Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-27-1954 The B-G News April 27, 1954 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News April 27, 1954" (1954). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1186. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1186 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. IWfitw Green State Utittfemtu VoLM Official Student Publication. Bowling Gram. Ohio. TuMdar. April 27. 1954 No. 47 Nominate Thursday Orientation Group Theta Chi Wins Bike Race, For Campus Leaders Opens Applications Nominations for student sena- For Student Leaders Phi ISappa I aU IS beCOnd Orientation Committee is again rh«i. kr »»l BH™ tors and class officers will be Coming; in strong; in the final laps, Theta Chi squeezed Carol Sutllff. editor of The B-G News, receives the first held at 7 p.m. tomorrow even- planning to use student leaders place Toledo Blade award for beat front page makeup and ing in the Rec Hall of the Ad next fall, and is asking all inter- by Phi Kappa Tau by a 6 minute difference in the fourth ested students to fill out data typography at the Ohio College Newspaper Association ban- Bldg., Sam Martin, chairman of annual Delta Upsilon Bike Race, Saturday. Both fraternities the Student Senate elections com- sheets which will enable them to completed 92 laps and totaled 211.6 miles. quet last Saturday evening In Toledo. Russell Balrd. executive select the leaders. Any student MUltuii of the a—octrrrlon. la making the presentation. mittee, reported. Robert Wilber, Theta Chi, was awarded the last lap trophy He also announced that a mass is eligible to apply, but the com- all-campus election is scheduled mittee will select only those stu- by Bike Race Queen Lee Beneke, after taking first place for for Wednesday, May 6. At that dents who best qualify. his third year. Wilbur's time time, students will vote for 10 Student leaders will have to in the speed event was 6 min- B-G News Gets Top Award student senators, May Queen and return to school Wednesday, Senate Approves utes and 40 seconds. Last four attendants, class officers, Sept. 16, which is five days be- Daisy Mae and L'il Abner, and fore school begins. Expenses for Organization Plan year's winner, Jim Ladd, Phi Senate secretary and treasurer. student leaders will be paid by Delta Theta, still holds the re- For Typography At OCNA This election, conducted by the University during the period For Membership cord, averaging 22 miles-per- members of the elections com- prior to the beginning of school. hour for the final race. The B-G News received a copper plaque for excellence in mittee, will be from 8 a.m. to 6 Data sheets may be obtained at The Council on Student Af- The race, seen by an estimated the Student Center, and should fairs presented a complete re- 2000 spectators, lasted from 7 newspaper make-up, typography, and design at the 28th An- p.m. in the front room of the organisation plan of Student Nest. be returned to the Office of Stu- a.m. to 7 p.m., and covered a nual Ohio College Newspaper Association convention at the dent Activities no later than Senate to Senate President 2.3 mile course. A dawn parade, University of Toledo last weekend. Two Ballon Used Msy 12. Charles Green April 12, for Sen- led by the DU drum and bugle More than SO colleges and universities submitted copies To campaign for Student Sen- ate's consideration. Senate ap- corps, preceded the race. of their newspapers for the contest, which was judged by ate or class office, a student must proved the plan with one major Sigma Nu, finishing third, roll- Prof. Carrol Coleman, direct- be nominated at the meeting to- change and the revised form will ed up 200.1 miles for 87 laps. Pi able mention in the best sports morrow, Martin stated. Nomina- Parade To Start be prepared at the Council's next Kappa Alpha, 193.2 miles for 84 or of the typographic labora- story contest for his story, "BG tions may be made by any stu- session. laps, Sigma Phi Epsilon, 188.6 tory at the State University Cagers Drop Rockets." dent, but the candidate for Sen- The plan calls for a member- miles for 82 laps, and Phi Kappa ate must have a minimum 2.2 of Iowa. The contest included Robert A. Steffes, adviser for ship of 16 senators and four of- Psi, 184 miles for 80 laps, finish- scholastic average. Nominations Annual Chariot Race ficers. Ten senators will be elect- ed fourth, fifth, and sixth, re- newspapers thst published daily, The B-G News, was elected to for Senate secretary and treasur- Chariots will line up around weekly, and bi-weekly. the OCNA board of directors at ed this spring. Automatic mem- spectively. er will also be made at this time. Fraternity Row at 12:46 p.m. bers, as outlined by the Council's Zeta Beta Tau, which finished The plaque, a permanent tro- the convention. Two types of balloting will Saturday, to open the seventh phy sponsored by The Toledo suggestion, would be the presi- seventh with 73 laps and 167.9 Four journalism students lead be used in the election. Students a n n u al Kappa Sigma Chariot dents of Panhellenic Council, In miles and Alpha Tau Omega, Blade, was awarded to The B-G panels during the convention. will vote for senators by puting Race sponsored this year by Gam- News at the annual OCNA ten-fraternity Coirjicil, Associa- eighth, with 66 laps and 161.8 Gerald Hurray was on the editor- an "x" oposite 10 choices and the ma Phi Beta sorority. tion of Women Students, Cap were both plagued by frequent Awards Banquet Saturday. It is ial writing and editorial policy 10 students receiving the largest The event will be marked by and Gown and Omicron Delta bike repairs. in the social committee display panel, Robert Bone and Dallas number of "x's" will be elected. a parade starting at 1 p.m. and case on the first floor of the Ad. Kappa. Good Weather Brim were on the photography Prefsnatlal Ballot proceeding west on Wooster Senate changed this recom- The race course, In good con- Bid*. and picture page panel, and Pa- Street to Main Street, North on mendation t o representatives Seven Other Awards tricia Guthman was on the special The remainder of the voting dition as a result of perfect wea- will be done by preferential bal- Main to Court Street, and Esst from these organizations rather ther during the day, had special The B-G News won seven other feature writing panel. on Court through campus to the than presidents. awards at the banquet In the lot. Under this method, students safety posts at each corner. DU Thirty-three colleges and uni- vote for each of the candidates field in back of the Art Build- In addition to the ten sen- members, assisted by Campus and contest for the best daily news- versities had representatives at ing. ators, a secretary and treasurer paper The B-G News won second in order of preference, marking city police, kept riders free from the convention. Twenty-two stu- 1 opposite their first choice, 2 At the field the chariots will will be elected this spring. Two traffic dangers during the 12 place. This contest includes all dents snd Mr. Steffes attended be judged on the basis of the freshmen would be elected in the papers which publish more than •»}• '«3|oq3 puoo»s Jtetn annodrin hour event. from the University. Gerald Hur- oposite their second choice, etc. most authentic and beautiful fall to complete the membership Miss Beneke presented the once a week, such as the Ohio chariot according to Ann Deni- ray was official delegate and Pa- The candidste with the least of Senate. three rotating trophies to the State Lantern, the Kent Stater, tricia Guthman was alternate. son, general chairman of the After the election, the newly- winning fraternity representa- the Ohio University Post, and number of votes is eliminated and chariot race. A trophy will be his second plsce votes are then elected senators and secretary tives. She then received the soro- Miami Student. The Scripps- presented to the group which en- and treasurer will meet with the ity tropy from Fred Hansen, DU Howard trophy for the best dally ^% ^~ if • distributed to the other candi- ters the winning chariot. dates. This continues until one appointed representatives and bike race chairman, in behalf of newspaper, which The B-G News KJn-K^ampUS tiOUSing Queen Crowned elect a Senate president and vice- her own organization, Alpha Chi won last year, was awarded to the *-. , r\ If* candidate remains, Martin said. "Venus For A Day," queen of Four students in charge of the president from within the group Omega. Ohio state Lantern. Lontract Deadlines the event, will be crowned before of ten student-elected senators. Last year's winer, Phi Delta John E. Stempel, chairman of . _ _ election under Martin are Stan- the race. The identity of the ley Steed, ballots; George Ho- The council's plan imposes s Theta totalled 190.9 miles, 20.7 the department of journalism at AnnOUPCed DV Dean queen and her two attendants minimum 2.2 scholastic average on miles less than this year's winner.
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