If You Don't Register RED BANK REGISTER You Cannot Vote VOLUME LXXV, NO. 8. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY AUGUST 21, 1952 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Circus Coining Dutch Colonial Keansburg Fire Company No. l's $22,000 Seagraves 750-Gallon Pumper Continuation of Rent Control Law Next Tuesday Middletown Farm Rests With Municipal Officials -f In Fair Haven Property Sold The determination as to wheth- er or not the rent stabilization Will Show on House Built in 1719 rogram will be continued in Bad Mrs. Johnston's ank Is the responsibility of the- VanHorn Lot On Lands Purchased layor and council," Ennis B. lerce, rent director, Office of Rent On Hance Road From the Indians Plea for Bail tabilization, 715 Mattison ave., As- ury Park, declared today. Mr. Next Tuesday -will be circus day The old Dutch colonial farm- }ierce Issued his statement In a in Fair Havea. Hunt Eroi. travel- house in the Holland section of Is Turned Down encral response to the many calls. Ing show will pitch tents In the Middletown township, built by ielng received at the rent office borough for. the. benefit of the John P. Luyster in 1719 on lands Judge Giordano tenants inquiring whether or. Chapel of the Holy Communion bought by htm from the Indians, Dismisses Application ot the rent stabilization program. (Episcopal), Rev. Christopher Sny- has' been purchased from Mr. and Ill be continued here after der, Vicar, on the Van Horn prop- Mrs. Paul L. Hughes by Mr. and Without Prejudice ; Sept. 30. erty on Hance rd., opposite the Mrs. Mark D. McClain of Colo- nta.N. J. Mr. Pierce said that many peo- Knollwood jschool. FREEHOLD—Attorneys for Mrs. e have the Impression that the As first told by The Register no The residence contains nine large nna Serra Johnston, who Is ac- cderal government has the say in other circus has ever visited the' rooms, two tile baths and several msed of murdering her ex-hus- his matter. He stated: "For sev- borough and this should be a great fireplaces. The sale includes 20 ral years, the rent stabilization acres of land. Mr. McClain, who Is George Sullivan, a member of. Keansburg't board of firs former chief of the department, and John Hvasta, Seagraves iand, Malcolm Johnston, Nut- treat for the residents of Fair Ha- v iwamp rd., River Plaza, In her irogram has been run on a local, ven and their neighbor?. vice president of the Valentine commissioners, is behind the wheel of fire company No. l'« representative. Underwriters' tests were conducted Tuesday under the direction of the Firebrick company of Woodbridge, Little Silver apartment Aug. 12, The circus will arrive tootetime $22,000 Seagraves 750-gatlon pumper on the ramp at the Red and a report is due today. With the recommendation of the ere unsuccessful Friday In their ocal rent advisory board, which Monday night. If the residents Is having the barn remodeled to made up of local citizens. In house some riding horses. The tforta to hare her released from want to see how it is set up, they Bank freight station where the quad job was unloaded Friday. board of f re commissioners, borough council is expected to ;he county jail on bail. ollowing this grass-roots philoso- property Is one of the most at- ihy, Congress, in a recent law, has should be at the grounds bright Others, left to right, are Alvin' Adams, a company member; approve the rig at its next regular meeting Tuesday, Sept. 2. Application for tho fixing of bail and early and witness what real tractive in the area. eft the option of continuing or ,vas made to County Judge John "iscontlnuinfr up to local govern- team work is. Mr. %nd Mrs. Hughes have mov- Fred W. Foerster, another commissioner; Layton Webster, a C. Giordano by John E. Toolan, The main tent will be on the ed to New York city, where he Is ng bodies, in this case, the mayor Fair Haven, and Ralph Fusco, and council. Van Horn property and the heavy engaged in business. The property erth Amboy lawyers. trucks which carry the equipment sale was negotiated by Trevonian Substitute Teachers Regatta Committee Mrs. Johnston was arrested The rent director said that ten-- will be parked on the schoolhouse B. CrawfoVd of the Charles H. Tindall agency, Red Bank. Taylor Named Dr. John Powers ihortly aftor the 26-year-old Tern- nts are showing Increasing con- grounds. This will make it easier Wanted for Schools Appeals for Rooms le university law school senior cern over the problem, and are- for the publlo to go about the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelligen's •athor Insistent In determining ex-- Dr. M. Gregg' Hibbs,, superin- •van fatally shot at 435 Spring it., grounds to the main attraction and house on . East Highland ave., Jeneral Agent Ray E. Taylor, chairman of (he To Open Office ittle Silver, with a Cobra Colt, ctly what la being done about* the side shows. Atlantic Highlands, has been tendent of Bed Bank public he matter. He said: "I know of National Sweepstake* regatta, FAIR HAVEN-Dr. John D kvhlch authorities said Mrs. John- The benefit, being for a local bought by Mr. and Mrs. Vincent schools, announced thi* week he Appointment of the Caldwell- ton took from under her pillow 10 action taken by any official Fox, who are having extensive 'aylor agency as general agent for bousing committee, this week ap- Powers of 840 River rd. will open church, should have the fullest would like to enlarge his list of when her former husband pushed >ody to date in Monmouth county." support of the public through the alterations made. Harold H. Bayn- le United States Life Insurance pealed to local residents for' his office at that address tomorrow Under the new rent law, the ton of the same agency handled substitute teachers. Those who for the general practice of modi- her onto the bed during one of advance sale, for the more tickets !o. for the area in New Jersey rooms for the regatta week-end heir many arguments. mayor and council must pass a reso- sold between now and Tuesday the the transaction. The house com- wish to do substitute work may ,orth of Trenton, was announced clne. lution to have the program con- prises a center hall, large living Sept 13-14. The defense attorneys called five more the church benefits on the apply at his office in the high lis week by R, W. Staton, super- Inue.ln Red Bank by Sept. 29, oth-- room, dining room and den, kitchen Residents having rooms avail- witnesses during the hour-and-a- percentage. school building prior to the open- .tendent of agencies. The agen- half hearing In an effort to prove erwiae the law expires for the city The Register congratulates the with lavatory and enclosed back /, which will be jointly operated able for rent to contestants, offi- he next day. If a local resolution porch, and a large open porch on ing of school. y Lester W.' Taylor of 43 Wood- that there was not sufficient evi- :o extend is passed, the program Fair Haven Mayor and Council, the the front. There are five bedrooms cials and visitors are requested dence o( a capital offense to war- Fair Haven Board of Education, Dr. Hibbbs also asked anyone ine ave, Little Silver, and Rlch- continued until Apr. 30, 1953, and two baths upstairs. A two-car to telephone Red Bank 6-5019— rant holding the defendant without when the law expires nationwide. Assessor Ray Van Horn, Joseph in Bed Bank who has rooms or .rd Caldwell of Packanack Lake, ball. garage and well landscaped prop- ill have it office at 75 West Front a special phone set up to take MoCue, Ralph S. Smith, and those erty are other features. Mr. Fox small apartments they would like handling the advance sale of Red Bank. orders for rooms. Assistant Prosecutor George A, Call Attention to Law Only is production manager of the Stc- to rent to teachers to contact him. Gray, who was In charge of the In- Mr. Pierce explained that as an. tickets, for their hearty co-opera- phenson corporation, White at, Every new teacher, he said, is Mr. Taylor said rooms are par- vestigation, opposed the applica- agency of the federal government,, tion In behalf of Father Snyder's Shrewsbury. tion for ball. little church which Is in nood of provided with a list of possible ticularly desired on the river- his office cannot offer opinions as. money for church. Improvements Mr. and Mrs. E. Kumple of East front, and M cloee to Red Dank Called u witnesses by the de- to whether or not the local gov-. living quarter*. erning body will or will not vote; long over due, "• Front st. have bought the house as possible. fense were County Detective Capt. of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Secland William S. Mustoe, Little Silve to continue the program In our oil Park ave., Rumson. The house Police Sgt. Charles Earlc, Jr., Fa- city. He said the role of his office comprises a large living room, din- trolmen John H. Foster and James s best summed up in the state- 120-Acre Tract ing room and modern kitchen, en- Schools to Open W. Fix and Mrs. Betty Ivester, ment recently made by Tlghe IS.' ' closed back and front porches and Granted Patent who shared a third floor apartmen Woods, director of rent stablllza- i powder room on first floor, and tlon.
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