The Fantastic, The Uncanny, and Thc Marvelous: Aspects of the Unreal in Three Canadian Novels by Joseph J. Voros A thesis presented to the University of Manitoba in fi¡lfillment of the thesis requirernent for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of English Winnipeg Manitoba (c) Joseph J. Voros, 1994 Bibliothèque nationale ¡*¡ lftSî3!'jo'"" du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellinqton Street 395, rue Well¡nqton Ottawa. Oñario Ottawa (Ontariõ) K1A ON4 KlA ON4 Yout l¡le Votre élércnce Our lile Notrc élérence The author has granted an I-'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclus¡ve licence irrévocable et non exclus¡ve allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell cop¡es of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des person nes intéressées. The author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyr¡ght in his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qu¡ protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her perm¡ss¡on. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-612-16358-X Canadä . r[ Nome aioseP\ Çora " Díssertolion Abstrocts lnternolionol is.orronged by brood, generol subiectcotegories. Pleose select the one subieci which mosi neorly describes the content of your dissertotion. Enter the ãgpesponding fou-áig¡t - code in the spoces provided. t 'J..^-J., -^ /' - - Ì / /Ì^--En1iisùt iY-\" I l;T;T=T=l Y L^fter¿,} ur'* Oc"^"aÅv.n(. ,) |ol3l-5l4 U"e/gå SUBJECT TERA,I .' SUBJECÍ CODE Subiect Cohegories ãffiË ffiwffi&M8Ks€S &Eg@ S@€8e& S€ã88ü€€S COMMUNI(ATIONS AND THT ARTS Psycholoqy .....0525 PHIIOSOPHY, REI.IGIOI{ AND Ancient.......,-..... .................O579 Arch ilecture ....... 07 -...................... 29 Reodrno ................................... 0535 THEOTOGY Medievol ....................,....... 058 I Art Histonr, .....,.... ...................... 0377 Rellorous .......-0527 Modern .......................,...... Philosophv .......... ........... -.......... 0 422 0582 Cinemo ....................................0900 5cÌences ...................................07 1 4 Kelrqlon Blgck .....................,............ 0328 Donce ...................................... 0378 Secondory .....................-.......... 0533 Generol ..............................03ì 8 Atricon ...............................033ì l-ine Arts ........0357 Sociol Scíences ......................... 0534 Asio, Auslrolio ond Oceonio 0332 lntormol¡on Science.............. ..... 0723 Socioloqy of ............................. 0340 Biblicol Studies .................... 0321 Clerqy ................................ 031 9 Conodion ........................... 0334 Journolism ......0391 Speciol 1.................................... 0529 ...............0335 Librory Science ...,-.................... 0399 Tèocher Troininq ....................... 0530 Hisrõny of ............................ 0320 Philosôphv Lotin Americon..... ............,033ó Moss Communicotions............... 0708 Iechno1oqy...............................07 10 of ......................0322 Theology ..... :.................... ........ 0469 Middle Eostern ..... ...............0333 Music...............-,......................041 3 Tests ondÁ4eosurements ............ 0288 United Stotes..-..... ...............0337 Speech Communicotion ............. 0459 Vocoliono1................................07 47 History o[ Science ...... ...............0585 Theoter ............,....................... 0¿ó5 s0crAr. sqtNCts Americon Studies ...................... 0323 Low,-....................... ...............0398 I.ANGUAGE, TIITRATURE AND Politicol Science Anlhropology (ienerol UNGUtSTt(S Archoeoloqy ....................... 032¿ ................ ............. 0ó I 5 Inte¡notionol LOnOUOOe Culturol .. i.......................... 032ó Low ond Generol ..............................0679 Physicol ............. ................. 0327 Relolions..........,-..............0ól ó Ancienf ............................... 0289 Busine!s Administrotion Public Adminislrotion .........-. 0ól Z ....o517 Recreofion ...... 08'l 4 ....0273 Lìnguistics ........................... 0290 Generol ....................,.,....... 03 ì 0 Modern ............. ................. 0291 Accounling ......................... O272 Sociol Work .......,.....................0452 Literoture Bonking ............. ................. 0770 Sociolooy Genãrol ............. Genero| .............................. 0¿0 1 Monoqement ......................O454 ................. 0626 Lnmrnoloqy Penoloqv Clossicol ............ ................. 029 4 Morke'íinq , ,.. 0338 ond ...0ó27 Comporotive ....................... 0295 Conodion Stùdies .............. ..0385 ljemoqrophy ....................... 0938 Ethnicinð Rociol Studies ..... 0ó31 .......................0524 Medíevol ............................ 0297 Economics Modern Individuol ond Fomily .........0277 .....-....... ................. 0298 Generol .............................. 050 I Africon ....................,.......... 03ì ó Aorìculturol ......................... 0503 Studies .............. .............. 0628 Americon ............................ 0591 Cõmmerce-Business ............. 0505 Industriol ond Lobor Asion................ .... ....0305 Finonce .............................. 0508 Relotions .......................... 0ó29 .Lonodron ttnq1ish1 .............. 0352 History............,. -................. 0509 Public ond Sociol Welfore ....0ó30 Conodìon (French) .............. 0355 Lobor ................................. 051 0 Sociol Struclure ond tnolish ............................... 0593 lheory ................................05,ì I Development ............,.-.... 0700 Germonic ........................... 031 ì Folklore ..'......................... -........ 0358 Theory ond Methods .-.......... 0344 Lohn Amencon .................... 03 I 2 Geoqrophy ............................... 03óó I ronsporfolion .......................... 0709 Urbon Middle Eostern . .. 031 5 G€rontology ............................. 035 I ond Reqionol Plonninq ....0999 Romonce ............................ 031 3 nrstory Women's Studies ...............:..... 0453 Slovic ond Eost Europeon .....031 ¿ Genero1 .............................. 0578 tr84Ë S69ffiru€ffiS &&Um Eru@6ru8ËREro& Br0t0GtcAt sctEN(ts 0370 Speech Po|ho|oov................ 04ó0 Enqineerino Aqriculture Y 0372 I oxrcoloqy ...................,...... 0383 Generol ........,...........,......... 0537 Genero1 ............. ................. 0 47 3 o373 Home Econoì¡ics ...................... 038ó Aerospoce .. .......... ............ 0538 Aqronomy .......................... 0285 0388 Aqrìculturol ......................... 0539 Añimol Cûlture ond 041 ì PHYSI(AI SCIENCTS 4utomotive ......................... 0540 Nutrition ............ .............. 047 5 03¿5 Biomedicol .......................... 054'l Animol Potholoqv ................047 6 0426 Pure Sciences Chemistry Chemicol ............................ 05 42 Food Science oñ3 04ì I Civil ...................................0543 I echnoloqy Genero1 .............................. 0485 ..............,....... 0359 0985 Eleclronics ond Electricol ...... 0544 Foresrry onð Wildlile ...........0478 0427 Aqriculturol ......................... 07 49 Año|vtico1 ...........,............... 048ó Heot ond Thermodynomics ...0348 Plont Culture .......................O479 03ó8 Hydroulic ............................ 8ioc1remistry ....................... 0487 0545 Plont Potholgg/ ................... 0480 04ì5 lnãustriol Inorqonic ......... ............................ 054ó Plonl Physroloqy .................. 081 7 .............. 0488 Morine ......-.,......................0547 Ronqe Monoqãmen¡ ............ 0777 HEATTH AND ENVIRONMENTAT Nucleor .......,...................... 0738 Orqonic .....,........................ 0490 Moteriols Science ..............., 0794 Technõlogy ...............07 46 scttt{(Es Mechonìco| ........,............,.., Pholmoceuticol .................... 049 l 0548 Dtoroov^.,Woõd Melollurqy Environnentol Sciences .....,....... 07ó8 Physicol ............. .................0494 .......................... 07 43 GTnero|............. ... ..030ó Mininq 1............................. Heolth Sciences Poìymer ............,................. 0495 055,l Anolomy ............................ 0287 Nucleó¡ .......,...................... 0552 Generol ...................,.......... 05óó Rodiolion ............................ 07 5 8iostotisiics ......................... 0308 4 Pockooinq .......................... Audioloqy........................... 0300 Mof hemotics .........................,. 0549 Botony ................................ 0309 -. 0405 Pelroleum Chemotñéropy ................... 0992 Physics ........................... 07 65 Ce|I ....................................0379 Sonito¡y ond Municipol ....... 0554 Ecoloqy Dentistry ............ ................. 05 67 Generol .............................. 0ó05 ............. ................. 0329 5ystem 5cience... .................0790 Entomo1oqy........................ Educotion ..........................
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