iii marine expeditionary force and marine corps bases japan MAY 30, 2008 WWW.OKINAWA.USMC.MIL CLR-37 Marines honor fallen with NCOs to memorial ceremony take lead Lance Cpl. Joseph A. Cabrera OKINAWA MARINE STAFF to reduce CAMP FOSTER — During a Me- morial Day ceremony at the Camp Kinser Chapel May 26, Combat traffic Logistics Regiment 37 honored fallen U.S. service members. Okinawan citizens who died in fatalities the Battle of Okinawa were also honored during the ceremony. Cpl. Warren Peace Organizers said though the OKINAWA MARINE STAFF holiday is officially for fallen U.S. service members, they also CAMP FOSTER — III Marine felt the need to recognize the Expeditionary Force Command- Okinawans killed. from the ing General Richard C. Zilmer “This island was the site of a implemented the NCO Leader- horrendous battle that cost the ship Vehicle Safety Program re- lives of many Okinawans and cently for all III MEF and Marine Americans, but decades later, ground Corps Bases Japan units. we are able to honor our fallen The program was directed heroes together as friends,” said by Commandant of the Marine Col. Thomas A. Gorry, CLR-37 Corps Gen. James T. Conway commanding officer. and lasts until October. Attendees delivered com- In a recent White Letter, Con- memorative wreaths and flower up way voiced his concern about arrangements to the chapel. the rising Marine fatalities from Afterward, CLR-37 members vehicle accidents and laid out delivered the arrangements to his intent for the NCO Leader- the Commodore Perry Landing ship Vehicle Safety Program. Commemorative Monument at Zilmer laid out, in a recent the Tomari Foreign Cemetery. letter to commanders, his guid- Representatives from 3rd Ma- ance for implementing the trial rine Logistics Group, Veterans of program, now in effect here. Foreign Wars District 1,442nd Nathan Ball, co-inventor of the Atlas Power Ascender, watches as a Marine The III MEF program gives Veterans Club, American Le- with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 262 gets lifted to a helicopter at noncommissioned officers the gion Wayne E. Merchant Post U-Tapao Royal Thai Airfield May 14. Photo by Lance Cpl. Aaron D. Hostutler responsibility and tools to em- 28, Knights of Columbus and ploy vehicle safety checks and the Masonic Lodge were among Marines test new extraction device verify their subordinates have those in attendance. an adequate travel plan prior to The ceremony began with a Lance Cpl. Aaron D. Hostutler may help improve Marine heli- the commencement of leave or performance by the III Marine OKINAWA MARINE STAFF copter operations capabilities. extended liberty. Expeditionary Force Band at the Nathan Ball, co-inventor of the All III MEF and MCBJ service chapel, followed by speeches U-TAPAO Royal Thai Airfield, device, with help from Marine members must now complete a from CLR-37 officials. Thailand — Due to the ever- Medium Helicopter Squadron vehicle-inspection checklist “They are all heroes because changing dynamics on today’s 262, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, before extended special liberty they selflessly served a higher battlefield, new technologies are tested the system May 14 at and leave periods. calling,” Gorry said about fallen constantly being researched with Utapao Royal Thai Airfield dur- Personnel planning trips American military members. the goal of improving the success ing Exercise Cobra Gold 2008. outside the immediate local “They paid the ultimate sacrifice of today’s war fighter. The Atlas Power Ascender, Ball area must also complete a pre- for the freedoms we too often The Atlas Power Ascender is explained, is a high-speed winch trip checklist. take for granted, and they de- one of the new technologies being system capable of lifting up to NCOs must screen their serve our utmost admiration.” tested by the Marine Corps that SEE ATLAS PG 8 SEE TRAFFIC PG 4 CRITICAL DAYS ROUGH WATERS EXERCISE IN THAILAND 101 Critical Days of Marines in scout swimmers U.S. Marines, Singaporean soldiers on a team DE I Summer annual safety course take plunge, tackle together match up against Thai Marines in S campaign kicks off intense amphibious training friendly soccer match during Cobra Gold 2008 N I PG. 5 PG. 6 PG. 12 okinawa marine | OPINION & EDITORIAL | may 30, 2008 Lest We Forget A reflection: Are our Memorial Day observances enough? Capt. Brian S. Sitko ing heroes worldwide and helping ambassador. I felt very small and Camps Foster, Lester, Kadena, us mourn the loss of our fallen. humbled amongst such giants. Courtney, Hansen, and then or many Americans, Me- The POW/MIA flag is an- We reveled in our camaraderie, Schwab where a wreath laying morial Day represents a other symbolic reminder. The and the day was very significant ceremony could be conducted. I symbolic first day of sum- 1998 Defense Authorization Act for me. I felt my father’s presence thought of maybe tossing a wreath mer, a time for vacations, mandates that the flag be flown as many of his squad members out to sea from a cliff side. Maybe Fvisiting loved ones or perhaps a six times annually: POW/MIA learned of his passing. And I was we could have an Operation Iraqi dip in the local swimming pool. Recognition Day, Armed Forces touched by a short essay written by Freedom and Operation Enduring Memorial Day was officially Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, a member of my father’s squad. Freedom memorial like the black recognized in 1868 as a day of Independence Day, and Veterans The essay, titled “The Smallest granite walls of the Vietnam Me- remembrance for those who died Day. The flag is supposed to fly Parade,” was written by David A. morial that would list the names in service to our nation. The day’s over every major military instal- Grace. David’s essay talks about of those who recently gave all. We true meaning is COMMENTARY lation on those occasions. all the grand parades throughout could even mark with a star or a ro- sometimes an All these traditions and obser- the year and how the “Smallest sette the names of those who died avoided topic as it brings people vances remind me of an important Parade,” one that has little fanfare from Okinawa-based units. down from euphoric highs of tra- memory from my past. in comparison to so many oth- Suddenly, I considered the ditional barbeques and a day off. In the summer of 1993, af- ers, is the Memorial Day parade. I reality of what it would require to For many, however, its true ter just having returned from a think of this essay each year — of make any of those initiatives real- meaning is not lost. deployment to Somalia, I had the the men and women who have ity: Logistical challenges, concerns Each Memorial Day, U.S. presi- honor and privilege of attending a gone before me — and the chasm for our host nation, costs to the dents and even foreign dignitaries military reunion for L Company, in my sole that represents my command, finding contractors. So- have traditionally laid a wreath at 3rd Battalion 1st Marine Regi- indebtedness to those who have bering thoughts replaced a dream. the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ment. The reunion was signifi- given all. Marines are not accustomed to at Arlington cemetery. cant to me because these were Earlier this year, I looked retreat, so I fell back, regrouped Another spectacular obser- Vietnam veterans who served into what type of Memorial Day and “advanced in a different di- vance is the tens of thousands of with my father in war. ceremonies exist on Okinawa. rection.” Maybe the only effective motorcycle riders, known for the I have been inextricably linked I learned that despite the large way to pay homage to our fallen past 21 years as “Rolling Thun- to my father’s past, not only active duty presence here and the is a symbolic parade or flying the der,” who make their journey because I followed in his foot- existence of veterans groups such POW/MIA flag. Maybe it’s just to from the Pentagon to the Vietnam steps as a Marine and served in as the American Legion and the raise awareness. Maybe, but that War Memorial each year in a times of peril, but also because Veterans of Foreign Wars, there chapter has yet to be written. symbolic salute to our fallen. his life has been an influential are no Memorial Day parades. As I thought about “The The definition of memorial is source of many of my great joys Despite all the motorcycle Smallest Parade” and observed commonly understood as an object and sorrows. You see, my father enthusiasts we have in uniform my surroundings, I realized that intended to serve as a reminder of was involved in an automobile on Okinawa, we have no rally like there is some truth in the old ad- someone who has died or of a par- accident when I was just 9 years “Rolling Thunder.” age that “the more things change, ticular event. But a memorial can old, suffered in a coma for seven I had fleeting thoughts of at- the more they stay the same.” So I also be actions or deeds that pay years, then died. tempting to organize a motorcycle humbly submit “Lest We Forget.” homage. Memorials have always At the L Company Reunion, I rally that could potentially start Sitko is the adjutant for 3rd played a significant role in honor- had the honor of standing in as his at Camp Kinser and progress to Marine Division. Sempertoons FACT CHECK Created by Gunnery Sgt. Charles Wolf NEW RUNNING SUIT Are Marines allowed to wear the new Marine Corps running suit on leave or Q: liberty? Yes.
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