Promoting Wellness in Society through Give the Music Education of Gift and Performance Music Music SHAPES MINDS Music SHAPES COMMUNITY Music SHAPES THE WORLD EMBRACE music EMBRACE life Give the Gift of Music 1 is wishing you a Happy Holidays! 2 Holiday gift guide 2018 holiday specials DiZhao Image Chateau John Packer Chateau DZ220 ICL-110 CTR29L JP231 VCH222GL Flute Clarinet Trumpet Trombone Alto Saxophone $499.00 $499.00 $499.00 $499.00 $899.00 Knilling Austin Bucharest Violin Outfit with AA25DS Steel String Acoustic Hamano Perfection Pegs Guitar w/Gig Bag Uke $449.00 $134.00 $29.00 Prices valid through January 5th 2018 Give the Gift of Music 3 ACCESSORIES Yamaha All Native Yamaha YRS24BU American “Venova” All Recorder Flutes Wind Hal Leonard, $9.95 Alfred and 20% OFF Instrument Snark $5.49 LOWEST $129.00 Kjos Print ST2 20% OFF PRICE $89.95 Clip on Tuner ALL $39.00 Hohner Harmonicas LOWEST PRICE $14.95 15% OFF LOWEST PRICE All On-Stage Hercules Stands SM7312W Peak and Accessories Conductor Music Stands 25% OFF Music Stand 20% OFF LOWEST PRICE $99.00 LOWEST PRICE All $39.99 Protec Instrument Cases 30% OFF LOWEST PRICE flutes Hercules American Way J.L. Smith DS640BB #CKFLT Flute Flutesnake Flute Stand Care Kit $12.95 $41.99 $15.95 $8.95 $27.95 $10.49 clarinets Protec K+M Amercian Way #A250 KM15222 CKCLT Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet D’Addario Reed Case Stand Care Kit Reserve Reeds $25.95 $20.99 $13.50 25% OFF $17.95 $14.49 $11.95 LOWEST PRICE Saxophone D’Addario Amercian Way All On-Stage RVCASE04 CKASX Vandoren Reeds SXS7101B Multi Reed Alto Sax 25% OFF Saxophone Stand Case Care Kit LOWEST PRICE $31.99 $48.00 $19.95 $15.49 $27.95 $14.95 Saxophone Reedeek American Way On-Stage G4 Black #CKTSX SXS7501B Diamond Tenor Sax Baritone Sax Stand Reed Tool Care Kit $54.99 $84.95 $17.50 $23.49 $62.95 $13.95 4 Holiday gift guide 2018 Limited to Stock on Hand ACCESSORIESACCESSORIES HW Trumpet trumpet Brass Saver violin & viola $26.00 American Way On-Stage $18.75 CKTPT TCM7520 Trumpet Straight Mute Care Kit $34.99 $20.25 Nomad $14.99 $13.95 NIC061 Violin Stand $29.95 $17.49 trombones American Way On-Stage Protec CKTBN TS7101B Trombone ML105 Trombone Trombone Prelude Stand Straight Mute Care Kit J810 $29.99 $47.95 $18.95 Violin $16.95 $32.49 $14.75 Strings $37.75 $19.95 tuba & french horn Hercules On-Stage American Way Blitz DS550BB VNK5600/VAK5600 CKFHN Care Silver French Horn Violin/Viola French Horn Polish Cloth Stand Care Kit $20.50 Care Kit #303 $55.99 $19.95 $6.35 $37.95 $12.75 $11.49 $4.95 On-Stage guitars Saxophones SXS7201B Double Sax On-Stage Protec XCG4S PB305CTXL Tenor Stand $52.99 Guitar Stand Sax Case XL $23.49 $14.95 $249.99 $9.95 $169.99 On-Stage Jade On-Stage GA100 cello Rosin #5100M GEK5600 Guitar Capo $18.95 Cello Hercules $23.99 DS571BB Cello $10.49 Care Kit $11.75 Stand $22.50 $101.99 $15.49 $62.95 All Guitar Straps 25% OFF LOWEST PRICE String Swing On-Stage Ukulele CC01UK 10087 On-Stage Ukulele Folding GA200 Wall Hanger Ukulele Stand All Guitar Ukulele Capo $14.95 $29.99 Strings $22.99 $9.75 $15.95 20% OFF $11.49 LOWEST PRICE Discounts may not be combined with other promotions or discounts Give the Gift of Music 5 FLUTES Manufacturer $ Rebate 125 $ Manufacturer 100 instant Rebate MIO MIO DiZhao DiZhao Azumi M5E M8GHE DZ500 DZP101 Piccolo AZ3RBEO Reg. $2,019.00 Reg. $3,686.00 Reg. $1,799.00 Reg. $925.00 Reg. $3,519.00 $1,249.00 $2,149.00 $1,149.00 $449.00 $2,379.00 15% GEMEINHARDT 15% POWELL & OFF FLUTES OFF SONARE FLUTES LOWEST PRICE LOWEST PRICE 6 Holiday gift guide 2018 Prices valid through January 5th 2018 CLARINETSCLARINETS “More on Consignment - Stop by to see what we have!” Buffet Pro Model Clarinets Retail from $2690 to $7988 Gift Card $200 Tim’s Music Gift Card with Purchase Selmer Backun LeBlanc B16 Presence Protégé Serenade $5,538.00 $2,390.00 $2,249.00 $2,949.00 $1,294.00 $1,394.00 DOUBLEDOUBLE REEDS REEDS FOX FOX #335 #41 Wood Oboe Renard Bassoon $5,950.00 $7,975.00 $4,749.00 $5,249.00 Limited to Stock on Hand Give the Gift of Music 7 SAXOPHONES SOPRANO SAXES best with Cannonball Chateau SC5BICEB CSS90VSM Curved Soprano Reg. $2,900.00 Reg. $3,256.00 $1,894.00 $1,894.00 ALTO SAXES Nickel Silver Body Cannonball Chateau Eastman Keilwerth A5 Mad Meg CAS96NL 52nd Street SX90 Vintage $3,908.00 Reg. $3,295.00 Reg. $3,700.00 Reg. $10,254.00 $1,994.00 $1,994.00 $2,394.00 $5,895.00 8 Holiday gift guide 2018 Discounts may not be combined with other promotions or discounts SAXOPHONESSAXOPHONES BARITONE SAXES Gold best with Lacquer 2 to choose from! Chateau Cannonball CBS8CCGL B5BICEB $5,995.00 $8,032.00 $3,894.00 $5,994.00 TENOR SAXES Chateau Cannonball CTS80CCGL TVRL Keilwerth Cannonball $2,600.00 Vintage Reborn MKX T5BR Gold Lacquer $4,049.00 $7,956.00 $4,296.00 $1,794.00 $2,794.00 $4,549.00 $2,849.00 Prices valid through January 5th 2018 Give the Gift of Music 9 TRUMPET USED SE Shires Getzen Cannonball Getzen Cannonball Custom BLW 3050 Custom Alcazar 3003S Genesis 727S $3,395.00 $1,995.00 $990.00 Custom $3,143.00 $4,589.00 $2,794.00 $1,449.00 $449.00 $2,494.00 $1,774.00 Purchase any Bach Stradivarius Series Trumpet 8 in stock We Pay Sales TAX! FLUGEL HORN HORN Cannonball Carrol Brass 779L 6200 $3,742.00 $1,995.00 $2,449.00 SOLD 10 Holiday gift guide 2018 Limited to Stock on Hand TROMBONESTROMBONES Getzen Getzen 4047DS Reserve 3508Y Custom Series $5,715.00 $2,878.00 $1,549.00 $4,795.00 Getzen Getzen 3508R Custom Series 3062AF Custom Series Tenor Trombone $3,055.00 Bass Trombone $7,995.00 $1,794.00 $4,894.00 Jupiter JTB700V Valve Trombone Key $1,589.00 of Bb $894.00 Jupiter JTB720V Valve Trombone Key $1,589.00 of c $894.00 Eastman ETB420 $1,590.00 With “F” Attachment $894.00 Discounts may not be combined with other promotions or discounts Give the Gift of Music 11 TUBA USED 2 in USED stock Meinl Weston B&S King Eastman MW2510GBL BS309801GB Sousaphone 2370S EAH301S Alto Horn $15,500.00 $21,300.00 $2,750.00 $1,240.00 $9,949.00 $10,994.00 $1,895.00 $849.00 FRENCH HORN HORN EUPHONIUMEUPHONIUM 3+1 Compensating USED System Hans Hoyer Conn 6802 7D John Packer $8,246.00 $4,917.00 $6,319.00 $4,400.00 $3,086.00 $3,534.00 12 Holiday gift guide 2018 Prices valid through January 5th 2018 VINTAGEVINTAGE INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENTS SOLD Selmer Buffet Buescher King Mark VI Alto “Super Dynaction” “Top Hat + Cane” Super 20 Saxophone Alto Sax T400 Tenor Sax Tenor Sax $8,500.00 $2,195.00 $3,945.00 $4,995.00 SN# 70188 SN# 17319 SN# 336810 SN# 390740 $1,749.00 $2,895.00 $3,749.00 VERY Holton rARE Merker- Matic H275 Miraphone French Horn “Echo” Cornet $2,100.00 $1,995.00 SN# 628455 SN# ISI1333 $1,895.00 $1,475.00 Limited to Stock on Hand Give the Gift of Music 13 VIOLINS Knilling Eastman Eastman Bucharest Violin VL200ST44 VL601ST 4/4 Outfit with 4/4 Outfit 4/4 Outfit Perfection Pegs $1,495.00 (Albert Nebel) $1,149.00 $849.00 $2,498.00 $449.00 $1,899.00 Boxwood Furnishings Vivace Strings Vivace Strings Nicolo Gabrieli Burled Maple Master Linn 87FD Virtuoso 4/4 Outfit 4/4 Outfit Guadagnini $2,147.00 $3,117.00 4/4 Outfit $1,974.00 $2,874.00 $5,875.00 $4,200.00 Gabrieli Violin Master Templates 14 Holiday gift guide 2018 Discounts may not be combined with other promotions or discounts VIOLASVIOLAS Eastman Eastman Vivace Strings VA401ST VA405ST Guadagnini Ivan Dunov Andreas Bench Copy 15” Outfit Eastman 16” Outfit $2,100.00 16” Outfit $4,523.00 $2,517.00 $1,596.00 $1,899.00 $4,234.00 CELLICELLI Eastman Thankful Instruments Eastman Scherl & Roth VC80ST 4/4 Outfit A25 4/4 Outfit VC401ST Ivan Dunov SR65E4 4/4 Outfit $899.00 $1,399.00 4/4 Outfit $2,850.00 $4,862.00 $649.00 $979.00 $2,094.00 $3,694.00 Prices valid through January 5th 2018 Give the Gift of Music 15 GUITARS Solid Top Dreadnought Guitar with case ELECA Hohner Acoustic Nylon Eastman AAM40TBS String with Case AC120 Mandolin $289.00 $550.00 $295.00 $89.00 $215.00 $175.00 10% 10% 15% OFF OFF OFF LOWEST PRICE LOWEST PRICE LOWEST PRICE Art & La Patrie Austin Lutherie Guitars Acoustic Guitars Guitars 16 Holiday gift guide 2018 Limited to Stock on Hand ALL UKULELEUKULELE LANIKAI UKULELE’S Chateau C08U1FBBW 20% $110.00 OFF $65.00 LOWEST PRICE Exotic Mahogany ALL KAHUA UKULELE’S 25% OFF LOWEST PRICE Chateau C08U2FBBW $145.00 Hamano $74.00 $44.95 $24.00 Discounts may not be combined with other promotions or discounts Give the Gift of Music 17 PERCUSSION Majestic V7530S Vibraphone SOLDMusser $6,800.00 M50 Xylophone $1,650.00 $3,849.00 Malletech 5 Octave Majestic Imperial MPS1465WA Prophonic Grand Marimba USED $10,995.00 14”x6.5” Snare Drum $1,340.00 $8,999.99 $795.00 ALL TOCA DJEMBES 20% Majestic OFF MCS1450MA “Concert LOWEST PRICE Black 14”x5” Snare Drum $675.00 $395.00 18 Holiday gift guide 2018 Prices valid through January 5th 2018 ABOUT TIM’S MUSIC Tim’s Band Instrument Service was founded in 1977 on the repair bench by Tim Lawrence.
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