Vinegar The King of all Cures! www.jerrybaker.com Index Aluminum items medicinal uses, 6, 45, 327, A Amazing Aluminum 332 Acid reflux, 25 Cleaner, 171, 344 Apples Adhesive removal, 177–178, cookware, 169–170 in fruit salad, 145 209–210, 308 furniture, 302 hair-care use, 81 After-Bath Comfort Rinse, siding, 289–290 Spinach-Apple Salad, 122– 250, 350 Alzheimer’s disease, 43 123 Aftershave, 67 Amazing Aluminum Cleaner, Apple seed magic trick, 232 Age spots, 61–62 171, 344 Appliances. See specific Aging, premature, 40 Amazing Anti-Aging Mask, appliances Air conditioners 57, 333 Apricot Dipping Sauce, 140 algae eviction, 203–204 Ammonia Arthritis filter cleaning, 202, 204–205 kitchen use, 164 Arthritis Ache Reliever, 325 grille cleaning, 200 laundry use, 221, 347 in humans, 4, 5, 43 Air fresheners. See in multipurpose cleaner, in pets, 251 Deodorizing techniques 161, 345 Ashtrays (collectibles), 210 Algae, in air conditioners, outdoor-cleaning uses, Aspirin, for hair care, 76, 342 203–204 301, 322, 355, 356 Asthma, 13–14, 43, 327 Alkalinity Antacid tablets, 162 Atherosclerosis, 40 good health and, 39 Anti-Aging Mask, Amazing, Athlete’s foot, 34 of soil, 261 57, 333 Automotive Anti-Frost All-Around Antibacterial Anti-aging remedy, 44–45 Formula, 310 Cleaner, 176, 344 Anti-Aphid Spray, 273, 352 Avocados All-Around Stain Zapper, 221, Antibacterial Cleaner, All- Avocado-Cucumber Salsa, 347 Around, 176, 344 138 Allergies Antioxidants, 10, 85 Avocado Mask, 57, 333 Antiques, 195, 208 hair-care use, 71–72, 340 in humans, 13–14 ® in pets, 250 Anti-Wrinkle Scrub, 333 Avon Skin So Soft bath oil, 258 All-Natural Fungicide, 351 Ants, 107, 274–275 All-Natural Shampoo, 71, 339 Aphids, 273, 276, 352 All-Purpose Cure-All, 330 Apple cider vinegar B Almond oil, 57, 335 buying in bulk, 255 Baby and child care Aloe vera culinary uses, 84–85 baby bottles, 227 hair-care use, 74–75, 341 homemade, 20–21 crayon marks, 231 pest-control use, 273, 352 substitution for, 106 diapers and diaper pails, pet-care use, 246, 350 type to use, 3 228–229 skin-care use, 60 use cautions, 15 fun and games, 232–235 Aluminum foil, as scrubber, Apple juice high chairs, 229–230 Homemade Baby Wipes, 230 hair-care use, 74, 343 166 INDEX PB INDEX INDEX 357 Vinegar The King of all Cures! www.jerrybaker.com Baby and child care (continued) Strawberry-Balsamic Pie, shower curtains, 177 nursery humidifier, 146 shower doors, 179–180, 345 deodorizer, 228 substitution for, 106 showerheads, 176–177 sports equipment, 230–231 Bananas shower stalls and tubs, swing sets, 230 hair-care use, 83 177–178 toys and books, 228, 229 vinegar made from, 112 soap scum, 178 Baking soda Barbecue sauce toilets, 180–181 in bath blend, 9, 332 Sam Houston’s Famous Bathtubs, 177–178 bathroom uses, 176, 178, 180 BBQ Sauce, 100 Bay, 11 for cleaning chrome, 312 Sweet-and-Tangy Barbecue Bay essential oil, 270, 352 for clogged drains, 159, 162 Sauce, 136 Beans cookware-cleaning uses, Bark beetles, 269 Bean Salad with Balsamic 167, 173 Barley, 112 Vinaigrette, 124 freshness test, 97 Barley flour, 64 gas from, 91 for fun and games, 232–235 Baseboard Bonanza, 186, 347 Beautifying Body Cleanser, garden use, 277, 351 Baseboards, 185–186 62, 334 kitchen uses, 152, 153, 154, Basil Beauty treatments. See Hair 155, 158, 163, 164, 171, basil-orange vinegar, 115 care; Skin care 344, 346 pest-control use, 273 Beefed-Up Chicken Soup, laundry uses, 217, 219, 221, preserving, 97 14–15, 326 229, 347 properties of, 11 Beef Stew, Glorious, 130 medicinal use, 30 Tomato-Potato Basil Soup, Beer in multipurpose cleaners, 127 hair-care use, 70–71, 340 161, 176, 344, 345 Baskett, John, 179 spilled on furniture, 199 outdoor-cleaning uses, 230, Bass boats, 320–322. See Beeswax, 198, 349 301, 356 also Boats Beets pest-control use, 273, 352 Basting sauces, 136 cooking, 88, 89 pet-care uses, 242–243, Bath blends as dye agent, 239 244, 352 for achy muscle relief, 7–8 Bell peppers skin-care use, 62, 334 herbs for, 53 Marinated Stuffed for sports equipment for itchy skin relief, 63–64, Peppers, 132 cleaning, 230–231 329 storing, 96 for wood floor care, 188 lavender, 61 in vegetable vinegar, 118 Balloons, blowing up, 232 rose petal, 62–63 Beneficial insects, as pests, Balsamic vinegar for stress relief, 41 270, 352 Balsamic Lemonade, 141 for sunburn relief, 27 Bergamot oil, 280, 353 Balsamic Vinaigrette, 120, Toxin-Tossin’ Bath Blend, Berries 124 9, 332 Berry Fine Berry culinary uses, 85–86, 92 Bathrooms Beverage, 141 medicinal uses, 40, 41 countertops, 165 as dye agent, 239 Roasted Balsamic Onions, deodorizing, 175, 181 growing, 269–270 131 fixture surfaces, 175 storing, 95–96 358 INDEX INDEX 359 Vinegar The King of all Cures! www.jerrybaker.com Beta-carotene, 10 as dye agent, 239 Bronchitis, 15, 328 Beverages storing, 95–96 Bronze disease, 205 Balsamic Lemonade, 141 Boats Brown sugar, 268 Berry Fine Berry bass boat carpet, 320–322 Bruises, 9 Beverage, 141 Crackerjack Canvas Cover Brunette Color Reviver, 339 Chocolate Cooler, 143 Cleaner, 319, 355 Bubonic plague (Black Peach Shrub Syrup, 142– doormats, 320 Death), 22 143 fiberglass, 322–323, 355 Bumper stickers, 308 summer switchel, 143 interior cleaning, 311–312 Burn marks Bicycles, 312–313 marine toilets, 316–317 on brick surfaces, 204, 286 Big Apple Hot Dog Topping, 136 mildewed seats, 318–319 on wood floors, 188 Birdbaths, 282–283 painting, 290, 322 Burns (injury), 27, 29 Bird droppings, 287 refrigerator space, 317 Bursitis, 6 Bird feeders, 275, 281–282 sails, 320 Bursitis Pain Banisher, 325 Birds windows, 323 Buttermilk as pest control, 276, 281–283 woodwork, 318 skin-care use, 56, 336 pets, 253–255 Body care. See Skin care substitution for, 104 Blackberries Body odor, 66–68, 334. See Berry Fine Berry Beverage, also Deodorants 141 Boiling-water canning C as dye agent, 239 method, 150 Cabbage storing, 95–96 Boils, 32–33 cooking, 88, 89 Black Death (plague), 22 Bombs, vinegar, 233–235 as dye agent, 239 Black-eyed peas, 139 Bone-bending trick, 235 growing, 267 Blackflies, 279 Books, 228 pest-control use, 267 Black pepper Borax Zesty Coleslaw, 122 dill-peppercorn vinegar, 115 bathroom use, 180 Cabinets, kitchen, 163–166, Dilly-Pepper Potatoes, 132 hair-care use, 80, 343 347 medicinal use, 3, 326 kitchen use, 152, 346 Cakes pest-control use, 268, 354 outdoor-cleaning uses, Crazy Cake, 105 Black spot, 276 292, 299, 319, 355, 356 vinegar in, 103 Blackstrap molasses, 36–37 for stain removal, 223 Calcium. See also Mineral Bladder infections Bracken, as dye agent, 239 deposit removal in humans, 24 Brass, 166, 205–206 absorption of, 89 in pets, 250 Bravo Brass Cleaner, 207, 348 in bone-bending trick, 235 Bleach caution, 318 Bread & Butter Pickles, 147 supplements, 46 Blisters, 33 Bread baking, 101–102 Calcium lactate, 8, 325 Bloodstains, 218 Bread boxes, 164 Calendula (pot marigold) Blood sugar spikes, 40 Breathe-Easy Asthma hair-care use, 69 Blueberries Reliever, 327 properties of, 51 Berry Fine Berry Beverage, Brick surfaces, 204, 286, 287 Calendula oil, 32, 330 141 Broccoli, 88 Calluses, 37 INDEX 358 INDEX INDEX 359 Vinegar The King of all Cures! www.jerrybaker.com Camping equipment, 314–316 culinary use, 104 Citrus fruit. See also specific Cancer, 10, 40, 43 medicinal uses, 6, 19, 42, fruit Candida albicans, 18 325, 331 pest-control use, 267 Candle wax removal, 196 Celery using in recipes, 43 Cane chairs, 199 in fortified vinegar, 134 Clams, 102 Canned foods, 91–92, 147 preparation tip, 88 Classic Coarse-Grained Canning techniques, 101, 150 Cellulite, 68–69 Mustard, 135 Cannons, 206 Ceramic tile, 181–184, 295 Cleaning vinegar, 300, 305 Can openers, 174 Chain mail armor, 197 Cleopatra, 72 Carbon dioxide (CO2), 234 Chamomile Clostridium botulinum, 17 Carpet cleaning hair-care use, 69 Clothes moths, 223 boats, 320–322 properties of, 11, 51 Clothing and accessories. Carpet Scorch Lifter, 190, skin-care use, 58 See Laundry and clothes 348 for stress relief, 40–41 care; specific items cars, 310 Champagne vinegar Cloves, 41, 275 home flooring, 188–191, substitution, 106 Club soda, for carpet 199, 240–241 Cheese cleaning, 241 Carrots cheese ball, 139 CO2 (carbon dioxide), 234 cooking, 88 keeping fresh, 93, 317 Cocoa, for hair care, 79, 339 as dye agent, 239 Chestnuts, as dye agent, 239 Coconut, vinegar made from, in fortified vinegar, 134 Chicken 112 Minty Carrots, 133 Beefed-Up Chicken Soup, Coconut-Orange Deodorant, Cars 14–15, 326 66, 334 Automotive Anti-Frost Chicken Thighs with Red- Codling moths, 268–269 Formula, 310 Wine Vinegar, 110 Coffeemakers, 160–161 bumper sticker removal, 308 Lemon Roasted Chicken, Coffee stains, 170–171, 218 chrome on, 312 128–129 Colds and flu curse for bad drivers, 308 safe handling of, 99 chicken soup for, 14–15, deodorizing, 307 Chickens (livestock), 256 326 interior cleaning, 309–310 Child care. See Baby and Cure for Coughs, Colds & road salt or deicers on, 309 child care Sore Throats, 327 wheels, 310–311 Chives, 115 Fire Water for, 19 windows, 306–307 Chocolate Cooler, 143 Four Thieves Vinegar for, windshield wipers, 306 Cholesterol 22–23, 328 Casein, 233, 234 Cholesterol-Clobbering ginger for, 16 Castile soap Punch, 45, 327 steam treatments, 12 bathroom use, 175 in humans, 41, 44–45, 327 vinegar-garlic-honey triad floor-cleaning uses, 183, in pets, 250 for, 43 184, 345, 346 Chrome, 166, 312 Cold sores, 38 Cats, as pests, 277, 297–298. Chutney, Mango, 137 Coleslaw, Zesty, 122 See also Dogs and cats Cinnamon, 31, 330 Coltsfoot, as dye agent, 239 Cayenne pepper Citric acid, 273 Concrete, on skin, 288 360 INDEX INDEX 361 Vinegar The King of all Cures! www.jerrybaker.com Concrete surfaces, 287, 288– Cork flooring, 181 paint removal from 289, 296 Corn-Conquering Formula, windows, 297 Condiments 329 Creeping Charlie, 284 recipes for, 135–137 Corned beef, 101 Crystal, 173–174 using up, 93 Cornmeal Cucumbers Conditioner for Oily Hair, 340 hair-care use, 77, 342 Avocado-Cucumber Salsa, Congestion, 12 hand-care use, 68 138 Constipation Corns, 38, 329 Bread & Butter Pickles, 147 in humans, 20 Cornstarch Cucumber Salad with Rice in pets, 250 housecleaning uses, 186, Vinegar Dressing, 87 Cooked-On Grease Grabber, 347 in fortified vinegar, 134 168 outdoor-cleaning uses, preparation tip, 88 Cooking techniques.
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