SCOTT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FIVE POINTS OF THE STAR Kevin Studnicka - Sheriff VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 APRIL, 2009 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: FROM THE SHERIFF By Sheriff Kevin Studnicka PATROL 2 Olympics. Scott County Takes The Polar Plunge!!!!! I would like to thank all of SUPPORT STAFF 3 the folks in public safety On Feb. 28, 2009, a group 3 who made the choice to CHAPLAIN SERVICES of Scott County Sheriff’s take the leap. Of course, Office employees took the our Scott County team, 4 Polar Plunge. What is the PATROL RESERVE UNIT known as the “Scott County our team members another Polar Plunge you may be 4 Chosin’ Frozen”, did not go psychological exam before MOUNTED RESERVE asking? The Polar Plunge is UNIT unnoticed. After making an annual event that took allowing them to return their initial jump and chang- JAIL 5 place at Lake Crystal in back to work. ing into their dry clothes, Burnsville this year. The Thanks again to all of the CRIME PREVENTION 6 they decided one jump into local fire department cuts team members and to eve- the frigid lake was not ful- CIVIL PROCESS AND 6 out a sheet of ice and groups ryone who supported our ARRANTS filling enough and deter- W of public safety folks take a team. This was the third mined to jump not just one hesitant leap into the frigid year that we have partici- ECREATIONAL AFETY 7 more time, but two more R S waters - all for Minnesota pated in this cause and hope times!! Needless to say, I 7 Special Olympics. to participate in many FROM THE CHIEF had a few voice mails from DEPUTY more. As Sheriff’s Office employ- some local police chiefs ees took this courageous waiting for me the follow- Regards, HOMELAND SECURITY 8 leap into a lake (where the ing Monday advising me I Kevin Studnicka INVESTIGATIONS 8 water temperature was be- may want to consider giving lieved to be in the low teens) a refreshing breeze CAPTAIN’S CORNER 9 blew across the lake into their faces. Although the 9-1-1 Dispatch 11 wind-chill temperature was Little Known Laws 11 below zero, Sheriff’s em- ployees raised more than $1,000.00! On the whole, there were a total of over 535 plungers that made the dramatic jump on that cold day, and raised a total of $103,280.00 for Special PAGE 2 FIVE POINTS OF THE STAR PATROL By Deputy Michael Cumiskey An Overview of the Taser the body and therefore does they are still an important and The word TASER was coined not affect a person’s heart. useful tool for law enforce- by John “Jack” Cover after his TASER technology works by ment. Prior to TASER, if favorite book, Tom Swift and creating a strong electric cur- someone was fighting and his Electric Rifle. Cover rent that is virtually the same uncooperative, the officer had worked for NASA and is the as the electric current sent to fight, use a baton or an inventor of the technology from the brain to the body, aerosol spray to help bring a used by TASER. telling it what to do. This situation under control. Get- Rick and Tom Smith incorpo- creates “static” in the brain’s messages to the body and the ting tased is NOT a pleasant rated ICER Corp. in Septem- experience, (take it from me, ber, 1993 with help from Jack signals do not get through. I know) but, by using this tool Cover. They changed the This signal affects the body’s name to TASER International motor system and neuromus- in place of others, the result is in December of 1993 creating cular system. Studies and use fewer injuries to the officers the company we know today. have also proven that the use and the subjects. of a TASER in water will not TASER has made many prod- deliver a shock to people who For more information visit ucts, including the Advanced are in the water near the per- www.taser.com. M26 and X26 used by law son being affected by the TA- enforcement. In 2007 TA- SER. The current only affects SER created a model for the the area between the probes. general public named the C2. Most deaths occurring after a TASERs work by firing elec- TASER deployment are actu- tric probes using compressed ally caused by a drug over- nitrogen attached to the TA- dose prior to the contact or a SER by very thin electrical wires. Many studies have preexisting medical condi- proven that the electric cur- tion. When a TASER is de- rent delivered by a TASER, ployed, the TASER automati- which is 50,000 volts, does cally records the date, time, not penetrate into the core of outside temperature and the duration of the use every time the trigger is pulled. This helps track and accu- rately document how and when a TASER is used. If an officer misuses a TA- SER, or is accused of do- ing so, the TASER will show the story. Although TASERs are not fool proof and are subject to operator error and mechanical malfunctions, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 SUPPORT STAFF By Support Staff Supervisor Ron Holbeck .Gun Permits Conceal and Carry applicants The other type of permit is One of the responsibilities of each month during the first the MM Personal Protection a Sheriff’s Office is issuing or six months of 2008. During Act permit, frequently called denying gun permits. This the last six months of 2008, the “Conceal and Carry Per- sounds simple enough, but that average rose to about mit.” This permit is required there is a lot of “behind the 60. So far in 2009, that aver- in order to carry a firearm scenes” work that must take age has continued to climb to within Minnesota. place prior to issuing a per- an average of 64 per month. Before any permit is issued, a mit. lengthy set of about a dozen While these numbers con- background checks must take There are two types of gun tinue to grow, the person in place. These background permits that the Sheriff’s Of- records who deals with the checks tend to be tedious and fice issues. The first is the permits has been up to the time consuming, but their Permit to Purchase, which is challenge. She has processed results give us the data issued to a person who wishes more carry permits in the last needed to approve or deny an to purchase a handgun in 8 months than there were applicant. Minnesota. Permit to Pur- permit applications in 2006 chases are issued by local po- and 2007 combined! The Sheriff’s Office has seen a lice departments for those recent increase in the amount within city limits, while the of permit applications it proc- Sheriff’s Office issues them esses. For example, Scott for those who live outside of County averaged roughly 38 the city limits. CHAPLAIN SERVICES By Chaplain Bob Raleigh some of us are caught up with During our work day, would Happy Easter Season having to have our own per- we stop and ask ------- sonal cell phone with us Hmmm------where is my This is the most important 24/7. Do you think you Bible? season in the Christian world would treat your Bible like because Jesus died and rose you do your cell phone? One more thing----unlike our from the dead for our sins. Would you even think about cell phone----we don't have carrying it around in your to worry about our Bible be- purse or pocket? How often When one reads the events of ing disconnected, because would we flip through it sev- Jesus' life in the New Testa- Jesus has already paid the eral times a day like we do ment and what He preached bill! Because He loves us with our cell phone? about, if He didn't rise from unconditionally. If we left home without our the dead it would have been Bible, would we turn around worth nothing. and go back for it? May the Peace of Christ be Would we think about giving with each and everyone of So how much does reading a Bible to our children as a you. the Bible mean to you and gift? Would we even take it Chaplain Bob me? In our everyday life, when we go on vacation? PAGE 4 FIVE POINTS OF THE STAR PATROL VOLUNTEERS By Reservist Corry Retzer A Year in the Reserves suing a degree in law enforce- different scenarios involving ment. I was looking for a way hostage negotiations. I found When I started with the Scott to complement my resume County Patrol Reserve Pro- this fascinating. We were when it was time to start look- gram in March of 2008, I surrounded by dozens of ing for a job. really did not know what to SWAT team members and expect. I had seen reserve About half of the members of were able to witness the pre- officers at area events and the unit are law enforcement cision of their craft. At one often wondered students, while the other half point, there were four SWAT how these peo- volunteer as a way to help their personnel in the house with ple became community. My journey with us for ten minutes without us reserve depu- the reserves began with an even knowing it! The activity ties. interview process and back- gave us a unique perspective ground check. Finally after into the inner workings of the Over the past being approved by Deputy Dan SWAT team and hostage ne- year, I have Aszmann, I was sworn in by gotiations.
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