Regarding Hakone Area Transportation Network and Damage Caused by Typhoon 19 (Hagibis)(as of 11/18~) Odakyu Hakone Group transportation network operation from November 18th will commence as written below. If there is a change in the operation information, we will inform you again. Notice 1 Regarding Transportation Network Operations (1)Transportation Network Status Hakone Tozan Line 【Odawara ~ Hakone-Yumoto】 (Hakone Tozan Railway Co.,Ltd.) Normal operation 【Hakone-Yumoto ~ Gora】 Operations suspended indefinitely due to bridge structural failure, destroyed power line poles and track damage caused by landslides. LongLong----termterm suspension is expected. Rail replacement busebusess will run between HakoneHakone----Yumoto and Gora stations FFForFor details, see subsection 2. Hakone Tozan Cable Car Normal operation (Hakone Tozan Railway Co.,Ltd.) Hakone Tozan Bus Hakonemachi Line , Hakone Kyukaido Line , Hakone Shindo Line , Kanko Shisetsu-Meguri Bus are in normal operation. (Hakone Tozan Bus Co.,Ltd.) Togendai Line ○T operates between Odawara ~ Miyagino Eigyosho-mae and Togendai ~ Hakone Garasu-no-mori※ Kanko Shisetsu-Meguri buses operate between Miyagino Eigyosho-mae and Shissei-kaen-mae・Gotemba Sta.・Gotemba Premium Outlets. Miyagino Eigyosho-mae~Gora Sta.~Ten-yu buses will operate once per hour. For details, please see the Hakone Tozan Bus website. ※Togendai~Hakone Garasu-no-mori buses operate only from 9AM to 5PM, due to this limited operation, boarding may not always be possible.(buses run about every 30~60min.) Hakone Ropeway Normal operation (9AM~5PM) ※Please arrive at Togendai Sta. by 4:50PM in order to ride the last Ropeway to Sounzan. Hakone Sightseeing Cruise Normal operation ※Last operation from Hakonemachi-ko (4:20PM) has no bus connection for Odawara direction at Togendai, so passengers are advised to purchase a round-trip ticket. Odakyu Hakone Highway Bus Normal operation (specified area only) Tokai Bus Orange Shuttle Normal operation (specified area only) (2)Real time operating information is available on Hakone Navi. 【Hakone Navi】https://www.hakonenavi.jp/international/en/status_information 【【【Hakone【Hakone Area Transportation Network CongestionCongestion】】】】 In accordance with the suspension of the Hakone Tozan Line from Hakone-Yumoto to Gora, replacement buses are operating along the line. Although buses are running with about the same frequency as the train line was, they cannot carry as many passengers. Therefore, congestion is expected (red lines below). Please bear this in mind and plan around the congestion or factor in this delay. Also remember that travelers from other routes will share the same roads. Expected Traffic Congestion Map Odakyu Hakone Highway Bus To Shinjuku Gotemba Sta. ・Odakyu Hakone Highway Bus ・ 「 」 Limited Express “Romancecar” Mt. Fuji ・JR Gotemba Line 563 Hakone Tozan Bus Gotemba Premium Outlets ( ) Kanko Shisetsu-Meguri Bus ・Highway bus services to Tokyo 247 Peak Congestion Sengoku-annaijo-mae ~~~ 3PM 6PM Replacement Buses (Gora ⇔Hakone-Yumoto) OH63 OH62 OH57 OH63 OH62 OH57 Owakudani Sounzan Gora Sta. 14min. walk Hakone The Hakone Open Air Museum Ropeway 6min. walk Hakone Tozan Peak Congestion Cable Car 136 ~~~ Ninotaira-iriguchi 11AM 2PM OH65 OH51 To Shinjuku, Odawara Togendai HHH Hakonemachi Line Hakone-Yumoto Sta. ・ Hakone Tozan Bus Ltd. Express “Romancecar” OH67 ・Hakone Tozan Line Motohakone-ko KKK Peak Congestion Hakone Kyukaido Line Hakone Sightseeing Cruise 10AM ~ 12PM OH66 Hakonemachi-ko RRR Hakone Shindo Line Tokai Bus Orange Shuttle Mishima Sta. ・Tokaido Shinkansen ( To Tokyo, Shin-Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Shin-Osaka ) ・JR Tokaido Line 2 Hakone Tozan Line(Hakone-Yumoto~Gora)Bus Transfer & Rail Replacement Buses ・Hakone Freepass, Fuji Hakone Pass, and Hakone Kamakura Pass may be used in place of a train ticket to board any of these buses. ・A train ticket should be purchased from a ticket counter or vending machine before boarding the Temporary and Rail Replacement buses. ・IC cards (Suica, PASMO, etc.) cannot be used to board the Rail Replacement buses. ・Bus transfer lines (normal buses) may be boarded with IC cards at the normal bus fare rate. 236 Miyagino Eigyosho-mae ・ Kanko Shisetsu-Meguri Bus Gora Park S ・ Hakone Museum of Art (Normal Bus ) ・POLA Museum of Art ・Museum of the Little Prince To Sengoku T Togendai Line (Normal bus) Bus Transfer ・Lalique Museum, Hakone 【Hakone-Yumoto ~Miyagino eigyosho-mae 】 ・Venetian Glass Museum ・Botanical Garden of Wetlands Temporary Bus (Normal bus) Bus Transfer 【Hakone-Yumoto Sta. ~Gora Sta. 】 Rail Replacement Bus ①①① 【 ~ 】Stops only at station bus stops Replacement bus time between Hakone-Yumoto Sta. ⇔Gora Sta. is 30min. ※Depending on road conditions Hakone-Yumoto Gora Rail Replacement Bus ②②② 【Hakone-Yumoto ~Gora 】Non-stop direct bus OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 62 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 47 Hakone Chokokunomori Sta. Chokokunomori Kowakidani Kowakidani Miyanoshita O Hakone Sta Sounzan Hakone Tozan Gora Sta. Gora O Tono hradai Sta. hradai Ropeway Cable Car Sta. dawara Operating Suspended Operating Operating Suspended Suspended Suspended Suspended sawa Sta. Suspended -Y Sta. umoto Hakone Tozan Line Sta. To Owakudani Sta. Togendai Open Air H Hakonemachi Line (Normal bus) Bus Transfer Museum 14min. walk 【Hakone-Yumoto Sta. ~Hakonemachi-ko 】 6min. walk 136 Ninotaira-iriguchi Gora Sta. Hakone Tozan Cable Car ①Ninotaira iriguchi Bus Stop Chokoku-no-mori Sta. ー The Hakone Open Air Museum 6 minutes walk ②Ninotaira iriguchi Bus Stop The Hakone Open Air Museum ーGora Sta. 20 minutes walk Hakone Tozan Train Operations suspended Ninotaira iriguchi Bus Stop Kowakidani Sta. ・ Timetable ※※※ Schedule may be disrupted due to traffic conditionsconditions ... Please note that the service provider reserves the right to change the service without advance notice. WWWeekdayWeekday Green…Normal Bus Gray…Coach Bus Orange…Direct Bus (Coach) 【Rail replacement taxi】We will do our best to increase the number of taxis but as seating is limited, full taxis will not stop at stations 【Rail replacement micro bus】Please be aware that seating is limited. 【 Hakone-Yumoto→Gora direction】 平 日 W eekday 26 日 26 日 行 箱根湯本駅発 先 H AKO N E-YU M O TO Sta. / 強羅駅 時 For GO R A Sta. 5 6 151515 7 05 55 8 303030 9 000000 10 151515 30 454545 505050 10 000000 10 30 383838 505050 11 080808 10 30 38 505050 12 08 10 30 383838 505050 13 080808 10 303030 383838 50 14 080808 10 20 30 383838 15 000000 08 20 30 383838 505050 16 000000 10 303030 35 50 17 20 50 18 303030 50 19 454545 20 303030 21 151515 22 00 35 23 151515 ※Hakone-Yumoto to Gora Station… ~30min. ※Hakone-Yumoto to Ninotaira-iriguchi… ~20min. ※Hakone-Yumoto to Miyagino Eigyosho-mae… ~15min. ※Miyagino Eigyosho-mae to Gora Station… ~5min. ※仙…Bound for Sengoku-annaijo-mae ※元…Terminates at Motohakone-ko Boarding Get off at 136 Ninotaira-iriguchi From Hakone-Yumoto take Togendai Line to「Miyagino Eigyosho-mae」 Temporary Bus (Bus) and Rail Replacement bus (Coach) 20 min. walk to Gora Station ‥‥「Bus stop 6」 6min. walk to Chokokunomori Sta. transfer to Kanko Shisetu-Meguri bus and get off at「Gora Station」 【 Gora→Hakone-Yumoto direction】 平 日 W eekday 行 強羅駅発 先 G O R A Sta. / 箱根湯本駅 時 For HAKO N E-YU M O TO Sta. 5 25 2525 6 151515 7 00 8 000000 202020 404040 9 00 10 303030 50 555555 10 10 20 35 50 11 00 101010 202020 30 505050 12 00 101010 303030 30 505050 13 00 00 303030 30 40 505050 14 00 10 30 40 50 15 00 101010 30 404040 16 000000 10 30 30 505050 17 10 30 18 00 30 19 101010 45 20 303030 21 151515 22 00 41 23 ※Gora to Hakone-Yumoto Station… ~30min. ※Ninotaira-iriguchi to Hakone-Yumoto Station… ~20min. ※Gora to Miyagino Eigyosho-mae… ~5min. ※Miyagino Eigyosho-mae to Hakone-Yumoto… ~15min. ※湯…Terminates at Hakone-Yumoto Station Boarding at 20 min. walk from Gora Station Temporary Bus (Normal Bus) and Rail Replacement 5min. walk from Chokokunomori Sta. From Gora, take Kanko Shisetsu-Meguri Bus to 「Miyagino Eigyosho-mae」 bus (Coach)…Front of Station get on at 136 Ninotaira-iriguchi transfer to Togendai桃源台 線に乗り換えLine and get「箱根 off at「Hakone-Yum湯本駅」または「小田原oto」or「Odawara」駅」下車 26 日 ※Please be aware of the hours when buses are less frequent. ・Timetable ※※※ Schedule may be disrupted due to traffic conditionsconditions . Please note that the service provider reserves the right to change the service without adadvancevance notice. Green…Normal Bus Gray…Coach Bus Orange…Direct Bus (Coach) WWWeekend &&& 【Rail replacement taxi】We will do our best to increase the number of taxis but as seating is limited, full taxis will not stop at stations Holidays 【【Rail Hakone-Yumoto→Gora replacement micro bus】Please be aware direction】 that seating is limited. Holidays 土 休 日 Sat.Sun.&H oliday 26 日 26 日 行 箱根湯本駅発 先 H AKO NE-YU M OTO Sta. / 強羅駅 時 For GO R A Sta. 5 6 151515 7 05 35 8 000000 101010 15 30 40 505050 9 00 050505 10 20 303030 353535 404040 454545 505050 10 000000 000000 10 10 202020 20 30 40 404040 505050 50 11 000000 101010 10 20 20 303030 30 404040 505050 505050 12 00 00 10 10 20 20 303030 303030 404040 505050 505050 13 000000 000000 10 10 202020 202020 303030 303030 40 50 505050 14 000000 000000 10 10 202020 202020 303030 303030 40 50 505050 15 000000 000000 10 10 202020 202020 303030 303030 40 50 505050 16 000000 000000 10 202020 303030 303030 40 50 505050 17 00 20 30 40 18 10 50 19 454545 20 303030 21 151515 22 00 35 23 151515 ※Hakone-Yumoto to Gora Station… ~30min. ※Hakone-Yumoto to Ninotaira-iriguchi… ~20min. ※Hakone-Yumoto to Miyagino Eigyosho-mae… ~15min. ※Miyagino Eigyosho-mae to Gora Station… ~5min. ※仙…Bound for Sengoku-annaijo-mae ※元…Terminates at Motohakone-ko Boarding s Get off at 136 Ninotaira-iriguchi TemporaryGet Bus off (Normal at 136 Bus) Ninotaira-iriguchiand Rail Replacement From Hakone-Yumoto take Togendai Line to「Miyagino Eigyosho-mae」 20 min.
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