d \.,) PLAYGRA:1VI FEBRUARY I 960 FORTY-FIRST ST. THEATRE 125 West 41st St., New York II .• SHAKESPEARE IN HARLEM February 28th, 1950: The Day They Killed Cash J i m D ish o1,; R e ttor t f!' r Jim Bishop, the famous neu·spaperman. is the hope of the hopeless. boats, liquor, tire-., car-;, plane trip,;, luggage, the author of the best-selling books. ·'The This led to the Federal Deposit Jn,.urance stenographic services, recording:,:;, camerae;, Day Lincoln Was Shot" and "The Da) Corporation. \\hich means that the United fishing equipment, gi fts, flower,.-many. Christ Died." Ile is also a ll"idely syndicated States Go,ernment endorsed sa, in~s atc-ounls many things. \ mong the items it will not buy columnist. and stopped the failure of hanks. It also led are a !.paL'l' ship, a dental extraction and a to the cheap checking account, through guide rondurted tour o f the Kremlin. 6"" \\hich the average \,age earner r-ould pay his Thf' D.C. f•xccuti,es are ,,orking: on thf'c;e. ...._,a<:.h, of course, has not died. If you think bills by ,,ritinµ; on a slip of paper. Thi;; The rost of becomin:;: a member ic; -~5. The so, try doing wi thou t it. In my fami ly it is check ,,as a long step in the right direnion. low fee led to ~ome suspi<"ion on my part. I used freely. Too freely. I have often aJ.ked It honored t he signature of the pri,ate my children if they thought 1 wac; made of it citizen. figure<l that if I hought Sl.000 \1o rth of mer­ drnndi~e. an<l The Diners· Club had to Lill a nd,after a moment ofhec;i- Now ,1e ha\£' the Diners· Club Card. \1hich me for these things, they ·would be losing t h t ation . ey hne said: is crrdit carried out as far as it ,1ill f!O. It mone} and I do no t like to deal wi th people th ''Yes." T his provss at the does much more than ca!-h and has more who lose money. girls are ei ther not Hry muscles than a certified check. The D.C. Then I learned that the Club roll ects on bright, or too bright. Card keeps traf'k• of you!" expenc;rs. In m} the other end. It p;ets d iscounts on you r bills lits;~=~i~};ii1 ::~~;/~:~ <·a .. e, the card does a great deal of account- and mine. The restaurants, the lu(?:gage attained 8 slimne"s I ,ii-.h ing-: it tells me how murh I c;pent h('rt•, there <:hop<;, the department stores, the airl ine and e,er)11hf'rt' and it i<; an excelli·nt n•i·ord rompanir-.. all pay a small percentage of th e I cnuld imitate. It holds of business cxpen ... es uhen income ta, time about t\1enty dollars, some l'Omec;. bill to Diners" Club. On my end, I pay the straight retail prire. color photos of my grand- The ('ard j; nearly uni,er,.al in its ll'•f'. Ir \ Diners· Club Card b more important to children, a reporter·s police rnn be li"ed huy thou<=and..; of itc·ms 10 me 1han ca-.h. It's a miraculous piece of card, an owner and driver·s lirenH•, a St. anJ "t'n if'e" .,•lothing:. dinner. hotel room,:;. Christopher medal and a Diner-;' Club Card. cardboard. That's enough to get me "here I want 10 ,-- - - - ------------ go, and home again safely. I don·, need any- I DINERS ' CLUB , Colis eum Tow er, 10 ColumCus Circle, New York 19, N. Y. ... t,. "-LL Qunr, ,. _ nl'I: ,. ,,.,,., thing else. I was ~tudying: the Diners' Club I .._,. 5 0 5 0 Card-a miraculous piece of cardboard- I FULL NAME ______________________ and thinking of how far man has traYeled in : HOME ADDRESS-----==------=-=~~=---- P' O III Ol"l"IC I!: US I ., trying to unden,tand his own need.;. I Not too many centuries ago-a slow ,iink 1 Phone, _____ Rent home __ Own home __ Years at present address _____~ ~!~!1~,e:~ec:~r;~r:;sar:~~~; ~:~~,:: ~:~~ki~ : COMPANY NAM,~-------- Nature of bu~iness ____________ jars around the house. If the hou"e burned, I Add ress, ____--;;;=------;,;:----------;=-----;=------ - or was robbed, the family fortune di.s:ap- I Phone, ______ Years with above firm ____ Position ____~c-=---,- ,-- peared. Then came the fir .. t private bank-.. I Reg. Checking & and thes.e economists charged a fee to s.tore I BANK NAME ADDRES>---===-:-:--:0::c0 ,c;,-;:,.::-,::c,.,c:,-::,_:::,.:::-,.::c,.:-:,c:0 :::.,:::._:c,-:-..:c,-:-, --- Spec. Ch ecking money for safekeeping. : CHARG E ACCOUN TS AT Savi ngs It was not until later that bankers found I ------------------- l oan out that money on deposit could be ime"-led I SIGNATU RE OF INDIVIDUAL APPLICANT---------------------; for the good of all, and that intere-.t could be I AUTHO RIZATION FOR COMPANY ACCOUN J ___cc,.;--::, 70_,c;;••;;-,ca 0,.c,"'""'"cc,cc"'~ -----=-.------- 1 paid to the depositor. Some of the.;e men . I you hill recall, invested umdsely in the year- I Have you held a Diner's Club card prev,ous!y 1 __ If add,tion to exisltni account, show number _____ $5 FEE : EN.C LOS ED O Bill ME 0 1907 a nd 1929, and long lines of discoura~ed I covers 12 months' membership from date card is issued (includes one year's subscr:ption to O,ner's Club Magazine at 60 depositors stood before closed banks, hoping : CHECK I COMPANY ACCOU NT O 8 (11 un, l o office address I ONE ~~:~6~~~ ~~~~~~~ B :::: ::~: :~ ~;;~: ~ ~~;: :~ I ' O•NY. PLG•: I ONLY Card holder aao;umea Individual reaporulblllty with company applicant f'URNITURE FOR GRACIOUS LIVING . • • BED ROOMS • LIVING ROOMS • D(NING ROOMS • STEREO-HI-Fl-WALL UNITS .!'AftKI 'OPEN OAii.Y 9:30 TO T P.M MON .• THURS. Till 9 P.M. 326 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK I , N. Y. MU. 5-3720-1 HOWARD GOTTFRIED and ROBERT GLENN (By arrangement with N.Y. Chapter of ANTA) prese nt SHAKESPEARE IN HARLEM a theatrical portrait by LANGSTON HUGHES JAMES WELDON JOHNSON ADAPTED and DIRECTED by ROBERT GLENN Musical Director ROBERT COBERT Settings, Lights and Costumes ROBERT L. RAMSEY Associate Producer WILHELMINA CLEMENT "HILARIOUS!" "RANKS WITH THE BEST! " -.11- C11ti11, .,r1: A11n:r -.1sro11, H". 1'cl~. & S11n JERRY HERMAN'S FAnAD:S:: .. • the hit musical revue .• • : . PLAYERS THEATRE ,. •• ••• • • • 115 Macdougal St., Al. 4-5076 starring DODY GOODMAN . Tues., Wed ,' Thurs. at 8.40 & Sun. at 3 00 and 840 S4.50. 3.90. 3 60. fr,. at BAO & Sat. at 7,JO aod 10,30, ~4 85, 4.50, 3 90. ,lax ,ncludedJ with RICHARD TONE lliUS'~r' R Open Doily 'cf sar~' til/ 2 A. M. E FLORENTINE CUISINE s T COCKTAILS A SEAFOOD u "Cocciucco" special de Lio Caso R STEAKS AND A CHOPS SCALLOPINE 360 West 42 St. (off 9th Ave.) N LOngocre 5-9214 T Part I GOD'S TROMBONES by JAMES WELDON JOHNSON ADAPTED and DIRECTED by ROBERT GLENN Music Composed and Conducted by Robert Cobert Choreographic Consultant Jay Riley Cast in Order of Appearance THE PREACHER- FREDERICK O'NEAL I. THE CREATION .. .............. ..Ted Butler. II. THE TEMPTATION .............. Members of the Congregation. III. NOAH AND THE ARK. ......... Richard Ward, Members of the Congregation. IV. THE PRODIGAL SON ............ Jay Riley, Frank Glass, Royce Wallace, Congregation. V. LET MY PEOPLE GO ............ Ted Butler, John McCurry, Isabell Sanford. VI. THE JUDGMENT .................. Members of the Congregation, Ted Butler. THE CONGREGATION ........ Ted Butler, Frank Glass, Alma Hubbard, Calden Marsh, John Mccurry, Jay Riley, Isabell Sanford, Royce Wallace, Richard Ward. THE MANDARIN t I HOUSE .. ;:~~~~!it~ AUTHENTIC MANDARIN-STYLE .. sriRRi"t~c:- 1 - l•w1s, Cu• CHINESE FOOD AN.TON CHEKHOV'S Luncheon - Dinner - Supper; COCKTAILS Open Daily Noon to Midnight ~lue,., Wed iree~isters, Thuo., Sun. Evei. 8 40 & Sun Mot NO! NO CHOP SUEY! o t 3 00 . .S2 .50, 3 . 35, 3 90. Fr i. Eve, 8 40 & Sot h e, al 7 00 and 10 15. U .90 & 4 60 133 WEST 13TH ST. WA 9-0551 American Express 4th St. Theatre 83 Eo,t 4th s, .. • AL 4 .7954' Epatez le bourgeois .. Music, f I ne food & choice beverages • th• GUMDROPS recording trio av ailable at your record dealer FREE PARKING ~URANIA Sid Bauman• ho,t UX-120 Part II SHAKESPEARE IN HARLEM by LANGSTON HUGHES ADAPTED and DIRECTED by ROBERT GLENN MUSICAL DIRECTOR ROBERT COBERT Musical Continuity Margaret Bonds Cast in Order of Appearance NARRATOR ... ....... ......... ........ .. ............ .. .. ....... ... .... ........ ...Jay Riley BLUES MAN, PREACHER .. ............. ...... ............... .. John McCurry ALBERTA K. JOHNSON .... ..... ...... .. .... .............. .... .Alma Hubbard OLD MAN ....... ........... ............. ............. .......... .. ... ... .. .. ......Ted Butler YOUNG MAN·········· ·· ·······~ ·· ·· ················ ···· ·· ·· ············ Calden Marsh CAT, KILLER BOY .. ....... .... ...................................... Frank Glass SICK MAN, BARTENDER. .... ................................ ... Richard Ward GIRL IN BAR. .... ... ... .. ... .......... ...................... ........ ..Isabell Sanford CHIPPIE ... ..... .... .. .... .. .... .... ...... .. ...... .. .. .. ... .. ... ... ......... Royce Wallace Place: Harlem Time : The Present 889-9th A VENUE BOYLAN N. Y. C. TRAVEL AGENCY co 5-4800 specialists in CRUISES. Reservations by and " TOURS AIR to and IRELAND STEAMER and elsewherp Wt.c' 1 FREDERICK O'NEAL (Preacher) has tour of that perennial "Porgy and Bess" been the winner of many theatrical and and, !~ the. featured role of Crown, played motion picture awards for his outstanding 79 cities m 29 countries from 1952 to work of an actor. In the role of Frank 1956 .. Other play~ which have kept him in "Anna Lucasta" he scored not only on hoppmg across this country are "Finian's the stage in New York, Chicago and Great Rainbow", "The Last Mile", "Of Mice .
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