t $ — MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, Sept. 15, 1986 NILP W/UfTEO MANC Hf STf R focus FORMU SPORTS aborer - Full time for stool All real estate odvertlsed LumbBT lOBB put tabrlcdtlon shop. Com­ in the Manchester Herold DaVinci afioiiir Mats cllnchinp pany pold uniforms and Is sublect to the Foir bonofits. Must havo driv­ Housino Act of 1966, which at ovor $600,000 er's license and own trans­ mokes It iiiepal to odver- at Atheneum b still on hold portation 643-1496. EOE. tlse ony pretOrence, lim­ itation or discrimination P « 0 9 3 ...page S .page 12 orts Person - (tool crib). bosed on race, color, rell- Must be mechanically In­ plon, sex or notional clined, hove driver's li­ origin, or on Intention to cense and own tronsporto- make any such prefer­ tlon. Excellent benefits ence, limitation or dis­ Includino dental. 643-1496. crimination. The Herald EOE. will not knowingly accept any advertisement which Is In violation of the low. Manchester - $149,900 (2) 6 Insurance claims. Man­ room units.each with liv­ chester Insurance agency ing room,dlnlng room- seeking on organized Indi­ ,pontrled kitchen and 3 vidual to handle losses on bedrooms,front and back commercial & personol covered porches,fenced iHandiratrr) YinrhRsler fi City of Village ChaTr Hrrato accounts. Job rpqul- yard,private drlveways,2 remnts: extensive' per­ car garage. D.W. Fish sonal & phone contoct Realty,643-1591 or 871- with customers & Insu­ 1400.D rance carriers. Insurance 25 Cents bacckground beneficial Manchester - $154,900.4 or but not required. Coll 5 bedroom Raised Ranch. Frqncis Burke at the Inde- Large appllanced kltchen- TOWN pendant Insurance Center /dlnlng area,13 X 9 fire- tiffirasiar"' 646-6050. placed living room,22’ X S 23’ fireplaced family East student Charter room,3 full baths,deck,2 car garoge,sldlng. Many ■OWARO ANOaROOIONCO FLAN • FARKRR BTRRRT (L-4D extras. D. W. Fish fineroved wflh „,w «wwiwm?vm pum ror vaa Sandwich makers needed, Realty,643-1591 or 871- ^* lw n 9 n t Plan tor tSi hours 7-2 starting at $4.25 1400.n per hour 646-6454 or 131 m a r t i n a ROTHMAN - lUaOIVfOION ■ LYOALL f TR aiT fight takes (M-41) dies during Sonrico Drive.s Better than a Bank! Wondering where to ploce r,ss,'» • '! » Seasonal part time driver your money? Look no If r ■ Mf a TlaA __^ . E needed mornings to de­ further. Lorge two family liver cases at cider to with lovely stone fire small stores and restau­ place and natural Oak new twist rants In Ct. Our truck or woodwork. Good locati­ <H^lopn»ent Plon of o transplant yours. Apply Old Cider on.Possible office use. North Main StreH. An oroslon con­ Mill, 1287 Main Street Rte Only $160,000. Joyce G. trol Plan WPS also opprovod. 17 Glastonbury 633-4880. Epstein Real Estote,647- irRaaT^R-ni' • opaNctR 8895.0 By John F. Kirch the operating roonf. He was very 8th District survey ApprovM with moAffcotlons a alto plan tor a porcol Idontl- Herald Reporter Restaurant help needed, 9 o # n w Stroof for fho dovolopmonf of a eommor- upbeat and very happy. Obviously mornings. Apply within No leaves to rake! Spa­ cioi MtVMlopmtnf. P I HOMES APARTMENTS the family, myself and others are may face challenge SunnySIde Up Restaurant cious 2 bedroom unit In Scott Magoon. a junior at East very devastated by the results. But 1095 Main Street before convenient location. Well I FOR SALE FOR RENT STORE AND IMISCELUNEOUS Catholic High School who had OFFICE SPACE It was a chance he needed and a 2pm. kept and easily affordable FOR SALE suffered from a complex heart chance he was given. I guess the B y George Layng at $52,900.Joyce G. Ep­ Love ot first sight! Top 3 and 4 roam apartments, disease since birth, died early this man upstairs decided It wasn’t Herald Reporter Help Wanted I Reliable stein Real Estote,647- notch aualify Inside and no appllances,no pets,se- ^ o p y of fhoto doeltlona hot boon fllod In fho Town Clorfc’i Manchester-prime office Spa shells- factory se­ morning In New York while under­ going to work. There Is Just so own transportation, 8895.0 out. u 4 R built 7 room curlty,call 646-2426. Week­ space,800 so. ft. center of Chalet. 3 bedroams,2 full days 9-5. conds or damoged In going a heart transplant much medical science can do." The controversial survey of Manchester residents landscape laborers. $7.00 town. 688-1447. transportation. $200 to per hour, call Wednesday Large VIcJorlan,close to baths,2 fireplaces,sqeaky He was 16 years old. Magoon. who lived in Vernon commissioned by the Eighth Utilities District In evening 643-1699. clean. Magnificent decor One bedroom oportmen- $800 as Is. Call evenings or Ootod of Monchostor, CT this ISth day of Stpfombor, IfM T h e connection with the battle over consolidation may face hospital,good possibili­ Modern,300 square feet weekends. 742-6469. with his parents and sister, had ties tor doctors ond lowy- Hebron-Bolton line. t,heat,hot water,fur­ office. Now ovallable- 024-W cause of been waiting for a donor heart at a legal challenge from the pro-town Committee for nished. Security required. Assemblers. Electronic ers offices.rooming house $144,900. Jackson 4 Jack- ,good location and ample death is the medical center since July. He Charter Revision. son Real Estate. 647-8400 No pets. 646-2970. components, full or flexi­ & other professionals. parking. 649-2891. INVITATtON TO MO still uncer­ had undergone two open-heart ” It certainly borders on some sort of illegality,” ble port time hours availa­ or 646-8646.0 Eleven rooms,5 plus bed- Manchester: available Secried b l^ will bo rtcoivtd In fho Oonorol Sorvicot’ offict, tain. doc­ operations and had survived the William Slelth. president of the committee, said today ble. Hourly and Incentive rooms,2'/^ baths and large October 1st. 4 rooms,2 Store and affices for rent 41 Confor St., Monchostor, CT until SePTBMBeR 30,1t$4^ of the survey. BecaOse ................. ........ ' Keeney Street Area! Im­ available September One Golden Eagle com­ 11:00 a.m. for fho followlne; tors said. installaton of an artificial valve pay and benefits. Apply garage. A nice piece of maculate 7 roam Split bedroom duplex. Hea- pound bow, one York But Dr some of the questioning Ace Howard Rd, Balton 1st,good lacatlon. Call 649- and a pacemaker. property! Asking$129,900. level. New kitchen,spa­ t,hot water,ond gas for compound center shot (1) ONE NEW 4-WHEEL ORIVe PICKUP TRUCK was done In the offices of Related stories Ct. 646-5686. Some owner financing 5334. (7) ONE NEW ^WHEEL ORIVB lOJIOOP OVW DUMP Ellen L Earlier this summer, doctors cious fenced yard,famlly cooking Included. $535 per bow. Roger M-77, 7mm TRUCK WITH PLOW 4 PRAM^ M arm er. the head of the pro- on page 3 possible. Sfrano Real month. 659-0703. mag, Leopold 4-12 scope. diagnosed him as a transplant Estate,647-7653.o room,hardwood floors (3) ONB^NEW 1-WHBEL DRIVE 10,000P OVW DUMP Magoon’s district group STEAL. Drivers with good record and wall to wall carpet. n S I ROOMMATES Call 649-8875 after 7 p.m. candidate wanted for local deliver­ Eost Hartford 2 bedroom 1^ WANTED pediatric Then two weeks ago his condition Slelth said, public money may have been illegally ies. Growing company Tastefully decorated. Of­ opartment, newly reno- ONE NEW ^W HEEL ORIVB MINI VAN Just LIstedI 6 room Cape fered at $138,900. Jackson cardiologist worsened, forcing his family and spent on the polling. with profit shoring, best an a traffic free street voted. Quiet residential ONE NEW 4-WHEEL DRIVE I400P OVW UTILITY since he A copy of the survey was made public Monday by 4 Jackson Real Estate. oreo. Heot, hot woter, Manchester. Non- BODY TRUCK WITH PLOW AND PLOW FRAME doctors to go public In the search suited for ombltlous Indl- within walking distance of 647-8400 ar 646-8646.0 was five, Ted Adams Inc., the advertising firm hired by the vlduol. 649-4563. parking. $4M per month. Smoking male to shore 2 ONE NEW ^WHEEL ORIVB PICKUP TRUCK for a donor. He was receiving Verplank school. Modern Brand new hospitol bed said the district to conduct the questioning. The telephone kitchen and bath $102,900. A taste ot yesterday! Call 243-17^ or otter tp m bedroom apartment ONE NEW 1-WHBEL OIUVE 10,OOOP OVW DUMP Increased medication because his and wheel chair for sale. TRUCK WITH PLOW 4 FRAME new heart survey asked IS questions of 348 people living in 21 Restourant Help wanted - ’’We guarantee our Charming 7 plus room coll 5246616. across from Wickham $800. Coll 647-7646 after pacemaker was not working fast pork. $300/month Includes (I) Diyve OVW DUMP apparently enough, doctors said. neighborhoods outside the Eighth District, an area of Grill people and dis­ houses!” Blanchard 4 Victorian with I'/z baths- 6pm. TRUCK WITH PLOW L ............ hwashers needed for most Immediate Occupancy. 4 heat, hot water, air condi­ failed once northern Manchester served by an independent fire Rossetto Real Estote,646- ,formal dining room^tou- room apartment near bus (*) ONE NEW 0400P OVW UTILITY BODY TRUCK Last night, Magoon received shifts. Apply Monday 2482.0 ble parlor,natural wood­ tioning, pool, extras. 1 For sole a Struco cooker- It was lin- some hope when It was learned that and sewer authority whose leaders are often at odds line.
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