ACH\NNELSIERP= WINISIT? "lt's like nothing we ve evei heard " says BJrtor LL'n-li'1q5 o'lne Gress wno 'llsrike oettrno co'np erelv 5!o1eo willo.ll Ls'ng orLlgs 6' u'"oto'. lt s tl^e dl"l se,lsdtror Io ht the stereo circuit. 4 channel sound. And its alreaov nav 'lq a1 impacl or 'ocl nJsl' ars ,"re Cur-'ngi a'rd assi'a r' o ierleo aud'o- ' ouad/Sonic 2+2, a playback o h iles alike. Telex-Viking's BaErcalv 4-chon,le'slereo ls lo orolnoly deck compatible for 2- or 4-channel' sre'eo .ul-it 5La'eo s lo roro: l1e addilion o' i,,vo seoa ate.v-'eco oeo 'nanrels o'soJro fo wouldn't have to be ocated up in front of the olvino exlra o'1e1slor and depln to rhe mus c istener. lt could surround him. ln fact, he Regu'ar ste'eo looa mLs;c f'o_1 tle could get inside not on V ihe music, but some of channels already ,re r"ear, There are four stereo oinhole sound source of a single speaker and the in-sttrments, like the electronlc Moog present on your stereo records, tapes, o{ I'sle1i1g minds have barely gotten you listening soread rl oLt ac'oss the woll VoJI svnthdslzer. Creatlve ;nd Fl\4 broaiicasts but are oepln oJll'nq you prob em of what to do with io onlv two of them! Add the Lafayette room. FoJr L la,1ne adds - to work on the your the middle of a group like the Guess Who or 4-channel, even though they're agreed ifs the Dvnaoirad* 4-Channel Adapter to in 'l oiesent stereo receiver or amplifier and recrealing the acoustics of Carnegie Hall in mosl e!LiI 1q lnlr o Io ']aopen lo muslr iwo additional speakers and you will ex- voLtt lvinq roorn years. But the 4 channei hardware is here the exiiting difterence of four Wh"l er.rtes musrc.r' aboul the rew alreadv. oerience just thannel sound NOw! medium is the possibility of creating a total The new sound requiles rnore than four And rooc' YoJ've Durins a stereo recording session, the sound environment ln the istening room .oLoJoearers .1 voJ lislel 1g miirooh6nes oick uo two tyaes of sounds: because the istener exercises control over the oor to nave foLI sepa dle p og a-5 ol lrfolma- direc[ and rdflected, both of which are odlance a-nong Ihe loLosoea/e", ne becon-es inn one lor each 'oea<e. Tlese 1av be 'ed itwavs included on a stereo recording. nart ol Ine cieat'ue p ocess. Wtl_ lhe r;ghr nro volJ svslerr oy a 4 lar,lerrdpe ca-sette Whe; Dlaved back in a conventional 2' oroora- -natetal. gooo 4 cldr"lel eqJipmel^t or caTtr,dqe oecK ol a 4-ch.n1e \le eo o oad_ itereo svstem, the reflected ar-ipsvcrede i^..9hri1g u\,no needs pot'o L'e casf; o, tott sy'ste'a rav oe oole lo leLredle iounai"tranneii are maskeri bv the louder direct perfe( Now iI . po's ole lo s'ore mLslc from existing 2-channel program material two t I ip? them sounds comins lrom each of the it surrounds vou voJT orese'lt slereo 'eco'o ( o ectiol o a Dynaquad or record il so that lile iront soeakersl The Lafayette steleo works on exactlV the conve,llronar EV ste'eo oroadcast Sdr"Jl Adaotei recovers and separates the re- Four-channel sarre p iactple a> 2-crarne. OUI ears a'e Harman- Kardon, Dynaco, Electro-Voice 6nd iieitio souno from the direct sound. just few of the rnan!- Thus dramatic new sound dimenslon ls aoorox,-ate v sevel i'lches apart ano olactrc- Lafavette Radio are a bolh give you 4_channel sound achieved with all existing stereo program a v none of ire sorro *" hea reacles facturers who can ioijiiei wittrout the need for anv addi- eais simultaneously. lnstead, the left ear hears fronn 2-channel recolds or tapes, for example' tional amplifiers! a solo violin a millisecond before the sound 'eac,les tl_e rig,ll ea', or a.r e'eclrc gJrtar So - . whv listen to only two channels slightly before the now set uP to when vou can hear music the way it was assauts the rlght eardrum Stations heard with FOUR CHANNEL left e6r hears it. ihe brain, acting like a calculator, broadcast 4-channel iieint'io Oe the signals SrEneo ttom LAFAYETTE? Price $29 95! ! comoutes the difference between and tells us just how far to the left or the right WIl EW- FM *Exclusive Licensee of Dynaco lnc. the violin or quitar actualV is. By providing WNYC-FM for left and right ears, separate channels the WDHA-FM Dover, N.J. we create stereo sound, WASH Washinglon, D.C r' sepalate speakers for refr and 'iqht cal WRNL.FM create wall-to-wall sle'eo, sore love's o' WCRB"FM wouldn it WJ IB classical music asked theraselves t WPEX-FM be ooss'ore to lecreale 1'le acoJst car e']v lon- WH FD Archbold. Ohio Lafavette Radio Electronics, Depi. 79071 placing microphones Chicago, lll. --p,6. N.Y. 11791 r.ent of a concert hall by aox 10, svosset, L.l.' music plus WCLR Chic6go.lLl. at the rear of the hall, recording the Minneapolis, Minn. this WLOL.FM the ambiance of the haLl and playing back KM BR-FM Kansas citv. Mo. '--r--! sound through two loudspeakers located KLLR.FM : Send me FREE Lafavette Catalos 714 Salt Lake CitY, Uteh I i behind the lisGner ? Thev discovered that with KSL.FM tgott lrsterer coL o by aojLst'ng KlRO.FM I sucn a recordrrg,l'le KFOG San Francisco, Celif l''"" rne cont o s l^lmsel{. 'ecleale tl^e irt,-acy of a KSAN San Francisco, Calif complete with chamber orchestra, KPEN Mountain Vi€w, Calil small salon Ang€l€s, Calf .......-.---... caverns of the Metropolltan KBIG.FM Los t Address...........-........................-- I or the enoTmous KMET lcrty.......--.-.--.-....... ...... ..............-.. I Ooera. D€atborn, [/ich For recordrrq e'1gineels record o'odJcers WCR B. F]V WG B H -F[4 I sr",".................................... t,0.-.......-...-.- ! and the more creative rock grollps,4-channel L:;;-;;:-;---J opened whole new horizons. The group Toyo's Oaudio model cH-702, a Wffi-ffi1[^o player for 4- or 2-channel your o_ $400 divided on whether these need to match -': On uon. vou ve tusl sln\ uo$ards , p oqran ni_o. o'l l o'oao.d5l( prpqeal soeoL e s. ot \\ 5"t| e ,/ou a1 ereo -o tl dl 5 I^e o'lo' of the sleleo od' ,la- : rnto a sle eo SvsLer / aV o' Or,aooptor .r np'y pl'l ll e 10 s' : aLready something new 1", u*ou *'." 'o-eth'ng es' l' th' ' lle neiohborhood and lds'i d c orf .oLt re o os .ro eads 't Io =, n dd' rI obrolel^ r 9l'I ? io', u"d torno qL"lilr'' Fo' 'r'rc' greal hds" con e alor I aro les. $60 1'1" the soea'kers. ts s!pportels say this is a ve got a lvo col o ece h 'i soeaKers se r'1q lor I'r"1 ": : W o']q. lf voL 'oJ r'\l_o ledd'e lo qel rtd .eo rrrn 4 cro "6 h" o O Etectr,_Vo L e Sono oSte . lr-e '1p '1' sv:te: I'eL O.O pla/e', Ste eO 'e elve a-rd t theCo: t. O/ aro b. oreloJLa e0 .o:: lour-c1d1rel W-25 or the AR-4, are more than satisfaclory loJdspedLers) VoJ ao't l^dvp per- the next leve at anV time the T 00-9000 cycles soLrnd for as lttle as $1OO rnore - and yoLr don't for reproducing a1 bF d Lo o..ll a' 'leo range necessaTV to recreate lhe ne^t eve' even have to buv any new records or tapes to second frequency decoder or synlheslze_ these you add a quadrasonic additlon to a 4-channel tt, Ol , oJ 9e, the -1o'p voL soe,ld on ioom ambiance. To 95 SansuL ento\ from Lafayette Radio or lElectro Voice has one for $59 ' Lo'1rertrrq. tne betle' 4 'ha,lrel svsle- control, available you need a seco" "ny Dvnaco for $29 95. The system works on the bs 1 costs $'199.95) will sound. stereo amplifier to power the rear oudspeakers add is two principle that there s already 4-channel program Obviously, the first thing to (and voL ve d eaoy oougl I ll I 'ed l.or T"rL5 Il-P mounleo i'1 I1e rear o' voJr inforrnation on rnost stereo records pad\ o \l oLospealefs. of FM ire eo o pr,'rer or 'eL et\e vor dl 'istenrng oo- loerlro Voul. Frpetrs are because records form the backbone + f aTEBEo REcEtvEF oF AMPLIFIER lf you own a conventional stereo system (like this' above)' 2 LOI.] DSPEAKEFS here's what you need to add for 4-channel stereo* : DECOOEF OR AOAPTOF' + + OF SYNTNESIZER SECOND STEREO AMPL F EF rtrr a ! a ! a rt aa 2 AD DIT ONAI SPTAKEFS rNo second ad! il e' needed w rh lhe Dvna Laf avelte svsreFl lf you're buying a complete 4-channel stereo system' you need : 4 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER + 4. CNAN N EL OPEN FEEL IAPEDECK RADIO F]ECEPT ON) 4 CHANNEL STEAEO 8 CABTB 06L DECK ANO O€CODEF (FOB 4 CI]ANNEL g 82 peNrrousr it's funny' yoa puy more for u TDK cussette und yoa get-muclt so Iess TDKJn'#;;iili:i1!; TDK ELECTFIONICS COFIP.
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