-- - - - - i1"" L1 i CLir.:?0?E!!S High School Gridders Drill YAQSAiaCinilSQETFQ 7 Hardfpr Games; ;i M0.1DA Y Hie Spot6c6p'3 GOLDEII TRAIL Schedule Is CRUCIAL Dal! Ill CLEVEiilCDr By Bruce Copeland. Revised; Galesburg Dropped TO START 'Ef.. ' TOVARD EAST BY "ALIBI AL. REDS AI!D ROOMS OFF. i. which the locals met last season, OTRE With but little more than a week were unable to fix up dates. Keo- GBjiTrrTJBE. left before - the Alumni game. kuk has never played the hlch Seaaler, CeraeU tnirs firing line. In the fifth.- - Condon in Coach Kimmel is giving his high school, aa . Jskssy Yesterday, Destutsey to Fellow Xbke Knack. but that school is report- Ckieaaw. Seat, t Bv the Fait ed Press., Baseball started 4w' The Argus said sever the sixth, and Murphy in the sev- - school charges heavy workouts ed to have a good team, is be- swaea- - ti--Bcras, Asms Star, Slyu , -- , eafby Taking ea Breanaa, it the heats stretch teday la the qaal lfying race for the wertdl al pointed things about Norman entn. s every night Although no scrim- lieved the Keokukians will be on to Bmbi "Mclnerney started finished mage has yet Glockson's , and been held, tackling the crimson and gold schedule cage aheat premeditated butfoonry the game. for Clerelaad, New York and Chi alt the stretch theWM He tossed the final and charging" practice has- been the next several years. , The time, lesarae Cftaata-- Labor Cay , Is with the Iadlaas' nose ahea dt In the Nattoaat i at Peoria. v : round when every - "i everyone' else refused BY DEA1T S5YDER." levied night since last Fri- landers have not played Oeneseo aaU aad Breehlya were fighting f ar breatkiag spare. V Brace Copeland. Botli Argus io out any OaXerings. - day. The and the Rock Is aisn Benton Harbor, Mich., Sept 9. Last night the old dummy tor the last couple of years and Cleveland aad New York were te feel the whip today when they" Sttv OP n(1 BaJte the moth land" Fans association sock was set up behind the Manual Arts are expecting to give them the wal fight It for league leaders hip. The contest at Cleveland waa" havebeen Jack Dempsey is all set to building eat the I Mt of your overcoats and ear very kind big CRAZY STUNTS PREDOMINATE. himself into now. When and the boys hurled them- lop tills season. viewed with the Interest of a caa mploashlp tassss. a wib ler saw to the boy, because a fortune selves for - because nest week 'will "Dennis, a pitcher, caught he knocked Billy Miske kicking in si it an hour. t . Three Open Dates. Tanks weald shunt the Iadlaas ia to second er third place. vanguard tbla year's until the ball club departed tor Ce- the ' The first scrimmage is expected tba of game i champion-- There art three open dates this Chicago was bidding for sees nd position la the standing colaskaa dar Rapids entire for the Islanders. He the third round of their daily Independent back to on' the last trip, it ap i prov- - and the squad is on their toes year so far Sept 25, Nov. 6 game Boston. A vie tory Sex meant a hep vet" aakm ' wore nis abin guards on the ship fight here Labor day he and la their with for the for . Tuesday evening Yerk-Cleve- la DetfUs park football lea! peared as if he had been a victim calves of his legs, the mask on the ed both t j himself and the public it a little Thanksgiving day. All ot these the loser of the New nd fuss. 1 Walter N. Flanlgan hat signal drill was run through, but dates will probably be filled league were pa tting oa similar lnterest-hoUl- ar junanr ot circumstances. ? , side of his dome and the protector that a boxer fiahta bettor as a before Natlenal clubs a with the Rock Island Fana' no rough and. tumble . work was the end of the season with pos- - scrimmage for leadership, with B rooklyn meeting SU Louis aad jai over, nia Back. chamuion than aa a contender. the - Clai- -- J leaae of Glockson was given wide swath held. Boston. c wktion for the the - "He was the only Islander to re- Dempsey still retains the old sioie exception ot Nov. 6. That claaatt at ; god announced today . that In control ot the club when other confidence he had when he was From all angles It looks as Saturday falls between the la-- Yesterday was preparation da y for the tests. The Watte' Sale , main In the same position through- though Wednesday, Sept 15, will see Three-Ey- e managers bumping the heavyweight would-b- e the high school has one of landers' two hardest games, Moline were the onlv lrasme leaders la a rtion. aad they made rood expecta almost bad to out the game. Everybody else waa squads contenders into has-be- en medi- - the best out for football and Davenport To give the play tions by a victory ever the Brown g, retaining striking distance from beg for necessities on switching around every round or 2 work-M- et tbeir knees. that it has had for quite while. top ot percentage heap. ts local heath in the first two help emerged ocres. a ers a little rest and to avoid the the the The Rock Island directorate dem- until cries of - The boys all work hard the season. press coop. was His- old sock is there in either and there risk of injuries, this date mar be K0W? from the It a - HOW TBJEY STAND SOW. HOW THE! STAHB .T Captain "Kobe" ursella Is ex-t- o onstrated its inherent annrtarnian. hand as it was when he obhv- is no shirking. If the boys keep kept open. J strenuous day, especially, on the Just s arrive in town Monday loned Jess Willard 14 months ago this spirit up throughout the sea Following is the complete sched- W. L. Pet. W. L. Pft' son, the Islanders' chances ' ule revised Cleveland 81 49 J&Bt Cincinnati .......... 71 64 .574 T disposition for as .Twill begin Immediately to line o - " vain a ui li o aupv It look but one hour and four at Toledo. The tiger last night: cohorts for the in-- that their club might sooner or la which used to come over him in copping a chamDionshiD are verv Sept. 18 Alumni. ew York l M AU Brooklyn 76 57 Ji,l XTs moleskin minutes to play the game, but It goou. 74 68 1 ter shake ring fiercely as ever. Sept. 25 Open. Chicago 88 52 412 New York Ml ski trrouts. ne kudo naa oeen oft its doldrums and forge took four hours and one minute to the burns as baseball this season in w mo ironi New York Move. Chanre Schedule. Oct. 2 Savanna at R. L Boston, Sept 9. The New Yorfc Arise figure out the box score, and some Several -, khMMota bush league and is fit The directorate was bluffed from Immediately . changes have been made Oct. Monmouth at R. L 80X BEAT BROWKS. Giants closed their season In Bos- haven't figured it out yet after Referee Jim in got j firm' to so. The league sea the beginning when certain local Dougherty counted ten over Miske's the schedule that was run last Oct. IS Geneseo at Geneseo, Mr. Comiskey's White Sox ton yesterday by winning both night The yester- double-heade- r, Sunday and "Rube" is Insidious interests foisted Glockson limp and unconscious body the Islanders will open the Oct 23 Keokuk at Keokuk. back in the pennant fight games of a 6 to 0' hop next for upon them as the right "OUUA" WEISS PERFORMS. Dempsey camp was broken up for season as usual with the Alumni a Oct. 30 Moline at R. L day. They walloped the St Louis and 5 to 1. Toney held the Bravea tfyeeted to the train kind of a week manager to pilot the club from "Weiss,, probably the shortest the next move. That move is New from Saturday. The next Nov. 6 Open. Brown's 5 to 3 in a game that waa to four hits in the first game and Hex isiaoa. weeK there is an open came, but Nov. IS Davenport at Davenport. full ot thrills.and frills. not one of the home players reached 5 .Expert Chick Back, where Jack Tighe left : off. By man in baseball, and one who is York, where "Tex" Rickard has rights known tri-opt- ic "Ouija," monopoly. biggest sport the management is expected to fill jwv. zv newanee Jtewanee. Mr. Joe Jackson, the Carolina third. Bailee, recently obtained expressed Glockson's release by Moline in the as the on the at Doobt ii still about the should have been and who pairs 1 with Glockson on temple in the world in the biggest u witn an game. Sa Nov. 25 Open. clouter, won the game for the Sox. from Cincinnati by the waiver umcaen, gyrat-- taken aa a cri- vanna sev ntara of Fred ine terion as to the worth of Big a Mutt and Jeff team, played the city in the world, where money is and Monmouth will next The first casualty of the season He got a two bagger in the route, held Boston in check in iround gainer, whom, it is al- the play on home field. was were filled. pitching game of Moose. Subsequently, the club short field with a catcher's protec- spent freer than any place In the the Following reported yesterday when it enth when the bases his first been holding' out on the these Geneseo, Ke- - and York.
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