icotch Plains rebounds with four straight victories. See page C-1. WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD Vol. 16, No. 27 Friday, July 6, 2001 Aroun Town tate law changes officials' terms By THOMAS SCOTT and Harrison located in Hudson County. making uniform the varied terms of the Census. THE RECORD-PRESS The legislation, Senate Bill 2123, was office of these municipal officials. The bill stipulates that this change in Community Band sponsored by state Senator Raymond According to a bill synopsis, Westfield is length of these terms shall first apply to to play Thursday WESTFIELD—Acting Governor Lesniak (D-Union),Assemblymen Neil affected under sections one and three the mayor tuul members of council elected Donald T. DiFfancesco signed legislation Cohen (D-Union) and Joseph Impreveduto which would increase the term of office of at the general election in 2003. WESTFIELD — The June 27 which will override the town char- (D-Bergen/Hudson) and provides for a the mayor and members of council from Ft)!- the purpose of the general election Westfield Community Band ter and increase the term of office of the transitional three-year term of office for two to four yenrs in towns operating under for 2002, the bill requires that the mayor continues its 89th season of mayor and the members of council from the mayor and members of council elected a special charter with a population of at and the council chosen l>y the voters of summer concerts in two years to four years in municipalities. in 2002. The provisions of the bill are least 28,000 but not more than U5.000, Westfield at that election shull have a Mindowaskin Park 8 p.m. The legislation also affects Secaucus intended to be a step in the process of according to the most recent federal (.Continued on pnge A-2) Thursday. In "The Flea" by Richard Blalock the flute section re- creates the chaos and speed Council of the flea. "A Trumpeter's Lullaby" by Leroy Anderson highlights the trumpet sec- crunches f tion. The "Solo Pomposo" by A] Hayes profiles the deep bass in the tuba section. Also on the program are numbers "Slava," by Nikolai Rimsky- Korsakov; the "Suite of American Dunces," by Robert for deck Russell Bennett; and songs from "The Music Man," by Meredith Willson. The By THOMAS SCOTT Community Band is under TIIK UKrOHIM'KKSH the direction of Elias J. WESTFIELD-OfficiaU gave Zareva. the town council their first Admission is free; bring updated glimpse of cash flow pro- lawn chairs or blankets. In jections for a number of parking case of rain the concert deck scenarios at June 25 council moves indoors to the .session. Community Room in the Town Administrator Thomas Municipal Building, located H. Shannon reported that the adjacent to Mindowaskin financial modeling, prepared in Park. conjunction with Rick Rich of Rich & Associates, gave the coun- For more information, cil an opportunity to see "what phone (908) 789-4090. The wo can afford on a user basis." summer concert series is A comparative cost summary sponsored by the Weatfield for parking alternatives allowed Recreation Commission. thai, costs for additional net park- ing t*pnceu got higher as the decks got smaller, according to Farmers' Market Shannon. The tost of additional on every Thursday not parking »(incus for n largo deck of 826 spaces was reported WESTFIELD — The to be $818, a medium deck of 526 Westfield Farmers' Market, cost $1,173, and a Binnll deck of will open on July 5, offering 269 spaces would run to $1,469 Jersey Fresh products every per space. Thursday from 2 to 7 p.m. RON WALTERS/CORRESPONDENT Fourtwn-ymr-old Vouth Pollc* AeadMny Draw Flaat stand* «t attention during eomnwneanwnt ceremonies Friday night. Three 20-year spread sheets Local New Jersey farmers were developed for the following bring their products each scenarios: a medium deck (526 week to the graasy horseshoe spaces) and a vnlet, a medium in front of the South Avenue deck (526 .spaces) with a valet Train Station. Youth Police Academy brings and n j itney service, and a large Sponsored by the deck (826 spaceH) with n valet. Westfield Area Chamber of The medium dock with a valet, Commerce, the market is a generating a projected $1.5 to $2 million per yenr over 15 yearftj highlight of the summer sea- officers and teenagers together ran close to break even, according son in downtown Westfield. to Shannon, nnd WHS deemed The early fruits are now affordable with Home tax money. available, including blueber- The medium deck with a valet ries and raspberries, as well THE RECORD-PRESS and a jitney, was over $2.8 mil- as many varieties of zucchini, WESTFIELD—The first lion in the rod during the first lettuce, beets, carrots, and graduating class of the ten years of operation and would potatoes. Bunches Flower Westfield Police Youth Academy need tax subsidy, reported Company will bring their held a graduation ceremony Shannon. beautiful fresh-cut flowers Friday evening at Mindowaskin (Continued on page A-2) and plants to the market. Park. The Farmers' Market is a They marched in uniforms of combination of town and yellow shirts and blues pants, to country, affording the farm- a cadence of "We are the first, Family ers an opportunity to sell We are the beat" but to the founders of the program like their products, and offering Detective Sandra Chambers, it Festival local residents the availabili- is hoped that this claas is "Just ty of fresh just-picked pro- the beginning." duce. The New Jersey The 28 cadets, ages 13-15, Department of Agriculture completed a five-day program on Sunday fully endorses the local at the John H. Stamler Police WESTFIELD — The streets of Farmers' Market program. Academy in Scotch Plains, the downtown Westfield will be The market also attracts cus- police training ground for traiiHforincd into an entertain" tomers to the downtown Union County police officers, to merit spectacle for the entire shopping district, an impor- gain a first hand look at the family 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. tant goal for the Westfield making of a police officer. It is The Westfield Family Fest Area Chamber of Commerce. hoped that at the end of the pro- and Circus Street Fair will have '. The Westfield market has gram the cadets will walk away something for all ngOB to enjoy. ;two farmers participating with more respect for the job There will be rides, clowns, jug- that police officers have to do in glers, magicians, food, music, ^every Thursday this summer, games, arts and crafts, pony [along with a pickle maker the community. When Police Chief Bernard rides, a petting zoo and more. The •and Bunches Flower RON WALTERS/CORRESPONDS! rain dale in the following Sunday. [Company. Tracy first took charge of the (Continued on page A-2) The graduates salute the flag. The Family Fest & Circus is For more information, call co-sponsored by the. Weatfield [the Chamber at (908) 233- Area Chamber of Commerce and •3021. the Westfiold Y. Corporate Hpom .soiH are COMCAST C'oHome and Town may upgrade storm warning system Fli'et Hank. Wristbands for unlimited By THOMAS SCOTT system. Recreation Chairman Keith approaching thunderliead, and rides and drcn.i shows nre on educating residents about the sale a! KinjjH in (larwood, und in Inside TMK KKCOHD-PHEHK The lightning detection alarm Hertell said that lie stopped play on town-owned fields and recre- ut Tamaques Field nven though threat of lightning. Memus to WesUmld at Ilio Town Bank of users of the fields, permit, hold- West field, PNC Hank, Summit Commentary A-4 WESTFIELD — The untimely ation facilities will be upgraded he was unsure of the HtatiiH of the 1 death of a college student struck to include red and green lights to ulert. ers, and coaches meeting will Hank, Windmill Restaurant, and address fmie.Ly concerns. the Went Held Y. Wmthnnds for Community Lite B-1 by lightning at Island Beach improve awareness of lightning The addition of the lights to State Park last weekend was u nlerts, according to the the fields will nerve «« another The iniiKiiiliidf' of the concern all a^t-M arc $H when purchased hiis already been incorporated in in advance and $12 the day of the Sports C-1 Hobering reminder of the dnngers Recreation Commission. CUR for residents when th<' event. ('hildicn under 2 are free, posed by lightning. The alarm fiystem housed ut weather IH «nf« or dungeroun for nuiiieroiiH club policies. For instance, golforK at Keho Lake Individual tickets may UIHO be Prime Time..... B-3 The incident also highlighted the Memorinl Pool can pick up outdoor activities nnd games, purchased for each ride nt the the; need for residents to be alert- lightning in a 10-mile radius, It "If you don't hear it, you can Country Club must respond to a Obituaries B-2 ed in advance of quick moving then relays n signal to all town «»;<; it," said Councilwoniiin Janis lightning alert. Failure to take evenl. thunderstorms. fields. Fried Wcinslcin, who wan iujUru- precaution lead lo n one year Attendees arc encouraged to To achieve a heightened Once the nlnrm has been mental in establishing the alarm member HUHpeusion. purk iii the South Avenue Train Real Estate C-5 The Recreation Commission is Station Parkin); Lot and walk iiwnreneHH of n storm thrent, tin; Hounded, it was noted that somo system. 1 Police Log • A-3 Weslfield Recreation people have bnen confused by the The goal of recreation coininis- similarly considering pullinj; tin lhrou),'li the undtTjiaHB for conve- Commission is contemplating a duration of the alarm and monera is to coordinate hiKtidla- permits of tennis of roaches who nient access to the event.
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