Acquisitions to Date 2002-03 43 books and 4 journals: 1. Halperin, David M., 100 Years of Homosexuality and Other Essays, Routledge, 1990 2. Grudin Denholtz, Elaine, Balancing work & love: Jewish women facing the family-career challenge, University Press of New England, 2000 3. Fuchs, Lawrence, Beyond patriarchy: Jewish fathers and families, Brandeis University Press, 2000 4. Brawley R., ed, Biblical Ethics and Homosexuality, John Knox, 1996 5. Parsons, S., Cambridge Companion to Feminist Theology, Cambridge U.P., 2002 6. Berquist, Jon, Controlling Corporeality: the body and the household in Ancient Israel, Rutgers, 2002 7. Carr, D., Erotic word, Oxford, 2002 8. Juschka, Darlene edit., Feminism in the study of religion, Continuum, 2001 9. Brenner, A., Feminist companion to the song of songs, Sheffield, 1993 10. Davidman, L., Feminist perspectives on Jewish studies, Yale U. P., 1994 11. Butler - Scott, Feminists Theorize the Political, Routledge, 1992 12. Klein, From Deborah to Esther, Syracuse U. P, 2003 13. Spencer, Daniel, Gay and Gaia: Ethics, Ecology and the Erotic, Pilgrim Press, 1996 14. Raphael, Marc Lee, ed, Gendering the Jewish Past, College of William & Mary, 2002 15. Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard, God's phallus and other problems for men and monotheism, Beacon Press, 1994 16. Kalpana, Misra, Jewish Feminism in Israel, University Press of New England, 2003 17. Frankel, J., Jews and gender: the challenge to hierarchy, Oxford, 2002 18. Taitz, E., JPS guide to Jewish Women, JPS, 2003 19. Alpert, R. edit, Lesbian Rabbis: the first generation, Rutgers U. P., 2001 20. Schafer, Peter, Mirror of his Beauty: Feminine Images of God from the Bible to the Early Kabbalah, Princeton U.P., 2002 21. Rakovsky, My Life as a Radical Jewish Woman, Indiana U.P., 2002 22. Buchman - Spiegel, Out of the garden: women writers on the Bible, Fawcet Columbine, 1995 23. Stone, Ken, Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series, 334. Pilgrim Press, 2001 24. Shneer, D., Queer Jews, Routledge, 2002 25. Burger & Kruger, ed., Queering in the Middle Ages, U.Minesota, 2001 26. Frymer-Kensky, Reading the Women of the Bible, Schocken, 2002 27. Shapiro, M., Rebbe's daughter, JPS, 2002 28. Daniel and Johnson, Ruby of Cochin: An Indian Woman Remembers, JPS, 2002 29. Halperin, David M., Saint Foucault, Oxford U.P, 1995 30. Jordan, Mark D., Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality and Modern Catholicism, U.Chicago Press, 2000 31. Hammer, J., Sisters at Sinai, JPS, 2002 32. Boyarin, Daniel. , Unheroic Conduct: the rise of heterosexuality and the invention of the Jewish Man, U of Calif Pr, 1997 33. Brooks, Andre Aelion, Woman who defied Kings: The life and times of Dona Gracia Nasi, 2002 34. Pamela S. Nadell and Jonathan D. Sarna, editors. , Women and American Judaism: Historical Perspectives. , Brandeis. , 2001 35. Brooten, B., Women leaders in the ancient synagogue: inscriptional evidence and background issues, Scholars Press, 1982 36. Castelli, Elizabeth edit, Women, gender, religion: a reader, Palgrave, 2001 37. Cohen Anisfeld, S, Women's Passover Companion, Jewish Lights, 2002 38. Cohen Anisfeld, S, Women's seder sourcebook, Jewish Lights, 2002 39. Solomon, Judith, Rosh Hodesh Table: foods at the New Moon: Jewish women's monthly festivals, Biblio Press, 1995 40. Hazony, Yoram, Dawn: political teachings of the book of Esther, Shalem Press, 2000 41. Mark, Elizabeth Wyner , Covenant of circumcision : new perspectives on an ancient Jewish rite, Brandeis University Press, 2003 42. Zornberg, Avivah Gottlieb, Particulars of Rapture: reflections on exodus, Image/Doubleday, 2002 43. Kamionkowski, Tamar, Gender Reversal and Cosmic Chaos, Sheffield, 2003 4 Journals: Bridges, Lilith, Nashim, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 2003-2004 50 Books: 1. Holler, Linda. Erotic Morality: the role of touch in moral agency. New Brunswick, NJ & London: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2002. 2. Jung, Patricia. Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World’s Religions. New Brunswick, NJ & London: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2001. 3. Yee, Gale. Poor Banished Children of Eve: Woman as Evil in the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003. 4. Ostriker, Alicia. The Nakedness of the Fathers. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1994. 5. Berkovic, Sally. Straight Talk: My Dilemma as an Orthodox Jewish Woman. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav, 1999. 6. Karras, Ruth. From Boys to Men: Formations of Masculinity in Late Medieval Europe. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. 7. Rosen, Tova. Unveiling Eve. Philadelphia: Univ of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. 8. Henkin, Yehuda. Responsa on Contemporary Jewish Women’s Issues. Hoboken, NJ: KTAV, 2003. 9. Falk, Sandy. The Jewish Pregnancy Book. Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights, 2003. 10. Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard. God’s Phallus. Boston: Beacon Press, 1994. 11. Havea, Jione. Elusions of Control: Biblical Law on the Words of Women. Atlanta, Ga: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003. 12. The Journey Continues: Ma’yan Passover Haggadah. Ed. by Tamara Cohen, et al. Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, 1997. 13. The Journey Continues: Ma’yan Passover Haggadah, 2nd ed. Ed. by Tamara Cohen. NY: Ma’yan: The Jewish Women’s Project, 2000. 14. New Testament Masculinities. Ed. by Stephen Moore and Janice Anderson. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003. 15. Weissler, Chava. Voices of the Matriarchs. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1998. 16. Broner, E.M. The Women’s Haggadah. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994. 17. From Wounded Hearts: Faith Stories of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People and Those Who Love Them. 2nd. Ed. Compiled & ed. by Roberta Kreider. Gaithersburg, MD: Chi Rho Press, 2003. 18. Exodus to Deuteronomy: A Feminist Companion to the Bible, second series. Ed. by Athalya Brenner. Sheffield, Eng: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. 19. Pregnant Passion: Gender, Sex, and Violence in the Bible. Ed. by Cheryl Kirk-Duggan. Atlanta: Soc. of Biblical Literature, 2004. 20. Genesis, The Feminist Companion to the Bible (Second Series). Ed. by Athalya Brenner. Sheffield, Eng: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. 21. The Song of Songs, A Feminist Companion to the Bible (Second Series). Ed. by Athalya Brenner and Carole Fontaine. Sheffield, Eng: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. 22. Samuel and Kings, A Feminist Companion to the Bible (Second Series). Ed. by Athalya Brenner. Sheffield, Eng: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. 23. Patai, Raphael. The Hebrew Goddess. Third enlarged ed. Detroit: Wayne State Univ Press, 1990. 24. Hebrew Feminist Poesm from Antiquity to the Present. Ed. by Shirley Kaufman, et al. NY: The Feminist Press, 1999. 25. Piercy, Marge. The Art of Blessing the Day. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999. 26. American Jewish Women’s History: A Reader. Ed. by Pamela Nadell. NY & London: New York Univ Press, 2003. 27. Yentl’s Revenge: The Next Wave of Jewish Feminism. Ed. by Danya Ruttenberg. NY: Seal Press, 2001. 28. Wisdom and Psalms: A Feminist Companion to the Bible. 2nd series. Ed. by Athalya Brenner and Carole Fontaine. Sheffield, Eng: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. 29. Experience and Expression: Women, the Nazis, and the Holocaust. Ed. by Elizabeth Baer and Myrna Goldenberg. Detroit: Wayne State Univ Press, 2003. 30. Prell, Riv-Ellen. Fighting to Become Americans: Assimilation and the Trouble between Jewish Women and Jewish Men. Boston: Beacon Press, 1999. 31. Davis, Ellen and Margaret Parker. Who Are you, My Daughter? Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003. 32. Gender and Israeli Society: Women’s Time. Ed. by Hannah Naveh. London & Portland, OR: Vallentine Mitchell, 2003. 33. From Memory to Transformation: Jewish Women’s Voices. Ed. by Sarah Swartz and Margie Wolfe. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1998. 34. Baker, Cynthia. Rebuilding the House of Israel: Architectures of Gender in Jewish Antiquity. Stanford: Stanford Univ Press, 2002. 35. Tec, Nechama. Resilience and Courage: Women, Men, and the Holocaust. New Haven: Yale Univ Press, 2003. 36. Horn, Dara. In the Image. NY & London: W.W.Norton, 2002. 37. Israeli Family and Community: Women’s Time. Ed. by Hannah Naveh. London & Portland, OR: Vallentine Mitchell, 2003. 38. Schneider, Sarah. Kabbalistic Writings on the Nature of Masculine and Feminine. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 2000. 39. Edghill, India. Queenmaker: A Novel of King David’s Queen. NY: St. Martin’s Press, 2002. 40. A Feminist Companion to Esther, Judith, and Susanna. Ed. by Athalya Brenner. Sheffield, Eng: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995. 41. A Feminist Companion to Samuel and Kings. Ed. by Athalya Brenner. Sheffield, Eng: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994. 42. Deutsch, Nathaniel. The Maiden of Ludmir: a Jewish Holy Woman and her World. Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ of California Press, 2003. 43. Fuchs, Esther. Sexual Politics in the Biblical Narrative. London, NY: Sheffield Academic Press, 2003. 44. A Mensch Among Men: Explorations in Jewish Masculinity. Ed. by Harry Brod. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1988. 45. Judges: A Feminist Companion to the Bible. 2nd series. Ed. by Athalya Brenner. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999. 46. Men and Women: Gender, Judaism and Democracy. Ed. by Rachel Elior. Jerusalem & NY: Urim Publications, 2004. 47. Parush, Iris. Reading Jewish Women. Lebanon, NH: Brandeis Univ Press, 2004. 48. Queer Theory and the Jewish Question. Ed. Daniel Boyarin, et al. NY: Columbia Univ Press, 2003. 49. Ross, Tamar. Expanding the Palace of Torah: Orthodoxy and Feminism. Lebanon, NH: Univ Press of New England, 2004. 50. Friedman, Jonathan. Speaking the Unspeakable: essays on sexuality, gender, and Holocaust Survivor Memory. Lanham, MD: Univ Press of America, 2002. 2004-2005 45 books and 5 journals: 1. Goldstein, Rebecca. Mazel. Madison: Univ of Wisconsin Press, 2002 2. Satlow, Michael. Tasting the Dish: Rabbinic Rhetorics of Sexuality. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1995. 3. Agosin, Marjorie, ed. The House of Memory: Stories by Jewish Women Writers of Latin America. NY: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1999. 4. Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie and Irena Klepfisz. The Tribe of Dina. Rev. & expanded ed. Boston: Beacon Press, 1989. 5. Zierler, Wendy. And Rachel Stole the Idols.
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