Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1961-09-27 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1961). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 156. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/156 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cap, Gown The Edgecliff Are Marks =V=o=lum=· =e==X=X==V=l=I =================O=u=r==L=a=d~y =o=f=C=i=n=c=in=n=a=ti==C=o=lle~g~e~, =C=i=nc=i=nn=a=t=i ,~O=h=io;;:,'=S=ei=p=te=m==be=r==27=i,=1=9=6=1========================~N~o,;:,;.~1 Of Maturity 0 : a:e Orientation Activities Introduce Freshmen to College Life se~~~~y :;:s~;e:~ 1 ~~e~~~ A wide range of a c t i v i t i e s McKenzie, was held T uesday even­ Lady of Cincinna ti received their greet P. d the freshman class during ing, Sept. 19. Before dining on caps a nd gowns at t he annua l Orientation Week, Sept. 18-21. E mery pa tio. the freshmen met investiture ceremony on E me ry Sister M a ry Virginia welcomed their senio r 'big s isters.' F ollowing Circle. Academic attire cons ists of the newcomers to Edgecl iff at a n the su pper, J oyce Hugenbe rg, black gown, cap a nd tassel. The chairman of the campus club board, assembly Monday m orning. Facul­ membe rs of E dgecliff's S tudent explained the benefits a student ty advisors we re introduced to the Council are distinguished by a blue can derive from joining clubs. The class on Wednesday afternoo n. tassel. cl ub presidents then outlined their The R ev. Alfred G. S tritch, col­ The freshme n pa rticipated in respective progra ms fo r t he year. lege cha plain a nd head of the the National Guidance T esting F reshme n registered o n Thurs­ social science departme nt, bl essed Program . The purpose of these day, Sept. 21. F ina l event in the caps. Afterwa rds, the R ev. tests is to dete rmine the stude nt's ori entation will be the capping Martin D . Ga rry, h ead of the aptitude in various fi elds of study. ceremony in McAuley Oct. 4. theology a nd philosophy de part­ The a n n u a l freshman-seni or Freshme n will receive their caps, me nts, explained the significance garden party, unde r the co-chair­ which they wear to help uppe r of the cap and gown. manship of Grace Moss and Nancy classme n get to know them. H e said that the cap a nd gown are a mark of growth and maturity. Oil wells . Are they fo und in Texas or Kentucky? was Students were r e m i n d e d that one of the questions freshmen considered in placement tests. maturity is n ever fully a ttained , At right, Diane Dressman tries her sister's freshman cap for size. but is in constant growth. Fathe r Garry p ointed out that maturity is wisdom , the wisdom of knowing how little we know, the wisdom of embracing an ete rnal Faculty Increases by Nine; search for knowledge. This is truly one of the marks of an educated man. Academy of Fine Arts Opens T he cap and gown resemble the Several new members have been added to the faculty of Our Lady cloak, helmet and sword give n in of C incinnati this fall. the middle ages as symbols of Edgecliff's new Academy of Fine Arts has as its director, Mr. David maturity, h e added . N eithe r toke n Barrie, directo r and producer of last summer's Shakespeare Festival. is easily attained o r once a ttained The Academ y wi ll foster the fi ne arts on a high professional level, thus eas ily upheld. enric hing community as well as camp us life. M r. Barrie's aim is Government, political parties and to make Our Lady of Cincinnati pressure groups. Fathers Dine "the c e n t e r of the arts in th e At the University of Cincinnati, community." Dr. Molloy acted as visiting assist­ a nt professor of political science In Emery Hall H e plans to use the Academy in two summer school sessions. Edgecliff's Fathers Club will be­ to present good classical drama f riday's Mass Dr. Molloy is a member of the Campus gin its second year with a buffet rathe r than contemporary works, American Political Science Asso­ Officially Opens supper in Emery Se pt. 28 at 6 p.m . giving two reasons for his prefer­ ciation for P ublic Administration. The maste r plan of Our Lad y of - nee: Calendar Senorita Celina Sanchez-Chavey Academic Year Cincinnati's "college of the future," 1s t It will give the students has returned to the language de­ SEPTEMBER The R ev. Alfred G. Stritch, chap­ will be discussed. F a thers of fresh­ an opportunity to see good partment as instructor of Spanish. 27 Cap and Gown Investiture lain of Our Lady of Cincinnati me n will be give n a special wel­ classics done well ; Coll ege, will be celebrant and come. An increase in club membe r­ S he taught here in 1953-54. Born 28 Father's Club Banquet 2nd This type of drama will in Sante Fe, Argentina, Senorita speake r at the opening Mass of ship is anticipated . 29 Opening Mass enhance the cultural ap­ Sanchez-Chavey taught at North the school year Friday. The out­ Robe rt Otto will assume the dut­ preciation of the commun­ Ame rican Cultural Exchange Insti­ 30 Saturday Classes Begin doo r Mass will be held on the ies of president a t this meeting. patio behind Emery Hall. Other new offi cers are: R obe rt ity. tute and Catholic University of OCTOBER Cordoba, Argentina. In addition All stude nts, dressed in academic Dreidame, vice president; Joseph In his l e c t u r e courses, Mr. 1 Student Council Breakfast Barrie is organizing a " Symposium to teaching, she also acted as a ttire, will participate in the cere­ J . Bartlett, secre tary; Lloyd J . 4 Capping Ceremony of W orld C ulture", a course based Continued on Page 4 mony. By rne, treasurer ; H erman Bressler, on a rt from the beginning of time 8-14 Fire-Prevention Week The college choral group will Gregory H olbrock, Anthony J . to the present. 10 Mothers Club T ea sing the prope rs of the mass. The Bruenema n, Jr. a nd Carl F roehle, entire student body will join in directors. Dr. J ohn D . Molloy, a political 'United Nations' 11 Assembly: Faculty Program singing M ass of the A ngels. Edgar S. Edelmann, last year's scien ce specialist, also has joined 12 Faculty M eeting Immedia tely following the M ass, preside nt, becomes a n ex-officio Edgecliff's faculty. Dr. M olloy Convenes Here 14 Ohio Spa nish M eeting breakfast will be served. directo r. taught at M a rquette University This year, for the first time, and t he University of Cincinnat i, five public high schools in Cin­ a n$1 writes fo r the Cincinnati cinnati have been invited to par­ E nq uire r. ticipa te in the Edgecliff United Mothers Honor At M arquette he taught gradu­ N ations Assembly to be held Oct. ate sch ool semina rs in American 27 and 28. In addition to these five, all the parochial and private New Students political t hought and public ad­ Freshmen a nd their mothers will high schools of the Greate r Cin­ ministration ; undergraduate a nd be guests of honor a t a tea give n cinnati area aga in have been in­ graduate classes that included the by the M othe rs C lub, T uesday, vited to send delegates. Last year British Government, the Soviet Oct. 10, at 2 p.m. on Em e r y these schools sent 103 delegates lawn. representing 45 countries. Mrs. Joseph Schulte will hold Sister Mary Virginia, president. the office of Mothers Club p resi­ a nd the Rev. Alfred G. Stritch, TV College Offers dent fo r a second year. Assisting chairman of the history depa rt­ her a re M rs. Charl es R ussell , vice­ ment, will address the opening p resident; Mrs. George Borgman, session. Va rious committee meet­ 'The New Biology' recording secretary ; M rs. Eugene "Concept of Life," "Evolution of ings will be held Friday afternoon Neiheisel, corresponding secretary: Inhe ri ted Patterns" and " M a n and in p reparation fo r Saturday's Gen­ M rs. H erman Gieseling, treasurer; Natu re" are among topics which e ral Assembly. Councilma n J ohn Mrs. James Posinski, auditor, and wi ll be discussed in "The New J. Gilligan will preside over the Mrs. Robert Otto, registrar. Bio~ogy" television co u rse for General Assembly . which Edgecliff will give credit. A guest from one of the South American embassies, W ashington.
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