Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 69 / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 / Notices 17673 Affected Public: Individuals and notifies the public of funding decisions Appalachia Economic Development Households. made by the Department in a Initiative program is 14.247. The Self- Estimated Number of Respondents: competition for funding under the Help Homeownership Opportunity 24,096. Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) Program SHOP funding is intended to Estimated Total Annual Burden for the Self-Help Homeownership facilitate and encourage innovative Hours: 8,095. Opportunity Program (SHOP). This homeownership opportunities on a Estimated Cost: The estimated annual announcement contains the names of national and geographically-diverse non-labor cost to respondents for the awardees and the amounts of the basis. The program supports self-help expenditures on training, travel, and awards made available by HUD. housing programs that require a other resources is $31,104.00. There are FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: significant amount of sweat equity by no annual start-up or capital costs. The Jackie L. Williams, Ph.D., Director, the homebuyer toward the construction cost to the Federal Government is Office of Rural Housing and Economic or rehabilitation of his or her home. $1,766,288.36. Development, Office of Community Volunteer labor is also required. Eligible Dated: April 5, 2017. Planning and Development, 451 applicants for SHOP funding include Tammi Hines, Seventh Street SW., Room 7240, national and regional non-profit organizations and consortia with Acting Records Management Branch Chief, Washington, DC 20410–7000; telephone Mission Support, Federal Emergency (202) 708–2290 (this is not a toll free experience facilitating homeownership Management Agency, Department of number). Hearing- and speech-impaired opportunities on a national, Homeland Security. persons may access this number via geographically-diverse basis through the [FR Doc. 2017–07246 Filed 4–11–17; 8:45 am] TTY by calling the Federal Relay provision of self-help homeownership housing programs. The funds made BILLING CODE 9111–23–P Service toll-free at 1–800–877–8339. available under this program were SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SHOP is authorized by Section 11 of the Housing awarded competitively through a selection process conducted by HUD. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND Opportunity Program Extension Act of URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1996 (Public Law 104–120, as amended, In accordance with section 102(a) (4) 42 U.S.C. 12805 note). Funding for this (C) of the Department of Housing and [Docket No. FR–6000–FA–19] NOFA is provided by the Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 ‘‘Transportation, Housing and Urban (103 Stat. 1987. 42 U.S.C. 3545), the Announcement of Funding Awards for Development, and Related Agencies Department is publishing the grantees the Self-Help Homeownership Appropriations Act, 2015’’ (Public Law and amounts of the awards in Appendix Opportunity Program Fiscal Year 2016 113–235, Division K, approved A to this document. AGENCY: Office of the Assistant December 16, 2014). The competition Dated: March 27, 2017. Secretary for Community Planning and was posted to grants.gov (FR–6000–N– Clifford Taffet, Development, HUD. 19) on Thursday, August 10, 2016. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for ACTION: Notice of funding awards. Applications were rated and selected for Community Planning and Development. funding on the basis of selection criteria SUMMARY: In accordance with section contained in that notice. Appendix A FY 2016 Self-Help 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of The Catalog of Federal Domestic Homeownership Opportunity Program Housing and Urban Development Assistance number for this Self-Help Grantees Reform Act of 1989, this announcement Homeownership Opportunity Program emsp; Grantee State Amount awarded Housing Assistance Council ........................................................................................................................................ DC $1,145,625.00 Tierra Del Sol Housing Corporation (Consortium) ...................................................................................................... NM 1,279,200.00 Community Frameworks ............................................................................................................................................. WA 1,676,280.00 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. ...................................................................................................................... GA 5,898,895.00 [FR Doc. 2017–07392 Filed 4–11–17; 8:45 am] SUMMARY: In accordance with the Secretary, Office of Public Housing and BILLING CODE 4210–67–P Department of Housing and Urban Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Development Reform Act of 1989, this Indian Housing, Department of Housing document notifies the public of Tenant and Urban Development, 451 Seventh DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND Protection Voucher (TPV) funding Street SW., Room 4204, Washington, DC URBAN DEVELOPMENT awards for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 to 20410–5000, telephone (202) 402–1380. public housing agencies (PHAs) under Hearing- or speech-impaired individuals [Docket No. FR–6020–FA–01] the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher may call HUD’s TTY number at (800) Program (HCVP). The purpose of this 927–7589. (Only the ‘‘800’’ telephone Announcement of Tenant Protection notice is to publish the names and number is toll-free.) Voucher Funding Awards for Fiscal addresses of awardees, and the amounts SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Year 2016 for the Housing Choice of their non-competitive funding awards regulations governing the HCVP are Voucher Program for assisting households affected by published at 24 CFR 982. The purpose AGENCY: Office of the Assistant housing conversion actions, public of this rental assistance program is to Secretary for Public and Indian housing relocations and replacements, assist eligible families to pay their rent Housing, HUD. moderate rehabilitation replacements, for decent, safe, and sanitary housing in and HOPE VI relocations. the private rental market. The ACTION: Announcement of Fiscal Year FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: regulations for allocating housing 2016 awards. Milan Ozdinec, Deputy Assistant assistance budget authority under VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:45 Apr 11, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\12APN1.SGM 12APN1 mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES 17674 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 69 / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 / Notices Section 213(d) of the Housing and programs will be published in a separate Households in Low-Vacancy Areas— Community Development Act of 1974 Federal Register notice. Fiscal Year 2015.’’ are published at 24 CFR part 791, Awards published under this notice A special administrative fee of $200 subpart D. were provided: (1) to assist families per occupied unit was provided to The FY 2016 awardees announced in living in HUD-owned properties that are PHAs to compensate for any this notice were provided HCVP tenant being sold; (2) to assist families affected extraordinary HCVP administrative protection voucher (TPV) funds on an by the expiration or termination of their costs associated with Multifamily Housing conversion actions. as-needed, non-competitive basis, i.e., Project-based Section 8 and Moderate The Department awarded total new not consistent with the provisions of a Rehabilitation contracts; (3) to assist budget authority of $86,970,667 to Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). families in properties where the owner recipients under all of the above- TPV awards made to PHAs for program has prepaid the HUD mortgage; (4) to mentioned categories for 9,606 housing actions that displace families living in assist families in projects where the choice vouchers. This budget authority Rental Supplement and Rental public housing were made on a first- includes $1,406,073 of unobligated come, first-served basis in accordance Assistance Payments contracts are commitments made in FY 2015. These with PIH Notice 2007–10, ‘‘Voucher expiring (RAD—Second Component); funds were reserved by September 30, Funding in Connection with the (5) to provide relocation housing 2015, but not contracted until FY 2016, Demolition or Disposition of Occupied assistance in connection with the and thus have been included with Public Housing Units,’’ and PIH Notice demolition of public housing; (6) to obligated commitments for FY 2016. 2016–04, ‘‘Implementation of the provide replacement housing assistance In accordance with Section Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016 Funding for single room occupancy (SRO) units 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of Provisions for the Housing Choice that fail housing quality standards Housing and Urban Development Voucher Program.’’ Awards for the (HQS); (7) to assist families in public Reform Act of 1989 (103 Stat. 1987, 42 Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) housing developments that are U.S.C. 3545), the Department is were provided for Rental Supplement scheduled for demolition in connection publishing the names and addresses of and Rental Assistance Payment Projects with a HUD-approved HOPE VI awardees, and their award amounts in (RAD—Second Component) consistent revitalization or demolition grant; and Appendix A. The awardees are listed with PIH Notice 2012–32 (HA), REV–2, (8) to assist families consistent with PIH alphabetically by State for each type of ‘‘Rental Assistance Demonstration— Notice 2016–12, ‘‘Funding Availability TPV award. Final Implementation, Revision 2.’’ for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Dated: April 7, 2017.
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