The Inventory of the Oriana Fallaci Collection #440 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center FALLACI, ORIANA Gift of April 1970 ,Box 1 Manuscript 1) NIENTE E COS! SIA. Rizzoli, 1969. Typescript photocopy, Ca. 350 pp. (#1) 2) Untitled. (#2) a) "Marted! 8 ottobre. Scrivo ••. ". Typescript and carbon typescript, 11 pp. b) "Oriana Fallaci. 'Dimmi, cosa .•• '". Typescript with some holograph corrections, 16 pp. 3) Open Letter to Ltn. Robert Franchot Frishman. (#3) a) Photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections, 7 pp. In English. b) Photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections, 7 pp. In Italian. Notebooks: South Vietnam/North Vietnam. a) Three 5x3 notebooks. Holograph, Ca. 30 pp. b) One 6X8 notebook. Holograph, Ca. 75 pp. Printed. "With Fire" by Arnold Rosenfeld. Article in The Houston Post about OF, Sunday, November 13, 1966, Page 14. Tearsheet. (#4) ~·a1.1.aci, Oriana page 4 43. Pete Conrad. 44. Jane Fonda. 1970. 45. Walter Cronkite. 1970. 46. Doctor Hodge. 1969. 47. Dalai Lama. 1968. 48. Walter Cronkite. 49. General Torres of Bolivia. 50. Bolivian coup d'etat. 1970. 51. Alan Bean and Richard Gordon. RESTRICTED 52. General Cao Ky. 1968. Cat as Nguyen-cao-Ky, 1930,, 53. General Giap. 54. General Giap. 1969. 55. Maharishi. 1968. 56. Article on Pete Conrad. 57. Kate Millet. 1971. 58. Bolivia coup d'etat. 1970. 59. Apollo XII. 60. Sirimavo Bandaranaike, President of Ceylon. 1972. 61. Mexico. 1968. RESTRICTED 62. General Cao Ky. 1968. Sec. No. 521. 63. Ovando Candia, Alfredo President of Bolivia, 1970. 64. Francois Pelou. 1968. 65. Jane Fonda. Box 14 66. Jane Fonda and Mark Lane. 67. Bolivia, coup d'etat. 1970. 68. Jane Fonda. 1970. 69. General Miranda, Bolivia, 1970~ 70. Archbishop Camara, Brazil, 1970. Fallaci, Oriana page 5 71. Maharishi. 72. Joe McCarty and Death of M.L. King. 73. Radio Interviews, Feb., 1972. 74. Radio Interviews, 1972. 75. Radio Interview on NOTHING AND SO BE IT. 76 · Italian Chief of Fascists. 1971. 77. "For Women Today" Interview. 1972. 78. Dennis Owens Inverview with OF 1972. 79. Barry Zorthian interview 1968. 80. Jean-Claude Duvalier. 1971. 81. Francois Pelou. 1971. 82. Italian Physicist. 1966. 83. Robert Jungk. 1966. 84. Guio Gullace. 1965. 85. Cesare Zavattinie. 1965. 86-87. Professor Caianiello. 1965. 88. Professor Bernardi. 89. Shirley McLaine. 1965. 90. Bullfighter Dominguia. 1966. Box 15 91-99. Not identified. FALLACI, Oriana Addenda: Oct. 72 - Feb. 73 I. MANUSCRIPTS NOTHING, AND SO BE IT, Doubleday, 1972 Box 16: 1. Typescript of holo. corr. by editor incl. 7 preliminary pages with printer's marks, 486 p. (Folder Ill) 2. Incomplete typescript with holo. corr. by editor, 36 p. (112) Box 17: 3. Xerox copy of typescript with holo. corr. by editor., 484 p. (Ill) 4. Revised galley with printer's marks (#2) Box 18: 5. Final galley with printer's marks (#1) 6. Fotmdry proof (#1) II. PRINTED MATERIAL A. AR~?GLES by OF (112) 1. "Golda Talks to Oriana Fallaci". · ·Ms Tearsheets 1974, 6 p. 2. "Why I Never Married". MS, Dec. 1974, xerox copy, 2 p. B. ARTICLES.about OF (#2) 1. Klemesrud, Judy. "Oriana Fallaci, an Interviewer Who Goes for the Jugular in Four Languages". New York Times, Jan. 25, 1973 2. ~:bla, · Sa11~ · .. ,tortana ·Fallact~ 'Tne· J!ournaifgt· at- Full Maturity". Nyack ·N. Y. Journal - News, Mar. 30, 1972, xerox copy, 2 p. FA.LLA.C:t, 0rta.na page 2 3. "The Fallaci Treatment". Newsweek, Jan. 22, 1973, p. 83-84 incl. entire magazine 4. "People". Time, Feb. 5, 1973, p. 44 5. Playboy, n.d., 1 p. c. ·PUBLICITY (Folder #2) 1. Ad iri'New·Yotk'Times for NOTHTNG, AND so BE IT, p. 37 2. Book jacket - THE EGOTISTS ITI. CORRESPONDENCE A. To OF: ITLS, IALS, ICTLS From: Becket, Maria (literary agent), TLS, Geneva, Oct. 24, 1972 Blue, Barbara, ALS & xerox copy, Jan. 22, 1973 Shapian, Betty, xerox of TLS concerning Professor McKelvey interview B. From OF: ICTL, ITLS, 1 xerox telegram To: Benedetta, CTS, June 31, 1973 Lippman, Walter, TLS, n.d. Hoang, Nha Due, (loose) xerox telegram, Saigon, n.d. IV. TAPES A. OF being interviewed 1. Blair, Anne. "Window on Washington". concerning Vietnam, Feb. 25, 19 , 1 reel 2. Watson, Patrick. "Slst State". Channel 13 N.Y., concerning peace settlement in Paris, Jan. 24, 1973, 1 reel FALLACI, Oriana page 3 B. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Professor Robert McKelvey, Occidental Col~ege, political scientist on KFI's "The American Way", interviewing two gentlemen on Senator Edmund Muskie (no mention of OF). 2. Computer tape. FALLACI, Oriana Addenda: May 1975 - January 1976 Box 19: I. Printed Material Interview with Oriana Fallaci THE LADY OF THE TAPES by David Sanford. Esquire, June 1975. II. Photographs 7 photographs of Oriana Fallaci. Black & white, various sizes. (Folder Ill) Oriana Fallaci Outline of Inventory Addenda March 1977 - August 1979 (PARTIALLY RESTRICTED) I I MANUSCRIP.TS A. Novel B, Non-Fiction C, By Eileen B. Simpson D, Interviews E, Articles F, Addresses G, Miscellany H, Research and Notes I, By others about OF I, Italian 2, English II, PRINTED MATTER A, English Language by OF B, Foreign Language by OF c. By OF's sister Elisabetta D, Reviews of OF's Books E, About OF III, CORRESPONDENCE 1962-1979 IV. TAPE RECORDINGS Oriana Fallaci Outline of Inventory (2) Addenda March 1977 ~ August 1979 (PARTIALLY RESTRICTED) A, Interviews by OF B, Interview with OF V, PHOTOGRAPHS VI, MEMORABILIA Fallaci, Oriana Addenda March 1977 - August 1979 .---~{Restriction-s-'.on··material in Box 20) Box 19 I. MANUSCRIPTS A, Novel I, LETTER TO A CHILD NEVER BORN, Translation by John Shepley. Simon and Schuster, 1977, a) "First correction of the bad translation in English", 1975. Photocopy of typescript with OF's holo corr in red on first copy, Second copy with corrections photocopied. 107p. I each. With photocopy of TLS from OF to Shepley, Nov,18 1 1975, (F2) b) "Lettre 1 Un Enfant Jamais N'"• French translation from which translation into English was made, Typescript photocopy with OF's photocopy notes for the translator. 90p. (F3) c) Typescript photocopy of later draft of English translation with editor Nan Talese's corrections and notes, 114p. and typescript 3p, ''Notes on Oriana Fallad. manuscript." (F4) d) Original manuscript with printer's marks, typescript, 114p, and prelim, p. with covering letter, (FS) e) Bound advance uncorrected proof. f) Photocopy of original Italian ms., with holograph corrections, 70p, With photocopy of letter from OF to Betty Prashker of Doubleday, re book, March 13, 1975. (F6) Fallaci, Oriana 2 Box 19 g) 2 Italian proofs, part photocopy, part typeset, (F7) B. Non-Fiction Books 1. INTERVIEW WITH HISTORY (Collection of Interviews), Translated by John Shepley, Norton, 1976. a) English trans,, incomplete, typescript with holo corr, lOOp, variously numbered, (F8) b) Typescript photocopy, incomplete, with Italian portions and holograph corrections, 200p, (F9) c) Fallaci, 0, TL unsigned to Natalia Murray re translation, March 23, 1975, (F9) d) Shepley, John, TLS to Ned Arnold re translation, June IO, 1975 (F9) e) Editor's holo notes re translation, 3p, (F9) Box 20 2. NIENTE E COSI SIA (NOTHING AND SO BE IT) Rizzoli, 1969. a) Italian page proof, (Fl) C, Novel by Eileen B, SimEson 1. THE MAZE, Simon and Schuster, 1974, Setting copy, Typescript, 245p.i~~1. prelim, p, (F2) D, Interviews conducted by OF with: 1. Santiago Carillo, in Italian, net dated, a) Typescript, 19p, (F3) b) "Work on Carillo's Interview", Typescript, 3p, c) Holograph notes, Ip, 2. Henry Kissinger with introduction by OF, in Italian, !Op, Typescript with holo corr, 13p, (F4) Fallaci, Oriana 3 Box 20 3. Miriam Mafai, in Italian, Carbon typescript, 24p, (F5). RESTRICTED 4. Nguyen Cao Ky, 1967-68, (RESTRICTION - NOT TO BE SHOWN TO JOURNALISTS FOR 10 YRS,) English transcript. Typescript, 14p. (F6) RESTRICTED 5. Siharuouk, King of Cambodia, Transcript of interview and example of work on construction of written interview, (NOT FOR RELEASE - SECRET), Typescript in French, 42p,; and photocopy_of typescript in Italian, 25p, (F7) 6, Mario Soares, in French, Typescript with halo corr, 20p. (F8) RESTRICTED 7. Thieu. a) Orignal French transcript. Typescript, 40p, (NOT TO BE SHOWN TO JOURNALISTS FOR TEN YEARS) (F9) b) English transcription, typescript 17p, (NOT TO BE SHOWN TO JOURNALISTS FOR TEN YEARS) (FlO) 8, Unidentified group of people concerning Vietnam and politics. In Italian, Typescript, 14p, (Fll) 9. Shah of Iran, (1973), photocopy of holograph in English, 30p, (F12) 10. Interview notes with Indira Gandhi, 1975, in notebook, c.75p.{F12) 11. Alekos Panagoulie, Outline and transcript in Italian, holograph, 28p, (F12) E, Articles by OF 1. On culture for Europeo, 1972, Typescript photocopy with holo notes, 9p, (F13) Fallaci, Oriana 4 Box 20 2. On Nixon's fall. Telex article for EuroEeo. (,F14)' 3. On Italian WWII Resis·tanee .• ·. Telex article for Corriere Della Sera (F15). 4. Unidentified Italian, On North Vietnam in Italian. Typescript photocopy, 26p, (F16) 5. On Ingrid Bergman in English, c,1967, Typescript photocopy, 9p. (F17) F, Addresses bz OF Box 21 1, Unidentified speech to American Press Organization, c, 1974, Typescript, 13p, (Fl) 2. Amherst College Lecture, 1976, Typescript photocopy, 25p, (F2) 3. Speech to Overseas Press Club, New York, 1974. Photocopy of typescript, 15p. (F3) 4, Speech to Publishers and Editors Convention, Washington, 1972 or 1973, Typescript, 13p, (F3) G, Miscellaneous ManuscriFts by OF 1. Public letter addressed to Henry Kissinger in Italian, a) Typescript photocopy, Sp, b) English version, typescript, 7p, with holo corr.(F4) 2. Letter addressed to "Caro Direttore," incomplete, typescript photocopy, 13p. (F5} 3. Introduction to articles published in NY Post by her sister Elisabetta on America, with text of sister's articles, lOp, Typescript photocopy.
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