Eastern Illinois University The Keep June 1993 6-16-1993 Daily Eastern News: June 16, 1993 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1993_jun Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: June 16, 1993" (1993). June. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1993_jun/2 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1993 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in June by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SUMMER EDITION ews Burris to run for governor By DANA PHELPS conference. He added that they Managing editor should realize that the political system is a process of formal and After speaking to a group of informal communications involv­ approximately 1,000 Boys State ing a variety of people. participants in Lantz Gymnasium "There is much that you can do Monday, Illinois Attorney to improve our society by becom­ General Roland Burris told the ing active in the political sys­ media that he will run for gover­ tcm ... it is up to you to share your nor in 1994. experience with those young men Burris said that he will make at home who did not experience the official announcement on government as you will experi­ Aug.3. ence it here at Premier Boys Burris has spoken at the State," Burris said. American Legion Boys State ses­ Burris reminded the students of sions for the past 15 years, started how our nation was formed - how by an invitation during his first 13 independent units came togeth­ year as state comptroller, which er and formed the United States of he said sparked enthusiasm and America and drafted a formal excitement provoked his many constitution. He specifically returns. spoke about the Bill of Rights "We have to stay in touch with pointing out that it was a result of o ur young men," Bu rris said, a compromise, and the only way "Only young men will stop other the specified rights can be guaran­ young men from wild partying, teed is if the people understand drinking alcohol, and using them. drugs." "It is up to you to understand Burris began his speech to the there is no guarantee that America high school boys by recognizing will always be here," Burris said the American Legion for the sup­ adding that four to five years ago · Attorney General Roland Burris addresses a group of Boys Stale participanls Monday night aJ Lantz port of the program and by salut­ Burris told IM media following his address thaJ he inlends to run for governor in IM 1994 eleCIWn. ing the students for attending the • Continu.ed on page 2 astern to celebrate 98th birthday Former president o f the National per Association and 1946 Eastern is University alumnus Jim Roberts of Historical exhibit to include time-line ry will speak at F.astern's 98th birth­ c:elebration Saturday. ooataillina pbotos. oven11t aad peopl. uaee the bi1torJ of tbe Roberts' speech, "A Funny Thing llJ NUA CMHAll 1899 Normal school to today's uaivenity lllgbliabtfaa ,. ned on the Way Through College," StldJwrllr dent government l8d lhldenC publicationa. be delivered during the university'i, New itema include a time-line. nus couilCa of "Events in r's Day awards luncheon at noon in Pounder'• Day will feature a laiatorical exhibit in tile history along with picturel.• Aid Tltombuq. ""There will be University Union Old Ballroom on Mlltin Luther Kina Jr. Ulliveraity Union Gruel Ballroom on 20 panels along tbo back wall." He said the limo-line will be . It will relate to the Founder's Day Saturday fJ'Om 9:30 to 11:4' Lm. aad from 2 to 3 p.m • saved and used in succeaaive yean. , "Students Serving Students," focus­ The exhibit bu been an annual event since 1985 with the Another new item is tape recorders that will be placed oo the history of student publications theme cbangina each year. This year's theme is "Students around the ballroom for alumni to record experiences they student government. Serving Students." bad while attending Eastern. 11le former editor of Eastern's student "We're gettiaa ~Y for Centennial Day in '94-'9S," said The lut new exhibit will be the publishing of a Vehicle paper and retired owner of the 11 - Dr. Daniel Thornburg, Founder's Day Exhibit committee Commemorative Founder's Day issue. It will consist of old member. works previously published in the Vehicle and will be dis­ f Continued on page 2 1\venty-six panels, eight tables, and six museum cues all tributed at the exhibit. upreme court nominee a pioneer for women's rights (AP) Columbia University law school. Supreme Court brings her full cir­ itary's practice of making benefits "On its surface it looks like it's crican society was s lowly "She was perhaps the pre-emi­ cle. It was to that panel that she available for wives but not hus­ a case for men," said Lynn Hecht ·ng to the inequities of sex­ nent person who helped to make submitted a winning brief in what bands of service personnel Schafran, an attorney with the when Ruth Bader Ginsburg reality out of our dreams." Before is viewed as the nation's first sex "Wives were automaticaJJy cov­ NOW Legal Defense and battling to wrest equal rights Ginsburg's work in the 1970s, "the discrimination case - a 1971 chal­ ered, but husbands were not unless Education Fund. " But it's really women from a legal system historic legal situation was that the lenge to an Idaho law that gave the woman in the military could about women. The case centered bid always favored men. government bad carte blancbe to males preference to act as execu­ prove be was actually financially on the fact that women's work crack the status quo , she discriminate on the basis of gen­ tors of wills. dependent on her," said does not produce as much value as to argue cases that pointed der," said Marcia Greenberger, co­ She went on to argue and shape Greenberger. men's." anfair treatment of men as:well president of the National Women's landmark cases that changed for­ • A 1975 case in which a man • A 1974 case in which the Law Center. "She bas really ever the way the legal system whose wife died in childbirth was Supreme Court struck down a caused a major change in the way viewed women - and men. Among denied Social Security benefits Cleveland school board's policy women are treated in society." them: that would have been available to requiring wo men teachers to Gin1bura'1 nomination to the • A 1973 ca1e cbalJeaaioa tbc mil- bis wife luld he died. resign early in pregnancy. U.S. admit MOGADISHU, SomaliaA More ..... 24 laoun .a.... t.d, U.S. mi1brJ r W1 I -.uday 111111 a TOW mlllile fbed by a Coln belkqilel w.cl oat of CODll'Ol aad - bed llllO acidim 11a0l~ ha . ...... ...... wbida --~--· ....... cnala=-~~==-wo!t--0: warlord Molaamed Parrall Ai41d, blam~for ............ s .... kiUecl 23 ........... ddielL -We ue ~ a ~oalarlJ ouaiaa aad callout lllllllY~_ W. wDl dii tsVWJ .... W9 cma ID aVaid cmadies 1Dciviliml,butwewlllabilillle1Ddoaar.., ..~ c1i11nn t1U &cdOa," llid COL Jim t'>mphill. connmNler of the Americ:aD quick rw:doa force NlpODllDle for the dayllalll millile ...... Afir dne aJalda aad a day of U.N. bombudmeals of Aidid taqeta, ifoaadialau enjoyed ita tint quiet day Tuelday. Fllna lit up the aldel before dawn u tbe U.N. =\:.:mind Aidid it bad not backed off, but no ,,...~...... c:IDllClfar 61 lOlll llmialll :.t~~ .......... of ..atatf"la s.jli lllcme:al-•ld -.hi•• Pepsi Col FROM PAGE CJNE tampering Burris spreading NBW YORK (AP) - • •»otttpoiel allioa ud pldwe by .............. of laope by becwal• men polilblly bm>l¥ed repodlld fiDdiaa ayriDgea in the first time be ran for lllle compaoOer in )'OU will .... tbe way in tbe fUtme... ~-aeveral more atatea la a the idea of DO Soviet Union WU iDconceiv­ Burris coacladecl bis speech to tbe Soya CO., prolific 1976 and lolt, but continaecl woddaa IOWlld tiser aad aaareu1ve marke able. tbe office which be tbea .....i in 1978. State crowd by reciting the poem took a low-profile respo He llid, •America mut aolve many prob­ Burria aid, ..All JOU have to do ii clue to ~·1 Plow" by lADpna Huaa-. 'nlelllay. lem• If we waat to remain a 1trong aad dream to make it, and JOU will. All you have Moat tbe boys attendiag the aeaion are Tlae Pood and Drug Adm vilble utloa. We need to compete aloballJ. to do ii to believe." between their junior and senior yeua in blah ilb'ltioD llicl it Wiii loOklag We need to aolve .... problema tblt divide 1be low perceataae of 18-26 year-old vot­ acbool aad are aplit into two partiea of at least a dozen complainta ayriaael or Giber forei&D oar aociety." en WU another illue Burria adclreaaecl. ffe Nadnaaliet aad Peclera1iat once they urive. in Pepli CIDI and boafes in Burris reflected upon bis teenap years DOied problema of f.niaa to rqiller and fail. BM:b plrtJ then aomfa.._ oflicers to IUD ...... recaJHna that be set two pll at the aae of in& to vote by those reafataed. at city, couaty, and state levela. By putici­ Tlae PDA refuecl to i 16. Tiie pll were ID become a lawyer ud · Burris Jdened ID Abnbam Uncoln'a pbi­ pllina in modt primary and ..... elec:doaa tbe states, but complaiatl ID HcD• a .... ofBdal; the second be felt lolopby of democncy to be •of tbe people, the atudenta pin aa undentalldia1 of the come from at last eiglat ~--•61•..,.aa~intbe tor tbe people, by tbe people".
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