• '•••;••«•,*• •'•.•••.;• !>.-* *(jfrti;\» .•*•*«> •r-. -M.^.---. j-t: v.-.o-.-v u ! aS^ffiSfi-ftS^ffff,'. •--,-:• ••• ,.',. • - •: • ;•:;•-; ;'.•;;,'•;; : «.5js;-]fc r *.t: wr- "7W *« *• v-: "*. : -* gprajs^^ v»- j^autw,;VVJt^wu,4,,^^i,A ' _^, JLC-IJ. •^\.. ~t'r\imwi'*'^J Rincijml^aetQrs in^rate^hutrOut ^fctt^tllH^^^OtdS" mmum of Rival Pitchers Wesferrr^iBm IsWhxtfEimm ^amm^FdR^ENNANT HE appended figures" give an" lull unite line on how'-thepltch- : v : . ;.^:> '>; .By ABE YAGER. : #. '• .'.;>" ' ft^f-ther^up4ri>»S^<MidT-,Car-r ^^b4i^aglri4ia«^aned^attentio»v-to4he, O YOUR World.'s Series ordering now! Dou't crowd. There'Bplejaty of dlnals, who begins a - series. aiEb- obligation CJils* Evans ought to feel :~room^andJtVlS8 days till the Big Event.'•'..'.'.'•:.. ^._" ' :£ ZI bets Field today, "havo fared In himself u'nd*rlit',thq matter of defend JM^'^aSQiat^uiLAtid. JB^njjoif. titles. : • - Gplf Tearri Mat(Sh 1 u D., Those are the sentiments at Ebbets ^leia following the br ull an fc i0i9 tj^ricluVija^TesHi^ The,idea ts-spreading in"tho^VVestraa" 7^ d^put of^ win, but Ttnii^ftehlo^cSrcefa agflnsV ca'eh5' nW ^Le'to<Jgedjf rpm t§ef olloWjiia ein- r-» OLLOWING tho suggestion .in not so impressively," Holding Uie Pirates to three hits and shutting them out other.' ' * :V: r;;.v, pfiatlo yfewa of !a, iYewspaper^rf~J5e«^~ [^--Thq Eagle-that-such a match Ver,s where tht> AVesterh a'fhateuV' woiiid afford ..a rriost intcrcsi- * to O'after a year in the army is some feat He performed the Job with little SuiKStba Pit.elicv« vs< Cardhials,, X ing testVthe Women's Metropolitans Won. Lost. P.C. champlort8}vip-was'-"rheldlr.'lii ldlJ-iahd^ - 1 effort and at-the finish appeared to be able* to continue indefinitely* Throws. tho homo of Frank .L. Woodward,' the •~ G ol i "AssOctat ton la teVtirrVt h o* s easbrtr W$Vt<ftt<br..;... ,.;.'.• It. 12 8' .COO will hold a team -match betweon .-^i-Smith^vis^pJck Springs-two year* t^fry Chenpy... .... H. 17 J2 .586 president of the U. S. G. A. rn. 1915. men and women along the lines! of ago.TNow fielbolcs like the perfect pitcher, ^iis^ear or so iu the XTnited States RiiCo *"^*r<iuatd, li. -;;**: K . .576 jinrL'_i?lJ8,"jnjU>...most troublbti8''pei-ldd. fherccent cornpctrtion-atAVorplesv.' League has made.him stronger and more active. He has gained better control Sh'ertod i Smtth-.-.- 1.. .- .-«• - .509 in the history of tho "association, tho don, Euglandft when eight of-tlidi B\irld8b Grliixea H. '• -A'3-, 3. - .500 one that covered tho furious discus­ leading women ; played' the' 'same' of that terrific cross-fire ball of his, and the way he made the hard-hitting Leon Cadoris. .,. R, .500 number of men, the only handicap i .42? sion of the amateur question, a .con­ Pirates dribble puuy grounders lnt6T5e~lnfi6ld~would Indicate that he has more Al Mamiuix. .... It. troversy like that upon which the na­ glveii-the women being short tees.- on account of the holes to ejfcuallze on the ball than ever. Smith did not issue a single pass yesterday, an unusual Grind total....,', S» .', 56 .552 tional lawn tennis body seems to some to be rioJY-entering.iv-—z——-;"'. .';';^X tho stronger hitting pow:ers of thd feat for a^eft-handed pitcher. He had but one strike-out, which is remark- ^CjvrdlnaJ: PjtcljeiSis^JSiuiJetbfti; men. This match the fair golfefsi *'ln./a. better to J. B. MJlton of itho won; by 'one point,- the score being - Pitcher*. Thro.wa. >ypn, X.p»t, P,C. s 'able when it is considered that of the thirty-one batters who faced him be had ; Lakewood Country Cltib of this city,", IT and'Bv '<-~'v'••••'- '• ' Bill Sherdeii .;.<v. L.v T a .667 fully two-tblrdrof them—luthe^ Lee Meadow*.. says the Rocky Mountain News of •'-.'a" -'.'6~. -.600. Denver, "J. M". Campbeill, formerly of J nineteen put-outs at first base tell the story of Sherry's effcctiven'ess7^;r37~ Leon Ames • ... .... RV 15 .661 Bill Do.akV.... .,:; R. f U .440 Denver, relates a conversation, which Jake, iliy "....', '- '2 - :.3p h© recently had with JJhiek-KNftns-ir Island-gtaten Island aggregation;; .• . PITCHING STRENGTH ASSURE©. Dacar Horstm&a R. , .090 Chicago 4dch has .WOR—eaoh of-.the three ;-. Ho quotes Evans as saying times It has taken tho field. A clean * HILE, Robbi^has aJLjdongjuaintaiued that his pitching 'staff is the dran.4, total,,.. that ho positively will not play in the ; scoro is also ^the achievement of best in the league, b^^fi^uredTTfffr tlfeirran3=had^o*4>e -sbowiu^Tbere?: national open at Brae Burn, nor In North Jersey but it is a string of the Western amateur at St, Loui.s. He ( W fore he took a bit longer thau was neeejssary to groom Sniltbi for his avers that lie" is working hard and scores. Tho won and lost record debut, and the delay justified the means. Now with Smith as his? lending south­ that-he will have no time to 'practice,' stands as follows: although he could find the time te ; Team,•••••. :' -ffon. Lost. paw and Jeff Pfeffer already proving himself to be his star right-hander, your Long Island-Stateri Island i.;3 "•-<QF WILLAnJTSETSlT play. • As for the Western, Evans says Westchester. ......................... 2 Uncle can face the stiffest sort of a campaign with, the .well-known, complacency. it does not interest him, as ho has al­ South ^Jersey .......•.'..; \ m - Pfeffer bias won seven straight to date. Bvulelgli Grimes promises to equal'hls ready won it several times, four In all. North Jerse} ..........I.',.,...-.;..... o "Ho gives It as his opinion that since Westchester, has beaten the, two;; 1U18 rewrd.^_Mamaiw showed iu his last start that he_caii-WiJi wlth_a,run_or BfaoBurn Is a trick course, the cham­ Jerseys and South "Jersey has beaten.» two, his shutout of the RedsTfor twelve innings indicating that. Marquard has pionship will depend upon putting, and North Jersey. As the selection. of | for this reason ho is backing LQUIS tho team to compete in tho OriscdniS pitched sterling ball to date, his losses being duo to the short period in which Tellier. to win, with. Ouimet a close Cup tri-city competition will bo afi v the Superbas were in a --batting slump. Caddy Cadore is the best bet as the second. He does not give any of the footed by the-showipg of the teams ; Thinks He Will Need Only Four crack Western players outsldo Jaok in these sectional matches, Long^-Is^ ready relief man. though he will be called upon to take his turn later. Robbie .Hutchinson a chance. land ought to b© well represented i&\m still lias Larry Cheney and John Mfljus in reserve, making a" formidable-array Weeks of Hard Training. "Evans expects possibly to pd,rti.cU Apawamls on Juno 2, when the three . of five right-handers and two .southpaws. The big test for the "Big Eight" will pntR In thn nntipnal amateur event to cities' . fair golfers meet to play' for% Toledo, O., May 26—-Jess Willard is be ! held later in the summer, at. trv<? tho cup, wM<Ui-^was~iast-cornpeted^ come in the next series at Boston on June 2, 3 and 4, when the Superbas are due to leave. Los Angeles'to.da.y for Qak'mont Club, Pittsburg. He will nit-' on June 10. 1916, a-t • the- Esses? scheduled to play three double-headers. Toledo to begWtraining for;his heavy­ uraily^be in" .shape^ b'^ that time from County Country Club, Massachusetts,-^ weight championship bout with Jack what playing" he does through the whore the Kew York team won by. •' summer.. ; • "•.:-'• ,v-''--.'"••'. •' --1 ',-• defeating Philadelphia 12 to 9 and' . • Dempsey here July 4. The champion Boston 11 to 10. - .'-'' :J "•"-• MORE .'JXFIELD- .-EXPERIMENTING,-' intends to stop-off at Lawrence, Kan., . '.'If Evans.who now holds both na­ v tional titles, fails to defend either of HETHER Magee• Wasn't, satisfactory at third or Schmandt disappointed for a. da.y's visit with his family and them this year, it wdll be a severe Press Championsliip Juno 16. " __ at.second docsift matter. Your Uncle Robbie made another shift in then continue his journey. He Is jolt to.the followers of the game. The m Tho<Kew. York Newspaper Golf > -• scheduled .to arrive hero'.- the latter ; W: (lie-infield ve~sitei*lai.^and^t^voriie<.l--mucli--beUgr than in) the two pre- disappointment and even dlssatisfac? Club announces the date for -tho . part,Of the week.:..'=--'-•• tio'n will be great indeed. Nt>t/pnly Greater New York press champion­ : cediiiR games.•.'.He brought Magee back to second and seut Schmandt to third. Willard Has been doing preliminary will much. of the sptco be taken. out ship as June 16.; The qualifying play work on the Pacific Coast and accord­ of . the. contest, but the winner will round for. th©. Juno tournament will-d '.•• •-- There is^nO question that Lee belongs at the keystone. He «>ycrs more ground ing to word received by Tex Rlckard, come out With rather ah empty title. be held on Monday, June -2. Play than Schmandt, gets in front of the ball quicker and is a sure-shot. He. may. proraoter^of^tho-contest^wllLJosekJiQ nrtPL.whiph will he.rtiOre_a/burden than will be continued in weekly matches "be"a"bitslow in relaying: double plays; that is yet to be proven. Schmandt got Sherry Smith. Hi Myers. time, in settling down to - his-, serious a pleasure to bear, for will hot every wtthTa"Tn'ize^to^^e^wfOTrer-T)freaei training" upon his arrival in Toiesdb.' one point to him and say, 'Oh, well, sixteen.; away with;thej.hird.base job yesterday and uiay improve with work.
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