THIS INVITATION COPY Mailed to ovory inquiry -regarding Occnn HOTEL GUIDE Grove received by Munifipal Informa­ Hotel season announcements appear oh tion Bureau this season to date. pages 6 and 7; also full Summer Season Program in Ocean Grove VOL. L V X -III No. 21 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, F R I D A Y , MAY 2 1 , 1 9 4 3 4 -Day National Conference of Junk Drive Starts Here Tom Christians and Jews Here O n 25-29 A t The Arlinqton I Jane M. Blackloch America’s Leaders For The Promotion of Ocean Groye Air Wardens with Prospective Bride , Amity and Understanding Among Different A id of Local Trucks Creeds W ill Assemble Here. Announcement was made this week of the engagement of Miss Collection In Afternoon. Ocean Grove h'as been selected as the meeting' place Jane Margaret Blacklock, of Ocean of the annual conference of Christian, and Jews this year. Grove, to Ernest A. Smith, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Smith, Householders are. urged to put metal scrap of all It will be a four-day conference, starting June 25. kinds on the curb tomorrow (Saturday) morning fox’ the The conference will make its headquarters at the Arl­ of Asburjravenue, Neptune, by the parents of the bride-elect,;. Ml*.; and final scrap drive before the opening of the summer season! ington Hotel on Auditorium square, in close proximity to The Ocean Grove air wardens will supei-vise the col­ the Camp Meeting association buildings which may be Mrs; A. S. Blacklock, 78 Broadway.. Both are members of this year’s lection of-the scrap! with the assistance of the trucks of used for meetings. the Ocean Grove Association and local merchants. This will be what is known as graduating class at Neptune high | Members of Boy Scout Troop No. the annual staff meeting of the school. Mr. Smith is awaiting his ‘ 41, of Ocean Grove! will also as­ National Conference, of which Voters W ill Name orders to report for duty as an Skee Ball Opens; sist in Collecting the .scrap. At a forty-five staff members will at­ aviation cadet in the U. S. Army air corps. mooting of the troop Monday tend. Successor To Briggs Bob Davis In Charge night it was voted to help the About twenty members of the No date has been set for the wedding. wardens. : There are about twenty- ' national Staff are women. They The Uncxpircd.Term of Ocean Owner Layman Sternbergh, in five members of the troop, of which are clergymen, educators, college Grove Board of Fire Commis­ Releaaed by U. 8. War Department Bureau of Publlo EeUtfona \ WAACS IN RADIO SCHOOL—Operating high frequency oscilla­ Defense Work, Can Give Only- Burt Wanner is scout master and presidents, Y. M. C. A. secretaries sioners Not Expected to be tors is part of their training at Midland Radio and Television School Officer Ray- Anderson, of the and laymen. All denominations of Filled Until February Election. Occasional Weekends to Famous a't Kansas City, Mo. Hero aro Technicians Fifth Grade Eleanor Priiry, Local Civilian War Ocean Grove police force, is assist­ religious faith are represented. Sport at North End. Staten Island, J). Y., (left) and Jeanetto Sheets, Shaker Heights, 0. ant scout master.' Two or three of the group are The resignation of Louis C. They are taking the prescribed courses of the U. S. Arm ; Signal Corps Data To Be Recorded Only scrap iron, tin cans and Jewish, several are Catholics and Briggs, for more than fifteen years in Army radio repair and operation. - Skee Ball- will open the season other 'metals will be collected to­ the others are Protestants, accord- a member and treasurer of the Local Civilian Defense Council here at the Decoration Day, week­ morrow. Newspapers will be col­ . ing to Willard Johnson, assistant Ocean Groye Board of Fire Com­ to Appoint Historian; Mrs. end, and Layman M. Sternbergh, lected during the following week ’ to the president of the • organiza­ missioners, was accepted by the Neptune Miss to . Wed Gordon Buchanan, of East founder of this popular pastime Neptune Class of *23 according to Chief Warden Purdy. tion. ■ . ;V board at its meeting last Friday Orange, Named State Historian? here and in. Atlantic City, will be Householders will be notified of The National Conference of night. His reason for resigning Pfc. Albert E. Catley Reunion Tomorrow able to -devote only his weekends Christians and Jews was founded was the government order to sig­ the: day by the Boy Scouts. That the work of the Civilian to . the . management of the local in 1928, with headquarters in New nal corps officers prohibiting Owing to the fact that so many Announcement was made this Affair, to be Held in Spring Defense Council , in Ocean Grove alleys. Being a skilled electrician, York-City. The purpose for political activity, of employees, wardens are engaged in defense week of the engagement of Miss Lake Heights with Ethel and Neptune township may be­ he has been drafted by-the Sperry. which it was organized is to pro­ Briggs is now employed at Camp work and have to work Saturday Rita G. Kuhlwein to Pfc. Albert La Vance and Joseph Morris, come a permanent record to be Gyroscope company for /confiden­ mote justice, amity, understand-' Coles, a signal corps laboratory. afternoons, there is apt. to be less E. Catley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Co-chairmen. preserved in the State Library is tial defense fork that will permit • ing and co-operation among Prote­ William N. Schwartz, an ac­ man power on the job than in the Albert Catley, 85 Heck avenue, by made possible by the action this tial defense work that will permit stants, Catholics and Jews. countant of. Ocean Grove, was ap­ big- drive last September. For the paTcnts of the bride-elect, Mr. week of Leonard Dreyfuss, State weekends in Ocean Grove. Dr. Frank C. Cooper, proprietor pointed treasurer, but not a mem­ that reason householders can ren­ and Mrs. Ernest Kuhlwein, 1225’/4 The class of 1923 • of Neptune Civilian Defense Director, and During his absence young Bob of the Arlington, will open his ber of the board. This, action was der great assistance by putting Sixth avenue, Neptune. high school will hold its twentieth James Downes, State Librarian. Davis, lanky center of the cham hotel for the season on Juno 24, taken on the opinion, of-the board’s the scrap on the curb. Assistance Miss Kuhlwein was .graduated annual reunion and,dinner,'tomor­ Mr. Dreyfuss has requested that piopship Neptune high school bas­ with the coming of the conference attorney, R. W. Stout, to' the effect will be given wherever possible from Neptune high school and is row evening at Dewey's Home­ tho local defense council appoint a ketball, team, will be in charge of delegates. - that the post of treasurer be filled in bringing out larger objects that employed at Canip Evans, N. J. stead . Golf and ^Country Club, historian whose duty it will be to tho alleys. at the North End. to continue the business of the cannot be handled by the house­ , ---------- -V------- — Private Catley, also a graduate Spring Lake Heights. compile and condense the civilian holders. hoard. The treasurer’s salary was The demands of war work com­ of Neptune high school,is station­ According to Ethel La Vance war record in his community. fixed at $100 per year. pelled Mr. Sternbergh last year to The wardens who have volun­ ed at Washington, D. C., with the and Joseph Morris,' eo-oliairmen of Mrs. Gordon Buchanan, of East Local W .C T . U. Asks It is not expected that the board dispose of his Skee Ball Stadium teered to assist in the drive, along coast artillery. Prior to entrance this year’s affair,'reservations have Orange, prominent in women’s ac­ will fill the unexpired term of ir. Atlantic City, which he estab­ with the boy scouts, will meet at in the service, he was employed been : received from, more . than tivities in the state, has been ap­ Alcohol Rationing Briggs before the annual election lished ton years ago. He sold to Ocean Grove police headquarters at by the Taylor Dairy, Ocean Grove. twenty-five members of the class. pointed state historian to compile next. February. The choice of a one of his first employees, David 1:00 tomorrow afternoon. Unanimously Agree Upon T the data on historical records. successor will be placed before the — V - - • The class of 1923 is one of the G. Kcylor, and retained his origi Issue at Regular Mectiftg, The local historians will cooperate Nothing made of metal, no voters. Club Postpones Luncheon j few classes that Haveheld reunions, nal alleys here. In a statement a With Miss Annie Harper, with Mrs. Buchanan in compiling matter how big or how small, will Assistant fire ' chief, Harold having had nine since' its gradu­ that time he declared: “Always I Hostess. The Ocean Grove Woman’s club the complete record for the state. be turned down by the collectors. Heckman, recommended to the ation with an average attendance have wanted to-be relieved of the sandwich luncheon and game party, It is believed that Nc\v"Jerscy Tin cans are also included in the board that the 60-gallon booster o f tw e n ty ., ~' Atlantic City job, but I had a long ; The Willard W. C. T. U., of scheduled for next Thursday, has is the first state in the country to scrap to be collected tomorrow. tank on the pumper of the Wash­ been postponed indefinitely.
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