than (i) embroidery'Flt.pl) than (i) embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs, c piece, in strips or ill motifs" and (ii) fabrics' impregna and (ii) fabrics impregna"' ·ted, " coated 'or laminated .' :' ted, Coated or laminated with 'preparations o(cellu-, , with' preparationsof'cellu­ lose 'derivatives or of ,other lose derivatives or of' other artificial 'plastic materi- artificiai" plastic materi, als~ als- . " ' (a) cotton fabrics, not Twenty pel' cent. (a) cotton fabrics, no't Five per cent. subjected to any process ad valorem. subjected to any proce~s ad valorem. (b ) cotton fabrics, ,sub­ Twenty per cent. (b) cotton fabi'ics;sub­ 'Five per cent. J jectedtothe process of advalorelin:"j jected to ihe process of ad valorem/ J" 'breaching, mercerisiilg, bleaching, mercerising,: ,oo" dyeing,printing, ' water­ dyeing, printing, water- proof i n g, rubberising, proof i n g. rubberising, shrink-proofing, orgl!J;l- , shrink-proofing, organ~ die 'processing or' any die processing, or any,. other process or an;tJwo ' other process or any two or more of these proces- Or more of these proces-. " ses , ses' ", , . , (ii) in'item No. 21, for ~1!b-iteIIJ.(l), the follo­ (ii) inItem No· 21;forsub~item(1), the follo­ wing sub-item shall be sUbstituted, namely: - wing sUb:item shall be, substituted, namely: ,--'-" "(1) Woollen fabrics; "(1) W 0 11 e n fabrics, other than embroidery in other than embroidery in the piece, in strips or In the piece, in strips or in motifs-',- motifs ,,..,- (a) woollen .fabrics, ' Five per. cent. '.- " (a)woollenfabdC's, not Twelve percent. not snbjected toanypro-: ad ,valorem· subjected to any process ad Valorem. cess (b)' WOOllen fubrics;sub:- , Twelve per -cent. (b) ,woollen fabrics, Five per cent; , jected to the process of ad valorem.": subjected to the process. ad valorem.";· milling, raising, blowing, of milling, raisiilg, blow­ tentering, dyeing or any ing, tentering, dyeing or' other ,process or any ·two " any other process Or any' or more of these' proces­ two or,more of thes,e pro­ ses cesses 17TH JULY,. 1980 (ASADHA 26, 1902) 141 (iii) in Item No. 22, for sub-item (1), the follow- (B) a sub-item covering such "Woollen' hb­ ing sub-item shall be substituted, namely: - rics" subjected to any such process or any .two or ·more such processes, , "(1) Man-made fabrics, other than (i) embroidelY and the rate of duty specified in such Act with in the piece., in strips or in respect to such "woollen fabrics" had' been speci­ motifs, and (ii). fabrics fied separately withreSJ;lect to each ,of the afore­ impregnated,· coated or la- mentioned sub-items thereof; minated with· preparations (iii) such "rayon or artificial silk fabrics" or of cellulose derivatives or ·. "man-made fabrics" comprised for the .purposes· of of other artificial plastic v. duty leviable under that Act - , materials- ,(A) a sub-item covering such "rayon oraIti­ (a) man-made fabrics, Seven and a h8,lf 'ficial silk fabrics" or "mari~iiiade fabrics" not not subjected to any pro­ per cent. ad subjected to any process mentioned in sub-clause cess valorem plus (vii) of clause (f) of section 2 of the Central rupees two per ,Excises Act, as amended by this Act; and,; square. metre. (B) a sub-item covering such "rayonorvaIti­ (b) man-made fabrics, Seven and a half . fiCial silk fabrics"or "man-made fabrics" sub­ subjected to the process per cent. ad . jecW to any such process or any two or more of bleaching, dyeing; valorem plu8 such processes,. ./ printing, Shrink-proof­ rupees two per ing, tentering, heat-set­ square metre.". and the rate of duty specified in such Act\vith ting, crease resistant pro­ respect to such "rayoll or artifical silk fabrics" cessing or any other pro­ and "man-made fabrics" had been specifiedsepa­ cess or any two or more rately with respect to each of the aforementiolled of these processes sub-items thereof; and (iv) the amendments to clause (f) of sectio'll 2 5.
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